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 The Yellow Silk (Possibility of mild spoilers)
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Basaxerxes the First

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Posted - 09 Feb 2004 :  22:32:25  Show Profile  Visit Basaxerxes the First's Homepage Send Basaxerxes the First a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
So, well, yes, I just finished reading it on the weekend, and I'm interested in hearing what others thought of it.

For my part, I found it very enjoyable. True, the main villain's motives I found just a wee bit anti-climactic, in the end, but that's a minor quibble. I don't think I'd ever read anything set in that particular part of the Realms before, so that added a bit of colour for me to what had simply been a patch on the map. In addition on a couple of occasions when I said "Aha, I know exactly what is going to happen next" (Well, I didn't actually say that, since I was mostly reading the book on the bus, and people would have looked at me funny), I turned out to be dead wrong, which is always refreshing. Anyway, as I said, I definitely felt like I got my money's worth, and look forward to any future adventures of Li and Tycho.

Speaking of the possibility of future adventures, am I correct in believing that The Yellow Silk is the last of the Rogue books?

Oi! Thump!

Edited by - Basaxerxes the First on 09 Feb 2004 22:35:50


26 Posts

Posted - 10 Feb 2004 :  00:39:22  Show Profile  Visit mother1219's Homepage Send mother1219 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yes Basa, Rogues is the 4th and final book of the Rogues Series.


I too read The Yellow Silk over the weekend. It was a well-paced, fun read. I felt like Mr. Bassingthwaite convincingly conveyed some of Li's frustration of being in a strange land, especially one where everyone thought of him as an "elfblood", and that's not a good thing in this place, by the way. I found that to be a pretty impressive aspect of the book, and makes me wonder if Mr. Bassingthwaite has ever spent much time in a foreign country himself.

I would have to agree that the main villian's final motivations were a bit anti-climactic, but they weren't really done in a cliche way that was unpleasant.

I thought the idea of the pirate-sorceress's curse was pretty good, though I'm not sure how I feel about Yu-mao turning out to be Black Scratch.

Also, big kudos to Mr. Bassingthwaite for the way Veseene died. I figured she would over exert herself, or die from the overdose of tea with a smile as she whispered something to Tycho. The tea almost certainly would have killed her, except that Mr. Bassingthwaite swoops in with the utterly fitting and appropriate, but still jarring (in a very good way) dagger to the head. I definitely didn't see it coming, and as Basa said...that's usually a good thing.

Also, kudos on some of the lingo of the area. It alwaws adds nice flavor to a fantasy novel when characters have regional dialects and phrases.

Overall, I also enjoyed it. I can't recall any of the particular lines now, but I actually laughed outloud a few times (at lines that were supposed to be funny, of course), and that's a rarity for me.

And it's about time there was a real mean halfling out there in a book. Brin definitely fit the bill.

Anyway, I'd recommend picking it up to anyone who hasn't. Of course, if you've read all of this commentary, and haven't actually read the book...well...hey, I said *BIG SPOILERS BELOW* didn't I?

Also, thanks to the folks at Candlekeep for taking in us WotC and MoP (in particular) refugees.


History shows again and again how nature points out the folly of men...Godzilla.

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35 Posts

Posted - 10 Feb 2004 :  01:52:34  Show Profile  Visit CurseLord's Homepage Send CurseLord a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I also just recently finished this book and it has been one of the most fun and enjoyable books that I have read in a good long while. I really liked the characters of Li and Tycho and thought that they played well off each other. If possible, I would defently enjoy reading any further adventures of these two characters.
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Learned Scribe

273 Posts

Posted - 10 Feb 2004 :  02:17:01  Show Profile  Visit Crust's Homepage Send Crust a Private Message  Reply with Quote
So the new Rogue book contains a character named Tycho?

Oh no... That's not creating the right image.

"That's right, hurl back views that force ye to think by name-calling - 'tis the grand old tradition, let it not down! Anything to keep from having to think, or - Mystra forfend - change thy own views!"

Narnra glowered at her father. "Just how am I to learn how to think? By being taught by you?"

"Some folk in the Realms would give their lives for the chance to learn at my feet," Elminster said mildly. "Several already have."

