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 How long does one serve in the Zhentarim army?
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73 Posts

Posted - 13 Sep 2014 :  17:37:41  Show Profile Send Doge a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Is there a contract for one's service? Like in the French Foreign Legion, the first contract is for 5 years of service. And once the contract is over can you just leave the army or will they try to kill you because of the secrets you might have known?

Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 13 Sep 2014 :  17:56:13  Show Profile  Visit xaeyruudh's Homepage Send xaeyruudh a Private Message  Reply with Quote
This is probably a good question for Ed. It's also probably a good idea to specify the time frame because Zhentil Keep has had its ups and downs, and the terms under which the Zhentilar serve might change with each High Lord (the top officer of the Zhentarim).
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Skilled Spell Strategist

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Posted - 13 Sep 2014 :  18:04:22  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
considering the Zhentarim is an organization and not a country, I'm betting the contracts vary. Being that they are a mercantile organization, I'm also willing to bet that the better you are, the more they're willing to negotiate changes to the contract.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Gary Dallison
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Posted - 13 Sep 2014 :  19:28:30  Show Profile Send Gary Dallison a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well I reckon both Xaeyruudh and Sleyvas are correct.

Before 1371/2 DR (the 3rd edition start point) and possibly before the destruction of Zhentil Keep, Zhentil Keep has a standing army whose members were known as Zhentilar. I think this group was made up primarily of long term contracted mercenaries of which there are definitely some survivors as there are retired Zhent mercenaries in many sourcebooks. The Zhentilar answered to the lords of Zhentil Keep, many of which were members of the Zhentarim, but the grunts themselves were not, and were never privy to any secrets.

After the dates above (I don't know which), I believe the Zhentilar were disbanded/subsumed into the Zhentarim itself at which point the armed forces of Zhentil Keep become part of the Zhentarim and I would imagine it becomes much more difficult to leave at that point.

Of course I could be wrong and I am not looking at my compiled notes (that will have to wait until Monday as I left them at work), so its probably best to go ask Ed.

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73 Posts

Posted - 14 Sep 2014 :  10:32:54  Show Profile Send Doge a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Probably around 1371-1373 DR. I'll try to ask Ed, but by your accounts or just by estimating, what would be a reasonable period of service for a regular grunt?

P.S. Where do I post a question for Ed? It's my first time.

Edited by - Doge on 14 Sep 2014 10:35:01
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Skilled Spell Strategist

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Posted - 14 Sep 2014 :  14:07:00  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The variations could be near endless. For instance, some of the Zhentarim army might be part of an actual mercenary company. Therefore, the contract negotiations in that instance aren't to the individual,but rather the company itself... and in such a case the company may only be required to have X numbers and not specific individuals. Others may be signing themselves up directly with the Zhentarim. Personally, I'd make up some number for whomever is involved. If its sucky, perhaps his comrades even pick on him for negotiating so poorly.

As to asking Ed, there's a folder here labeled something like "Questions for Ed Greenwood"

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 14 Sep 2014 :  17:34:17  Show Profile Send Snow a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Due to the Lawful Evil bent of the Bane-led Zhentarim, I wouldn't be surprised if higher-level military contract negotiations are under the sole sub-contracted legal jurisdiction of the Baatorian Ministry of Mortal Relations.

Bane's Baatezu attorneys (or mortal Zhents educated by them) would probably shock you in their sheer numbers. And they're probably a significant source of how/why the Zhentarim can contractually keep good help for a lot longer than they deserve.

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The Masked Mage
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Posted - 14 Sep 2014 :  18:06:54  Show Profile Send The Masked Mage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm guessing its more of a conscription than a contract. If they want you, unless you don't fancy being alive you say yes. Then you're theirs until they don't want you anymore... at which point who knows what happens. Maybe they release you from service. Maybe they send you into an almost certain to die situation.

Also - several books by Ed mention that the Zhent troops they encounter are Mercs. Professional soldiers for hire, like those of Sembia, for example. I'd assume that these contracts are more straightforward as they'd be contracting large mercenary groups rather than one mercenary at a time.
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73 Posts

Posted - 15 Sep 2014 :  07:30:28  Show Profile Send Doge a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thanks for the answers everyone. Much appreciated.
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 15 Sep 2014 :  09:40:03  Show Profile Send Thauramarth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I seem to remember that the Zhentilar, in addition to the career military (who will probbably stick around until they die, or get incapacitated), also used a lot of shanghaied recruits. I think this was in the Ruins of Zhentil Keep boxed set, which made a reference to "Devil Dogs", press gangs roaming the streets of Zhentil Keep to forcibly recruit anyone they can get their hands on.

There's also the example of Cat, one of the Alias copies, who, even as a (minor) mage was pressed into Zhentilar service.

I tend to think of your average Zhentarim career operator as someone who joins up moslty for an opportunity to fight, plunder, and, when convenient, skip out of the Zhentilar and set up shop elsewhere.

I would guess that with the Zhentarim, you're "in for life", unless discharged. One could get a discharge because either there's not too much action going on right now, and (cut down on the overhead), through buying out your "contract", or for the convenience of one's superiors.

With regard to, ahem, Non-Disclosure issues faced by would-be Zhentilar retirees - I think you can split the Zhentilar into several
I'd think that, outside these cases, discipline would be harsh. Deserters would probably be treated very harshly, to set an example, provided they got caught, and that would only happen if it did not cost too much effort.

With regard to, ahem, post-employment non-disclosure issues - I imagine that the large majority of Zhentarim "employees" are grunts, who know nothing except what their buddies and direct superiors tell them - in other words, they don't know anything worth knowing.

As for those who do have the secrets - I imagine that they either get killed or are strong enough to discourage people coming after them. I'd always keep in mind that information would be very highly compartimentalised. Extreme efforts to "terminate with extreme prejudice" would only be made against people with enough knowledge to bring down a significant bit of the organisation.

What constitutes a "significant bit" depends. I'd imagine that Manshoon would not bother going after the accountant of the Zhentarim branch in some small city in the Western Heartlands, because he's not a direct threat to him, but the boss of that local branch very well might, because that accountant could denounce him to the local authorities (or, worse, to some of the local competition - local thieves' guilds, Cult of the Dragon, Kraken Society, Knights of the Shield, et al.).
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Posted - 15 Sep 2014 :  23:16:58  Show Profile Send Ayrik a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I do recall, from 2E Forgotten Realms Adventures, a brief mention that Manshoon enforces loyalty among Zhentarim through a geas (similar in nature to the one employed by Cormyrs War Wizards, although of course pro-Zhent anti-Cormyr). He would certainly use this life-long geas on all wizards, officers, and (competent) spies installed by the Zhentarim into Zhentil Keeps armed forces, methinks.

The Zhents are an historically aggressive lot, always making enemies, always garrisoning and reinforcing themselves against constant onslaught by many enemies. I would think that most of the grunts can hardly expect to last more than a few winters, while those who survive multiple campaigns (especially the leadership and selected champions) would be ... enticed ... to serve Zhentil Keep for life.

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