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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 01 May 2012 :  17:52:31  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
This is another of those 're-imagining the Realms' threads, or even "what have you changed" threads, but with a major difference - this is purely geographical.

I know that Quale and a few others have gone the way I have - dissecting the Realms and rebuilding it from scratch, tossing out what we didn't like and shifting stuff around. Thats no longer even your standard RPG-setting customization - thats a total overhaul.

How many of you do that? Just cherry-pick from the Realms for your games? I have even seen sites that have taken the maps as-is and applied their own settings to them (but kept a few things the same - the High Forest always remains the High Forest, for instance).

I doubt many here at Candlekeep do this (its anti-grognard behavior! ), but when I look around the internet I find many, MANY sites that use FR material, but aren't FR by a long-shot.

Now, for my next project I was going to create a new map from scratch for my own FR variant, but now I am thinking of finding a map I like and modifying it. I love this guys* world map, and here is his original setting map. If you can't view them, it takes 2 seconds to join the cartographersguild, its free, and you'll thank me.

Anyhow, when I saw his first map, I thought about using Waterdeep as Ankh-Bathor - its position on a natural straight between seas makes it ideal (better then Waterdeep's canon location, IMHO). It gives it a bit of a Constantinople-vibe.

Then when I saw his new world map, I thought that its almost perfect - he even has an island right where Evermeet needs to be!

How many of you have ever considered this? taking FR apart and pasting it somewhere else?

*His name at the Cartographer's Guild is Clercon, and I am big fan of his work. His world is called Etrakien - you can read more about it HERE.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 03 May 2012 18:54:27

Learned Scribe

101 Posts

Posted - 01 May 2012 :  18:14:03  Show Profile  Visit EltonJ's Homepage Send EltonJ a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Markustay

This is another of those 're-imagining the Realms' threads, or even "what have you changed" threads, but with a major difference - this is purely geographical.

I know that Quale and a few others have gone the way I have - dissecting the Realms and rebuilding it from scratch, tossing out what we didn't like and shifting stuff around. Thats no longer even your standard RPG-setting customization - thats a total overhaul.

How many of you do that? Just cherry-pick from the Realms for your games? I have even seen sites that have taken the maps as-is and applied their own settings to them (but kept a few things the same - the High Forest always remains the High Forest, for instance).

I doubt many here at Candlekeep do this (its anti-grognard behavior! ), but when I look around the internet I find many, MANY sites that use FR material, but aren't FR by a long-shot.

Now, for my next project I was going to create a new map from scratch for my own FR variant, but now I am thinking of finding a map I like and modifying it. I love this guys world map, and here is his original setting map. If you can't view them, it takes 2 seconds to join the cartographersguild, its free, and you'll thank me.

Anyhow, when I saw his first map, I thought about using Waterdeep as Ankh-Bathor - its position on a natural straight between seas makes it ideal (better then Waterdeep's canon location, IMHO). It gives it a bit of a Constantinople-vibe.

Then when I saw his new world map, I thought that its almost perfect - he even has an island right where Evermeet needs to be!

How many of you have ever considered this? taking FR apart and pasting it somewhere else?

I considered dropping my city of psions somewhere in FR, so it's the opposite. I usually steal Gods, though. I haven't thought of taking pieces of Toril and dropping them somewhere else. :)
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Great Reader

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Posted - 01 May 2012 :  19:04:15  Show Profile Send Jorkens a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Markustay

I doubt many here at Candlekeep do this (its anti-grognard behavior! )

I would say its the opposite. The first rule of Grognardia; first is best. "Hey a new Grey box? Great now the world is mine to do with as I please and no one can say otherwise. A new published product meant to be canon? hmf humbug! Sembia is mine all mine."

I get misty eyed just typing this.

As for the main question; I have been harping on this subject far too many times already, so I will not bore you with repeating my usual ramblings.

No Canon, more stories, more Realms.
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 01 May 2012 :  20:05:03  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I thought the first rule of grognardia was not to talk about grognardia?

