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 Eilistraee and Vhaeraun are alive in 5e FR
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Great Reader

3807 Posts

Posted - 27 Sep 2014 :  21:37:16  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yeah, I know, but I think that Kentinal was wondering what lore the author of the book used as source for describing that behaviour. I don't recally any writeup of Eilistraee calling for it, I may be wrong tho.

There is even an article written by SKR (one of the author of the FRCS), called ''Drow social relationships'', in which it is said that Eilistraeen drow can enjoy a fairly gender-equal society, similarly to Vhaerunites.

There are definitely many incongruences between novels and other lore when it comes to this matter.

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.

Edited by - Irennan on 27 Sep 2014 21:38:31
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Great Reader

4692 Posts

Posted - 27 Sep 2014 :  21:41:34  Show Profile Send Kentinal a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Anyone that accepts all of WotSQ clearly does not know how bad some of the authors did not know the dogma. *sighs*

Certain dances clearly would be personal ones, however nothing in dogma indicated that males could not dance in circle dance. There also was female leadership indicated in most gathers of followers of the Dark Maiden. How much is cultural or how much is from what Ed has said, most of the gathers of followers were for religious purposes. Clearly a worship event would be lead by Priestess or the very rare Priest. Ed has a hard time seeing any true Eilistraee community like a town or village, the only place that followers would establish as a base would be a temple. A temple of course would be ruled by the clergy.

"Small beings can have small wisdom," the dragon said. "And small wise beings are better than small fools. Listen: Wisdom is caring for afterwards."
"Caring for afterwards ...? Ker repeated this without understanding.
"After action, afterwards," the dragon said. "Choose the afterwards first, then the action. Fools choose action first."
"Judgement" copyright 2003 by Elizabeth Moon
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Great Reader

3807 Posts

Posted - 27 Sep 2014 :  21:50:16  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well, it doens't matter anymore at this point. I just hope to see that aspect toned down in eventual novels/stories, now that Eilistraee is (likely) returning. Not removed, because some sexism is natural among converts (for reasons already discussed above), but toned down to the point where we won't see stuff like males feeling that they don't have a place among Eilistraeens anymore (which is too much, considering the Dark Dancer's goal and role).

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.

Edited by - Irennan on 27 Sep 2014 21:51:58
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Great Reader

2708 Posts

Posted - 27 Sep 2014 :  21:53:33  Show Profile Send CorellonsDevout a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Kentinal

Anyone that accepts all of WotSQ clearly does not know how bad some of the authors did not know the dogma. *sighs*

Certain dances clearly would be personal ones, however nothing in dogma indicated that males could not dance in circle dance. There also was female leadership indicated in most gathers of followers of the Dark Maiden. How much is cultural or how much is from what Ed has said, most of the gathers of followers were for religious purposes. Clearly a worship event would be lead by Priestess or the very rare Priest. Ed has a hard time seeing any true Eilistraee community like a town or village, the only place that followers would establish as a base would be a temple. A temple of course would be ruled by the clergy.

Which is why I said WotSQ is the only place I have read it. I am aware that authors aren't always accurate with lore.

Sweet water and light laughter
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Senior Scribe

581 Posts

Posted - 05 Oct 2014 :  08:02:31  Show Profile  Visit BARDOBARBAROS's Homepage Send BARDOBARBAROS a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Good News from Christopher Perkins...


"The city changes, but the fools within it remain always the same" (Edwin Odesseiron- Baldur's gate 2)
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Great Reader

2447 Posts

Posted - 05 Oct 2014 :  14:00:03  Show Profile Send TBeholder a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Kentinal

Anyone that accepts all of WotSQ clearly does not know how bad some of the authors did not know the dogma. *sighs*

Certain dances clearly would be personal ones, however nothing in dogma indicated that males could not dance in circle dance.
"Dogma" in sourcebook gives only bones, and not enough for a full skeleton at that.
Word Of Ed on this is interpretable, especially since there are no dates.
The rest is your "fanon candidate" interpretation vs. novel.
And this may be not relevant at all, since it could be simply priestesses (and wannabees) vs. tagalong crew.

Originally posted by CorellonsDevout

Which is why I said WotSQ is the only place I have read it. I am aware that authors aren't always accurate with lore.

Aw, thanks.

