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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 10 Dec 2013 :  12:36:19  Show Profile Send Alruane a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic

As it is, I am returning to the game and using EXCLUSIVELY Pathfinder and only Pathfinder. I cannot wait to begin my first DM campaign this week, it's a beginner first level NEW START campaign. But it'll shake the rust off my skills and hopefully pull me back into the game I love dearly. Anyway, my fellow sages, I would like to host this discussion about the PF if anyone is willing? Talk about your adventures, early adventures to most recent. What you love about Pathfinder, what you may dislike, how you DM your campaign, or how YOUR DM runs their campaign. I'd like others views on it and talk to other fans of PF. So feel free to share anything, tips, tools, ideas, plans for characters, DM techniques, favored campaigns and adventures, anything you wish!

" I wonder if you are destined to be forgotten. Will your life fade in the shadow of greater beings?"
~Joneleth Irenicus

"Wisdom? My dear boy, wisdom is knowing that you do not know everything. Wisdom is realizing, a wise man ALWAYS has questions. Not answers."


Master of Realmslore

United Kingdom
1150 Posts

Posted - 10 Dec 2013 :  15:35:45  Show Profile  Visit hashimashadoo's Homepage Send hashimashadoo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well I've never actually been a player in a PF game, only a GM so I ca only speak to my experiences as a GM.

I've run through the beginning of the Rise of the Runelords AP and also the We Be Goblins! module (that was A LOT of fun ).

I've been looking to find more people to run PF games with but those I knew who played PF before I got into it have a full group and an established GM and most of the other roleplayers I know are surprisingly reticent to play anything other than DnD.

Pathfinder tends to encourage players to do their own thing during adventures but I've found so far that a lot of players, especially those new to the game don't have the imagination or knowledge to do that and my players use the opportunities I give them to behave drunkenly - which is fine but that free time could be spent much more practically for their characters. A GM should give new PCs options rather than just asking them if there's anything they'd like to do. Not too many options - I reckon five at most - or you might confuse them or bog them down in arguments that could split the party but it might feel like railroading them with only two.

If you're GMing you also need to make your game as fluid as possible. Make sure you KNOW your adventure before running it so you're prepared for eventualities and don't have to constantly refer to notes. I know it sounds obvious but it's a mistake that a lot of rookie GMs make.

When life turns it's back on you...sneak attack for extra damage.

Head admin of the FR wiki:
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Senior Scribe

434 Posts

Posted - 10 Dec 2013 :  16:13:44  Show Profile Send Alruane a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Oh okay, well first and foremost, thanks for you in put and experience behind the game!

I've been VERY interested in Rise Of The Runelords! How good is that one? Er rather, about how long did the game go? O:

Mhmm, I plan on trying to brnach out and add more players eventually. I am getting my bearings back before I attempt such an endeavor though. But I would not mind adding two or three more players on. Maybe. Might just stick with one or two, make an exclusive group.

Right, see I have experience with story building progression in campaigns as I create them in my mind ALL the time. I'd gladly give freedom to do what they wish, but steer them in paths needed to progress further. Not really giving them the ILLUSION of freedom, but actual freedom with certain limits to HOW FAR they can go. Okay, thanks that works. I was curious about that actually, but I appreciate the advice.

Oh yes, I plan on DETAILING everything as best I can, creating proper maps, options, scenarios, encounters, proper NPCs, everything needed to make sure the story has DEPTH and moves fluidly. just as you pointed out, and I graciously thank you for humbling me with this advice, hashimashadoo!

" I wonder if you are destined to be forgotten. Will your life fade in the shadow of greater beings?"
~Joneleth Irenicus

"Wisdom? My dear boy, wisdom is knowing that you do not know everything. Wisdom is realizing, a wise man ALWAYS has questions. Not answers."

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Senior Scribe

434 Posts

Posted - 10 Dec 2013 :  16:31:14  Show Profile Send Alruane a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Actually, the characters we plan to make (simplified since we have not gone into detail yet) are as follows:

Elven, Wizard.

