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Great Reader

2708 Posts

Posted - 09 Aug 2014 :  00:04:50  Show Profile Send CorellonsDevout a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by rapunzel77

I really hope that more books get written. I admit I'm not a gamer (I have never played D&D although I'd like to play but I'll probably have to wait until I get my Master's degree). Instead, I'm a book nerd and I was introduced to the Forgotten Realms through the Dark Elf books. Since that time, I've read other FR authors and I want to see more novels written and more lore produced. That is what I love the most about this campaign--the rich world/history/lore. So, hopefully more authors are contracted or some of the previous ones return (Elaine Cunningham for instance) to write more novels.

That's exactly like me. I've played D&D a few times, but the novels have been my main focus. I got started with the Drizzt books, and branched out from there. I want more novels, and not just from RAS.

Sad that Kemp is having problems with WotC. I would love to see more Cale books.

Sweet water and light laughter
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Great Reader

2708 Posts

Posted - 09 Aug 2014 :  00:05:49  Show Profile Send CorellonsDevout a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Richard Lee Byers

Wooly, for what it's worth, I do agree that continuity is a desirable thing in a shared world and that a continuity cop is a desirable job for somebody to be doing.

Lilianviaten, thanks for the kind words. I would love to do more with Thay and (as you suspected) start crossing over some of my various FR characters and story lines. (What's Taegan Nightwind doing these days?) Fingers crossed that I eventually get the chance.

I would love a Taegan update! I was fond of him.

Sweet water and light laughter
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Great Reader

7981 Posts

Posted - 09 Aug 2014 :  00:31:50  Show Profile Send Ayrik a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Wooly Bombastus

It's also easier to maintain continuity when you're not blowing up the setting with every second book.
Ah, Wooly goes right for the throat like a vorpal hamster!

To be fair, RLB (and other authors who participate in RSE stuff) are not really at fault. Heavyhanded crater-blasting decisions are just part of the specifications given to them if they want the job. It would be all-too-easy to fingerpoint culprits at Wizbro for making these decisions. While I agree with you wholeheartedly on this issue, Mister Hamster, I think it may be best to follow WotCs fine example of handwaving bad history away and moving onwards. I would hate to see this particularly interesting fine scroll devolve into yet another sullen padlocked RSE-flaming edition-bash fest - at least not before more FR authors have offered commentary, lol.

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Great Reader

7981 Posts

Posted - 09 Aug 2014 :  00:39:33  Show Profile Send Ayrik a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Addendum to my above post, for FR authors:

I understand that none of you can speak for all of you, each makes his/her own decisions for personal reasons, of course.

But do you have any feelings (such as apprehension and reluctance) about accepting the challenge of writing FR novels which are predestined to become controversial, unpopular, vilified, world-altering chapters in Realmslore? Do you embrace (or avoid) writing books that you know will cause your readers to despise you? Are such thoughts about reception by your fanbase even part of the process of considering contractual offers?

Not meaning to be rude. I am just curious.

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Senior Scribe

492 Posts

Posted - 09 Aug 2014 :  00:59:10  Show Profile  Visit Shemmy's Homepage Send Shemmy a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Richard Lee Byers

Thanks to everyone who would like to see me (or anyone in my position) off the bench and back in the game.

As I've noted previously, I hope you guys also realize that most of us novelists write things other than Forgotten Realms, and it's a pretty good bet that if you enjoy our work in the Realms, you'll enjoy our stories set elsewhere, too. So it would be awesome if you'd give those a try.

'Called to Darkness' was awesome btw. I hope to see more Pathfinder stuff from you :)

Shemeska the Marauder, King of the Crosstrade; voted #1 best Arcanaloth in Sigil two hundred years running by the people who know what's best for them; chant broker; prospective Sigil council member next election; and official travel agent for Chamada Holiday specials LLC.
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Richard Lee Byers
Forgotten Realms Author

1814 Posts

Posted - 09 Aug 2014 :  04:54:55  Show Profile  Visit Richard Lee Byers's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Ayrik, nobody sets out to write a book that will displease readers, and nobody but a fool expects to write a book that will please every reader. You try to tell the best story you can and hope it connects with an audience.