People never wonder How the world goes round -Helloween
And even I make no pretense Of having more than common sense -R.W.Wood
It's not good, Eric. It's a gazebo. -Ed Whitchurch
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Great Reader

3807 Posts

Posted - 05 Oct 2014 :  14:42:17  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by TBeholder

Originally posted by Kentinal

Anyone that accepts all of WotSQ clearly does not know how bad some of the authors did not know the dogma. *sighs*

Certain dances clearly would be personal ones, however nothing in dogma indicated that males could not dance in circle dance.
"Dogma" in sourcebook gives only bones, and not enough for a full skeleton at that.
Word Of Ed on this is interpretable, especially since there are no dates.
The rest is your "fanon candidate" interpretation vs. novel.
And this may be not relevant at all, since it could be simply priestesses (and wannabees) vs. tagalong crew.

Yeah, but even there Ed says that males take part (and are welcome to do so) to the various rituals and dances dedicated to Eilistraee (save for the clergy-specific ones). Also, in their solitary rituals, the Dark Dancer ''smiles'' and can manifest her presence to them (through moonfire, for example) just like she does with females. The part where males don't have a definite place is the clergy, because

One cannot truly feel the Divine Dance of Eilistraee PROPERLY except as a female, and so her (still very rare, few, and generally secretive about it) male priests must spend some time as a female (not just for the duration of a ritual, but they must do some everyday living as a female). The most accomplished drow, elf, half-elf, and human male priests seem to feel the need to take female form for some days every few years or so (if they wish to “cleave more fully to the Goddess” and thus rise in levels), and most spend longer and longer times in female form

Personally, I guess that this is largely because of Ed picturing Eilistraee as a mother goddess, with a hint of deity of fertility thrown in (he said this in the ''Ask Ed'' thread from 2006, IIRC) -in fact male priests seem to ''feel the need'' to change form-. But yeah, it leads to discrimination (even tho for drow males who wish to become priests, it is still a huge improvement over Lolth), but the attitude of general reluctance could have changed over time (as it often happens), if WotC had cared to develop this matter instead of throwing everything away.

However, setting the priesthood aside, males should enjoy a fairly gender-equal tratment -as it is also said in the document I named a few posts above-, even tho communties tend to be directed by females (as they mainly form around their faith and are therefore led by the clergy, which is mostly female. Even then -according to Ed's reply- there is no fixed rule which establishes that males can't become ''decision-making'' persons...). Sure, some drow women can display sexism or lack of trust towards males (mostly recent converts, I guess, as a result of the remnants of their prevous lifestyle), but the latter are lovingly welcomed by Eilistraee to join her, and definitely do have a place among her followers.

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.

Edited by - Irennan on 05 Oct 2014 20:21:28
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Great Reader

4692 Posts

Posted - 05 Oct 2014 :  18:33:40  Show Profile Send Kentinal a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by TBeholder

Originally posted by Kentinal

Anyone that accepts all of WotSQ clearly does not know how bad some of the authors did not know the dogma. *sighs*

Certain dances clearly would be personal ones, however nothing in dogma indicated that males could not dance in circle dance.
"Dogma" in sourcebook gives only bones, and not enough for a full skeleton at that.
Word Of Ed on this is interpretable, especially since there are no dates.
The rest is your "fanon candidate" interpretation vs. novel.
And this may be not relevant at all, since it could be simply priestesses (and wannabees) vs. tagalong crew.

Oh it is clear that dogma in 2nd or 3rd Edition is bare bones of core teachings. I however cited core dogma as to circle dance and something like the Last Dance or other religious dances preformed only by clergy. As far as Ed's answer in part it was me asking and I clearly did not forget it. Calling me a "fanon candidate" appears to be intended as an insult, please verify if this is so.
Ed has also indicated in other replies to me that each collection of leaders to vary some form the core dogma, how much variance clearly can result in some groups being more repressive of males then others. The faith of Eilistraee is loosely connected though Qilué was considered High Priestess of the Faith while alive, but few of the followers would have talked with her. Eiliistraee like other deities communicate with dreams or visions in addition clearly is the verbal and written lore about those strange Drow that did not attack first.

"Small beings can have small wisdom," the dragon said. "And small wise beings are better than small fools. Listen: Wisdom is caring for afterwards."
"Caring for afterwards ...? Ker repeated this without understanding.
"After action, afterwards," the dragon said. "Choose the afterwards first, then the action. Fools choose action first."
"Judgement" copyright 2003 by Elizabeth Moon
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Great Reader

3807 Posts

Posted - 05 Oct 2014 :  19:29:52  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Kentinal
Calling me a "fanon candidate" appears to be intended as an insult, please verify if this is so.

