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Skilled Spell Strategist
11962 Posts |
Posted - 25 Oct 2017 : 08:39:04
Hmmmm, I have been wondering about the "god" Khass from the 2nd edition Complete book of Barbarians down in the Shaar pretty openly being a primordial. However, I forgot about this entry for Isakkhu from the same book as a god over in the Vast region near Impiltur. Granted, it wasn't their original intention, but take lemons, make lemonade.
Gods exhibit varying degrees of interest in humanity. Nu'ooto, a giant god worshipped by island dwellers in the Southern Courrain Ocean (in the DRAGONLANCE setting) does nothing but sleep beneath the ground; he causes earthquakes when he rolls over, volcanic eruptions when he snores. The cloud god Khass continually frustrates the barbarians of Eastern Shaar (in the FORGOTTEN REALMS" setting); for months, he ignores their petitions for rain, then drenches them with downpours for weeks at a time. On the other hand, the clerics of Earthfast Mountains (also in the FORGOTTEN REALMS setting) end each day by asking the dependable Isakkhu to bring the sun back in the morning; he has yet to fail them.
Gods also take a variety of forms. Most are invisible, but some appear as animals (Nu’ooto is presumed to look like a lizard), plants (palm trees are fingers of the multi-appendaged Khass) or even terrain (Isakkhu is a mountain). |
Alavairthae, may your skill prevail
Phillip aka Sleyvas |
Zeromaru X
Great Reader
2495 Posts |
Posted - 25 Oct 2017 : 09:45:07
For its form Khass is more like a primal spirit. Isakkhu on the other hand, qualifies as a primordial. |
Instead of seeking change, you prefer a void, merciless abyss of a world... |
Realms Explorer extraordinaire
15724 Posts |
Posted - 25 Oct 2017 : 20:45:25
Where does it say Khass is a primordial? Is that something that happened as of 4e, or was he always referred to thusly?  If Khass is a primordial, he sounds like he would have to be a composite elemental - water + air (which is fine - there are others of that ilk).
Considering the only thing we know he 'does' is make the sun come up, me thinks Isakkhu may be somebody's imagination. Especially considering there is no record of 'barbarians' EVER in that region (just orcs... and some dwarves... and hobgoblins... and a short-lived bandit lord). If I was spinning things here (this is really Krash's stomping grounds), I'd say Isakkhu may have been one of the UberOrc warlords that ruled Vastar. And considering the way the name sounds, we could even further spin it so that those (bigger, faster, smarter, stronger, etc) orcs were Ogremagi crossbreeds.
And it would definitely be within the Realm of possibility for at least one of those UrOrc warlords to have made his followers worship him, in the hopes of ascending to demipower status.
Lastly, it seems we have found our very first Krynn-specific primordial in Nu'ooto.  |
"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone
Edited by - Markustay on 25 Oct 2017 21:03:23 |
Realms Explorer extraordinaire
15724 Posts |
Posted - 25 Oct 2017 : 23:35:43
Casts ***Unnecessary Redundancy Begone! ***
so with me constantly rethinking stuff, it occurred to me my list of proto-beings was more complicated than it need to be.
So now I just have this -
Monad (The Source) The consciousness of the universe itself, which has several aspects (Supernals).
Ordials Sidereals: The basic laws of the universe, each identified as a different 'dimension'. Estelar (Eternals): Concepts required to maintain 'the laws of the universe'. Some have VERY specific areas they hold sway over. Prime Ordials: Those Ordials created and tasked to build the physical universe (Prime Material)
Immortals Celestial Titans (sometimes called 'High gods') Deities (all levels) - ascended mortals just about anything with an 'arch' in the title (which implies 'above exarch tier')
Celestials ('Minions of the Heavens') Angels (Archons, Devas, and Guardinals, etc.) Fiends (Devils, Daemons, and Demons, etc.) Primal Spirits (animism) Some of these can rise pretty damn high in power, and include 'Beast Lords' Elementals (including the Noble Dgen) Modrons (not so much 'servants' as they are 'automated service' creatures - the 'maintenance-men' of the universe) Exarchs (like Archfey, ascendant Mortals {Proxies}, and demipowers{Chosen}) Miscellaneous (creatures that serve gods but do not fit into the other categories, like beings from the Shadowfell, or Astral)
The only change I made to the final tier was I switched angels and archons (because I had it wrong).
Obyrith Lords sit outside and perhaps even 'above' this hierarchy, since I think they came even before the 'The Source'. However, a lot of them pass themselves off as Ordials. |
"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone
Edited by - Markustay on 25 Oct 2017 23:46:58 |
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