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Ashe Ravenheart
Great Reader
3247 Posts |
Posted - 24 Oct 2009 : 04:43:17
quote: Originally posted by Dantrag
Well met Matron Baenre... you should find great hospitallity in Candlekeep, but can't torture people
Unless they ask you to, of course...  |
I actually DO know everything. I just have a very poor index of my knowledge.
Ashe's Character Sheet
Alphabetized Index of Realms NPCs |
26 Posts |
Posted - 14 Nov 2009 : 00:38:19
Well met it is nice to see so many here, and so much information. |
Part Well...Regret Nothing |
Alystra Illianniis
Great Reader
3750 Posts |
Posted - 17 Nov 2009 : 22:42:25
Well, I've been creeping around for a day or two, and I'm glad to be here. I started in the Realms back in high school, when a friend introduced me to Drizzt. (Yes, I know that's probably a cheesy, cliche way of getting here, but, hey, I love the dark-skinned guy...) It seems like ages ago- wait it WAS. I've been happily traipsing around in the Realms with El, Drizzt, Liriel, and many others ever since. I do not game in Fearun, but i do use its lore and materials heavily as inspirations in my home-brew world, long with aspects of several other worlds (mostly Krynn, eberron, and Council of Wyrms).
Looking back, I'd say that I mostly loved the many changes in the Realms, except the recent 4th ed stuff and the Lady Penitant. I was actually angry at the death of Eilistraee, as she is my favorite Realms deity, besides Mystra and Kelemvor. I'm stopping at 3.5, like many others, it seems- but i will continue to follow my favorite characters, at least those who are still around....
The Goddess is alive, and magic is afoot.
"Where Science ends, Magic begins" -Spiral, Uncanny X-Men #491
"You idiots! You've captured their STUNT doubles!" -Spaceballs
Lothir's character background/stats:
My stories:
Lothir, courtesy of Sylinde (Deviant Art)/Luaxena (Chosen of Eilistraee) |
Joran Nobleheart
Senior Scribe
495 Posts |
0 Posts |
Posted - 04 Jan 2010 : 17:05:20
I'm just a traveller stopping for some ale, mutton and information on some adventure or another. |
Dovie'andi se tovya sagain |
Master of Realmslore
1076 Posts |
Joran Nobleheart
Senior Scribe
495 Posts |
4 Posts |
Posted - 11 Jan 2010 : 22:04:09
Greetings and well met!
Gods I've been looking for something like this forever.
Looking forward to the adventures ahead. |
Senior Scribe
South Africa
758 Posts |
Posted - 21 Jan 2010 : 17:54:10
*with a slightly sheepish look on his face*
Glancing at my current post count, I'm about 327 posts too late for: "Well met, ye fellow scribes!" |
Lost for words? Find them in the Glossary of Phrases, Sayings & Words of the Realms
Joran Nobleheart
Senior Scribe
495 Posts |
2 Posts |
Posted - 24 Jan 2010 : 12:21:38
Hello, everyone. I'm redmaylily, a fan of Forgotten Realms. Although I've never gotten a chance to play D&D, I'm acquainted with Fearun throungh books and novels. My apologies for rather crude English, because English is not my native language. |
Edited by - redmaylily on 24 Jan 2010 12:24:46 |
0 Posts |
Posted - 25 Jan 2010 : 01:08:04
hi there... got turned on to this forum by a forum buddy of RASalvatore forums. I am not sure if I am using this properly and I hope I am. Brand new, 10 min. ago; patience, please. I have been looking to find someone who can tell me what books , chronologically, by Ed Greenwood, to read. I have read Waterdeep series, and my hero Elminster. I would like to read more but our library is tiny and have to get interloan.
Thanks much........ |
0 Posts |
Posted - 02 Feb 2010 : 00:09:13
Hey. Wow ive been looking for a site like this for a long time i look forward to reading other opinions on the fg novels
To come without sacrifice to the heart of the hunter means...death |
7 Posts |
Posted - 05 Feb 2010 : 05:52:57
hail, and Well met fellow travelers on the tricky roads of fearun, This is bean Follower of Mielikki, So heedless to say Im a ranger at heart i look forward to searching the massive tomes and listening to bard's and sages alike i have a few adventures to share and just looking for a warm hearth and cool ale ;) |
No, I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith. And that, I fear, for any reasoning, conscious being, would be the cruelest trick of all. -Drizzt Do'Urden |
1 Posts |
Posted - 05 Feb 2010 : 21:31:12
well met, fellow sages, I hope I'm doing this right, because I just got here ten minutes ago and look forward to learning more about the realms! |
Sill Alias
Senior Scribe
588 Posts |
Posted - 11 Feb 2010 : 08:44:56
Hello there! I'm Sill Alias, bard of two races and homeless traveler. |
You can hear many tales from many mouths. The most difficult is to know which of them are not lies. - Sill Alias
"May your harp be unstrung, your dreams die and all your songs be unsung." - curse of the harper, The Code of the Harpers 2 ed.