Don't worry, ''fanon'' is fan made lore, it definitely isn't an inuslt. I think that TBeholder meant to say that novels take precedence over people's personal interpretation when it comes to canon.

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.

Edited by - Irennan on 05 Oct 2014 20:10:53
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Master of Realmslore

1190 Posts

Posted - 07 Oct 2014 :  16:51:35  Show Profile  Visit Zireael's Homepage Send Zireael a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by BARDOBARBAROS

Good News from Christopher Perkins...

What do you mean?

SiNafay Vrinn, the daughter of Lloth, from Ched Nasad!
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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

6675 Posts

Posted - 08 Oct 2014 :  00:31:18  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Irennan
Don't worry, ''fanon'' is fan made lore, it definitely isn't an inuslt. I think that TBeholder meant to say that novels take precedence over people's personal interpretation when it comes to canon.


I like that. As someone who has made up more than a little "fanon" over the years, I know what it's like to have an idea that you think is "better" or "more correct" than the prevailing information out there. And my view is that most often, it's the novelists who chuck in these throwaway lines that put everything out of kilter. This can be frustrating but the simple answer is to insert your idea into the existing structure and explain why.

So in this case, for example, you can say that some sects of Eilistraee don't allow males to join the Circle Dance and some do. The Dark Promenade drow do or don't (as it suits an individual DM/Campaign) and the pivot point to justify it might be Elkantar's death, with Qilue relaxing the prohibition in his memory or enforcing a prohibition in his memory (i.e. since his death she can't bear to see males in the Circle Dance) or something like that.

As long as you provide an explanation, everything always turns out fairly okay.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus

Edited by - George Krashos on 08 Oct 2014 00:32:19
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Great Reader

3807 Posts

Posted - 08 Oct 2014 :  00:46:46  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by George Krashos

So in this case, for example, you can say that some sects of Eilistraee don't allow males to join the Circle Dance and some do. The Dark Promenade drow do or don't (as it suits an individual DM/Campaign) and the pivot point to justify it might be Elkantar's death, with Qilue relaxing the prohibition in his memory or enforcing a prohibition in his memory (i.e. since his death she can't bear to see males in the Circle Dance) or something like that.

As long as you provide an explanation, everything always turns out fairly okay.

-- George Krashos

Yeah, that makes sense, especially because Eilistraee is described as the kind of goddess who -while having close contact with her followers- leaves ample freedom to her people and doesn't come down to personally correct or bend things how she sees fit. However this should be taken carefully, because when males feel that they doesn't have a place among eilistraeens, then you have a bit of a problem, as the Dark Maiden welcomes and wishes for all drow to join her (all beings, actually). Besides, even in Ed's reply and other sources, there's nothing that suggests something as drastic as this, on the contrary...

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.
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Master of Realmslore

1965 Posts

Posted - 08 Oct 2014 :  02:36:10  Show Profile Send Fellfire a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hopefully the Masked Lord is restored as well to slap down those misandrist cavorting pop-tarts.


Love is a lie. Only hate endures. Light is blinding. Only in darkness do we see clearly.

"Oh, you think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but.. blinding. The shadows betray you because they belong to me." - Bane The Dark Knight Rises

Green Dragonscale Dice Bag by Crystalsidyll - check it out

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Great Reader

3807 Posts

Posted - 08 Oct 2014 :  02:47:19  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Eilistraee and Vhaeraun are closely linked, I doubt that they would bring one back without the other (I hope that sister and brother will be at least neutral to each other, this time).

those misandrist cavorting pop-tarts.

Aw c'mon, focus the hate on lolthites. Also ''misandrist pop-tarts'' is way too harsh, even more so because I'm fairly sure that there are many priestesses of Eilistraee who treat males with respect and fairness.

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.

Edited by - Irennan on 08 Oct 2014 02:49:32
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Master of Realmslore

1965 Posts

Posted - 08 Oct 2014 :  03:12:41  Show Profile Send Fellfire a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Based on the Lady Penitent series, I don't think that is too unfair, but truly, I jest. I'm hot on the dusky fem-fencers. And yes, I am aware of the many negative opinions given those books, but I enjoyed them and I think it not unreasonable for drow females to feel superior. They are bigger and stronger and contemporary drow (Lolth-worshipping) society indocrinates them into such attitudes. Centuries of social dogma are hard to break.

