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The Blind Ranger
15 Posts |
Posted - 15 Oct 2004 : 00:54:46
Greetings Lady Cunningham!
To be sure, though it would take one less time to blink than it would to count the number of posts I have made, my interest and curiosity in the Realms and those who have invested much of their time and effort in it is great. As such, I would know what it is that draws you to these Forgotten Realms time and again, something less obvious perhaps that you have not mentioned before, or something small but significant that you try to bring out in your writing (that we readers may have missed)? I imagine your answer might be much simpler than my lengthy question, as such things tend to be, but anything you can provide would be greatly appreciated!
From he who avidly seeks to read the Counselors & Kings trilogy very soon, The Blind Ranger |
I see what I need when my sight is not enough. |
Master of Realmslore
1272 Posts |
Posted - 16 Oct 2004 : 01:49:34
Ms Cunningham,
I have a question regarding one of your characters, Myrin Silverspear. Is Myrin Silverspear and Myronthilar Silverspear the same person? The reason I ask this because I was re-reading Elfshadow the other day and near the end of the book Bran Skorlsun mentions that he finds it strange that a captain of Evermeet's guards would become an innkeeper. This elven innkeeper also treated Aryiln very well and acted as if she was royalty everytime she had visited the Halfway Inn. Then I remember in Evermeet, there was an elf named Myronthilar Silverspear who was one of King Zoar's friends. He also eventually became a captain of Evermeet's guards.
Thanks for your help. |
"Trust in the shadows, for the bright way makes you an easy target." -Mask |
Senior Scribe
516 Posts |
Posted - 16 Oct 2004 : 03:36:22
Ms. Cunningham,
It's me again! 
One last question: What resources would you suggest I use to create a good cover letter for a first time submission?
Melfius |
Melfius, Pixie-Priest of Puck - Head Chef, The Faerie Kitchen, Candlekeep Inn "What's in his pockets, besides me?" Read a tale of my earlier days! - Happiness Comes in Small Packages |
3 Posts |
Posted - 17 Oct 2004 : 01:37:50
Ms. Cunningham, I love your work although I hated to see some of the characters end the way they did.(warning:Spoiler)I really related with Fyodor,he did go out in a blaze of glory though,thank you for that. Also in the Spelljammer ,"The Radiant Dragon" I loved Raven Stormwalker A.K.A Celestial Nightpearl.I suppose she died although you left it open.Might we see her again in a dragon book or on Evermeet? Thanks for all you have given us!!
Minsc Boo says hi too.
Minsc and Boo
Fighting evil and looking for our witch. |
Forgotten Realms Author
2396 Posts |
Posted - 17 Oct 2004 : 13:59:05
Okay, time for a catch-up post!
First, cover letters.
Here's a couple of useful links:
The first webpage lists some good how-to books that focus on cover and query letters. I also recommend The Writer's Digest Guide to Manuscript Formats.
Regarding Raven Stormwalker, the title character of The Radiant Dragon:
I've never received any indication from WotC that they intend to revisit any of the material or characters from the Spelljammer series. I personally have no plans to write more about this character. A radiant dragon is specific to the Spelljammer setting, and its size and power is scaled for its environment: "the Void." A dragon of celestial proportions would have problems turning around on Evermeet without knocking down significant acreage of ancient forestland.
Regarding Myrin Silverspear:
Good eye! Yep, the elven innkeeper is indeed King Zaor's old buddy. He is a very old elf--not that it's easy to tell such things--and although he feels that his days as a soldier are behind him, he takes his current posting very seriously, and he keep Queen Amlaruil (who, by the way, has already tired of her recent experiments with dark hair and has returned to her natural red-blond...;) ) aware of developments in this important elven settlement.
What draws me to the Realms?