With regard to RSE's, while you may despise them, may I respectfully point out that you are only one individual? There are plenty of readers who like the humongous world-threatening epics. I know because my experience has been, the higher the stakes in any of my FR novels, the better it sells. So no, I've never hesitated to sign on for a RSE even though I know that not everybody digs them. Not everybody dug THE SHATTERED MASK or THE BLACK BOUQUET, either, and they are the antithesis of RSE's.

Shemmy, thanks for the kind words. I appreciate it.
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36784 Posts

Posted - 09 Aug 2014 :  05:29:02  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Ayrik

Wooly Bombastus

It's also easier to maintain continuity when you're not blowing up the setting with every second book.
Ah, Wooly goes right for the throat like a vorpal hamster!

To be fair, RLB (and other authors who participate in RSE stuff) are not really at fault. Heavyhanded crater-blasting decisions are just part of the specifications given to them if they want the job. It would be all-too-easy to fingerpoint culprits at Wizbro for making these decisions. While I agree with you wholeheartedly on this issue, Mister Hamster, I think it may be best to follow WotCs fine example of handwaving bad history away and moving onwards. I would hate to see this particularly interesting fine scroll devolve into yet another sullen padlocked RSE-flaming edition-bash fest - at least not before more FR authors have offered commentary, lol.

Oh, I wasn't blaming any of the authors. Quite often, they're given the plot, or at least a rough guideline, and told to execute it... It's the higher-ups who wanted to go Hollywood and have more BOOM.

The point I was making is that the insistence on having these large-scale events, especially in rapid succession, makes maintaining continuity a lot more difficult. When multiple authors are -- again, on WotC's orders -- blowing up different corners of the setting, keeping track of what's intact and who survives becomes considerably more difficult.

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
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I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!
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Great Reader

7981 Posts

Posted - 09 Aug 2014 :  06:52:57  Show Profile Send Ayrik a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thank you for the reply, RLB. And, for whatever it's worth, I have enjoyed your writing overall, even when I find certain plot elements somewhat objectionable. I long ago learned that the Realms are a platform for storytelling, not a pristine museum collectible which should be forever kept intact at all costs, and to accept and enjoy the stories for what they are regardless of how the details play out. I advocate everyone doing as they will within their Realms, and much from your Realms have been positive influences in my own. Let others hate and reject, there's better things to worry about than condemning entertainment.

I apologize for choosing my wording poorly when querying the authors. What I meant was more along the lines of asking "if, based on the reception of similar projects in the past, you can expect your book to generate a fair amount of negative opinion, do you have any reservations about offending your fans?".

I judge from the answer you've given that, if anything, you personally approach such projects as a challenge or as an experiment. Of course you don't want to write "bad" books, just as nobody wants to read "bad" books. I'm sort of speaking about how reader responses affect your writing selections, not about sales revenues ... although I suppose booksales are a strong indicator in themselves. And I hadn't even considered a comparison of popularity between RSE books and non-RSE books.

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Senior Scribe

489 Posts

Posted - 09 Aug 2014 :  19:23:00  Show Profile Send Lilianviaten a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Since we're touching on book sales, does anybody know of a chart or list that details the best selling FR books? Or D&D books for all settings? I know that RAS sells really well, but I know next to nothing about the sales of other authors in the setting. Even for RAS, I don't know which of his books have sold the best. Can anyone help a curious reader?
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Senior Scribe

769 Posts

Posted - 09 Aug 2014 :  19:45:08  Show Profile Send Caolin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I was curious how many Realms books per year were published since '87. It's interesting that the peak was in 98 and it could have been 20 books if they hadn't canceled the Harpers series. That was 16 years ago!! I'm hoping that they eventually go back to the 10-12 per year average.

2014 - 5
2013 - 5
2012 - 11
2011 - 12
2010 - 12
2009 - 12
2008 - 14
2007 - 14
2006 - 14
2005 - 15
2004 - 13
2003 - 10
2002 - 10
2001 - 10
2000 - 10
1999 - 9
1998 - 19
1997 - 5
1996 - 14
1995 - 12
1994 - 7
1993 - 8
1992 - 8
1991 - 8
1990 - 8
1989 - 6
1988 - 4
1987 - 1
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Senior Scribe

508 Posts

Posted - 09 Aug 2014 :  20:52:16  Show Profile Send Tanthalas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
As someone that can enjoy both RSE's and smaller scale books, it would be nice if people stopped pretending that everyone hates RSEs.

