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 Eilistraee and Vhaeraun are alive in 5e FR
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Senior Scribe

428 Posts

Posted - 11 Nov 2015 :  20:36:37  Show Profile Send combatmedic a Private Message  Reply with Quote
It strikes me a funny that anyone would say FR had an " enormous" pantheon. I would say it has a mid sized pantheon by D&D world standards. Compare it with Wilderlands or Greyhawk (after the Dragon articles and/ the 1983 boxed set),

All these settings have small numbers of gods compared with the real world, natch.

Note that I am not counting gods from Al Qadim, Kara Tur,, etc. Those were all attached to FR, but they were their own distinct setting lines. I am referring to the gods of Faerun plus the various monster and demihuman deities.

YMMV= Your Mileage May Vary. I'm putting it here so I don't have to type it in every other post. :)
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Learned Scribe

202 Posts

Posted - 12 Nov 2015 :  02:55:46  Show Profile Send Joebing a Private Message  Reply with Quote
After spending most of the year in a 120 degree kitchen (no joke!) I finally got to catch up on Realmslore by sitting down with the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide...SOOOOOOO happy to see Kiaransalee back, as well as Eilistraee and Vhaeraun. The Drow pantheon was lacking with only two deities.

Personally, I brought her back at home a few years ago...Elven High Magic doesn't necessarily cross PLANAR boundaries ;)

Now plugging away on mass conversion to 5e, as well as my imprint J. Halk Games.

First adventure on DM Guild: Lair of Elaacrimalicros
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Great Reader

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Posted - 12 Nov 2015 :  03:20:39  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by combatmedic

It strikes me a funny that anyone would say FR had an " enormous" pantheon. I would say it has a mid sized pantheon by D&D world standards. Compare it with Wilderlands or Greyhawk (after the Dragon articles and/ the 1983 boxed set),

All these settings have small numbers of gods compared with the real world, natch.

Note that I am not counting gods from Al Qadim, Kara Tur,, etc. Those were all attached to FR, but they were their own distinct setting lines. I am referring to the gods of Faerun plus the various monster and demihuman deities.

They wanted to make it less intimidatory to new players, I guess. Other changes seemed to be aimed (like the ones discussed in this thread). Either way, reducing the number of deities isn't the right step for that goal, it's a matter of presentation more than anything else (IMO, ofc).

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.
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Posted - 12 Nov 2015 :  03:25:44  Show Profile Send CorellonsDevout a Private Message  Reply with Quote
IMO, the size of the pantheon doesn't increase or decrease the intimidation factor of the game. If that is something they were worried about, then they should have focused on other factors. For me, the hardest part of D&D were racial and class stats, understanding when to apply or take away certain points, how pointz are put into skills, how you set up a character. They should have focused on making the "this is how you play the game" simpler rather than going "too many gods, better kill some or it will scare off players."

Sweet water and light laughter
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The Masked Mage
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Posted - 12 Nov 2015 :  11:04:16  Show Profile Send The Masked Mage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by CorellonsDevout

IMO, the size of the pantheon doesn't increase or decrease the intimidation factor of the game. If that is something they were worried about, then they should have focused on other factors. For me, the hardest part of D&D were racial and class stats, understanding when to apply or take away certain points, how pointz are put into skills, how you set up a character. They should have focused on making the "this is how you play the game" simpler rather than going "too many gods, better kill some or it will scare off players."

Could not be more true.
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Senior Scribe

428 Posts

Posted - 12 Nov 2015 :  12:34:43  Show Profile Send combatmedic a Private Message  Reply with Quote

I have never thought that good drow made much sense, except as very rare freaks. And so I never saw much reason for Elistraee to exist. If I allowed a drow PC, the PC would have bog standard elf stats ( or something close). No special powers. The PC would be treated much like a goblinoid.

But I get that a lot of guys like the drow as something different than the classic evil monsters. The design team probably made a good choice in restoring Elistraee to the newfangled version of published FR.

Vhaerun fall short under the " why not" category for me.

I prefer Lolth as a demon princess and not as a renegade elf goddess, so significant chunks of AD&D 2E stuff written about her and the drow don't mesh with my take on all this.

