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Learned Scribe

United Kingdom
247 Posts

Posted - 03 Sep 2013 :  15:18:39  Show Profile  Visit Portella's Homepage Send Portella a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Do a lot of you use pathfinder in the realms?

Purple you say?!

Learned Scribe

210 Posts

Posted - 03 Sep 2013 :  15:55:13  Show Profile  Visit ZeshinX's Homepage Send ZeshinX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I did. Eventually my group switched over to Golarion, but we played for about a year in the Realms (pre-4e timeframe....I worked in the jump to Golarion as a means for my group to escape the Spellplague and its effects).

While we played in the Realms though, we found it a fantastically easy fit.

"...because despite the best advice of those who know what they are talking about, other people insist on doing the most massively stupid things."
-Galen, technomage
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Senior Scribe

United Kingdom
618 Posts

Posted - 03 Sep 2013 :  16:03:02  Show Profile  Visit Uzzy's Homepage Send Uzzy a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sure. It's nice and easy to do. I ran two games, that didn't last too long, and have played in one game using Pathfinder rules that's lasted quite a while and I've not run into any problems.

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Learned Scribe

United Kingdom
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Posted - 03 Sep 2013 :  16:07:09  Show Profile  Visit Portella's Homepage Send Portella a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Brilliant well in the end its just d20 based so don't see why it wouldn't work or even any game system. But why did you guys move to Golarion was it spellplaque that made you guys think don't wanna play here anymore or just you were using pathfinder already and the golarion transition was easy?

Purple you say?!

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Learned Scribe

United Kingdom
247 Posts

Posted - 03 Sep 2013 :  16:09:51  Show Profile  Visit Portella's Homepage Send Portella a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Man we need some padding on the cells for the forum post it so close the the grey lines it makes it hard to read.

Purple you say?!

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Senior Scribe

United Kingdom
618 Posts

Posted - 03 Sep 2013 :  16:19:00  Show Profile  Visit Uzzy's Homepage Send Uzzy a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ah, well I have since moved onto Golarion (though I'm still playing in the Realms game). The stream of new releases and content for Golarion has rather increased interest, and it's easier to get new players into it when you can just point them to the books to buy, rather than telling them to go on Ebay and other sites to look for them.

Also, yeah, the Spellplague did rather dampen my enthusiasm for the Realms.
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Learned Scribe

210 Posts

Posted - 03 Sep 2013 :  16:35:17  Show Profile  Visit ZeshinX's Homepage Send ZeshinX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The Spellplague and the shape and state of the Realms was not something my group (and myself) wanted any part of really. We discussed continuing to play in the Realms and just ignore the 4e stuff altogether, but the more we read about Golarion, the more appealing it became. So we just used the 4e changes as an in-game reason to escape Toril. To the PCs it was a gut-wrenching choice to leave home in such a fashion, but that only added to the amazing role-playing experience.

In a weird way, the Spellplague created some amazing role-playing moments for us, despite our bitter feelings about it lol.

"...because despite the best advice of those who know what they are talking about, other people insist on doing the most massively stupid things."
-Galen, technomage

Edited by - ZeshinX on 03 Sep 2013 16:36:35
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 03 Sep 2013 :  17:27:18  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I play in my Misbegotten Realms, which is a perfect blend of FR and Golarion, using the PF rules.

There are also large swaths of Mystara, and some bits from EB and elsewhere (and all of Oerik {GH} is to the west). Hoping to have something soon to show (the map is nearing completion - its the lore-blending that is taking the most time).

What other rules would someone use? The PF system is the only currently supported, non-4e system that is compatible (at least, with the 3e material). The older sources are nearly useless with the 4e rules. If you want to play classic FR, then PF is the only way to go (unless you are willing to use an older ruleset, which is fine).

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

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Mystic Lemur

58 Posts

Posted - 03 Sep 2013 :  17:49:07  Show Profile Send Mystic Lemur a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm currently running one game in the Realms (1360s) using PFRPG. I've run others, and I'm planing to start another soon. I'm also involved in a few games in Golarion, including their Organized Play, and I have to say it's giving the Realms a run for its money. The lore is already so deep for a setting just a few years old, that I'm sure I'll never know all of it. It should be a lesson to WotC what can be done when you focus on the lore of one setting. I'm cautiously optimistic about the Sundering, but I kind of wish they'd just let the Realms be and let it revert back to Greenwood and the fans.

