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Valdar Oakensong
Learned Scribe
United Kingdom
159 Posts |
Posted - 24 Jan 2004 : 23:06:23
Easy one this, which character will you play first out of the 5. There is a prize for the first person who doesn't pick the Drow!
Guns don't kill people, magic missiles do. |
Ezindir the dark
Senior Scribe
603 Posts |
Posted - 24 Jan 2004 : 23:17:37
Warning: This topic contains a load of smilies.
How about this: I am not going too play ANYONE that I cant make self.. What do you think of that? Huh? Huh? I think it Stinks that you cant make your own charackter. I really hate it. It was an disipontment.
  Cant you hear me?  
 Disipooooinnnnntmmmeeenntttt . :: Runs crying out of the topic::
Learn about the Ways of Vhaeraun . - Check out my bio, majore update - The Wanderers Quest

69 Posts |
Posted - 25 Jan 2004 : 11:08:44
I did'nt even know there was a Dark Alliance II! Pick the Drow!   |
If I'd wanted your opinion, I'd have told you what it was. |

69 Posts |
Posted - 25 Jan 2004 : 11:10:54
A note to your signature, Valdar: Quiet now, lest you feel my gun haha, only joking. |
If I'd wanted your opinion, I'd have told you what it was. |
Ezindir the dark
Senior Scribe
603 Posts |
Valdar Oakensong
Learned Scribe
United Kingdom
159 Posts |
Posted - 25 Jan 2004 : 21:02:47
True, True. Still I bet that it is one of the best games out this year.
quote: Originally posted by Ezindir the dark
Warning: This topic contains a load of smilies.
How about this: I am not going too play ANYONE that I cant make self.. What do you think of that? Huh? Huh? I think it Stinks that you cant make your own charackter. I really hate it. It was an disipontment.
  Cant you hear me?  
 Disipooooinnnnntmmmeeenntttt . :: Runs crying out of the topic::
Guns don't kill people, magic missiles do. |
Valdar Oakensong
Learned Scribe
United Kingdom
159 Posts |
Posted - 25 Jan 2004 : 21:04:16
Oh yes, it's out in 12 days and all the reviews that I have read have been very good.
quote: Originally posted by mr.lee
I did'nt even know there was a Dark Alliance II! Pick the Drow!  
Guns don't kill people, magic missiles do. |
Valdar Oakensong
Learned Scribe
United Kingdom
159 Posts |
Posted - 25 Jan 2004 : 21:06:45
the prize is a beautiful onyx figurine carved in the likeness of..... the winner of pop idol- sorry I was struggling to think of a more worthless familiar
quote: Originally posted by Ezindir the dark
:: Ezindir returns in a little better mood :: HaHa!! Good one mr. Lee, and I dident pick the drow, whats the price?
Guns don't kill people, magic missiles do. |
Edited by - Valdar Oakensong on 25 Jan 2004 21:07:23 |
Learned Scribe
323 Posts |
Posted - 26 Jan 2004 : 20:48:59
Necromancers ownz all of you, and your vulgar Melee-combat.
Stuff that in your pipe and smoke it. |
Ec'Thelion, formerly known as Forgotten One, now known as Ec'Thelion the Overpowered. Currently not all that active. I'm preoccupied with Warcraft III for the moment. Bite me :P |
Ezindir the dark
Senior Scribe
603 Posts |
Posted - 26 Jan 2004 : 21:59:58
quote: Originally posted by Valdar Oakensong
the prize is a beautiful onyx figurine carved in the likeness of..... the winner of pop idol- sorry I was struggling to think of a more worthless familiar
quote: Originally posted by Ezindir the dark
:: Ezindir returns in a little better mood :: HaHa!! Good one mr. Lee, and I dident pick the drow, whats the price?
Hey thats an great insult, the idol winner was from Norway, Lol, or is pop idol somthing else then World-idol, bah it is just too many of these shows. Anyway, he is not that bad if you listen to the other idol people from Norway, but they would have been more usefull in battle tought, as they could kill monsters with their song. Lol again.
And I think that hack'n slach should have nothing with the Realms too do, expesally when you even cant make your own charackter.  |
Learn about the Ways of Vhaeraun . - Check out my bio, majore update - The Wanderers Quest
Learned Scribe
323 Posts |
Posted - 27 Jan 2004 : 12:48:30
Hey! Don't offend Kurt! Teach him a ballad or two and he will serve as a great Bard, my good man. Great Bard, I tell you  |
Ec'Thelion, formerly known as Forgotten One, now known as Ec'Thelion the Overpowered. Currently not all that active. I'm preoccupied with Warcraft III for the moment. Bite me :P |
Ezindir the dark
Senior Scribe
603 Posts |
Posted - 27 Jan 2004 : 13:17:49
Yes, and he would fit right in too the realms too, since he look like a hobbit that is. And I was actually talking about Gaute and spesially David .