The feeling I had when reading the old gray boxed set: This is a rich, detailed world that's well worth exploring. I love the sense of history inherent in the Realms. Every now and then I get the feeling that I'm working to uncover hidden lore, not making up new stuff. |
Forgotten Realms Author
2396 Posts |
Posted - 17 Oct 2004 : 14:16:19
Just a quick note regarding the short story submission to Amazing. This magazine, recently resurrected by Paizo Publishing, has a long history and is something of an icon in the world of sf/fantasy publishing. It's not the most likely publisher for a first-time writer. I'm not saying it's IMPOSSIBLE that your story will be accepted, but I'm pointing out that you're going up against a lot of competition and a very tough editor (Dave Gross is one of the most particular editors I've worked with), so you shouldn't regard a rejection, if such is forthcoming, as an indictment on your writing talent or your story. If your story is not accepted, shrug it off and submit it immediately to another market. Check out for an excellent, up-to-date list of markets.
Of course, there's always the chance that your story is accepted by the first market you approach, in which case, the cyber-champagne is on me! :)
The above is good general-purpose advice, nonetheless. Persistance is one of a writer's most valuable traits. The ability to shrug off rejection, sleep deprivation, and nasty reviews on is another.
Speaking of which, I've posted my thoughts concerning this subject (reader criticism) on my online journal, Comments and discussion welcome. :) |
Edited by - ElaineCunningham on 17 Oct 2004 14:17:56 |
Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36860 Posts |
Posted - 17 Oct 2004 : 17:19:42
quote: Originally posted by ElaineCunningham
Queen Amlaruil (who, by the way, has already tired of her recent experiments with dark hair and has returned to her natural red-blond...;) )
Dang, that means I can't keep selling her Wooly Rupert's Wondrous Hair Dye! 
Maybe I could get some other elven ladies on Evermeet interested in it...  |
Candlekeep Forums Moderator
Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore -- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct
I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!  |
3 Posts |
Posted - 17 Oct 2004 : 17:32:37
Ms. Cunningham, Thanks for answering my question.Sorry that I didn't explain myself better though, I didn't think a radiant dragon would land on Evermeet in dragon form but as an elf or even a hummingbird as Celestial Nightpearl used before.(Tearing down forest on Evermeet would not be good) I still wish you could have written more of the Spelljammer novels, I love the way you make a character come to life. Ever your fan, Minsc PS. I get the impression you like coffee too!(still not tax-deductable.) |
Minsc and Boo
Fighting evil and looking for our witch. |
2 Posts |
Posted - 19 Oct 2004 : 00:02:25
Ms. Cunningham,
I just wanted to compliment you on your excellent works. I enjoyed them immensely and feel authors rarely receive the credit they deserve.
Edited by - druidofsleep on 19 Oct 2004 00:12:29 |
Forgotten Realms Author
2396 Posts |
Posted - 19 Oct 2004 : 00:42:59
Thanks, druidofsleep, and welcome to Candlekeep.
I'm not sure I agree with you regarding writers and credit deserved. Writers get to work at jobs (or second jobs) that are interesting and creative, and we have the occasional invigorating bout of cognitive dissonance whenever it hits us that people actually read this stuff we sit around making up. And sometimes we get paid for writing. It's a pretty good deal, all things considered! :) |
2 Posts |
Posted - 19 Oct 2004 : 03:03:36
I see your point. Keep writing. I can't wait to read your next work. |

50 Posts |
Posted - 19 Oct 2004 : 03:11:01
Ms. Cunningham,
I was wondering which of your works you liked the best. Of course, if you wish to keep this to yourself, I will complete understand.
COntinue writing. I look forward to your next novel. |
Normal is what we choose it to be. |
Forgotten Realms Author
2396 Posts |
Posted - 19 Oct 2004 : 04:20:36
quote: Originally posted by sushisauce
Ms. Cunningham,
I was wondering which of your works you liked the best.
It's difficult to pick a single book or short story, since each have their strengths and weaknesses. Some were more fun to write than others--ELFSONG, for example, and the Esther Friesner-inspired short story "The Direct Approach," in REALMS OF MAGIC. |
7 Posts |
Posted - 29 Oct 2004 : 11:33:05
Firs I wan t to say you are doing great job. Can you tell me did you read all forgotten realms books and which one was your favorite? |
Forgotten Realms Author
2396 Posts |
Posted - 29 Oct 2004 : 18:41:10
quote: Originally posted by rafa42
First I want to say you are doing great job. Can you tell me did you read all forgotten realms books and which one was your favorite?