YMMV= Your Mileage May Vary. I'm putting it here so I don't have to type it in every other post. :)
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Posted - 12 Nov 2015 :  13:49:36  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by combatmedic

I have never thought that good drow made much sense, except as very rare freaks. And so I never saw much reason for Elistraee to exist. If I allowed a drow PC, the PC would have bog standard elf stats ( or something close). No special powers. The PC would be treated much like a goblinoid.

But I get that a lot of guys like the drow as something different than the classic evil monsters. The design team probably made a good choice in restoring Elistraee to the newfangled version of published FR.

I see what you mean, but I don't think that Eilistraee is a device to allow for over-the-top PCs (drow stats): from a setting PoV character mechanics come after the story, so having a drow PC statted as an elf, in-game, wouldn't change the feel. Besides, Eilistraeens aren't really treated well. Many people don't even know who Eilistraee is, many elves have troubles even accepting the fact that she exists, and that drow can be ''normal'' folks, and would still display hostility against her followers. So yeah, generally an Eilistraeen drow would face the same kind of situation of a goblinoid, albeit likely less drastic. They might have the support of other faithful, of some harpers, but given how scattered Eilistraee's followers are, and how they don't really have a hierarchy or rigid structure, that isn't something certain: the character would probably have to actively seek it (unless he were one of the drow converted by the Eilistraeens living undercover in some dark elven cities).

On a side note, Eilistraee is more than just an option crafted ad hoc as a deity for drow PCs. While she was introduced in the FR because TSR asked for such a deity, she was already part of Ed's version of the Realms, he merely made her official. That said, and given the history of drow and elves in the setting, the history of Eilistraee and her deep relationship with her people that Ed intended for her (, she fits in the context of the realmsian drow really well, unrelatedly to the fact that she is an option for non evil drow characters.

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.

Edited by - Irennan on 12 Nov 2015 13:59:44
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 12 Nov 2015 :  15:04:10  Show Profile Send combatmedic a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Right, she does fit FR drow lore.

The FR drow have a different mythos and background from the original GH drow, on which they are based. And that's cool.
Different settings, different drow.

I like the Demon Queen of Spiders and the Vault and all that stuff. And yet I have never even tried to run the GDQ modules.

In my old GH game, I did not actually include real drow. Reports of drow sightings were based on confused accounts of valley elves in the Sulhaults and Hellfurnaces, their faces and hands covered in soot as they crept around at night spying on travelers. Drow were only a legend.

YMMV= Your Mileage May Vary. I'm putting it here so I don't have to type it in every other post. :)
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Great Reader

3807 Posts

Posted - 12 Nov 2015 :  15:37:36  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by combatmedic

Right, she does fit FR drow lore.

The FR drow have a different mythos and background from the original GH drow, on which they are based. And that's cool.
Different settings, different drow.

Indeed, and that's the beauty of it.


I like the Demon Queen of Spiders and the Vault and all that stuff. And yet I have never even tried to run the GDQ modules.

In my old GH game, I did not actually include real drow. Reports of drow sightings were based on confused accounts of valley elves in the Sulhaults and Hellfurnaces, their faces and hands covered in soot as they crept around at night spying on travelers. Drow were only a legend.

That's an interesting take too, and I could bet that something along those lines happened for some real world myths as well (i.e. people mistaking some phenomena or sightings for supernatural creatures or events).

When it comes to my personal preference, I don't really understand what the deal is about the drow. Perhaps it's that I started actually running and taking interest in the game about 4 years ago, but to me they are just dark skinned, cursed elves, who live exiled underground, brainwashed by a religion that forces them to lead really crappy lives. They are fearsome, to them cruelty is the norm, they are exotic, but that's true for many other races in D&D. My interest in them was sparked by their story, and by how --in FR-- the situatuon is not black and white, and neither the elves nor the drow are completely right, when it comes to the events that led to the current situation. Their pantheon, and the relationship between Lolth, Eilistraee, Vhaeraun and Corellon, what they are trying to achieve for their people, their conflict that goes back to the times of the exile, also makes for a very intriguing picture IMO.

In short, to me the drow were just another evil humanoid race, until I found out about their background, which gives to non lolthite drow characters a meaning beyond wanting to be a special snowflake.

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.

Edited by - Irennan on 12 Nov 2015 15:38:15
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Senior Scribe

428 Posts

Posted - 12 Nov 2015 :  16:58:47  Show Profile Send combatmedic a Private Message  Reply with Quote


Drow (dual wielding, no less!) have been in the game as a playable option since Unearthed Arcana came out.
That's 1985.