No class yet

Debating race and class.

More detail and backstory will come later, if any other sages are interested. Or wish to share their characters and/or adventures!

" I wonder if you are destined to be forgotten. Will your life fade in the shadow of greater beings?"
~Joneleth Irenicus

"Wisdom? My dear boy, wisdom is knowing that you do not know everything. Wisdom is realizing, a wise man ALWAYS has questions. Not answers."

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Master of Realmslore

United Kingdom
1150 Posts

Posted - 10 Dec 2013 :  16:44:43  Show Profile  Visit hashimashadoo's Homepage Send hashimashadoo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well, we only got about 2 to 3 hours a week to play Rise of the Runelords and it took us something like 2 months to get through the first chapter. It's an entertaining AP though - the overriding theme is about fostering a relationship between your PCs and the townsfolk so they have motivation to protect said townsfolk when they come under attack.

When life turns it's back on you...sneak attack for extra damage.

Head admin of the FR wiki:
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Senior Scribe

434 Posts

Posted - 10 Dec 2013 :  16:56:43  Show Profile Send Alruane a Private Message  Reply with Quote
That's not bad at all! I mean it seems like a decently long campaign really.
I like this, I think I shall try it sometime down the road. Most of the ones I saw on Paizo seemed REALLY fun actually.

" I wonder if you are destined to be forgotten. Will your life fade in the shadow of greater beings?"
~Joneleth Irenicus

"Wisdom? My dear boy, wisdom is knowing that you do not know everything. Wisdom is realizing, a wise man ALWAYS has questions. Not answers."

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Senior Scribe

434 Posts

Posted - 12 Dec 2013 :  00:28:43  Show Profile Send Alruane a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Actually, with the limited classes and races in the Beginner Box I can't wait till the ACTUAL core playing comes in. From the Core Rulebook, that way I can allow my siblings to be their chosen races. Outside the usual beginning races in the box set. I don't mind TOO much, I can still be an elven wizard and everything. But those two want more complex characters, hopefully it works out!

" I wonder if you are destined to be forgotten. Will your life fade in the shadow of greater beings?"
~Joneleth Irenicus

"Wisdom? My dear boy, wisdom is knowing that you do not know everything. Wisdom is realizing, a wise man ALWAYS has questions. Not answers."

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Great Reader

4431 Posts

Posted - 18 Dec 2013 :  16:58:35  Show Profile Send Diffan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
My DM ran us through Rise of the Runelords (currently we're still somewhere in the Hook Mt. Massacre adventure) and it was a lot of fun up to that point.
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Senior Scribe

434 Posts

Posted - 24 Dec 2013 :  07:49:57  Show Profile Send Alruane a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I am currently running the Black Fang beginner dungeon, so far so good. Just trying to see if my Sister can figure out how to get that powerfully magic ruby without dying. She will need it to fight Black Fang. I love Pathfinder!

" I wonder if you are destined to be forgotten. Will your life fade in the shadow of greater beings?"
~Joneleth Irenicus

"Wisdom? My dear boy, wisdom is knowing that you do not know everything. Wisdom is realizing, a wise man ALWAYS has questions. Not answers."

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Senior Scribe

745 Posts

Posted - 26 Feb 2014 :  15:46:37  Show Profile Send Cards77 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The dungeon in the beginner box is really good except that the end boss is WAAAY too difficult for any 1st level party, and certainly NOT suitable for a group of new players. Prepare to fudge, and fudge some more.

Since that dungeon I have just been adapting old Forgotten Realms modules. I've read through alot of the PF adventures and have about a dozen but so far it seems more work to fit those into FR than it is to fit old FR modules to Pathfinder system. So far, we have done the two modules in the 1st edition FR box (School of Wizardry and Hall of the Beast Tamers),
the adventure in the 3rd edition FRCS (People of the Black Blood), a few small 3rd party one offs, and the old 1st edition adventure "The Inheritance" from an old issue of Dungeon. Soon we will be doing Galath's Roost.

Edited by - Cards77 on 26 Feb 2014 15:49:06
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