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Great Reader

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Posted - 18 Mar 2014 :  22:51:43  Show Profile Send CorellonsDevout a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
I know there was a thread devoted to an excerpt from the book, and people likely ended up discussing more of it there, but I didn't see a thread dedicated to the entirety of the book.

I just finished reading Night of the Hunter. I'm glad to see the old Drizzt back, and the novels have the vibe they once did. I don't like Dahlia, but even I felt sorry for her in this book. However, the ending confused me. Dahlia as a Matron Mother of House Do'Urden? Seriously?

Drow culture is brutal but intriguing, and it was interesting to see it here. To'sun suddenly rejoining his brethren made me want to hit him, though. I liked To'sun, and I was holding out hope that he would be another Drizzt (not exactly like Drizzt, but you get the idea). However, we did get to see Jarlaxle again, which is always nice.

I could go on about the things I did and didn't like, but I won't. I'll leave the discussion open and see where it goes

Sweet water and light laughter

Master of Realmslore

1446 Posts

Posted - 18 Mar 2014 :  23:03:06  Show Profile Send Eilserus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm seriously hoping we see more of Yvonnel the Eternal. That old hag is like the Emperor Palpatine type to the drow of Menzoberranzan and I loved reading about her. I certainly understand the "what we can't take we break" line, but I agree with you on Dahlia as Matron of House Do'Urden. That was definitely a say what moment for me too. Of course, maybe we shouldn't look at Dahlia as a surface elf anymore and more along the lines of some sort of demon infused abomination wearing an elf shell.

I'm wondering if the reconstituted House Do'Urden will be used as a second vote for the Baenre clan or dissolved after everything goes down. Really loved reading about the politics of Menzo and hope we get to see alot more of it in Rise of the King!
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Senior Scribe

382 Posts

Posted - 19 Mar 2014 :  00:06:44  Show Profile Send BenN a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I finished it a few days ago (got the kindle version, read it on my iPad).

Overall, I enjoyed it; like all of RAS' work, it was well written, and the combat, plot development & characterization were well done.

A few thoughts:

Dahlia - I thought her being broken by the Drow was well-done, and I was anticipating this being the prelude to some sort of catharsis later on. I get that she became possessed, but her becoming a Matron Mother was a stretch too far IMHO. I wonder what will happen when/if she finds out that Effron is not dead......

Entreri - Great. RAS seems to be setting him & Dahlia up for some sort of tragic ending.

Immortal characters - I was a bit annoyed with the monk character (can't remember his name off the top of my head) 'miraculously' coming back to life. Enough with the immortal characters already, RAS! (also, if you're going to resurrect someone, Innovindil please. I'll trade her for Catti Brie & Wulfgar).

Tos'un Armgo - interesting character development. A lot has been left unsaid, no doubt to be filled-in in later books, for example:
- why did he leave the Moonwood?
- did he really kill Sinnafain? (or was that just a boast to show he's a 'real' drow?)
- Why did Sinnafain's name change to Sinnafein? ;-)
- what is he thinking, bringing his half-daarthir daughter into the Underdark?

Doum'wielle - another interesting new character. I'm just surprised she wasn't immediately killed by the drow in the Underdark, what with her silvery skin & all. She seems to have been dominated by the sword, but on the other hand she asks her father if he loved her mother - showing that she's not completely turned to evil. But having not one but two daarthir (her & Dahlia) joining up with the drow at the same time, both with inner demons (literally), and presumably both with inner conflicts & chance of redemption, is a bit of a stretch IMO.

The orcs - so the whole 'we should tolerate the Kingdom of Many Arrows, maybe there are some good orcs' thing was a mistake? Fair enough. Seeing as the drow plan to use the orcs to attack everyone (again), it'll be interesting to see what happens. Didn't work out too well for the drow the last time they tried.
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Learned Scribe

108 Posts

Posted - 19 Mar 2014 :  01:54:27  Show Profile Send charger_ss24 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I don't understand the brouhaha on Afafrenfere's "death". Monks are bad asses when it comes to the martial arts and are utterly focused and disciplined. Now, I haven't read the book yet (even though I do have it), but I can see the monk assessing the situation and maybe opts to fall into some sort of inner chi and let the hand he was dealt play out.