Drizzt does not appear until 1988.

So I imagine at least some guys were playing drow PCs before Drizzt.

I started playing around the time the Soviet Union broke up.

In all that time, I have seen a grand total of one drow PC. He did fight with two swords, but he was also evil. Not a ranger. And he spent most of his time disguised as a surface elf, before being killed and zombified.

That's anecdotal. My experience may signify nothing about the popularity of drow PCs.

YMMV= Your Mileage May Vary. I'm putting it here so I don't have to type it in every other post. :)
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26 Posts

Posted - 12 Nov 2015 :  19:05:37  Show Profile Send Abeir a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Eilistraee always seemed to me like she would make more sense as an aspect of Sehanine Moonbow. If you toss out the idea that Sehanine herself is an aspect of another Goddess (either Angarradh or Selune), they just have too many similarities.

Looking just at Demihuman Deities I see the following:

-Eilistraee is Corellon's daughter and Sehanine is known as either his daughter or wife.

-Sehanine favors bows as her weapon and Eilistraee did prior to the Sehanine war.

-Sehanine is also described as contacting worshippers through dance and having a strong alliance with Eilistraee.

-Obvious sharing of the moon.

-Sehanine had a Chosen named Aloevan who was directly compared to Quilue as she was a Chosen of Sehanine and Mystra.

It just seems superfluous to me to have had 2 archer moon goddesses prior to the Seldarine war. There are a few other things too such as the fact that Sehanine was temporarily imprisoned by Vhaeraun during the war which kindled their rivalry and could be used is Eilistraee was just her in disguise. Also since the Crescent Blade "separates" things her death could be described as separating that aspect from the larger goddess.
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Great Reader

3807 Posts

Posted - 12 Nov 2015 :  19:25:33  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Abeir

Eilistraee always seemed to me like she would make more sense as an aspect of Sehanine Moonbow. If you toss out the idea that Sehanine herself is an aspect of another Goddess (either Angarradh or Selune), they just have too many similarities.

Looking just at Demihuman Deities I see the following:

-Eilistraee is Corellon's daughter and Sehanine is known as either his daughter or wife.

-Sehanine favors bows as her weapon and Eilistraee did prior to the Sehanine war.

-Sehanine is also described as contacting worshippers through dance and having a strong alliance with Eilistraee.

-Obvious sharing of the moon.

-Sehanine had a Chosen named Aloevan who was directly compared to Quilue as she was a Chosen of Sehanine and Mystra.

It just seems superfluous to me to have had 2 archer moon goddesses prior to the Seldarine war. There are a few other things too such as the fact that Sehanine was temporarily imprisoned by Vhaeraun during the war which kindled their rivalry and could be used is Eilistraee was just her in disguise. Also since the Crescent Blade "separates" things her death could be described as separating that aspect from the larger goddess.

If we go by what is described in Evermeet, and by what we know from Demihuman Deities, there isn't much pointing to Eilistraee being an aspect of Sehanine in FR. Re: your points

-Eilistraee is child of Corellon and Lolth, a connection that Sehanine doesn't share (Idk if Sehanine is described as child of Corellon in the FR, though, it might be a ''core'' thing).

-They're deities of different things. The fact that Sehanine can contact followers through dance doesn't mean that she is a deity of dance. Sehanine is associated with the moon, death, mysticism, dreams and so on; Eilistraee is associated with dance, beauty, song, hunting and moonlight (compare to what is shared by Selune and Sehanine, that during the Spellplague era appeared were believed to be the same deity --even if now they are distinct again--: it's much more than that). They have very different themes, and stand for very different things (just look at their dogmas). The only overlapping is in their moon affinity, but in Evermeet it is said that this sharing is due to the fact that Sehanine taught Eilistraee that kind of magic during her training. Perhaps she also trained the Dark Maiden with the bow, explaining two archer goddesses. Even then, neither Eilistraee nor Sehanine are goddesses of archery, that title goes to Solonor Thelandira, AFAIK.

-During the assault on Arvandor, Eilistraee was struck by Aerdrie Faenya, and became unconscious. Sehanine managed to free herself while Eilistraee was unconscious. If Eilistraee had actually been Sehanine, she would have likely known about Lolth's trickery right off the bat, warned Corellon and freed her ''main part''

-The chosen shared with Mystra is a similarity, that I give you.