Perhaps, if I was given the oppurtunity to imprison a few of these high and mighty females, I could break their spirits through a rigid system of humiliation and degradation to disavow them of their sexist worldview.


Love is a lie. Only hate endures. Light is blinding. Only in darkness do we see clearly.

"Oh, you think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but.. blinding. The shadows betray you because they belong to me." - Bane The Dark Knight Rises

Green Dragonscale Dice Bag by Crystalsidyll - check it out

Edited by - Fellfire on 08 Oct 2014 03:30:30
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Great Reader

3807 Posts

Posted - 08 Oct 2014 :  03:41:00  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Fellfire

Based on the Lady Penitent series, I don't think that is too unfair, but truly, I jest. I'm hot on the dusky fem-fencers. And yes, I am aware of the many negative opinions given those books, but I enjoyed them and I think it not unreasonable for drow females to feel superior. They are bigger and stronger and contemporary drow (Lolth-worshipping) society indocrinates them into such attitudes. Centuries of social dogma are hard to break.

True. I've already said it here, the priestesses are not Eilistraee. However the attitude changes from one priestess/sect to another (as it is logical, since they are obviously not all the same): some can be sexist (especially ''recent'' converts), some are nicer and respectful. After all, one would expect more experienced clerics to be more in line with the Dark Dancer's thought. This would also lessen the degree of the discrepance between some sources and novels (which extremized the discrimination towards males).

but truly, I jest. I'm hot on the dusky fem-fencers

Heh, many are...

Perhaps, if I was given the oppurtunity to imprison a few of these high and mighty females, I could break their spirits through a rigid system of humiliation and degradation to disavow them of their sexist worldview.

Ok, that's harsh.

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.

Edited by - Irennan on 08 Oct 2014 03:42:29
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Master of Realmslore

1965 Posts

Posted - 08 Oct 2014 :  03:46:42  Show Profile Send Fellfire a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Moral sacrifices I am selflessly willing to commit for the betterment of all of Faerun.


Love is a lie. Only hate endures. Light is blinding. Only in darkness do we see clearly.

"Oh, you think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but.. blinding. The shadows betray you because they belong to me." - Bane The Dark Knight Rises

Green Dragonscale Dice Bag by Crystalsidyll - check it out

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Great Reader

3807 Posts

Posted - 08 Oct 2014 :  03:51:27  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Fellfire

Moral sacrifices I am selflessly willing to commit for the betterment of all of Faerun.

Be careful that all the ''humilation and degradation'' don't turn their feeling of superiority into actual misandrism, tho (which wouldn't be very helpful for the ''betterment of all Faerun''...).

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.

Edited by - Irennan on 08 Oct 2014 03:54:00
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Great Reader

2708 Posts

Posted - 08 Oct 2014 :  04:02:23  Show Profile Send CorellonsDevout a Private Message  Reply with Quote
As Irennan said, it largely depends on the priestess, particularly those who grew up as Lolthites, but not all the priestesses were sexist. Leliana (sp?) fancied Naxil (who I loved), and it said she considered taking him as a lover, but she wouldn't force him, for she was an Eilistraeen now, and would follow Eilistraee's rules. She was not treating Naxil as inferior.

Sweet water and light laughter
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Great Reader

2447 Posts

Posted - 08 Oct 2014 :  07:07:36  Show Profile Send TBeholder a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Irennan

Originally posted by TBeholder

Word Of Ed on this is interpretable, especially since there are no dates.
The rest is your "fanon candidate" interpretation vs. novel.
And this may be not relevant at all, since it could be simply priestesses (and wannabees) vs. tagalong crew.

Yeah, but even there Ed says that males take part (and are welcome to do so) to the various rituals and dances dedicated to Eilistraee
Yup, and we still don't know whether changes he mentioned were introduced before or after the events of "Extinction".
Nor which rule applies for every specific ritual.
Originally posted by Irennan

(save for the clergy-specific ones). Also, in their solitary rituals, the Dark Dancer ''smiles'' and can manifest her presence to them (through moonfire, for example) just like she does with females. The part where males don't have a definite place is the clergy, because

"Clergy, clergy, clergy." So... you didn't read the last line before responding or forgot what the argument is about?
Because it is irrelevant whether male clergy (which was absent in that specific circle) would be admitted, when applied to Ryld, who wasn't even much of a follower.