Sir Markham pointed out, drinking another brandy. "A chap who can point at you and say 'die' has the distinct advantage".
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Great Reader

4686 Posts

Posted - 09 Aug 2014 :  22:30:37  Show Profile Send Kentinal a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Tanthalas

As someone that can enjoy both RSE's and smaller scale books, it would be nice if people stopped pretending that everyone hates RSEs.

Well indeed some RSE can be welcomed by some people, in general those happy tend not to post praise.

I would further comment some of the claimed RSE might not effect certain games. Example:

Silence of Lolth would not be noticed much if at all on the surface. Tho only thing that might be noticed is if Drow every raided the area at all, the raids became fewer.

Even the attack on Evermeet and fall of the Sun Tower would mostly matter tro Elves living on Evermeet, to a lessor extent elves on the mainland.

"Small beings can have small wisdom," the dragon said. "And small wise beings are better than small fools. Listen: Wisdom is caring for afterwards."
"Caring for afterwards ...? Ker repeated this without understanding.
"After action, afterwards," the dragon said. "Choose the afterwards first, then the action. Fools choose action first."
"Judgement" copyright 2003 by Elizabeth Moon
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Senior Scribe

508 Posts

Posted - 09 Aug 2014 :  22:58:36  Show Profile Send Tanthalas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Some of the things labeled as RSE's also honestly didn't seem like an RSE to me. Like the Year of Rogue Dragons.

I've seen Khelben's death called an RSE too.

Sir Markham pointed out, drinking another brandy. "A chap who can point at you and say 'die' has the distinct advantage".
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Learned Scribe

246 Posts

Posted - 10 Aug 2014 :  02:19:10  Show Profile  Visit Krafus's Homepage Send Krafus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thanks for making the effort of finding out the number of novels per year, Caolin. So, between 2012 and 2013, the FR novel output dropped practically by half. If Wizards continues the current trend of publishing only 5 novels a year, and if RAS continues his current trend of writing 2 per year, that would leave us with only 3 novels a year by other authors.

On the subject of RSEs, I didn't mind the RSEs themselves, just that they came in quick succession and the aftereffects of one often didn't even have time to be seen/mentioned in other books/source before the next RSE was on us.
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Senior Scribe

769 Posts

Posted - 10 Aug 2014 :  04:19:40  Show Profile Send Caolin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yeah, I did it because I was curious to see if there were any lulls during the previous edition changes. There only seemed to be a slowdown during the 2E to 3E transition and then they remained at a constant 10 book/year clip. But nothing like what's going on now. I've been trying to stay positive, but on the face of it things don't look good. But if you think about it more, it kind of doesn't make sense for them to NOT publish books. Considering how many they have been pumping out over the past 15 years, it has to be a money maker for WoTC.
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36784 Posts

Posted - 10 Aug 2014 :  04:28:34  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I don't mind RSEs if they meet a few criteria:

1) that the RSE in question isn't immediately after or concurrent with another RSE. During the 3E era, it felt like there was one every other week, in-setting.

2) that the story being told actually advances the setting. All the War of the Spider Queen did, for example, is cause some havoc in the drow world. Outside of its impact on the drow, it didn't affect the setting at all. It is my opinion that this so-called RSE was about selling books, and nothing else.

3) that the RSE in question has a lasting impact on the setting. I found the Rogue Dragons books to be enjoyable, but once they were done, it was back to business as usual in the Realms, and it was never mentioned again.

The Tuigan invasion is a good example of how I like my RSEs. It was a few year after the ToT, and at least a few years before the arrival of Shade. We had East meet West, and the Shou wound up with a toehold in the Heartlands -- enough presence that encountering a Shou goes from a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence to something still out of the norm for most, but not wholly unprecedented. The politics of the Realms got jostled about; the Zhents, in particular, got lasting benefit from their part in the Alliance.

Shade's return also had a lasting impact, and I do think it helped the setting. I don't list it as a good example, though, because I have a lot of issues with how it was executed, and because I think its impact on the setting was far in excess of what it should have been.

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
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I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!
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Learned Scribe

246 Posts

Posted - 10 Aug 2014 :  14:36:20  Show Profile  Visit Krafus's Homepage Send Krafus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Caolin

But if you think about it more, it kind of doesn't make sense for them to NOT publish books. Considering how many they have been pumping out over the past 15 years, it has to be a money maker for WoTC.

