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The Masked Mage
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Posted - 13 Sep 2014 :  01:51:41  Show Profile Send The Masked Mage a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
For the next project I've decided to take on, I'm going to work up a complete description of The Knights of the Seven Sacred Mysteries mentioned thus in the Demihuman Deities book:

"The Knights of the Seven Sacred Mysteries are well known for their service in defense of elven homelands from N’Tel’Quess invaders as well as their ongoing efforts to retrieve tomes of long-lost elvish lore and items of elven artistry from the ruins of fallen realms. The order is composed of elves and a few half-elves, most of whom are of moon elven or gold elven ancestry, and it includes many crusaders, as well as a handful of clerics, fighters, and rangers, in its ranks. The order’s entrance requirements are kept secret from nonmembers, but it is generally known that there are seven tiers in the order’s hierarchy and that it can take a century or more of faithful service to Sehanine before the next mystery is revealed. Knights of the First Mystery are the lowest ranking members of the order, while Knights of the Seventh Mystery are some of the most powerful agents of Sehanine in the Realms. No half-elf has ever risen higher than the rank of Knight of the Fourth Mystery, but it is not known if that fact indicates the difficulty of ascending the order’s rarefied ranks and the small representation of half-elves in the order or if it is a manifestation of a bias against those who have some degree of N’Tel’Quess ancestry. The order’s preeminent chapter houses are found in the city of Ruith on Evermeet, the Vale of Evereska, and amidst the Tangled Trees settlement of the Elven Woods."

My current idea is to make this group of Sehanine's worshipers a unique group of elves capable of multi & dual classing (I know I'm using old terminology there - sorry). The idea is that for each order of the Knights represents one area of expertise, or class, that the elf is either pursuing or has already mastered. The first four mysteries are interchangeable and can be mastered in any order. I actually like the idea that Knights of the Order approach accomplished individuals in these various fields and ask them to join the Order. For example, a Knight of the Order encounters a Bladesinger in their mutual defense of the elves and then recruits him as the newest Knight of the First Order, teaching him how to become Second Order, etc.

Mysteries Of The First, Second, Third And Fourth Order
Martial Mysteries (elven knight / windrider / bladesinger / unicorn rider);
Spiritual Mysteries (starsinger / shaman);
Natural Mysteries (herbalism / skin walking);
Mystical Mysteries (illusion / divination / dream magic / spell song)

A Knight of the Fourth Order, therefore, would be a multi/dual class character of four classes - a fighter/mage/cleric/druid (of whatever kits are focused upon). . For example: a bladesinger/spellsinger/starsinger/skin walker. As the text says above, most never pass or even attain the fourth order, which would make sense for half-elves given the time constraints of their life-span. The fifth order is designed to removed this barrier from a knight.

Mysteries Of The Fifth Order
Temporal Mysteries (chronomancy / longevity) - In this order Knights would lean the secrets of longevity and time, a portfolio that Sehanine shares with Labelas.

Mysteries Of The Sixth Order
Rune Magic / Totem Magic / Geomancy / Name Magic (I have not figured out what tot call this mystery. In old Mystara campaign Glantri, it was call Cryptomancy, but I never really liked that name)

Mysteries Of The Seventh Order
High Magic
Finally, once entering the Seventh Order, Knights begin to study High Magic as detailed in Cormanthyr, Empire of Elves.

I need to work out this system, and the limiting factors (how many levels must one attain before advancing to another order, etc.) Anyone have any thoughts about this? Suggestions? I would love it if one of you who is adept it giving things those elvish names would translates some of this (the italisized parts in particular) into Elvish to give it an authentically elven feel.

Edited by - The Masked Mage on 13 Sep 2014 02:07:18

George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

6673 Posts

Posted - 13 Sep 2014 :  02:31:11  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Not to be a grinch, but multi-classing and High Magic aren't a particularly good fit. If they are knights, perhaps you need to combine a more martial element in some of your mysteries, with the pinnacle perhaps being to become a full-fledged bladesinger. Just my 2cp.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus

Edited by - George Krashos on 13 Sep 2014 02:32:10
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The Masked Mage
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Posted - 13 Sep 2014 :  02:46:43  Show Profile Send The Masked Mage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Krash - that's exactly the opposite of my thinking . Very few would ever reach that pinnacle. This is intended as an alternate route to the wisdom of high magi - with a broader understanding/history for the characters. An elf can be a full-fledged bladesinger at 1st-level but even 1,000 years later is unlikely to be anything more than that (higher level of course but no more well rounded in my book). I'm looking at it as tiers of enlightenment.

Nevertheless, I'd love it if you would get in on the elvish translating - if memory serves that's something you're great at

Edited by - The Masked Mage on 13 Sep 2014 02:47:32
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 13 Sep 2014 :  04:21:07  Show Profile Send BenN a Private Message  Reply with Quote
If part of he role is item-retrieval, then wouldn't some rogue skills/expertise be welcomed? (i.e. trap-finding, lock-picking).
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Skilled Spell Strategist

11909 Posts

Posted - 13 Sep 2014 :  14:42:18  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
From Demi-human deities on her specialty priests:

Starsingers are not allowed to multiclass.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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The Masked Mage
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Posted - 13 Sep 2014 :  15:10:51  Show Profile Send The Masked Mage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Think of them as more special versions of their specialty priests. I know that this idea flies in the face of old rules for dual and multi-class characters. That is one of the reasons why it is a secret order of the greatest defenders of elves and their heritage. It will require limitations to not be way too powerful but I think it can provide an interesting, multifaceted character class - pretty much along the same lines of the prestige classes of 3rd Ed.
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Skilled Spell Strategist