I love the Pathfinder Rules. They're the best collection of house rules I've ever seen for the 3.x system, and some of their new stuff is really well designed.

"What mattered our lives now, when our world had been torn from us? Folk wept, or drank, or stood staring out over the land, wondering what new horror each dawn would bring." -A review of the FRCG ;)
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Learned Scribe

United Kingdom
247 Posts

Posted - 04 Sep 2013 :  00:39:00  Show Profile  Visit Portella's Homepage Send Portella a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yeah my only issue with it is that they are not keen on drow. Threads just get locked in paizo forums when people ask if players can play drow. Specially in society.

Purple you say?!

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The Arcanamach
Master of Realmslore

1845 Posts

Posted - 04 Sep 2013 :  00:54:19  Show Profile Send The Arcanamach a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I play in my Misbegotten Realms, which is a perfect blend of FR and Golarion, using the PF rules.

There are also large swaths of Mystara, and some bits from EB and elsewhere (and all of Oerik {GH} is to the west). Hoping to have something soon to show (the map is nearing completion - its the lore-blending that is taking the most time).

I'm foaming at the mouth over here!

I use most of the PF rules nowadays (and it's where my money has been going for the past 4-5 years...take note Wizbro, PF has you guys against the ropes). I still play in the Realms though...just can't bring myself to leave it.

I have a dream that one day, all game worlds will exist as one.
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Great Reader

7978 Posts

Posted - 04 Sep 2013 :  01:00:27  Show Profile Send Ayrik a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Like it or not, Drizzt is iconic to the Realms. And Drizzt‘s background inspired many Underdark and Menzoberranzan products. Many people are drawn towards these richly detailed dark corners of the Realms, and well, drow get some really neat abilities.

Wizbro may or may not have declared “drow“ as a product identity, and “dark elf“ or “shadow elf“ or whatever could always be substituted ... but I think Paizo chose wisely in keeping away from intrusions and legal battlegrounds.

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Learned Scribe

210 Posts

Posted - 04 Sep 2013 :  01:27:22  Show Profile  Visit ZeshinX's Homepage Send ZeshinX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Frankly I'm quite glad the drow aren't hugely dealt with in Pathfinder. I enjoy the Drizzt novels and enjoyed many of the products detailing or revolving around the drow (had the Menzo box once upon a time), but I became very sick of them after a while (I had had enough drow-centric stuff after War of the Spider Queen). They make great adversaries, but there are many other nasty things to explore too. :)

"...because despite the best advice of those who know what they are talking about, other people insist on doing the most massively stupid things."
-Galen, technomage

Edited by - ZeshinX on 04 Sep 2013 01:28:43
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Kris the Grey
Senior Scribe

422 Posts

Posted - 04 Sep 2013 :  01:39:45  Show Profile Send Kris the Grey a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I ran my latest Realms campaign using the Pathfinder rules set from when I started (July of 2010) until about a month or so ago. The rules are a good version of 3E, and it's nice to have a system with new product coming out (new spells, new items, new NPCs, new monsters, etc) BUT (and it is a big but) I found that running using PF just never gave me the old school FEEL of the Realms (especially as it related to the spells) that 2E did. So, after many attempts at customization and fiddling, one day I just gave up and switched us back to 2E - the system I thought did the Realms best.

We've just started out (and this will be a learning experience for the women in the group - about half of it by number - who learned to play D&D with PF in this campaign), and I reserve the right to switch back to PF or even possibly D&D Next when it comes out in 2014. I'll let you know how things go.

Kris the Grey - Member in Good Standing of the Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors, the Arcane Guild of Silverymoon, and the Connecticut Bar Association

Edited by - Kris the Grey on 04 Sep 2013 01:40:54
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Learned Scribe

290 Posts

Posted - 04 Sep 2013 :  03:16:20  Show Profile Send Renin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I've only used PF since it has come out, and I play exclusively in the Realms.