Yes, but how much of that money came from Salvatore alone? I've often had the feeling that Salvatore is the only big moneymaker among the FR authors, with the other authors/series bringing in considerably less revenue, if they broke even at all. So, for 5e, Wizards might have decided to maximize the earnings from Salvatore by having him write two novels a year, and to minimize the lesser earnings/losses from other authors by considerably diminishing the number of non-Salvatore novels.
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Great Reader

2708 Posts

Posted - 10 Aug 2014 :  16:48:07  Show Profile Send CorellonsDevout a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Which is sad. I love RAS, but there are so many other amazing FR authors and stories. And sometimes I feel Salvatore's books aren't always good for lore (though he does a good job with drow). Sometimes I feel the books are "out of touch" with the rest of the Realms, but that's just me. That said, I owe a lot to the Drizzt books, as they got me started on my FR craze. But to those who have only read the Drizzt books, I say branch out!

Sweet water and light laughter
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Great Reader

3802 Posts

Posted - 10 Aug 2014 :  16:50:43  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I've always wondered how someone can still read about the same character after >20 or so books centered on him and not get bored.

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.
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Senior Scribe

769 Posts

Posted - 10 Aug 2014 :  21:25:31  Show Profile Send Caolin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Krafus

Originally posted by Caolin

But if you think about it more, it kind of doesn't make sense for them to NOT publish books. Considering how many they have been pumping out over the past 15 years, it has to be a money maker for WoTC.

Yes, but how much of that money came from Salvatore alone? I've often had the feeling that Salvatore is the only big moneymaker among the FR authors, with the other authors/series bringing in considerably less revenue, if they broke even at all. So, for 5e, Wizards might have decided to maximize the earnings from Salvatore by having him write two novels a year, and to minimize the lesser earnings/losses from other authors by considerably diminishing the number of non-Salvatore novels.

I don't think this is true at all. If it were they would have done it 10 years ago. I mean they averaged 13 books a year for the past 13 years. They would have never put that much money into publishing if it weren't returning some sort of profit. And there's no way that the Salvatore novels were compensating for 10 extra novels a year for the past 13 years.
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52 Posts

Posted - 10 Aug 2014 :  22:05:15  Show Profile  Visit zenmichael's Homepage Send zenmichael a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

1) that the RSE in question isn't immediately after or concurrent with another RSE. During the 3E era, it felt like there was one every other week, in-setting.

Maybe it's because I'm reading them all years later, but it certainly doesn't feel that way to me.

2) that the story being told actually advances the setting. All the War of the Spider Queen did, for example, is cause some havoc in the drow world. Outside of its impact on the drow, it didn't affect the setting at all. It is my opinion that this so-called RSE was about selling books, and nothing else.

I complete agree with everything you say here EXCEPT the basic premise that the WotSQ was a RSE. I don't consider it one ... BECAUSE it didn't affect the setting. Oh, and also, I think it was #1 about selling books (if the books WotC publishes ISN'T about selling books, they're doing something wrong), but very strongly #2 about getting sales on some of their less-tried authors at that point.

3) that the RSE in question has a lasting impact on the setting. I found the Rogue Dragons books to be enjoyable, but once they were done, it was back to business as usual in the Realms, and it was never mentioned again.

And, again, this is why it WASN'T a RSE. So we're agreeing that WotSQ and YotRD WEREN'T RSEs, right?

The Tuigan invasion is a good example of how I like my RSEs. It was a few year after the ToT, and at least a few years before the arrival of Shade. We had East meet West, and the Shou wound up with a toehold in the Heartlands -- enough presence that encountering a Shou goes from a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence to something still out of the norm for most, but not wholly unprecedented. The politics of the Realms got jostled about; the Zhents, in particular, got lasting benefit from their part in the Alliance.

I was actually just going to say, I think the Dragonwall coming down / the Tuigan invasion is the biggest RSE I can think of, after the Avatar trilogy & Return of the Archwizards & the Twilight War (I'm not counting anything past where I've read currently, and I'm not quite out of 3E. It's my understanding the Empyrean Odyssey will up the stakes quite a bit).

Shade's return also had a lasting impact, and I do think it helped the setting. I don't list it as a good example, though, because I have a lot of issues with how it was executed, and because I think its impact on the setting was far in excess of what it should have been.