If I have a beef with any of these resurrections, it would still be Bruenor's.
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Great Reader

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Posted - 19 Mar 2014 :  02:02:45  Show Profile Send CorellonsDevout a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Afrenfere (or however you spell it) wasn't resurrected because he never died. He was faking his death.

I am one of the few who seems to like it when character's are resurrected lol (to a point, anyway). I am still hoping from an appearance from Zak, but I won't go into that.

There was a short comic series called Cutter that was about To'sun, and the last scene was exactly like the first scene with them in Night of the Hunter, where they scale the walls, comment on thd waterfal, and the drow appear. To'sun and his wife were being chased by orcs, and To'sun betrayed the elf by essentially feeding her to the orcs to "save their daughter". It didn't sit well with me, because I had hopes for To'sun, butboh well, we still don't quite know his game. He could betray the drow army when they attack the Silver Marches.

Sweet water and light laughter
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Learned Scribe

148 Posts

Posted - 19 Mar 2014 :  07:34:10  Show Profile Send Madpig a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by CorellonsDevout

I am one of the few who seems to like it when character's are resurrected lol (to a point, anyway). I am still hoping from an appearance from Zak, but I won't go into that.

I was hoping to see some flashbacks when Jar was made Do'Urden guardcaptain. He should have some thoughts about he's friend who had similiar kind of position ~180years ago.
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Senior Scribe

United Kingdom
517 Posts

Posted - 19 Mar 2014 :  08:09:37  Show Profile  Visit swifty's Homepage Send swifty a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Eilserus

I'm seriously hoping we see more of Yvonnel the Eternal. That old hag is like the Emperor Palpatine type to the drow of Menzoberranzan and I loved reading about her. I certainly understand the "what we can't take we break" line, but I agree with you on Dahlia as Matron of House Do'Urden. That was definitely a say what moment for me too. Of course, maybe we shouldn't look at Dahlia as a surface elf anymore and more along the lines of some sort of demon infused abomination wearing an elf shell.

I'm wondering if the reconstituted House Do'Urden will be used as a second vote for the Baenre clan or dissolved after everything goes down. Really loved reading about the politics of Menzo and hope we get to see alot more of it in Rise of the King!

is matron baenre back?

go back to sleep america.everything is under control.heres american this.shuttup. BILL HICKS.
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Learned Scribe

148 Posts

Posted - 19 Mar 2014 :  08:42:04  Show Profile Send Madpig a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by swifty

Originally posted by Eilserus

I'm seriously hoping we see more of Yvonnel the Eternal. That old hag is like the Emperor Palpatine type to the drow of Menzoberranzan and I loved reading about her. I certainly understand the "what we can't take we break" line, but I agree with you on Dahlia as Matron of House Do'Urden. That was definitely a say what moment for me too. Of course, maybe we shouldn't look at Dahlia as a surface elf anymore and more along the lines of some sort of demon infused abomination wearing an elf shell.

I'm wondering if the reconstituted House Do'Urden will be used as a second vote for the Baenre clan or dissolved after everything goes down. Really loved reading about the politics of Menzo and hope we get to see alot more of it in Rise of the King!

is matron baenre back?

To a point. Not really, but something like it.
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28 Posts

Posted - 19 Mar 2014 :  17:52:11  Show Profile Send yurilowell a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by charger_ss24

I don't understand the brouhaha on Afafrenfere's "death". Monks are bad asses when it comes to the martial arts and are utterly focused and disciplined. Now, I haven't read the book yet (even though I do have it), but I can see the monk assessing the situation and maybe opts to fall into some sort of inner chi and let the hand he was dealt play out.

If I have a beef with any of these resurrections, it would still be Bruenor's.

I've been outspoken about how I didn't like how Afafrenfere ending up being alive the whole time. I've posted this elsewhere so sorry if I'm redundant! I understand he's a monk and I've read several times that this is an ability of monks. They are able to slow down their body function and almost 'hibernate' if you will, for long stretches in order to prolong their life without food, water, etc. It makes perfect sense that he was able to do it here in this spot and I have no issue with it at all.

For me it has nothing to do with Afafrenfere, even. It's more with how we were presented with a character, who was seemingly dead, and yet again they end up surviving. The scale is just starting to tip for me to the point where I have no fear at all for any of the 'good guys' lives, even when they are in what seem to be impossible situations. Something off the wall happens during the encounter and they miraculously make it out each time. Now we are getting these awesome, descriptive fight scenes, which I have always LOVED, and the suspense element of them is starting to go away...