Content is content; the rules system is just what you tack onto it. There is no Spellplague in my Realms-and probably never will.

However, I may mush some of the lore that will come from The Sundering in certain parts if it makes for an interesting change in certain areas.

Also, I still use 2E modules and adventures as I see fit. Just gotta make it PF is all-and that isn't a problem whatsoever.
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Mystic Lemur

58 Posts

Posted - 04 Sep 2013 :  03:44:51  Show Profile Send Mystic Lemur a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Portella

Yeah my only issue with it is that they are not keen on drow. Threads just get locked in paizo forums when people ask if players can play drow. Specially in society.

Originally posted by Ayrik

Wizbro may or may not have declared “drow“ as a product identity, and “dark elf“ or “shadow elf“ or whatever could always be substituted ... but I think Paizo chose wisely in keeping away from intrusions and legal battlegrounds.

The reason you will never get to play a drow in Pathfinder Society, and why drow will never show up as protagonists in Golarion, isn't a conflict with WotC.

Drow in Golarion are a wholly evil, degenerate subspecies of elf that embody cruelty and chaos as much as any non-outsider can. There are no good drow on Golarion, not even one. If a drow were to somehow "become good", it would no longer be a drow but instead a normal elf. It's a specific direction that the developers chose to take the race, and no amount of Drizzt Fanboying will get them to change that.

"What mattered our lives now, when our world had been torn from us? Folk wept, or drank, or stood staring out over the land, wondering what new horror each dawn would bring." -A review of the FRCG ;)
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Learned Scribe

United Kingdom
247 Posts

Posted - 04 Sep 2013 :  08:37:05  Show Profile  Visit Portella's Homepage Send Portella a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yeah I read now all the forum posts its a shame and I respect their choice.

Kris the Grey
ran my latest Realms campaign using the Pathfinder rules set from when I started (July of 2010) until about a month or so ago. The rules are a good version of 3E, and it's nice to have a system with new product coming out (new spells, new items, new NPCs, new monsters, etc) BUT (and it is a big but) I found that running using PF just never gave me the old school FEEL of the Realms (especially as it related to the spells) that 2E did. So, after many attempts at customization and fiddling, one day I just gave up and switched us back to 2E - the system I thought did the Realms best.

We've just started out (and this will be a learning experience for the women in the group - about half of it by number - who learned to play D&D with PF in this campaign), and I reserve the right to switch back to PF or even possibly D&D Next when it comes out in 2014. I'll let you know how things go.

Yeah know what you mean about the spells and such. 2ed did give the realms a nice feeling and it where over 95% of my realms experience comes from.

Purple you say?!

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Learned Scribe

United Kingdom
247 Posts

Posted - 04 Sep 2013 :  08:39:11  Show Profile  Visit Portella's Homepage Send Portella a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I am playing society at the moment but I am really looking to go into a homebrew adventure or at least play one of the adventure paths. I find organised play ok but not completely my cup of tea.

Purple you say?!

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Learned Scribe

United Kingdom
247 Posts

Posted - 04 Sep 2013 :  08:43:28  Show Profile  Visit Portella's Homepage Send Portella a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by The Arcanamach

I play in my Misbegotten Realms, which is a perfect blend of FR and Golarion, using the PF rules.

There are also large swaths of Mystara, and some bits from EB and elsewhere (and all of Oerik {GH} is to the west). Hoping to have something soon to show (the map is nearing completion - its the lore-blending that is taking the most time).

I'm foaming at the mouth over here!

I use most of the PF rules nowadays (and it's where my money has been going for the past 4-5 years...take note Wizbro, PF has you guys against the ropes). I still play in the Realms though...just can't bring myself to leave it.

Yes Wizbro for sake of argument needs D&D next to really be a game changer because right now the only time I buy D&D books it is the second hand ones from ebay (mostly planescape my favourite setting by far, sorry ED FR has a huge place in my heart too).

Perhaps they should have stayed with 3.5 for a bit longer as I believe the OGL did wonders to the community we got so much content it was good for the consumers and the market.

Purple you say?!