So, again, beyond the like ... four things we've listed, what else counted as RSEs? The Watercourse trilogy was a great idea, but since we're at square one by the end of it, it really doesn't count much. IIIRC Ivar goes on to some other things that last, according to the 4E campaign guide. And I guess the Threat from the Sea put some sahaugin in that sea, where it's fresh water? /shrug/ Didn't really seem that big a deal to me. So while I ENJOY RSEs, I honestly don't think there've been that many of them. Probably just about the right amount, for my money.

Realms Remembered: A Chronological Read-Through (DR) of Forgotten Realms Fiction
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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

6653 Posts

Posted - 10 Aug 2014 :  23:39:49  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Tanthalas

As someone that can enjoy both RSE's and smaller scale books, it would be nice if people stopped pretending that everyone hates RSEs.

In the good old days, for every fiction RSE there was a gaming product to pick up the pieces and try and fill in the crater. There was some of that in late 3E ... but only "Neverwinter" really tried to achieve that in 4E. Places like Thay - or what's left of it - really, really need an update.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus

Edited by - George Krashos on 10 Aug 2014 23:41:22
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Skilled Spell Strategist

11742 Posts

Posted - 11 Aug 2014 :  01:56:09  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by George Krashos

Originally posted by Tanthalas

As someone that can enjoy both RSE's and smaller scale books, it would be nice if people stopped pretending that everyone hates RSEs.

In the good old days, for every fiction RSE there was a gaming product to pick up the pieces and try and fill in the crater. There was some of that in late 3E ... but only "Neverwinter" really tried to achieve that in 4E. Places like Thay - or what's left of it - really, really need an update.

-- George Krashos

Yeah, I picked up the "Dead in Thay" module hoping to glean some realmslore there. I'm half through it, and so far its only thing that I can find is that there's a resistance movement against Tam.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Senior Scribe

508 Posts

Posted - 11 Aug 2014 :  13:45:05  Show Profile Send Tanthalas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Caolin

Originally posted by Krafus

Originally posted by Caolin

But if you think about it more, it kind of doesn't make sense for them to NOT publish books. Considering how many they have been pumping out over the past 15 years, it has to be a money maker for WoTC.

Yes, but how much of that money came from Salvatore alone? I've often had the feeling that Salvatore is the only big moneymaker among the FR authors, with the other authors/series bringing in considerably less revenue, if they broke even at all. So, for 5e, Wizards might have decided to maximize the earnings from Salvatore by having him write two novels a year, and to minimize the lesser earnings/losses from other authors by considerably diminishing the number of non-Salvatore novels.

I don't think this is true at all. If it were they would have done it 10 years ago. I mean they averaged 13 books a year for the past 13 years. They would have never put that much money into publishing if it weren't returning some sort of profit. And there's no way that the Salvatore novels were compensating for 10 extra novels a year for the past 13 years.

I'm pretty sure that The Hidden One once mentioned that Ed's books (or some of them at least) actually sell close to the numbers RAS puts out.

And I also imagine that any of the authors that reach the NYT best-sellers list are also turning in a nice profit for WotC.

Why RAS gets to publish 2 books per year and other authors don't? Well, I imagine it's a mix between how fast an author can write (not all of them can pump out 2 books per year) and how much money their books make.

Sir Markham pointed out, drinking another brandy. "A chap who can point at you and say 'die' has the distinct advantage".
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Learned Scribe

246 Posts

Posted - 11 Aug 2014 :  14:35:05  Show Profile  Visit Krafus's Homepage Send Krafus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Why RAS gets to publish 2 books per year and other authors don't? Well, I imagine it's a mix between how fast an author can write (not all of them can pump out 2 books per year) and how much money their books make.

IMO Salvatore being able to write two books a year has much to do with writing being his main professional occupation, whereas it's a part-time job for the majority of the other FR authors. I bet that if they could also devote all of their time to writing, they'd be able to match RAS's output.

As for the money aspect, I've said it before and I'll say it again: IMO Wizards is currently wasting a golden opportunity by not publishing a standalone novel or trilogy tied to the upcoming Tyranny of Dragons storyline. That adventure, the first big one for 5e, is going to be the entry point not just to the Realms but to D&D for a lot of players. Giving them memories of the Realms not just through the adventure but also through a novel or novels, memories that they'll remember fondly through the years, seems like a no-brainer to me.