Far be it from me to say that Lisa Smedman is always sticking to canon lore... especially related to gods and/or magic... including in "Extinction" itself... But this case technically is not off the road canon-wise.

People never wonder How the world goes round -Helloween
And even I make no pretense Of having more than common sense -R.W.Wood
It's not good, Eric. It's a gazebo. -Ed Whitchurch
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Great Reader

3807 Posts

Posted - 08 Oct 2014 :  11:18:24  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by TBeholder

Originally posted by Irennan

Originally posted by TBeholder

Word Of Ed on this is interpretable, especially since there are no dates.
The rest is your "fanon candidate" interpretation vs. novel.
And this may be not relevant at all, since it could be simply priestesses (and wannabees) vs. tagalong crew.

Yeah, but even there Ed says that males take part (and are welcome to do so) to the various rituals and dances dedicated to Eilistraee
Yup, and we still don't know whether changes he mentioned were introduced before or after the events of "Extinction".
Nor which rule applies for every specific ritual.

The changes that Ed mentioned referred to allowing male priests, not to males involvement in the various rituals, or this is what I got from your link. In the post immediately after the one you linked, unrelatedly to that (as far as I can see), someone asked if males were allowed in rituals and Ed said yes.
Also, what rule do you want for rituals that consist of dancing and singing. It's a joyful and rather spontaneous act, not some overcomplicated stuff. The Hunting rituals are led by priestesses, with other worshipers following.


Yes, males participate in almost all rituals, as lay worshippers (as Zandilar quite correctly pointed out). This includes the High Hunt, the Run, and the Circle of Song. Yes, there are rituals that males are excluded from, AS MALES (such as almost all of the longer, more passionate dances). However, increasingly males openly plead with Eilistraeen priestesses to be magically shapechanged so as to take part in such rituals, and the priestesses (if they have the means to do so), oblige them (sometimes the change is brief and temporary, fading out as the ritual ends, and sometimes it lasts for days or much longer, while the shapechanged being undertakes a service for the clergy).


Specific in-ritual roles of “unchanged” males include dancing, singing, having spells cast ON THEM as part of rituals, taking part in collective spellcastings led by female clergy, intoning prayers in unison and responsively with other devout of Eilistraee, and in the tending of fires, braziers, drawn barriers, vestments and tools handed to or taken from, and used by, female worshippers, and so on. Nothing stops anyone, of any race or gender, praying to Eilistraee, including dancing and singing prayers - - and NO clergy of the Dark Maiden would frown on a male exhibiting such behaviour except when they thought it was being done to deliberately disrupt a larger ritual.

It seems to me that males are definitely allowed to dance with females, save for the more intense or clergy-specific rituals. And I guess that is because

One cannot truly feel the Divine Dance of Eilistraee PROPERLY except as a female


Originally posted by Irennan

(save for the clergy-specific ones). Also, in their solitary rituals, the Dark Dancer ''smiles'' and can manifest her presence to them (through moonfire, for example) just like she does with females. The part where males don't have a definite place is the clergy, because

"Clergy, clergy, clergy." So... you didn't read the last line before responding or forgot what the argument is about?
Because it is irrelevant whether male clergy (which was absent in that specific circle) would be admitted, when applied to Ryld, who wasn't even much of a follower.

Far be it from me to say that Lisa Smedman is always sticking to canon lore... especially related to gods and/or magic... including in "Extinction" itself... But this case technically is not off the road canon-wise.

The argument wasn't exclusively about Ryld, but about the attitude towards males in general, as depicted in novels and sources, as far as I can tell. If you included the other part of my post, maybe my words would have some context, rather than seem to be only adressing the clergy.

I said that because I find it extreme for males to feel like they don't have a place among eilistraeens, for reasons that I've already stated in the post that you quoted (and since in sources the bulk of the discrimination seems to be about the place that they have within the clergy, or lack thereof, rather than outside of it -where their treatment seems to be way warmer/fairer-).

However, setting the priesthood aside, males should enjoy a fairly gender-equal tratment -as it is also said in the document I named a few posts above-, even tho communties tend to be directed by females (as they mainly form around their faith and are therefore led by the clergy, which is mostly female. Even then -according to Ed's reply- there is no fixed rule which establishes that males can't become ''decision-making'' persons...). Sure, some drow women can display sexism or lack of trust towards males (mostly recent converts, I guess, as a result of the remnants of their prevous lifestyle), but the latter are lovingly welcomed by Eilistraee to join her, and definitely do have a place among her followers.