That said, I could see some followers of the two goddesses starting an ''heresy'' claiming that they are the same entity, and this could lead to interesting situations, as most heresies.

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.

Edited by - Irennan on 12 Nov 2015 19:29:40
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Learned Scribe

202 Posts

Posted - 12 Nov 2015 :  19:33:40  Show Profile Send Joebing a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Significance of Drow PC's in my home game:

There's ALWAYS one, usually a female spellcaster. Very rarely have there been male Drow PC's, none of which have been rangers. One in particular was a worshipper of Lolth, who switched to Kiaransalee during Lolth's silence, eventually becoming a Chosen, and saved Menzo during the siege in 1372-73, only to force worshippers of Lolth to change to Kiaransalee or die. (Yes, my world has changed quite a bit because of this, though Lolth's forces regained it during Kiaransalee's disappearance). This character is how I reintroduced Kiaransalee, as she was not on Faerun, but rather in the City of Brass at the time, so she remembered Kiaransalee.

Now plugging away on mass conversion to 5e, as well as my imprint J. Halk Games.

First adventure on DM Guild: Lair of Elaacrimalicros
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Great Reader

3807 Posts

Posted - 12 Nov 2015 :  19:36:36  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by combatmedic


Drow (dual wielding, no less!) have been in the game as a playable option since Unearthed Arcana came out.
That's 1985.

Drizzt does not appear until 1988.

So I imagine at least some guys were playing drow PCs before Drizzt.

I started playing around the time the Soviet Union broke up.

In all that time, I have seen a grand total of one drow PC. He did fight with two swords, but he was also evil. Not a ranger. And he spent most of his time disguised as a surface elf, before being killed and zombified.

That's anecdotal. My experience may signify nothing about the popularity of drow PCs.

I have no experience in that regard either. Not that I could, since I've been running the same game for 4 years, for my brother and a friend, and they didn't ask to play a drow. One of the two PCs has a drow and an elf parent, but she is rather different from a drow (her skin is naturally dark for example, not some shade of obsidian black).

However, reading forums like Enworld, it seems that to many people, non evil drow characters (or drow characters at all) are a raw nerve. That's why I said that I don't understand what the deal with them is. From what I've read, it also seems that everyone and their mother has made a Drizzt clone at some point in their life (and I could even allow such a character, as long as it is not played as a walking trope).

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.

Edited by - Irennan on 12 Nov 2015 19:37:37
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Great Reader

3807 Posts

Posted - 12 Nov 2015 :  19:38:35  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Joebing

Significance of Drow PC's in my home game:

There's ALWAYS one, usually a female spellcaster. Very rarely have there been male Drow PC's, none of which have been rangers. One in particular was a worshipper of Lolth, who switched to Kiaransalee during Lolth's silence, eventually becoming a Chosen, and saved Menzo during the siege in 1372-73, only to force worshippers of Lolth to change to Kiaransalee or die. (Yes, my world has changed quite a bit because of this, though Lolth's forces regained it during Kiaransalee's disappearance). This character is how I reintroduced Kiaransalee, as she was not on Faerun, but rather in the City of Brass at the time, so she remembered Kiaransalee.

That must have been a pretty interesting game.

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.
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Learned Scribe

202 Posts

Posted - 12 Nov 2015 :  19:55:59  Show Profile Send Joebing a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Irennan
That must have been a pretty interesting game.

It was, considering the same player ran another Drow in a previous campaign at that final battle...

The character in question finally ended its run with a forced retirement into NPC status early this year, after 4 years of on-again, off-again play. Besides, it became too powerful to tame as a DM. The player agreed, and has started her next big character.

Now plugging away on mass conversion to 5e, as well as my imprint J. Halk Games.

First adventure on DM Guild: Lair of Elaacrimalicros
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26 Posts

Posted - 12 Nov 2015 :  22:56:38  Show Profile Send Abeir a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Irennan


If we go by what is described in Evermeet, and by what we know from Demihuman Deities, there isn't much pointing to Eilistraee being an aspect of Sehanine in FR. Re: your points

-Eilistraee is child of Corellon and Lolth, a connection that Sehanine doesn't share (Idk if Sehanine is described as child of Corellon in the FR, though, it might be a ''core'' thing).