My opinion as to why some many people were not happy Afafrenfere ending up being alive, is because when we thought he was dead, the scale was tipping back. We've seen someone die, so now at least it's possible, and that's in the back of your head while reading. Some suspense/fear element returns. When we find out he is still alive,though, well the scale tips even more the other way. Nothing to do with him being a monk, and thus capable of surviving that ordeal, but more to do with another character yet again making it out alive.

I hope this doesn't sound like I want Bob to turn into GRRM here, because I don't. I don't want main characters to die off all over the place or anything like that. Just maybe, one or two side guys, spread out over a few books to remind us it's possible, so next time I'm reading one of the action scenes I love, I'm actually worried about those involved, and exhaling, thinking 'that was close' when they do make it out alright.

"It's a Drizzit!!!"

“Get him, ser, get him, get him, he's right there!!!”
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Master of Realmslore

1271 Posts

Posted - 19 Mar 2014 :  18:03:09  Show Profile Send Seravin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I think Dahlia behing Matron of House Do'Urden is is what Lolth wants to torment Drizzt. Matren Quenthel is just orchestrating Lolth's will at this point...and it is not really Dahlia, she just shut down mentally after what happened to Effron and is being possessed by Lolth and/or the Mind Flayer.

I wanted MORE Kimmuriel and Jarlaxle, was interesting that Artemis believes it was Bragen Daerth who betrayed them to the Drow; he's going to want to take that out on Jar more than ever now. I always assumed Jarlaxle would assume total ownership of BD when he stopped surface hunting, but they repeatedly called them co-captains throughout the book and made Kimmuriel seem like Jarlaxle's equal. I like when he said he missed Kimmuriel.

I had zero problems with a monk feigning death to get out of a bad situation (it is a signature monk move after all), that seemed fine especially given the beating/fall he took before it happened. The problem I had was the contrivance to have him hang around the other characters while in suspended animation. It made it too easy to telegraph he was still alive. Saw it coming a mile away.

I don't believe Effron is dead. But maybe if Bob has read backlash about Afafrenfre not being dead he will keep Effron dead.

Biggest/best suprise for me was Wulfgar. I really like new Wulfgar and his laid back approach. I liked Regis better in The Companions (where he was superbly written). He kind of reverted back to old Regis in this book a bit while trying hard not to be old Regis; but maybe that is showing him with his old friends versus on his own where he has to rely on himself.

Catti is annoying as every. I was hoping her and Dahlia would finish eachother off.

Bruenor has shown zero character growth since Icewind Dale for me, I think it is the same character. Of all of them, he has changed the least. Especially now that he is out for orc blood AGAIN.
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Great Reader

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Posted - 19 Mar 2014 :  18:13:26  Show Profile Send CorellonsDevout a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Effron isn't dead. There was a scene with him in Port Llast, in which he is contemplating rescuing Dahlia. Of course, he doesn't know what's happened to her, just as she doesn't know he's alive.

Sweet water and light laughter
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Master of Realmslore

1271 Posts

Posted - 19 Mar 2014 :  18:59:54  Show Profile Send Seravin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
oh shoot I skipped that part. Thansk! did they explain what the blob of bones was in Guantlgrym that they all thought was Effron? I was looking for a scene with Effron at the end or in the epilogue somewhere.
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Great Reader

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Posted - 19 Mar 2014 :  19:19:13  Show Profile Send CorellonsDevout a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Um, I don't remember if they explainee what the bones were or not, but the scene that reveals Effron is alive is the first scene in chapter 16 he escaped by reverting to wraith form and slipping into the ground, then reappearing elsewhere

Sweet water and light laughter
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The Red Walker
Great Reader

3563 Posts

Posted - 19 Mar 2014 :  20:31:25  Show Profile Send The Red Walker a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Seravin

oh shoot I skipped that part. Thansk! did they explain what the blob of bones was in Guantlgrym that they all thought was Effron? I was looking for a scene with Effron at the end or in the epilogue somewhere.

Lol, no worries I skipped all the battles....I'm sure I missed a thing or two, but I just can't read another RAS battle.

A little nonsense now and then, relished by the wisest men - Willy Wonka

"We need men who can dream of things that never were." -

John F. Kennedy, speech in Dublin, Ireland, June 28, 1963
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Learned Scribe

343 Posts

Posted - 21 Mar 2014 :  23:00:14  Show Profile Send Aulduron a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I never thought the monk was dead. I kept expecting him to jump up at the right time.

