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Senior Scribe

417 Posts

Posted - 03 Sep 2012 :  23:52:10  Show Profile Send idilippy a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Sad as it is, my impending move has lead to the realization that I have far, far too much stuff to fit in my new place, and nowhere to store most of what I'd like to keep. Adding to that the rising cost of moving, and I've decided to part with a number of my Forgotten Realms books as well as much of my furniture(though I won't be trying to sell y'all any of that). Since I enjoy this forum more than any other, I figure I'd check here to see if there is any interest in them from known fans before listing them on ebay. I am in the US, so international shipping is probably out of the question for cost reasons.

Here's the list of books and other items I am parting with:
I'm keeping most of my AD&D materials, they were mostly acquired heavily used and have seen excessive use in play. The exceptions are these two boxed sets.
Spellbound This boxed set has everything, and is in excellent shape to boot, I haven't had the chance to use it at all and have barely leafed through to make sure everything is there.
Ruins of Undermountain Also a complete boxed set, and in very good condition too, though this has actually seen a bit of use though not much.

Underdark Wear and a small crack on the top of the spine and some on the corners, but the pages are in great shape and the binding is too. Probably overall Good condition.
Cormyr: The Tearing of the Weave This is the first of that 3.5e adventure trilogy, and is in pristine condition. Not even the corners have any scuffing.
Shadowdalte: The Scouring of the Land Part 2 of that 3.5e adventure trilogy, and in the same excellent condition as the first book.
Lost Empires of Faerun I'm selling my shelf copy and keeping my used copy, so this is also in fantastic condition.
Champions of Ruin There is a tear of maybe a quarter to half inch at the top of the cover right next to the spine, other than that in excellent condition.
Champions of Valor Excellent condition, no wear to speak of.
Player's Guide to Faerun Lots of wear on the top corner, about a quarter to half inch of cardboard in exposed, slight wear on the top spine. Name: Dave King(not me) written in the inside cover, top left.
Races of Faerun Slight wear on the top spine and bottom right corner of the cover, nothing else.
Dragons of Faerun A tiny bit of shelf wear on the bottom spine, barely noticeable even when I was looking for it.
Power of Faerun Tiny bit of wear on the bottom spine, amazingly since this is my most used of these that I am selling.

Also, I am looking to unload books 1-5 of the Skulls and Shackles adventure path by Paizo for the Pathfinder RPG, though I am in less of a hurry for those as they don't weigh much or take up much room.

If anyone is interested let me know in here or PM me and we'll set up a private ebay transaction with just the books you want. Time is of the essence, I'm moving Friday and Saturday so I'd love to have much of this sold and shipped by Thursday or Friday. Also, if this is in the wrong place mods I apologize and feel free to move it.

Senior Scribe

417 Posts

Posted - 08 Apr 2013 :  22:49:04  Show Profile Send idilippy a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Posting again since I've listed a few of these items on ebay for sale. If you are interested in either:
Cormyr: The Tearing of the Weave
Races of Faerun
or Champions of Valor please come check them out. I've still got a few other 3.5e books available as well as the Skulls and Shackles Pathfinder Adventure Path which I haven't listed yet too.
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