-They're deities of different things. The fact that Sehanine can contact followers through dance doesn't mean that she is a deity of dance. Sehanine is associated with the moon, death, mysticism, dreams and so on; Eilistraee is associated with dance, beauty, song, hunting and moonlight (compare to what is shared by Selune and Sehanine, that during the Spellplague era appeared were believed to be the same deity --even if now they are distinct again--: it's much more than that). They have very different themes, and stand for very different things (just look at their dogmas). The only overlapping is in their moon affinity, but in Evermeet it is said that this sharing is due to the fact that Sehanine taught Eilistraee that kind of magic during her training. Perhaps she also trained the Dark Maiden with the bow, explaining two archer goddesses. Even then, neither Eilistraee nor Sehanine are goddesses of archery, that title goes to Solonor Thelandira, AFAIK.

-During the assault on Arvandor, Eilistraee was struck by Aerdrie Faenya, and became unconscious. Sehanine managed to free herself while Eilistraee was unconscious. If Eilistraee had actually been Sehanine, she would have likely known about Lolth's trickery right off the bat, warned Corellon and freed her ''main part''

-The chosen shared with Mystra is a similarity, that I give you.

That said, I could see some followers of the two goddesses starting an ''heresy'' claiming that they are the same entity, and this could lead to interesting situations, as most heresies.

I wasn't trying to imply that I actually think she is an aspect of Sehanine (being an aspect of an aspect would get kind of ridiculous). I was just saying that they seem similar enough that if someone wanted to they could rewrite it to be that way. Such a rewrite/homebrew would presumably change them enough to make it work.
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Great Reader

2708 Posts

Posted - 12 Nov 2015 :  23:02:22  Show Profile Send CorellonsDevout a Private Message  Reply with Quote
It would have to be a complete rewrite though. The only similarity between Eilistraee and Sehanine is thry are both goddesses of moonlight. Many deities cross portfolios (like the death portfolio, for example). As Irennan pointed out, Sehanine and Eilistraee are very different deities.

Sweet water and light laughter
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Senior Scribe

428 Posts

Posted - 13 Nov 2015 :  02:07:05  Show Profile Send combatmedic a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Is FR Corellon dual sexed/androgynous as the god was portrayed in the Deities and Demigods (AD&D 1e ) book, or just plain male?

YMMV= Your Mileage May Vary. I'm putting it here so I don't have to type it in every other post. :)
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Posted - 13 Nov 2015 :  02:15:52  Show Profile Send CorellonsDevout a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Androgynous. There are statues of him in both male and female form, though I think he more often appears in a male form, if androgynous male form, and the pronoun used for Corellon in all the novels/texts I have read have been male pronouns. He is often called the "father" of the elven race, and I think it's his "preferred" form, but he is not exclusively seen as one or the other. None of the Seldarine are seen as truly male or female by their followers, since gods are not bound by the same "gender boxes" as mortals try to make. But most deities do appear as one gender more often than they do another.

Okay, that was a bit of a tangent, but there you go lol.

Sweet water and light laughter
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 13 Nov 2015 :  02:57:18  Show Profile Send combatmedic a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by CorellonsDevout

Androgynous. There are statues of him in both male and female form, though I think he more often appears in a male form, if androgynous male form, and the pronoun used for Corellon in all the novels/texts I have read have been male pronouns. He is often called the "father" of the elven race, and I think it's his "preferred" form, but he is not exclusively seen as one or the other. None of the Seldarine are seen as truly male or female by their followers, since gods are not bound by the same "gender boxes" as mortals try to make. But most deities do appear as one gender more often than they do another.

Okay, that was a bit of a tangent, but there you go lol.

Thanks for the detailed answer.

YMMV= Your Mileage May Vary. I'm putting it here so I don't have to type it in every other post. :)
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Posted - 13 Nov 2015 :  02:58:21  Show Profile Send CorellonsDevout a Private Message  Reply with Quote
No problem

Sweet water and light laughter
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Posted - 13 Nov 2015 :  19:03:09  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Abeir

I wasn't trying to imply that I actually think she is an aspect of Sehanine (being an aspect of an aspect would get kind of ridiculous). I was just saying that they seem similar enough that if someone wanted to they could rewrite it to be that way. Such a rewrite/homebrew would presumably change them enough to make it work.