~from Elminster's Daughter, Ed Greenwood
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Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 10 Feb 2004 :  17:07:50  Show Profile  Visit dbassingthwaite's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hi all -

Woo-hoo! It's aways great to hear that people liked a book. Thanks! I'm glad you've all enjoyed it.

So lessee if there's anything I can add...

Setting it in Altumbel - actually my editor asked me to set it there, so it wasn't my idea, but it was fun getting to play with a fairly undeveloped area. A few things for the area were already set, like the locals' dislike for elves, but I did play a little loose with some things (for instance the official description of Spandeliyon). It also meant that I got a sneak peek at the Unapproachable East source book while I was working.

Surprise twists - awesome. That's what I was going for because that's what I like reading, too.

Local slang - thanks! I was trying to strike a blance between colourful and over-the-top.

Brin - heh-heh... He was a lot of fun. I really wanted to take a halfling way beyond the stereotype.


Don Bassingthwaite
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86 Posts

Posted - 23 Oct 2006 :  18:07:40  Show Profile  Visit quajack's Homepage Send quajack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
What a book! The Yellow Silk has just vaulted its way into my top 10 list of FR novels. I've read about 130, so that's saying something. Brin is one of the most dispicable villains in all of Faerun. Definately read this book before it goes OOP.
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 01 Nov 2006 :  23:30:33  Show Profile  Visit Aglaranna's Homepage Send Aglaranna a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thank you for being helpful to my dillemma. I'm dirt poor right now...So I know if I tromp into the bookstore and demand to be taken to the Yellow Silk, ASAP, I won't be wasting my eight dollars that I could have used on something edible. I wasn't kidding when I mentioned that I'm living off of Forgotten Realms novels.

"You can choose a ready guide
In some celestial voice
If you choose not to decide
You still have made a choice

You can choose from phantom fears
And kindness that can kill
I will choose the path that's clear
I will choose freewill." -'Freewill' by Rush
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 01 Nov 2006 :  23:44:46  Show Profile Send Ergdusch a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Then you have to go and get it - it really is very enjoyable. I have read it too and loved it. Finished it on a singe weekend. SO you won't waste your money on that one.

"Das Gras weht im Wind, wenn der Wind weht."
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 01 Nov 2006 :  23:58:15  Show Profile  Visit Aglaranna's Homepage Send Aglaranna a Private Message  Reply with Quote
*bows* Why thank you, O Wise One. I should probably finish my other books first, though...At least I'm not short on things to read just yet.

"You can choose a ready guide
In some celestial voice
If you choose not to decide
You still have made a choice

You can choose from phantom fears
And kindness that can kill
I will choose the path that's clear
I will choose freewill." -'Freewill' by Rush
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Master of Realmslore

1720 Posts

Posted - 02 Nov 2006 :  09:20:08  Show Profile Send Ergdusch a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Aglaranna

I wasn't kidding when I mentioned that I'm living off of Forgotten Realms novels.

Originally posted by Aglaranna

*bows* Why thank you, O Wise One. I should probably finish my other books first, though...At least I'm not short on things to read just yet.

Good to know! That means you will live a while longer!

"Das Gras weht im Wind, wenn der Wind weht."
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68 Posts

Posted - 09 Nov 2006 :  06:54:46  Show Profile  Visit Twilight's Homepage Send Twilight a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The Yellow silk My Fav FR book
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Senior Scribe

South Africa
748 Posts

Posted - 23 Feb 2007 :  06:25:02  Show Profile  Visit Kyrene's Homepage Send Kyrene a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Just finished it last night and I have to say, apart from guessing that a certain pig is a certain other pig way too early, this has also become one of my favourite FR novels. Highlights (in no particular order):
Brin the psychotic evil hin.
Bardic magic described as music (as opposed to other arcane and divine magic).
The Lark, what a classy dame!
Gritty Spandeliyon in the grip of two crime bosses.
East meets West culture shock.
Laera's sacrifice.
Li and Tycho always being just a little bit too easy to rile up than what's healthy for either of them. They definately belong together, even if just to contain the chaos they seem capable of.

I also enjoyed "Beer with a Fat Dragon", even though I read it before The Yellow Silk, and will probably now enjoy it even more when I read it again.

Great book, definately recommended.

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