But what do you think of the realms making a hack'n slash game? |
Learn about the Ways of Vhaeraun . - Check out my bio, majore update - The Wanderers Quest
Learned Scribe
323 Posts |
Posted - 27 Jan 2004 : 13:57:39
Well... them already having made TWO OF THEM I think that this question might be a little late. (Icewind Dale, anybody?) |
Ec'Thelion, formerly known as Forgotten One, now known as Ec'Thelion the Overpowered. Currently not all that active. I'm preoccupied with Warcraft III for the moment. Bite me :P |
Ezindir the dark
Senior Scribe
603 Posts |
Posted - 27 Jan 2004 : 14:14:32
What about Icewind dale? I think it is one of the best Bioware games, the story anyway.
And I was not a member here when the first dark alliance came out, and I dident remember too ask when I became one. So? What do you think?
Learn about the Ways of Vhaeraun . - Check out my bio, majore update - The Wanderers Quest
Edited by - Ezindir the dark on 27 Jan 2004 14:15:13 |
Learned Scribe
323 Posts |
Posted - 27 Jan 2004 : 14:20:36
Erhm... Icewind Dale is Hack 'n Slash. It's hack 'n slash with a little bit of chatting with other peopel to give it depth 
What I think about it? I don't mind. Keep up the good work, I say! |
Ec'Thelion, formerly known as Forgotten One, now known as Ec'Thelion the Overpowered. Currently not all that active. I'm preoccupied with Warcraft III for the moment. Bite me :P |
Ezindir the dark
Senior Scribe
603 Posts |
Posted - 27 Jan 2004 : 14:37:10
Hack'n slash? No its not, its the same type of game as BG, they do role dices there, its just roleplaying on the computer alone.
And you do not chat with people if you play it alone. |
Learn about the Ways of Vhaeraun . - Check out my bio, majore update - The Wanderers Quest
Learned Scribe
323 Posts |
Posted - 27 Jan 2004 : 14:47:01
Erhm... with the characters in the game, then. Allow me to re-phrase my statement.
"Erhm... Icewind Dale is Hack 'n Slash. It's hack 'n slash with a little bit of chatting with NPCs to give it depth " There.
quote: Hack'n slash? No its not, its the same type of game as BG
Dude... it's hack 'n slash. The entire point of Icewind Dale is to kill stuff. Baldur's Gate was a bit more roleplay, and you coud somewhat decide what you were goign to do. You an do no such thing in IWD.
It lacks several things that BG has. Characters that join your party, for a big one. You can't do anytihng that doesn't have anything to do with the plot, except for a few minor dialouge-only quests in the settlements. I'd say that IWD is more ofa mix between Diablo and BG, then a good copy of BG. It was made to be a Hack 'n slash and that's what they made, too. A Hack 'n slash with a good story, but a hack 'n slash nonetheless. |
Ec'Thelion, formerly known as Forgotten One, now known as Ec'Thelion the Overpowered. Currently not all that active. I'm preoccupied with Warcraft III for the moment. Bite me :P |
Ezindir the dark
Senior Scribe
603 Posts |
Posted - 27 Jan 2004 : 15:12:24
Dont really now soo much about whats hack'n slash and not, but it is not hack'n slash like diablo and Dark alliance, becouse you can make your own carackter and it decsides how much damage you doo becouse of your strenght and soo on. Basicly it is just roleplaying, alone, or with others, with the PC sorting out your damage and soo on. And anyway, it is not pure hack'n Slash as ir is more like roleplaying. |
Learn about the Ways of Vhaeraun . - Check out my bio, majore update - The Wanderers Quest
Learned Scribe
323 Posts |
Posted - 27 Jan 2004 : 17:25:05
Dark Alliance has stats as well, and they actually affect the game. You can roleplay there, as well. Either as a human archer, or a Elf Wizard, or a Dwarven Fighter.
That you can make your own character is not a prequest for roleplay, my good man. If you really want to start defining games you could end up sayign that Diablo II is a roleplaying Game (wich soem do), as you take on the role of one of the characters, and so on and so forth.
If your looking for a game that is *pure* hack 'n slash you need to go way back to the really old First Person Shooters, or soemthing liek that, but then again, even *there* you took on the role of somebody else.
What's the difference here? The difference between roleplay and not roleplay we could say is that in Roleplay the rol you play actaulyl somehow effects the game. Well. In IWD it does not. The only difference between the INT, WIS, and the characters there is a few Dialouge choises, that do not affect the game anything whatsoever. I've only seen one time where a INT, WIS or CHA stat affects the game and that in ins HOW where the barbarians spare you if you have high CHA the first time you meet them. |
Ec'Thelion, formerly known as Forgotten One, now known as Ec'Thelion the Overpowered. Currently not all that active. I'm preoccupied with Warcraft III for the moment. Bite me :P |
Ezindir the dark
Senior Scribe
603 Posts |
Valdar Oakensong
Learned Scribe
United Kingdom
159 Posts |
Posted - 27 Jan 2004 : 19:50:59
I think that both of you are correct in some ways, DA is not a "proper" RPG but there are some elements in it. The important thing is it was a decent game to play and the developers didn't do the usual of putting a popular brand name onto a crap game.
quote: Originally posted by Ezindir the dark
You probably are rigth. I never really tought about it , but I still think dark alliance dont live up too the Realms. 