It could work as an heresy. Some followers of Sehanine might start to claim that Sehanine didn't agree with Corellon's decision to curse the drow, but couldn't act openly in that regard because the general will was that the drow had to be punished. So, she chose to act in a more subtle way, creating Eilistraee to bring a light to the drow in the time of need. This would contrast with what we know, but most in-universe people don't have the same knowledge that we do.

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.
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Posted - 14 Nov 2015 :  04:56:16  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
For all those who are interested, Ed posted his thoughts on what happened with the ''death'', or lack thereof, Eilistraee&Vhaeraun

Hi, Zoe. First off, this is all unofficial. Yes, it comes from me, the creator of the Realms (including Eilistraee, Vhaeraun, and Mystra), but the first sentence below is there for good reasons…

Mortals in the Realms can rarely know the doings and specifics of the gods with certainty, because clergies and even the gods themselves sometimes avoid the truth, or the whole truth, or slant what they say so much. So it is with the “deaths” of Eilistraee and Vhaeraun. Vhaeraun entered Eilistraee’s realm and sought to destroy her, but perished there by her hand, and she subsumed his portfolios—or so the story spread among drow. Most assumed that meant she became the drow deity of thievery, but in truth, Eilistraee (who pronounces her own name “AISLE-iss-try-ee,” by the way) defeated Vhaeraun with Mystra’s indirect aid [Mystra IS the Weave, and it was the Weave that frustrated and drank Vhaeraun’s magics, but augmented those of Eilistraee] but did not slay her brother. Rather, she trapped his sentience within the Weave, leaving him in an “endless dream” engineered by Mystra, who enfolded him. In this dream, Mystra slowly convinced Vhaeraun to cooperate in a pact with herself and Eilistraee so that they could all survive what was to come: the Sundering, wherein both Eilistraee and Mystra would be “slain,” magic would go wild, and the worlds of Abeir and Toril would pass through each other and then be sundered.

Eilistraee emerged from her battle with her brother as The Masked Lady, and fulfilled her own portfolios of song, beauty, dance, swordwork, hunting, moonlight, and those of her brother, too: thievery, trickery, drow poisoners and poisons, drow males, and evil doings in the surface world. The death of Qilué Veladorn robbed her of some of her divine essence for a time (it leaked into the Weave, and only returned to her when Mystra herself recovered and could direct it back to its rightful home), but Eilistraee wasn’t slain, merely reduced to manifestations.

So from the end of 1375 to the summer of 1379, The Masked Lady has her “full” powers, and from late Flamerule of 1379 to the same month in 1489 DR, she is much reduced, being seen by mortals almost exclusively as her manifestation of a moving black mask outlined in a silver radiance and with two eyes of silver flame, that appears and silently guides (by pointing and touching and by imparting visions). After Flamerule 1489, Vhaeraun and Eilistraee are separate deities with the same powers and portfolios they had before 1375, but a new understanding, respect, and even friendship for each other. Some of their followers still war with each other, but the two deities do not. Thus far, Eilistraee’s teachings after the Sundering are the same as before the Sundering.

The Masked Lady: a 9-foot-tall long-legged, graceful, and dancing drow female surrounded by her constantly-swirling long tresses and a swirling black ankle-length cloak, her face always covered by a full-face mask. She has all the abilities, powers, and avatar specifics given in the 3e sourcebook FAITHS AND PANTHEONS, except that what she’s borrowed from Vhaeraun means her avatar does not lose her Extra Domain salient ability, and so retains all the things listed as being lost to her avatar on p25 of F&P. She carries the Moonsword, as noted, and the black cloak she gained from Vhaeraun acts as a second Moonsword (it can transform itself into one, and fly about to attack or aid her or others, as she wills, with her own movement rate and the best possible maneuverability) and can emit magical darkness as she wills, in extent and specifics, up to 90-foot-sphere about itself limits.

The Mask: an always-silent black full-face (brow to chin) mask that can absorb the energy of all spells into itself (including dispel magic) and be augmented thereby, and can heal or impart spells to mortals by touch. The mask can vary in size from as large as an adult drow’s fingernail to as large as huge castle gates, but is usually about double the size of a full-face mask a mortal adult drow might wear. It varies in visibility as Eilistraee wills, its silver radiance waxing or waning as she wills, and also in tangibility, from “not there” to velvety-soft to as hard as adamantine. As the Mask, Eilistraee never speaks, but can write words of fire in the mind of a mortal within 90 feet, and impart vivid and detailed mental visions (still images or “movies”) with the same range.