There was no explanation of the skull they said belonged to Effron.

Dahlia is just a figurehead mind slave for Drizzt to see, I'm sure.

I'd like to know where Tosun was going, and why, when they were captured. Did he really think his daughter would have any kind of life in Menzo? I never read the short story that was mentioned.

"Those with talent become wizards, Those without talent spend their lives praying for it"

-Procopio Septus
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35 Posts

Posted - 25 Mar 2014 :  14:28:41  Show Profile Send Aytros a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I haven't kept up with the Sundering books, and this was teh first I read since The, this might be a more general topic for the Sundering at large. Anyway, os if Lolth is trying to moe in on magic to add to her portfolio, how long until the inevitable show down between her and Mystra? Or even more interesting, he and Shar? The mother of darkness has been trying to conquer that area for a lot longer than Lolth
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Senior Scribe

769 Posts

Posted - 26 Mar 2014 :  06:37:56  Show Profile Send Caolin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
For the most part I loved this book. It flowed well and the lore was great. But I absolutely hate this idea of the Darkening. Loth reached into the arcane realm? What does that even mean? And one drow casting a spell that darkens the whole of the Silver Marches? Shouldn't that have been some high magic group spell with some serious sacrifices? I dunno, maybe it's just me. Maybe I'll appreciate it better once the story has concluded and Drizzt and company have once again beat the nasty drow back to their holes.
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Posted - 27 Mar 2014 :  01:42:36  Show Profile Send 4esop a Private Message  Reply with Quote
RAS is setting Lolth up for a glorious mistake. In a classic evil ruler blunder, she is raising the standing of her greatest enemy in the eyes of her people. Ressurecting Do'Urden will make Drizzt larger than life to the Drow. If he wasn't huge already. He certainly will be now. How can he use that status? I suspect that will be the subject of the next few books.
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Senior Scribe

489 Posts

Posted - 28 Mar 2014 :  00:09:38  Show Profile Send Lilianviaten a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Caolin

For the most part I loved this book. It flowed well and the lore was great. But I absolutely hate this idea of the Darkening. Loth reached into the arcane realm? What does that even mean? And one drow casting a spell that darkens the whole of the Silver Marches? Shouldn't that have been some high magic group spell with some serious sacrifices? I dunno, maybe it's just me. Maybe I'll appreciate it better once the story has concluded and Drizzt and company have once again beat the nasty drow back to their holes.

I totally agree that The Darkening should be a high magic spell. There was no reason for the Lady Penitent series to reactive high magic among the drow, if the drow aren't ever going to use it. At the time, it looked like a ridiculous plot device to eliminate Kiaransalee. Now it looks even more that way.

Of course, the same thing could be said about turning 1 out of 5 drow into dark elves, and then 4e never featuring a dark elf protagonist.
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Senior Scribe

489 Posts

Posted - 28 Mar 2014 :  00:15:12  Show Profile Send Lilianviaten a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Aytros

I haven't kept up with the Sundering books, and this was teh first I read since The, this might be a more general topic for the Sundering at large. Anyway, os if Lolth is trying to moe in on magic to add to her portfolio, how long until the inevitable show down between her and Mystra? Or even more interesting, he and Shar? The mother of darkness has been trying to conquer that area for a lot longer than Lolth

There was already a showdown between Lolth and Mystra, which led to Lolth getting beat down. Gromph refers to it early on when talking to Quenthel. It's detailed in one of the adventures, but I'm not sure which one.
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Master of Realmslore

United Kingdom
1150 Posts

Posted - 28 Mar 2014 :  02:28:43  Show Profile  Visit hashimashadoo's Homepage Send hashimashadoo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lilianviaten

There was already a showdown between Lolth and Mystra, which led to Lolth getting beat down. Gromph refers to it early on when talking to Quenthel. It's detailed in one of the adventures, but I'm not sure which one.

That would be in War of Everlasting Darkness where Mystra can show up to lay the smackdown on Danifae (who is one of Lolth's avatars) in Eryndlyn.

When life turns it's back on you...sneak attack for extra damage.