11909 Posts

Posted - 13 Sep 2014 :  15:38:09  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I agree with Krash here. This appears to be something where you're thinking that all mysteries should revolve around magic and learning the powers of other classes, but it has a more martial flavor. Also, the original list revolves around martial casters who use divine magic (crusaders, clerics, rangers) or pure fighters . I know this is for 2e, but I'm so rusty, that I think I'd prefer to adapt it to 3.5e. In doing so, I think that I'd make it a 15 level prestige class, with the mysteries learned at these levels. Bear in mind, the below is a quick first attempt,and I'd happily change out some of the abilities for something better if someone has a neater idea.
1st mystery - 1st lvl
2nd mystery - 2nd lvl
3rd mystery - 4th lvl
4th mystery - 6th lvl
5th mystery - 9th lvl
6th mystery - 12th lvl
7th mystery - 15th lvl

The rest of the progression would be a +1 level of divine spellcasting at a 2/3 rate (skipping every 3rd lvl). The BAB would be that of a cleric, and the saves would be good on reflex and will. Then the "mysteries" would be some secret of magic... possibly even some spontaneous metamagic feat.... possibly some special class ability. Since the class would start off with 2 mysteries right away, the first 2 mysteries shouldn't be too great.

1st mystery - call upon the moonlight. The Knight of the 1st mystery can at will create light equivalent to that of a candle in the palm of his hand. In addition, he gains the spell thematics feat.

2nd mystery - Enwrapped in Sehanine's Cloak. The Knight of the 2nd mystery can cast invisibility once per day per 3 class levels in Knight of the Seven Sacred Mysteries.

3rd mystery - The Knight of the 3rd mystery can cast mirror image once per day per 3 class levels in Knight of the Seven Sacred Mysteries. In addition, the knight can cast misdirection once per day.

4th mystery- mystical transcendence. The Knight of the 4th mystery learns to slip between worlds and become a dream given life. He gains the ability to cast improved blink once per day per 5 class levels in Knight of the Seven Sacred Mysteries. In addition, he can cast etherealness once per day per 5 class levels.

5th mystery - Moonlight's Guidance - The Knight of the 5th mystery gains the ability to cast Find the Path and/or Legend Lore and/or Vision once per day per 5 class levels in Knight of the Seven Sacred Mysteries. Note, this can any combination of such each day and need not be chosen beforehand. Find the path appears in the form of a glowing shaft of moonlight to the knight only.

6th mystery - Mysterious Protection. The Knight of the 6th mystery gains spell resistance equal to their class level +10.

7th mystery - Soul's Anchor. The Knight of the 7th mystery becomes immune to magic that affects the soul and/or causes immediate death, unless the Knight willingly forgoes such protection. In addition, the Knight ceases to age and no longer takes penalties due to aging.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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The Masked Mage
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Posted - 13 Sep 2014 :  16:57:44  Show Profile Send The Masked Mage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I see the point you guys are making (I actually like that as a prestige class setup sleyvas) but I'm still going the way I started - just to see how it works if nothing else. Perhaps I used the wrong term before... (my 3rd E speak is lacking ). In my mind this was more of a high level campaigns kind of thing... Epic Prestige Class maybe? Like archmage or high mage.

Right now, I'm thinking a single classed character would need to be at least 9th level before becoming dual classed, and characters already multi-classed would need to be at least 8th/7th (cleric or druid/fighter; cleric or druid/ranger; cleric or druid/mage; fighter/mage; fighter/thief; mage/thief) or 6th/6th/7th level (fighter/mage/thief; fighter/mage/cleric or druid). At this point they would continue training in these skills but would learn to view them in a different, more holistic way and after about 100 years would learn to also embrace the other basic mysteries becoming a Knight of the 2nd 3rd or 4th Order - as appropriate.

As for making them more about physical combat I don't agree with that line of thought at all, or even that I'm stressing non-divine magic too much. I am trying to make a class that balances the things that Sehanine represents. Defense of elves is in there - so the martial classes are as well (crusader should be on the list too); however, nature & moonlight, spiritualism, mysticism, illusion & divination, time, totems and elven magic in general are all also aspects of her worship. As far as non divine magic use, her standard priests can use nature & moon magic, spiritual magic, illusion & divination magic, and totems and glyph magic. I don't think its too much of a stretch to think that a group who spend centuries to study the secrets of each can achieve the same thing, and then once getting to the point where elves start to go off to Arvandor they stick around past the normal extent of their lives like High Mages in service to elven people.

Am I making sense at all?

Edited by - The Masked Mage on 13 Sep 2014 16:59:26
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The Masked Mage
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Posted - 13 Sep 2014 :  17:04:33  Show Profile Send The Masked Mage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
As for the term "knights" I'm thinking that is more of just a name. Like the Knights of Columbus or even actual "knights" of England... individuals of accomplishment who are acknowledged for their contribution and who pledge a measure of devotion.
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The Arcanamach
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 22 Aug 2018 :  02:39:43  Show Profile Send The Arcanamach a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Resurrecting this thread as my wife in playing a Starsinger and I'm attempting to flesh out the possibilities she can aspire too. Any further work done on this MM?

I have a dream that one day, all game worlds will exist as one.
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The Masked Mage
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Posted - 22 Aug 2018 :  03:37:43  Show Profile Send The Masked Mage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
nah - I let it die as no one seemed to think too much of it :P

Might some day but for the time being I am writing up the modern/surviving Zhentarim.
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