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Master of Realmslore
1548 Posts |
Posted - 04 Sep 2014 : 13:39:59
I thought I'd convert the unique lich powers in Monsters of Faerun to Pathfinder.
Coldfire (Su) The lich can create ghostly orbs of blue-green fire that it can hurl as a ranged touch attack with a range of 30 feet. Each orb deals 3d6 points of negative energy damage, and the lich can expend an unused spell slot or spell to add +1d6 damage for every every spell level of the expended slot to its coldfire.
Despair (Su) The lich's touch confers the effect of a crushing despair spell. This replaces the lich's paralyzing touch.
Doom Gaze (Su) The lich's gaze carries death. Any living creature unfortunate enough to meet the lich's gaze must make a Fortitude save or be reduced to -5 hit points, or 0 hit points minus 1 for every two caster levels of the lich, whichever is lower.
Dream Haunting (Su) The lich can visit the dreams of any creature whose name is known to it. This functions as a greater scrying spell, and the lich can confer the effects of a dream or nightmare spell on its target.
Grasp of Death (Su) The lich's hands glow with a hellish black radiance. Any living creature unfortunate enough to be struck by the lich's touch must make a Fortitude save or be reduced to -5 hit points, or 0 hit points minus 1 for every two caster levels of the lich, whichever is lower. This replaces the lich's paralyzing touch.
Grasp of Enfeeblement (Su) The lich's hands glow with eerie blue light. Any living creature unfortunate enough to be struck by the lich's touch must make a Fortitude save or suffer 1d6 points of Strength drain. This replaces the lich's paralyzing touch.
Painwrack Gaze (Su) Anyone unfortunate enough to meet the lich's gaze is inflicted with hellish agony, and suffers 1d6 damage for one round per caster level of the lich (Fortitude halves). In addition, it suffers wracking pains that impose a -4 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks.
Voice of Maleficence (Su) If the lich speaks to its victim for 10 full minutes, it can induce a sleepy trance within its target. The victim falls under the effect of a zone of truth, save that it is unaware of the effect, and additionally suffers a -4 penalty to saving throws made against the lich's mind-affecting spells.
Senior Scribe
747 Posts |
Posted - 06 Sep 2014 : 01:12:03
Wow. I'm assuming these powers would jack the CR up quite a bit? |
Mystic Lemur
58 Posts |
Posted - 12 Sep 2014 : 15:58:46
Of a lich? Not really. These are options, not in addition to their other powers. |
"What mattered our lives now, when our world had been torn from us? Folk wept, or drank, or stood staring out over the land, wondering what new horror each dawn would bring." -A review of the FRCG ;) |
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