Edited by - Sill Alias on 11 Feb 2010 08:51:41 |
12 Posts |
Posted - 23 Feb 2010 : 06:39:49
Well met fellow scribes,the name is HellBlazer. Myself is here to explore the world of knowledge that is presented by the great library of Faerun.Also,I'm here to find companies who can guide me in this library.
HellB. |
The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time. |
0 Posts |
Posted - 24 Feb 2010 : 23:09:43
Well met all ye scribes and seekers of Candlekeep...My name be LordFess and I am brand new to these hallowed halls of knowledge and fellowship.I wish you all to know I am so very proud to be in thy midst.I am and have been a fan of the writings of Ed Greenwood and R A Salvatore for nigh on 5 years now and have read most of their marvelous books.
Infact, I have just started reading Ed Greenwood's "The Knights of Myth Drannor Book III,The Sword Never Sleeps".I am also reading R.A Salvatore's book "The Ork King".I am enjoying both of them very much.
I do so wish I had found this haven for Faerunian knowledge and fellowship along time ago but alas it was not in my destiny to discover this wonderful place until today..... |
Joran Nobleheart
Senior Scribe
495 Posts |
0 Posts |
Posted - 26 Feb 2010 : 15:46:34
Thank-you for your gracious wellcome Sir Joran Nobleheart! |
2 Posts |
Posted - 26 Feb 2010 : 17:54:09
I am Aalnyar Korianthil Bladesinger from the Realm of Cormanthor come seeking knowledge from the Sages of famed Candlekeep; I look forward to my time here seeking and giving knowledge. |
Aalnyar Korianthil - Bladesinger |
Joran Nobleheart
Senior Scribe
495 Posts |
Posted - 26 Feb 2010 : 18:33:29
quote: Originally posted by LordFess
Thank-you for your gracious wellcome Sir Joran Nobleheart!
It was my pleasure, my friend, and also a warm welcome to Aalnyar. It's always nice to see a noble bladesinger walking the quiet halls of the Library here.  |
Paladinic Ethos Saint Joran Nobleheart |
Tren of Twilight Tower

51 Posts |
Posted - 15 Mar 2010 : 03:17:11
Ever present hunger for power and adventure has brought yet another newcomer to this famed keep. For what it is worth, let me mention that his interest in Forgotten Realms was originally sparked by Neverwinter Nights and then further deepened by FR novels. His name is Tren, and as it can be expected, he is looking forward to many late hour invested in researching old tomes of Faerun lore kept inside of immense library at Candlekeep.
Well met! Tren
Joran Nobleheart
Senior Scribe
495 Posts |
Master of Realmslore
1190 Posts |
Posted - 12 Apr 2010 : 10:04:41
I'm Zireael from Evermeet, a descendant of noble clan of Amarratharr. I came to the citadel of learning looking for more and more knowledge about my people, the Fair Folk. |
SiNafay Vrinn, the daughter of Lloth, from Ched Nasad! |
Sill Alias
Senior Scribe
588 Posts |
Posted - 13 Apr 2010 : 09:12:08
Welcome to Candlekeep, Zireael.  Feel free to use any books and scrolls of the scribes to gain knowledge. But not all knowledge is written, so feel free to ask. |
You can hear many tales from many mouths. The most difficult is to know which of them are not lies. - Sill Alias
"May your harp be unstrung, your dreams die and all your songs be unsung." - curse of the harper, The Code of the Harpers 2 ed.
Joran Nobleheart
Senior Scribe
495 Posts |
Posted - 14 Apr 2010 : 07:55:20
Welcome to Candlekeep, Zireael. I hope that you enjoy your stay in these hallowed halls, and that all of your questions are answered here by the finest sages in the Realms.  |
Paladinic Ethos Saint Joran Nobleheart |
Yours Sincerely
0 Posts |
Posted - 17 Apr 2010 : 18:28:13
Well met, I am just one human amongst billions, unknown and unlikely to become anything more. I dwell on the sidelines, observing the world around me but secure with what I have, not wanting fame nor fortune. I may step out to ask questions, show a curious face, but once I lose interest I retreat to the shadows. I quietly read tales of distant worlds, write knowing I'll never be a great author, smile at those who pass me by. No-one knows me, as I am no-one. At least I'm somewhere.
Yours Sincerely, |
Sill Alias
Senior Scribe
588 Posts |
Posted - 18 Apr 2010 : 07:00:12
Welcome to the forum, friend! There is nothing to fear, fellow reader, for not much people can face the obstacles of life alone. Cheer up! (or is it a roleplay?) If you feel like talking, ask questions or come to the Candlekeep inn. See you around! |
You can hear many tales from many mouths. The most difficult is to know which of them are not lies. - Sill Alias
"May your harp be unstrung, your dreams die and all your songs be unsung." - curse of the harper, The Code of the Harpers 2 ed.
Joran Nobleheart
Senior Scribe
495 Posts |
Posted - 18 Apr 2010 : 17:06:44
Welcome to Candlekeep, Yours Sincerely. I hope that you enjoy your stay in these hallowed halls, and that all of your questions are answered here by the finest sages in the Realms.  |
Paladinic Ethos Saint Joran Nobleheart |
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