RAS is busy with his usual antagonists in his usual corner of the Realms, so this could have been a great opportunity for another author to step in and enjoy a boost in sales.

Edited by - Krafus on 11 Aug 2014 14:36:47
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Master of Realmslore

1269 Posts

Posted - 11 Aug 2014 :  15:51:21  Show Profile Send Seravin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by George Krashos

Originally posted by Tanthalas

As someone that can enjoy both RSE's and smaller scale books, it would be nice if people stopped pretending that everyone hates RSEs.

In the good old days, for every fiction RSE there was a gaming product to pick up the pieces and try and fill in the crater. There was some of that in late 3E ... but only "Neverwinter" really tried to achieve that in 4E. Places like Thay - or what's left of it - really, really need an update.

-- George Krashos

Ugh, I wish they would bring Thay back to what it was pre-zombie/Lich King era. It was so much more interesting when the Red Wizards ruled with Zulkirs from each school of magic, rather than the overdone land of the dead Szass Tam. Sigh.

Thay REALLY needs to be re-done. Maybe give Szass the boot and shoot him to Vassa and have that his dead frozen zombie world to rule; and give Thay back to Zulkirs from each school EXCEPT necromancy (and have it banned by the wizards as a school; that would be a cool twist to have evil wizards who refuse to use necromancy).

Just a thought.
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Senior Scribe

508 Posts

Posted - 11 Aug 2014 :  17:04:26  Show Profile Send Tanthalas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Krafus
IMO Salvatore being able to write two books a year has much to do with writing being his main professional occupation, whereas it's a part-time job for the majority of the other FR authors. I bet that if they could also devote all of their time to writing, they'd be able to match RAS's output.

I wasn't trying to insult other authors or call them slow. Regardless of their individual circumstance or why they take a certain time to write a book, in practice the only thing that matters is how many books they can actually write.

Sir Markham pointed out, drinking another brandy. "A chap who can point at you and say 'die' has the distinct advantage".
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Great Reader

7981 Posts

Posted - 11 Aug 2014 :  23:34:57  Show Profile Send Ayrik a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Admittedly, the Realms would be a dull and static place without any major RSE-like stuff ever happening. Filled with heroes who really never accomplish anything major enough to leave a mark on the world. And filled with equally dull villains who ultimately never really manage to accomplish anything, except perhaps barely surviving against the unimportant heroes until the end of a trilogy.

Compare this to Epic styles of gameplay, where PC and NPC heroes - after already achieving great renown for their success in countless adventures, quests, and acts of heroism - build mighty strongholds, shape the politics of nations, and counter the most dire threats to the world. Not everyone can be an Elminster, to be sure. But the novels must include remarkable and extraordinary heroes and villains to be plausible in a dynamic Realms setting.

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Master of Realmslore

1621 Posts

Posted - 25 Aug 2014 :  21:31:06  Show Profile Send Gyor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Krafus

Why RAS gets to publish 2 books per year and other authors don't? Well, I imagine it's a mix between how fast an author can write (not all of them can pump out 2 books per year) and how much money their books make.

IMO Salvatore being able to write two books a year has much to do with writing being his main professional occupation, whereas it's a part-time job for the majority of the other FR authors. I bet that if they could also devote all of their time to writing, they'd be able to match RAS's output
As for the money aspect, I've said it before and I'll say it again: IMO Wizards is currently wasting a golden opportunity by not publishing a standalone novel or trilogy tied to the upcoming Tyranny of Dragons storyline. That adventure, the first big one for 5e, is going to be the entry point not just to the Realms but to D&D for a lot of players. Giving them memories of the Realms not just through the adventure but also through a novel or novels, memories that they'll remember fondly through the years, seems like a no-brainer to me.

RAS is busy with his usual antagonists in his usual corner of the Realms, so this could have been a great opportunity for another author to step in and enjoy a boost in sales.

Prehaps that's what Troy was hired to write about, a tie onto Tyranny of Dragons.
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Posted - 26 Aug 2014 :  12:57:30  Show Profile Send Firestorm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Tanthalas

As someone that can enjoy both RSE's and smaller scale books, it would be nice if people stopped pretending that everyone hates RSEs.

I like realm shaking events. The tuigan Horde, etc

I am bored with realm shattering events when they are not done right(Spellplague)
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