Thanks, rafa. I used to read all the Forgotten Realms books, both the novels and the game products. These days I am no longer working exclusively in the Forgotten Realms, so I have to devote more of my reading and research time to other topics. I still read quite a few of the FR products, and it's hard to pinpoint a single favorite. |
Forgotten Realms Author
38 Posts |
Posted - 29 Oct 2004 : 22:10:20
quote: Originally posted by ElaineCunningham
... (Dave Gross is one of the most particular editors I've worked with) ...
I think I'll take that as a compliment. Either that, or I'll add "particular" to my next business card. It's almost as good as "peculiar." :)
Dave |
Forgotten Realms Author
2396 Posts |
Posted - 31 Oct 2004 : 20:10:42
quote: Originally posted by Dave_Gross
quote: Originally posted by ElaineCunningham
... (Dave Gross is one of the most particular editors I've worked with) ...
I think I'll take that as a compliment. Either that, or I'll add "particular" to my next business card. It's almost as good as "peculiar." :)
Hi, Dave! Long time no hear from. Things good over at Amazing?
The word choice wasn't overtly complimentary, although one is implied. By "particular" I meant that you knew what kind of story you were looking for. A lot of editors say a story isn't right for them, but not many can define what it is they ARE looking for. Clarity is good: you have an idea what sort of story to submit. When I submitted stories to DRAGON Magazine, I expected to have at least one revision pass, or even to have the story rejected outright. As for Amazing, I wouldn't consider submiting anything just yet. I'm working on my ability to tell an effective short story, and hope that someday I'll feel comfortable enough with a story to submit it to Amazing. But that day isn't here yet.
As for business cards, one of the funniest examples came from an editor who was greeted at a con with, "Hi, X! Are you still a bee in the ass of the publishing industry?" He was vastly amused by this and thought it would make a great second line for a business card: Bee in the ass of the publishing industry since 1987.
Change of topic.
To all and sundry:
I'm signing off for a while. Several projects to finish up, a couple of new ones beginning, web design and maintenance woefully out of date, upcoming convention committments, lots of non-writing stuff going on. And I just plain need a break from the internet.
Anyone who wishes to reach me can do so through email. I'll also be maintaining my online writing journal at
Edited by - ElaineCunningham on 31 Oct 2004 20:23:02 |
Head Moderator

United Kingdom
5696 Posts |
Posted - 31 Oct 2004 : 20:15:24
quote: Originally posted by ElaineCunningham
On that cheerful note, I'm signing off for a while. Several projects to finish up, a couple of new ones beginning, web design and maintenance woefully out of date, upcoming convention committments, lots of non-writing stuff going on. And I just plain need a break from the internet.
Anyone who wishes to reach me can do so through email. I'll also be maintaining my online writing journal at
Fair ye well, Elaine. I will ensure thy desk here stays clean and tidy for thy return.  ..oh, and ensure ye do return, for I do not want to be sending out a search party   |
Alaundo Candlekeep Forums Head Moderator
Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore -- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct
An Introduction to Candlekeep - by Ed Greenwood The Candlekeep Compendium - Tomes of Realmslore penned by Scribes of Candlekeep
Edited by - Alaundo on 31 Oct 2004 20:15:53 |
25 Posts |
Posted - 01 Nov 2004 : 22:37:31
Hi Elaine! At last The Windwalker hit the shelves in Turkey and the trilogy is complete (its a wonderful feeling to stare at the books 1-2-3 in the shelf) and the whole starlight & shadows book sales have gone crazy!
ppl over here like your work (mostly girls who had enough drizzt themselves ;) ) |
this is the end of the world news: sponsored by god |

54 Posts |
Posted - 08 Nov 2004 : 16:49:18
Yes, fare thee well, Ms. Cunningham.