The part of Ed's reply I was referring to is this:

Except among clergy dwelling together in a temple (or forest “temple” community; I’m not speaking here of holy buildings or even a fixed worship site), I don’t think there are any such things as “Eilistreean communities.” (Remember, individuals in the Realms worship an array of gods, not a single deity.) Eilistreean-DOMINATED communities and Eilistreean households, yes. In all of those, females tend to govern (formally make decisions and be consulted in decision-making as the individuals with most social “weight” and influence), involving males primarily as “spot experts” (e.g. “You saw the attack, Phaerold, so tell us - -” and “You’ve dealt with that human more than the rest of us, Phaerold; please give us your opinion as to - - “) Males tend to be daily-bread-winning workers, guards and warriors, and have tasks related to their generally superior physical strength. They do not tend to be supervisors and high-ranking decision-makers. (Please note the word “tend.” I’m speaking in gross generalizations here, not of “a rule that holds true in all cases.”) Many males - - even clerics of Eilistraee - - become spies, scouts, patrolling guards, or leaders of lawkeeping or defensive military forces for Eilistreean-dominated communities or Eilistreean-dedicated holy communities. (To answer Kentinal’s Jan06 query: “Some wonder how Eilistraee reacts to Wizards as followers as there has been little mention of Eilistraee following mages and the one of note is female, where do males fit in?” I can add that male wizards (of any race) accepted as worshippers of Eilistraee also serve in such capacities (and as “resident experts in arcane magic”)

I think that this is true for most females (who are not priestesses) as well. They would fit in the worker or warrior/spy/expert category (after all, if they do not handle the administrative aspects, what do you picture them doing?).

Then again, attitude changes from one community to another and

However, these gender matters can be overstated and overemphasized. On the whole, all clergy of the Dark Maiden welcome an increase in worshippers of the Goddess, and the fellowship (and working with) more and more Servants of the Dark Dancer.

The novels however seem to have exacerbated the concept of sexism among eilistraeens.

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.

Edited by - Irennan on 08 Oct 2014 17:00:31
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28 Posts

Posted - 08 Oct 2014 :  13:58:05  Show Profile Send Regcod a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Irennan

Recently, I've sent a letter to Christopher Perkins (WotC lead world builder and D&D creative manager), talking about Eilistraee's role in the Realms and why I feel that she is an integral, even iconic, part of the setting. The answer that I have received was very encouraging and -since he gave me the ok- I've decided to share it.

Thank you for your letter and follow-up email. It's always nice to hear from fans who are passionate about our game worlds, the Forgotten Realms in particular.

I can't speak much with regard to the story of Eilistraee thus far, as I was not involved in its creation or evolution. However, I know that during the 3E and 4E era, there was a attempt to shrink the enormous pantheon of FR gods, as well as an effort to paint the drow as being almost universally evil to make it clear that Drizzt Do'Urden is extraordinary. (The argument is that Drizzt becomes less of an iconoclast if there are good drow everywhere.)

Our thinking has changed somewhat with 5E. We would rather embrace the complexities of FR than oversimplify it. The Sundering (as told in recent novels) will enable us to restore all of the "lost" gods of the FR pantheon, including Eilistraee. I don't know the extent to which she'll feature in upcoming stories, but in our minds she is very much alive. I hope this news allays some of your concerns.


Chris Perkins
D&D Story/World-Building Lead
Wizards of the Coast LLC

This is pretty awesome news, including the part about embracing the complexity of the Realms.

Eh eh eh
she never disapparead from "my" forgotten realms world, also if my player are almost ever on the surface and rarely in underdark.
But now I'm really curious to see how she has been changed, because I don't belive that would reappear like before.

"Sweet water and light laughter until next we meet."
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Posted - 10 Oct 2014 :  23:54:08  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Eh eh eh
she never disapparead from "my" forgotten realms world, also if my player are almost ever on the surface and rarely in underdark.
But now I'm really curious to see how she has been changed, because I don't belive that would reappear like before.

Perhaps Eilistraee will return changed back to ''brown elf'' like her old followers, maybe she will offer the possibility of change to the ones among her new drow followers who wish it. Honestly I don't really care about her skin color or race, however I wouldn't like if they went this route, as it would emphasize something (a curse removal/race change) that is far from being what the Dark Dancer fights for.