And there you have it. I hope this is of help in your campaign. As for the future, and Eilistraee? Well, I Do Have Plans...but we'll see. ;}

So saith Ed. Still spinning Realmslore daily, scribes!
love to all,

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.
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Posted - 14 Nov 2015 :  05:04:55  Show Profile Send CorellonsDevout a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I saw this. It was extremely interesting. I couldn't help but ask for a little more info on Vhaeraun though, since for the most part, the post was focused on Eilistraee.

Sweet water and light laughter
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Posted - 14 Nov 2015 :  05:34:31  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
If this were to be made official (and I really hope so), it would also explains why Corellon didn't show even the slightest emotion at the end: both his children actually never died.

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.

Edited by - Irennan on 14 Nov 2015 05:34:48
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43 Posts

Posted - 14 Nov 2015 :  11:21:22  Show Profile Send Brylock a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I've always like Vhaeraun as a contrast to Lolth.
Lolth wants the drow to basically be a relatively ineffectual people; she has them sit in their little caves in the Underdark and play endless political games that kill more drow then anything else, and occasionally maybe raid the surface for slaves when you need it. For all that the drow have a badass rep in Faerun, as a culture they've been stagnant and ineffectual for well over two thousand years (that's a LOT of absolutely nothing happening, as even the other elves interacted with Faerun more) and have accomplished less of substance then almost any other race. Groups like the relatively aimless Cult of the Dragon have accomplished more then the drow have in their entire history, which is truly sad when you see how those guys were generally considered in most of the stuff written about them.
This stagnation can basically be explained by Lolth in effect really not particularly wanting the drow to be a powerful race, just wanting them to be completely and utterly devoted to HER and her ideals, which nets her a steady supply of worshippers for all eternity.

Vhaeraun was interesting because he was having NONE of that.
He wasn't any less evil, but he was a "progressive" drow deity who wanted the drow to rise up and take what they felt was theirs, what was stolen from them, and anything else they could get away with taking on top of all that. This natural put him in conflict with Lolth, who refuses to share any more of her worshippers base then she has to, especially since Vhaeraun's basic commandments attack Lolth's most fundamental teachings.

"It's almost like whenever you talk you flip through the dictionary and pull out words at random or something."
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Posted - 14 Nov 2015 :  13:06:30  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Vhaeraun still is interesting, as he is alive and kicking again. He is ''evil'', but he is not the same kind of evil as Lolth: he has more of a ''the goal justifies the means'' kind of attitude, not a ''cruelty, cuz' it is fun'' mindset. He is not unreasonable and can cooperate for certain goals. Now that he and Eilistraee have learned from each other, if we were to use alignments, I'd say that he still is CE (the SCAG has him CE aligned, post-Sundering), but bordering neutrality.

The point you make about Lolth is also my take on the matter. She merely wants the drow to be her puppets, doesn't want them developing as a people, otherwise they'd realize that their lives are ruled by nonsense, and abandon all of that. However, it takes a great effort to break the indoctrination that most drow receive, and bring them to realize that there's an alternative to that life, it takes new ideas to be proven effective and spread, and both Eilistraee and Vhaeraun work to that goal. After all, since every being wants to improve their condition, if the drow are made to see that living without following ''the way of Lolth'' actually improves their existence, they will choose the alternative.

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.

Edited by - Irennan on 14 Nov 2015 13:12:17
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Posted - 14 Nov 2015 :  16:35:35  Show Profile Send Brylock a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I think at least to some degree drow are "programmed" before birth with things that make them have strong tendencies towards evil.
They retconned some stuff in those recent novels, but it's even the current explanation in 5e that certain races are nearly always evil not just out of nurture but because their deity cruelly created them with tendencies that strongly push them towards evil (orcs being biologically inclined to great fury and violence) because that nets them a steadier stream of devoted worshippers since they have less choice in the matter then normal.
I think that's as good an explanation as any for why the drow are so depraved, whatever Lolth (and that Wendonai demon in Faerun) did to them after they fell after the Crown Wars made them more or less genetically predisposed towards their twisted behaviors.
I think every once in awhile due to the influence of Elistraee one is born with true choice between good or evil like every other free race. This would nicely explain why guys like Drizzt were so different even though he went through the exact same nuture that other drow did and yet never really became as terrible a person. Sadly, I imagine that most drow who have free will eventually choose evil in the end because they aren't aware there's any better options in their horrid little culture rather then take the risky and dangerous route of trying to find a better way to live and abandon everything they know for an uncertain future.