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Learned Scribe

United Kingdom
247 Posts

Posted - 04 Sep 2013 :  08:53:05  Show Profile  Visit Portella's Homepage Send Portella a Private Message  Reply with Quote
One concept that wizards introduced to D&D that I liked is the "Minions" 1 HP'ish monsters that can be killed very easily this gives the real heroic feel to gaming where your character is truly wading through a sea of goblins and hacking and slashing all of them to get real foe.

Great concept.

Purple you say?!

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Master of Realmslore

1757 Posts

Posted - 04 Sep 2013 :  09:15:50  Show Profile Send Quale a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I play with a mixture of PF and homebrew rules, now mostly in Planescape, which has some elements from the Realms.

Years ago I ran Rise of the Runelords in FR-Golarion world (Sword Coast-Varisia), and first part of Legacy of Fire. As a PC, I played through Curse of the Crimson Throne and Kingmaker (near Damara).
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Senior Scribe

United Kingdom
618 Posts

Posted - 04 Sep 2013 :  13:40:47  Show Profile  Visit Uzzy's Homepage Send Uzzy a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Portella

One concept that wizards introduced to D&D that I liked is the "Minions" 1 HP'ish monsters that can be killed very easily this gives the real heroic feel to gaming where your character is truly wading through a sea of goblins and hacking and slashing all of them to get real foe.

Great concept.

Yeah, that's one of the easier things to copy into any game really. 1HP enemies that die with one hit, but are still powerful enough to threaten the PCs, especially in numbers.
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Eli the Tanner
Learned Scribe

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Posted - 04 Sep 2013 :  14:12:30  Show Profile  Visit Eli the Tanner's Homepage Send Eli the Tanner a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Renin

Also, I still use 2E modules and adventures as I see fit. Just gotta make it PF is all-and that isn't a problem whatsoever.

Here too. Luckily paizo seems to have coverted many of the 1e/2e monsters and the archetypes are brilliant for old character kits.
I've been running a pathfinder conversion of city of the spider queen and other smaller fr adventures but the pathfinder rules are something of a gateway drug to golarion and we'll probably switch over once our current adventure ends.

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Skilled Spell Strategist

11734 Posts

Posted - 04 Sep 2013 :  15:11:21  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I've bought the rules for PF, but I haven't had a group for a few years (since maybe a year or so before 4e came out.... damn hurricane Katrina sending people all over). I'd like to use the PF rules though for a campaign. However, with my old group, we were heavily invested in e-tools to make things easy. I've picked up the hero lab stuff just to see what its like, but I then came to realize it doesn't have any of the prestige classes from 3/3.5e.... and despite liking PF, I have to admit there's a lot from 3.5 that I'd import. Just wondering, has anyone seen anything for Hero Labs (or another program that's decent) where the 3/3.5e stuff can be imported (and yes I understand that maybe this isn't allowed by WotC due to licensing).

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 04 Sep 2013 :  15:30:38  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Makes me wonder why WotC is even bothering with rules at all - I think it would have been far more lucrative for them to jump onto the Paizo bandwagon and just produce setting material (that is PF-compliant).

Let the tail wag the dog, so long as we keep getting the great FR lore we crave, what does it matter?

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

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The Arcanamach
Master of Realmslore

1845 Posts

Posted - 04 Sep 2013 :  15:47:44  Show Profile Send The Arcanamach a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Makes me wonder why WotC is even bothering with rules at all - I think it would have been far more lucrative for them to jump onto the Paizo bandwagon and just produce setting material (that is PF-compliant).

Let the tail wag the dog, so long as we keep getting the great FR lore we crave, what does it matter?

My thinking here is that WotC wants to continue to set the industry standard...something they may have lost the initiative on now.

I have a dream that one day, all game worlds will exist as one.
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Ashe Ravenheart
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Posted - 04 Sep 2013 :  15:57:25  Show Profile Send Ashe Ravenheart a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by sleyvas

I've bought the rules for PF, but I haven't had a group for a few years (since maybe a year or so before 4e came out.... damn hurricane Katrina sending people all over). I'd like to use the PF rules though for a campaign. However, with my old group, we were heavily invested in e-tools to make things easy. I've picked up the hero lab stuff just to see what its like, but I then came to realize it doesn't have any of the prestige classes from 3/3.5e.... and despite liking PF, I have to admit there's a lot from 3.5 that I'd import. Just wondering, has anyone seen anything for Hero Labs (or another program that's decent) where the 3/3.5e stuff can be imported (and yes I understand that maybe this isn't allowed by WotC due to licensing).