Also, (IMO) it would be very cool if (considering that most of the reverted drow probably didn't even have the means to know about the existence of Rymanthiin), united under the guidance of their returned goddess, the dark elves made of the city of hope their home, and started an attempt to refound a new Miyeritar, so to speak, using the city as a base. It wouldn't even come close to what it was in the past, but it would be a sort of safe haven for eilistraeen (and any other) drow and take the role that the Promenade used to have. This will probably never happen, tho...

As I said previoiusly, while I prefer E&V as separate deities, I wouldn't mind if she retained some of her traits as the Masked Lady. For example using more subtley in her plans, if the situation requires it.

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.

Edited by - Irennan on 11 Oct 2014 02:33:59
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Posted - 17 Dec 2014 :  13:00:35  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
From Ed:

I have written new lore about the Dark Dancer recently, but I’m afraid how and when you’ll see it is up to Wizards of the Coast, and I can’t legally reveal more. I would not expect to see it as part of this or the next story, if that helps.

IMO the Elemental Evil story looked like a good opportunity to reveal Eilistraee's return, given the original role of the Promenade and that Ghaunadaur is the realmsian Elemental Evil. That is unless they don't plan on using Ghaunadaur in their Elemental Evil plot...

Lets just hope that they won't leave this lore to collect dust on the shelves like the info about E&V that should have been in the Menzo book.

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.

Edited by - Irennan on 17 Dec 2014 20:21:28
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Posted - 17 Dec 2014 :  13:15:48  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I like that they are porting-over old core (GH) material, and focusing on just one world (for now). I think thats what D&D needs - more focus, and not trying to be 'everything at once'. 'Kitchen Sink' is fine - just not half-a-dozen kitchen sinks.

If they manage to intertwine these stories with older FR ones, so much the better. The idea of using the ToEE to bring back Eilistraee is pretty cool - its one of my favorite modules, and she is one of my favorite deities.

And for some reason, every time I see 'Eilistraee' in print, I picture Tina Turner singing 'Private Dancer'. Don't know why - the lyrics really don't match her portfolio - but I think TT would make a great drow.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 17 Dec 2014 18:47:11
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Posted - 17 Dec 2014 :  16:22:21  Show Profile Send Brimstone a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Fellfire

Hopefully the Masked Lord is restored as well to slap down those misandrist cavorting pop-tarts.


"These things also I have observed: that knowledge of our world is
to be nurtured like a precious flower, for it is the most precious
thing we have. Wherefore guard the word written and heed
words unwritten and set them down ere they fade . . . Learn
then, well, the arts of reading, writing, and listening true, and they
will lead you to the greatest art of all: understanding."
Alaundo of Candlekeep
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Posted - 17 Dec 2014 :  16:23:45  Show Profile Send Brimstone a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Fellfire

Based on the Lady Penitent series, I don't think that is too unfair, but truly, I jest. I'm hot on the dusky fem-fencers. And yes, I am aware of the many negative opinions given those books, but I enjoyed them and I think it not unreasonable for drow females to feel superior. They are bigger and stronger and contemporary drow (Lolth-worshipping) society indocrinates them into such attitudes. Centuries of social dogma are hard to break.

Perhaps, if I was given the oppurtunity to imprison a few of these high and mighty females, I could break their spirits through a rigid system of humiliation and degradation to disavow them of their sexist worldview.

"These things also I have observed: that knowledge of our world is
to be nurtured like a precious flower, for it is the most precious
thing we have. Wherefore guard the word written and heed
words unwritten and set them down ere they fade . . . Learn
then, well, the arts of reading, writing, and listening true, and they
will lead you to the greatest art of all: understanding."
Alaundo of Candlekeep
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Posted - 14 Apr 2015 :  02:13:17  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Edited the OP with more news-

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.
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Posted - 14 Apr 2015 :  02:18:34  Show Profile Send CorellonsDevout a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sounds like E might have have a little something extra in her portfolio now...

Sweet water and light laughter
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Posted - 14 Apr 2015 :  02:23:02  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Don't think so, (beige) I read it as Mystra sharing the Weave with all deities, because they need it to give spells to their followers. Ed's being so specific about Eilistraee sounds like just his willing to confirm her being alive, not implying that Eilistraee is among the caretakers of the Weave or something along those lines

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.

Edited by - Irennan on 14 Apr 2015 02:37:17
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