Head admin of the FR wiki:

Edited by - hashimashadoo on 28 Mar 2014 02:30:29
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35 Posts

Posted - 31 Mar 2014 :  16:22:41  Show Profile Send Aytros a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by hashimashadoo

Originally posted by Lilianviaten

There was already a showdown between Lolth and Mystra, which led to Lolth getting beat down. Gromph refers to it early on when talking to Quenthel. It's detailed in one of the adventures, but I'm not sure which one.

That would be in War of Everlasting Darkness where Mystra can show up to lay the smackdown on Danifae (who is one of Lolth's avatars) in Eryndlyn.

Well, it appears that the lesson did not take. So how long before the next beat down? And perhaps by more than just Mystra...she has to be ticking Meilliki off by goig after one of her favoreed personally, and as I wondered before, Shar has to be getting pissed because she has been trying to move in on Magic for a lot longer than Lolth has.
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Master of Realmslore

1190 Posts

Posted - 02 Apr 2014 :  08:36:28  Show Profile  Visit Zireael's Homepage Send Zireael a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I never kept up with the post-4e books except for LP and Blackstaff, and I can't get it in Poland yet.
So my opinions are based on the thread.
I like Matron Baenre being back. What was Tos'un thinking? I'd love to see more on his daughter's perspective on Underdark (it's rare to see half-darthiir there). Two surface elves getting all drow is a bad idea. An even worse idea is to make one of them a Matron.

Do we really see more Danifae?

SiNafay Vrinn, the daughter of Lloth, from Ched Nasad!
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Learned Scribe

290 Posts

Posted - 05 Apr 2014 :  22:27:17  Show Profile Send Renin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ah, my thoughts.

RAS seems to be writing fanfiction of his own work. I realize that these characters are PC gods, but I don't think Drizzt took a single hit this book. I no longer care about a single fight scene. I don't fear any of the outcomes, Drizzt is raised too high, Wulfgar is giving DDTs to driders, Bruenor can channels his gods near any time he needs, and Regis has been taken down several pegs since The Companions. Horribly disappointed by that. Grievious is what I call it.

I DO quite enjoy the many juggled story lines and paths. That is far more enjoyable than the Companions right now. Quenthal, Gromph, Mez'Barris, To'sun, Jaraxle, Tiago, Berellip, Entreri, Stoney; all are fantasticly taken through a literary voyage that is great because it doesn't hinge on the Companions.

Of the Companions themselves, I'm terribly unimpressed with Regis not being the forthright halfling he was as the Spider. That person seemed to make himself an impressive leader, at least a person that always made sure things came out on top for him. For him to take the ribbing of 'Rumblebelly' this entire book irritated me to no end; as it should Regis! Of any of them, Regis seems the least likely to stick out as a friend to the end. Not calling him a bad person or selfish; but his life is far more than just killing orcs for Bruenor's kingdom.

Bruenor; was he ever seen as a wise king? Or just a warmonger? Hard to believe in anything other than that. His passions have pursued him his whole life, and been the real only course he follows.

Wulgar is awesome. Finally. :D

Catti-brie. Ugh. There is no character to this woman. RAS has said how he doesn't enjoy writing magicians, and it shows up in the lack of anything resembling personality with Catti-brie. There is nothing about her resurrection as presented here that draws me to the character whatsoever. Best part was her speech about the Many-Arrows kingdom, and that was it.

But I certainly see another 3 trilogies resulting from the storylines presented shortage of Drizzt books to come!
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Great Reader

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Posted - 05 Apr 2014 :  22:46:43  Show Profile Send CorellonsDevout a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I actually like Catti as a wizard, but if RAS doesn't, why did he make her one? Because every adventuring party needs a wizard? Lol

Sweet water and light laughter
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Posted - 05 Apr 2014 :  23:32:25  Show Profile Send yandrak66 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The events of the book and War of Everlasting Darkness take place at the same time, between 1484-1485 DR, during the timeline of The Sundering. The Darkening that appears in the book is the same one mentioned in the adventure.
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Master of Realmslore

1446 Posts

Posted - 06 Apr 2014 :  00:43:44  Show Profile Send Eilserus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I wonder if RAS is setting the Baenre up for their final fall. Lolth was pretty mad she didn't win Drizzt's soul over. Imagine what she'll do to the Baenre when they fail. I'd hate to see it done because I love the Baenre family, but man would that make for some fun reading once that city civil war kicked off!
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Learned Scribe

157 Posts

Posted - 11 Apr 2014 :  23:03:03  Show Profile Send jerrod a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I Am sorry for not having much to say except Salvatore has finally catch my attention again after a decade of disappointments. I love Beanre THE ETERNAL. I never realized how much she influenced my love for salvatore's work. Drizzt stopped being interesting years ago,but now I can stomach more of his long as the spirit of yovonnel endures!