And Alaundo: How many times do I have to tell thee how to use thou, thee and ye? It is "Fare thee well" . |
Yonde iru, mune no doko ka oku de Itsumo kokoro odoru yume wo mitai Kanashimi wa kazoekirenai keredo Sono mukou de kitto anata ni aeru |
Great Reader
4740 Posts |
Posted - 08 Nov 2004 : 18:26:33
Ah, but Alaundo's an old sage (more than five hundred winters, right? ), and in that time, the language has shifted . . . you can't blame him for getting confused from time to time, he's just got more important things to think about.  |
Hell hath no fury like all of Candlekeep rising in defense of one of its own.
Download the brickfilm masterpiece by Leftfield Studios! See this page for more. |
Head Moderator

United Kingdom
5696 Posts |
Master of Realmslore
1272 Posts |
Posted - 27 Nov 2004 : 22:22:09
Ms. Cunningham,
I have two questions, both concerning Kymil Nimesin. The first one is what is happening with this traitorious sun elf? Last I read about him was in Evermeet, when he teleported away from Lamuril's attack. Is it safe to assume that Lolth has him now as Kymil used a gem that the Spider Queen gave him to escape?
Second, does Kymil Nimesin have any connection with the elf supremacist group, the Eldreth Veluuthra? The reason I ask is that, both have the same "old elven standards" mentality that dates back to Myth Drannor. Also, Kymil has made alliances and deals with many evil organizations already, such as the Red Wizards and Zhentarim, so I was wondering if he had done the same with this small, but important, group? |
"Trust in the shadows, for the bright way makes you an easy target." -Mask |
Great Reader
7915 Posts |
Posted - 04 Dec 2004 : 06:18:51
Anyone know what happened to Elaine's blog? Its been down for a few days now or did she move it? |
For some of us, books are as important as almost anything else on earth. What a miracle it is that out of these small, flat, rigid squares of paper unfolds world after world, worlds that sing to you, comfort and quiet and excite you... Books are full of the things that you don't get in real life - wonderful, lyrical language, for instance, right off the bat. - Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird
Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium |
Kameron M. Franklin
Forgotten Realms Author
228 Posts |
Posted - 04 Dec 2004 : 19:19:14
She deleted Elf Notes and started a new blog, Elven Bard.
Edit: doh, sorry about that. Must not have C&Pd the whole URL. I've fixed it. |
"You keep saying that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." --Inigo Montoya, The Princess Bride |
Edited by - Kameron M. Franklin on 06 Dec 2004 20:11:35 |
Great Reader
5517 Posts |
Posted - 04 Dec 2004 : 20:41:57
quote: Originally posted by Kameron M. Franklin
She deleted Elf Notes and started a new blog.
If anyone else is having problems with that link, try this instead. |
Great Reader
7915 Posts |
Posted - 04 Dec 2004 : 20:51:07
quote: Originally posted by SiriusBlack
quote: Originally posted by Kameron M. Franklin
She deleted Elf Notes and started a new blog.
If anyone else is having problems with that link, try this instead.
Aye I was also having problems with the link and danka Kameron. :) |
For some of us, books are as important as almost anything else on earth. What a miracle it is that out of these small, flat, rigid squares of paper unfolds world after world, worlds that sing to you, comfort and quiet and excite you... Books are full of the things that you don't get in real life - wonderful, lyrical language, for instance, right off the bat. - Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird
Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium |
Great Reader
3308 Posts |
Posted - 06 Dec 2004 : 17:11:44
The secret (which took me a while to figure out) is to put double inverted commas around the URL. |
Kameron M. Franklin
Forgotten Realms Author
228 Posts |
Posted - 06 Dec 2004 : 20:13:45
Whereas, on php-based forums, it doesn't like the quotation marks.  |
"You keep saying that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." --Inigo Montoya, The Princess Bride |
Great Reader
5517 Posts |
Posted - 10 Dec 2004 : 02:52:56
For those fans eagerly looking forward to the Waterdeep novel, Elaine's blog entries for December 4th and 6th provide some information about the novel's status. |
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