Vhaeraun wants his people to NOT be slaves to their nature, but the master of it instead.
Lolth would have the drow remain more or less as they are, but Vhaeraun would rather be like Bane or Bhaal; sure his worshippers have choice, but are they any less powerful because of it? No, in fact they are GREATER then Lolth in some ways and have constantly had more influence, specifically because their worshippers aren't automatically inclined to be evil but have to make the choice themselves.
Vhaeraun's like some sort of twisted emancipator figure; he want's his people free...admittedly free to go do the same things they do now, just to everyone else and not just themselves, but free nonetheless.
It's why I could kinda see Elistraee and him at a sort of mutually agreed ceasefire; they want the same thing in different ways, and both know Lolth is the biggest obstacle to achieving it.

"It's almost like whenever you talk you flip through the dictionary and pull out words at random or something."
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Posted - 14 Nov 2015 :  17:09:33  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Brylock

I think at least to some degree drow are "programmed" before birth with things that make them have strong tendencies towards evil.
They retconned some stuff in those recent novels, but it's even the current explanation in 5e that certain races are nearly always evil not just out of nurture but because their deity cruelly created them with tendencies that strongly push them towards evil (orcs being biologically inclined to great fury and violence) because that nets them a steadier stream of devoted worshippers since they have less choice in the matter then normal.
I think that's as good an explanation as any for why the drow are so depraved, whatever Lolth (and that Wendonai demon in Faerun) did to them after they fell after the Crown Wars made them more or less genetically predisposed towards their twisted behaviors.
I think every once in awhile due to the influence of Elistraee one is born with true choice between good or evil like every other free race. This would nicely explain why guys like Drizzt were so different even though he went through the exact same nuture that other drow did and yet never really became as terrible a person. Sadly, I imagine that most drow who have free will eventually choose evil in the end because they aren't aware there's any better options in their horrid little culture rather then take the risky and dangerous route of trying to find a better way to live and abandon everything they know for an uncertain future.

The drow weren't really created with ''biological'' tendecy towards evil, though. Lolth had some matrons mate with Wendonai, and his ''taint'' eventually, with time, catched up to most drow. However, it isn't gamebreaking, as --for example-- most Eilistraee's followers were/are still ''tainted'' and yet they manage to choose a different way. Drizzt himself is tainted. The thing said at the end of LP (the ''unwilling'' were cast down and there is nothing to do for them) is the actual retcon. If we look at previous examples, and to how, like I said, tainted drow have free will: having Lolth's breath on their neck, her continuous brainwahsing has a much larger influence in their behaviour than some taint. For comparison, if you take a child and show to him/her that love doesn't exist, that happiness is weakness, that the only ''joy'' is in dominating over the others, and that they have no value beyond thei social status. If you show him/her that violence is the only way to survival, and that anything else would lead to his/her death.. what will become of said child? (S)he will likely grow up insane, twisted and broken like most drow are.


Vhaeraun wants his people to NOT be slaves to their nature, but the master of it instead.
Lolth would have the drow remain more or less as they are, but Vhaeraun would rather be like Bane or Bhaal; sure his worshippers have choice, but are they any less powerful because of it? No, in fact they are GREATER then Lolth in some ways and have constantly had more influence, specifically because their worshippers aren't automatically inclined to be evil but have to make the choice themselves.
Vhaeraun's like some sort of twisted emancipator figure; he want's his people free...admittedly free to go do the same things they do now, just to everyone else and not just themselves, but free nonetheless.
It's why I could kinda see Elistraee and him at a sort of mutually agreed ceasefire; they want the same thing in different ways, and both know Lolth is the biggest obstacle to achieving it.

That's true. Both Eilistraee and Vhaeraun share a goal, in part at least, and it makes no sense for them to be at each other's throat when Lolth is out there. But,as Ed said, spending time as the Masked Lady, they learned to understand and respect each other, and I think that this opened the minds of both for the better.

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.

Edited by - Irennan on 14 Nov 2015 17:12:10
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