Guns don't kill people, magic missiles do. |
Ezindir the dark
Senior Scribe
603 Posts |
Posted - 27 Jan 2004 : 20:58:54
Indeed, but when I think about it a classical Realms game wouldent work soo well on PS2 so they are forgiven. But I think you should be able too make your charackter anyway.  |
Learn about the Ways of Vhaeraun . - Check out my bio, majore update - The Wanderers Quest
Master of Realmslore
1298 Posts |
Posted - 27 Jan 2004 : 21:11:50
Making your own character is half the fun. I seriously doubt the potential of any game that won't let you do it. |
The Chosen of Vhaeraun "Nature is governed by certain immutable rules. By virtue of claw and fang, the lion will always triumph over the goat.Given time, the pounding of the sea will wear away the stone. And when dark elves mingle with the lighter races, the offspring invariably take after the dark parent. It is all much the same. That which is greater shall prevail. Our numbers increase steadily, both through birth and conquest. The dark elves are the dominant race, so ordained by the gods." Ka'Narlist of the Ilythiiri. |
Learned Scribe
323 Posts |
Posted - 27 Jan 2004 : 22:57:36
Try seriously dubting the potential of Diablo II. I'm pretty shure more peopel play that than peopel play BG (shame, really.)
quote: Originally posted by Valdar Oakensong
I think that both of you are correct in some ways, DA is not a "proper" RPG but there are some elements in it. The important thing is it was a decent game to play and the developers didn't do the usual of putting a popular brand name onto a crap game.
But will they do it now? We never know...  |
Ec'Thelion, formerly known as Forgotten One, now known as Ec'Thelion the Overpowered. Currently not all that active. I'm preoccupied with Warcraft III for the moment. Bite me :P |
Valdar Oakensong
Learned Scribe
United Kingdom
159 Posts |
Posted - 30 Jan 2004 : 21:44:37
Here's another view point, more people have PS2 and XBOX than have a PC so if they buy and like DA2 they will look into other FR games and then become true lovers of the Realms |
Guns don't kill people, magic missiles do. |
Learned Scribe
323 Posts |
Posted - 30 Jan 2004 : 21:47:14
quote: Originally posted by Valdar Oakensong
Here's another view point, more people have PS2 and XBOX than have a PC so if they buy and like DA2 they will look into other FR games and then become true lovers of the Realms
Are you on drugs, man?
I'm pretty shure that the number of people that have PC outnumber the people that have XBOX, NITENDO and PS1 & 2 combined. |
Ec'Thelion, formerly known as Forgotten One, now known as Ec'Thelion the Overpowered. Currently not all that active. I'm preoccupied with Warcraft III for the moment. Bite me :P |
Valdar Oakensong
Learned Scribe
United Kingdom
159 Posts |
Posted - 03 Feb 2004 : 22:38:10
Just booze at the moment thanks. More people over here have a console at home than a PC and PC gaming is not very popular amongst the people I know. Norway must be very cheap to buy a PC...Bed time now
quote: Originally posted by EcThelion
quote: Originally posted by Valdar Oakensong
Here's another view point, more people have PS2 and XBOX than have a PC so if they buy and like DA2 they will look into other FR games and then become true lovers of the Realms
Are you on drugs, man?
I'm pretty shure that the number of people that have PC outnumber the people that have XBOX, NITENDO and PS1 & 2 combined.
Guns don't kill people, magic missiles do. |
Learned Scribe
323 Posts |
Posted - 08 Feb 2004 : 02:38:36
Nothing is cheap in Norway :P |
Ec'Thelion, formerly known as Forgotten One, now known as Ec'Thelion the Overpowered. Currently not all that active. I'm preoccupied with Warcraft III for the moment. Bite me :P |

69 Posts |
Posted - 09 Feb 2004 : 22:46:03
I really hate how that the mages don't memorize spells but instead use spell points though!!! I wanna memorize spells!!!! After all, I am an illusionist! |
"Only half-orcs rush in where devas fear to tread." |
Learned Scribe
323 Posts |
Posted - 10 Feb 2004 : 09:45:19
Illusionists are puny, and weak. Invokers own u any day! |
Ec'Thelion, formerly known as Forgotten One, now known as Ec'Thelion the Overpowered. Currently not all that active. I'm preoccupied with Warcraft III for the moment. Bite me :P |
Ezindir the dark
Senior Scribe
603 Posts |
Posted - 10 Feb 2004 : 10:39:38
quote: Originally posted by EcThelion
Illusionists are puny, and weak.
And usally Gnomes.  But you are right, Illusonist very often are cowards who hides in illusions, like Pombad in IwD 1. |
Learn about the Ways of Vhaeraun . - Check out my bio, majore update - The Wanderers Quest
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