I haven't been here in years but I used to be DARKFLAME MILLITHOR(DROW ARCHMAGE of wildmagic
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Master of Realmslore

1287 Posts

Posted - 14 Apr 2014 :  15:40:52  Show Profile Send Mournblade a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I realize that I like all the old companions but I just don't care about any of the new ones. The monk, the dwarf cleric, effron, gods I hate Dahlia, I was hoping they were dead so they would not be written about again.

I really hate EMO characters like Dahlia and the psionicist addict from one of Kemp's book. I can't find anything good about them. I found the dark elf scheming in this book much better than the companion interaction.

Really though for me there was too much "NEAR DEATH." Having one character escape death with a plot coupon is OK, but everyone of them except Amber did. Effron escaped, the monk escaped, and Dahlia had her little pass. I liked the book, but there was too much MARVEL back from the dead. It was the worse part.

A wizard is Never late Frodo Baggins. Nor is he Early. A wizard arrives precisely when he means to...
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Senior Scribe

382 Posts

Posted - 15 Apr 2014 :  00:37:22  Show Profile Send BenN a Private Message  Reply with Quote
For myself, I'd prefer a mix 'n match of the old and new companions.

The old:
Wulfgar: don't care.
Bruenor: OK, keep him.
Catti-Brie: less annoying than her previous incarnation. But she should break up with Drizzt & leave him (serves him right! Can't stand the self-righteous "Ooooh! I will always love my wife, even though she's been dead for 100 years!" stuff). Their married couple routine is getting boring.
Regis: I quite like his new persona; less of a one-dimensional comedy fall-guy this time around. He should be joined by Donnola Topolino.

The new:
Afafrenfere: Don't care at all. Tragic death long overdue.
Ambergris: Keep her. Should marry Bruenor. Cue: comedy dwarven marriage spats.
Entreri: Definitely keep him. The most interesting of the lot.
Effron: Don't care.
Dahlia: Keep. She is nasty & all, and of course there is the reason for her evil ways. She's interesting, because there are hints that she is not beyond redemption. I suppose I fantasize that she will metamorph into Innovindil mk.2.

Can't wait for the next book; I suspect that Dahlia is being set up for a tragic redemption, after she finally realizes that Effron is still alive. My guess is that Entreri will give her what she wants (death & peace) in the end.

One of the story threads I'm most looking forward to is to see what happens with Doum'wielle Armgo and her Dad. Will she overcome her murderous sword? Will she really use it to attack her mother's people? Is her mother really dead?
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Learned Scribe

148 Posts

Posted - 17 Apr 2014 :  07:34:47  Show Profile Send Madpig a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by BenN

Regis: I quite like his new persona; less of a one-dimensional comedy fall-guy this time around. He should be joined by Donnola Topolino.

The new:
Afafrenfere: Don't care at all. Tragic death long overdue.
Ambergris: Keep her. Should marry Bruenor. Cue: comedy dwarven marriage spats.
Entreri: Definitely keep him. The most interesting of the lot.
Effron: Don't care.
Dahlia: Keep. She is nasty & all, and of course there is the reason for her evil ways. She's interesting, because there are hints that she is not beyond redemption. I suppose I fantasize that she will metamorph into Innovindil mk.2.

Can't wait for the next book; I suspect that Dahlia is being set up for a tragic redemption, after she finally realizes that Effron is still alive. My guess is that Entreri will give her what she wants (death & peace) in the end.

One of the story threads I'm most looking forward to is to see what happens with Doum'wielle Armgo and her Dad. Will she overcome her murderous sword? Will she really use it to attack her mother's people? Is her mother really dead?

I have strong feeling that Donnola will join companions at some point. Then Regis can remain with companions. If she wont join, then I dont see how Regis could remain very long.

Dahlia part: I think that she has been CE since her tragic encounter with Herzo Alegni. So I think there shouldnt be redemption to be had there.

Ambergris would make perfect love interest for Bruenor, that would be AWESOME!

I certainly that Tos Un's wife is not dead. There should be more depth to that!
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