There are numerous projects going on for home rules and campaign settings to import into Hero Labs. I've been working on some Forgotten Realms material myself, but haven't "published" it yet since it's still a work in progress.

I actually DO know everything. I just have a very poor index of my knowledge.

Ashe's Character Sheet

Alphabetized Index of Realms NPCs
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Drustan Dwnhaedan
Learned Scribe

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Posted - 04 Sep 2013 :  16:34:40  Show Profile Send Drustan Dwnhaedan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
My group's gone over to PF completely (nobody liked what they did to the Forgotten Realms in 4e) . Fortunately, my DM's been working on a FR campaign for PF (mostly because it'll finally stop me from pestering him about it).
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 04 Sep 2013 :  16:47:46  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Markustay

Makes me wonder why WotC is even bothering with rules at all - I think it would have been far more lucrative for them to jump onto the Paizo bandwagon and just produce setting material (that is PF-compliant).

Let the tail wag the dog, so long as we keep getting the great FR lore we crave, what does it matter?

Uh, Paizo is producing a fair amount of rules, too. They're putting out setting material more frequently, but they are still doing rule books, as well. They just haven't gone the TSR/WotC route of "here's a book focusing on just this class! Here's a book focusing on these existing races and a couple we made up to fill page count!"

Their rule books have focuses more on combat in general, or equipment, or magic, as opposed to the tighter focus of the WotC splatbooks.

Their NPC Codex, as an example, came out in the last year, and got at least a couple of Ennie awards this year.

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Great Reader

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Posted - 04 Sep 2013 :  17:20:20  Show Profile Send Kajehase a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yep, Paizo definitely puts out plenty of rules (although nothing near the quantity of Wizards' at-least-one-rulebook-a-month pace caused) - I try to collect it all in various word-files that I print out at the end of the year (one for spells, one for feats, one for magic items, and so on), and last year's files came to well over 50 pages, even without the monsters, or anything from the hardbacks.

And as for the monsters... I'm printing out all the ones from sources other than the hardback bestiaries, and I bought a third binder to keep them in yesterday.

There is a rumour going around that I have found god. I think is unlikely because I have enough difficulty finding my keys, and there is empirical evidence that they exist.
Terry Pratchett

Edited by - Kajehase on 05 Sep 2013 10:56:01
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Senior Scribe

417 Posts

Posted - 05 Sep 2013 :  02:01:56  Show Profile Send idilippy a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Markustay

Makes me wonder why WotC is even bothering with rules at all - I think it would have been far more lucrative for them to jump onto the Paizo bandwagon and just produce setting material (that is PF-compliant).

Let the tail wag the dog, so long as we keep getting the great FR lore we crave, what does it matter?

Uh, Paizo is producing a fair amount of rules, too. They're putting out setting material more frequently, but they are still doing rule books, as well. They just haven't gone the TSR/WotC route of "here's a book focusing on just this class! Here's a book focusing on these existing races and a couple we made up to fill page count!"

Their rule books have focuses more on combat in general, or equipment, or magic, as opposed to the tighter focus of the WotC splatbooks.

Their NPC Codex, as an example, came out in the last year, and got at least a couple of Ennie awards this year.

I don't think Markustay is claiming they aren't. I don't know if I should speak for someone since I could be way off base but I interpreted what I read as him saying that WotC should not bother producing a rule set, since Paizo is doing so already, and instead just publish their settings and make them Pathfinder compliant. I could have read that way wrong though.

Anyways, posting to say I am a Realms DM through and through who runs Pathfinder pretty exclusively now. I like AD&D, especially 2e, but haven't got any players with the same appreciation I have for that system. 2e got me into the Realms, and by extension into D&D altogether, so it always feels the most like the Realms to me. Still Pathfinder does a good job too and I like their rules just fine and their Adventures are top notch, especially their adventure paths.
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