Thanks for input, guys. Anyone else?

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 01 May 2012 :  22:00:52  Show Profile Send Rhewtani a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Its stated elsewhere, I think, but I try to make everything work where I can and avoid making something new that already exists. This was TONS OF FUN starting my group in Phlan, in 1340, for Ruins of Adventure. I did my absolute darndest to reconcile the novel, the video game, and the adventure. Building an adventure out of the video game and novel for Pools of Darkness was also an interesting.

I do play by descriptions and NOT stats from the modules, e.g. I wrote up Yarash from the pyramid north of Phlan as an alchemist.
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Dalor Darden
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Posted - 01 May 2012 :  22:01:46  Show Profile Send Dalor Darden a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I have taken the Red Wizards and placed them in my World of Aerk actually. They don't rule a nation though...they are a clandestine order of evil wizards organized exactly the same way as the Red Wizards (right down to circle magic), but they don't rule a nation at all...and in fact are secretly to be found almost world-wide.

Since none of my players are on here, I don't mind saying that part.

I've also decided recently that I will make the Zhentarim the behind the scenes ruling body of the Plutocracy of Corash in my World of Aerk. Manshoon is my favorite evil wizard from the Forgotten Realms, so I had to do it. However, MY Zhentarim are going to be predominantly mercantile/power based and not so much concerned with actually conquering anything. If they gain power behind the scenes that is one thing...but not directly. I decided not to use Banites obviously, instead the clerics in the organization will be cultists of a "god" Hesh.

In fact, my World of Aerk has things from many worlds:

Many of the NPCs of the Kingdom of Karameikos, including the entire Iron Ring; which is a sub-group of the Slavers from Greyhawk.

The Slavers from Greyhawk, based primarily within the Kur Orclands.

Ur-Priests from Greyhawk.

Barachan Pirates from Hyboria that are now called Rheman and rule the Seaholds of Rhem.

The Harpers, but as an ultra-secret organization of Good behind the scenes control freaks.

Semphar from the Forgotten Realms, but now in the form of the Parthiak peoples who rule an empire (much like Persia/Semphar) opposite the Karnite Empire which is like the Byzantine Empire in ways.

SOOOOOO much more.

On the other hand, I have taken things from other worlds and placed them in the Forgotten Realms:

The Five Shires just across the mountains to the north of Turmish where there was once a forest.

I'm going to place an Iclandic Island to the north and west of the main continent...only remains free from ice because of thermal activity...a true land of "Fire and Ice" where I'm going to allow more Viking types to hail from. It will be the Kingdom of Ostland (taken from Mystara). They are going to now be free from an Icy Shroud that Thrym kept them confined once again sail the seas.

I'm toying with replacing the Underdark beneath the lands of Thar with the Orcs of Thar (also from Mystara) and the surface tunnels finally being opened and a new orcish King stepping forward.

I want to put a truly feudal society somewhere in the Forgotten Realms, but I've been having a hard time deciding where to do it. I thought about re-working the Moonshaes so that it is much more Feudal like England because the Ffolk seem like they function very close to that already.

Man really know how to open a can of worms!

The Old Grey Box and AD&D for me!
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Senior Scribe

508 Posts

Posted - 01 May 2012 :  22:06:59  Show Profile Send Rhewtani a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Oh, one conceit.

I did specifically change the fates of Shal, Tarl, and Ren from those novels, to make room for my protagonists.

One PC was a former apprentice of Ranthor and he realized that Ranthor had an apprentice currently, but he never followed up on that.

Ren's daggers were found in Kuto's Well.

Tarl was captured by the vampires, but then later also corrupted by a seed of Moander. He's basically a rotting vampire plant creature that dwells deep below Phlan now.

Any other change is more or less engineered by a PC or an individual reacting to a PC. Presently, the group is in Hulburg, with one of their member married to Amali Hulmaster. I have the guidance provided by the Blades of the Moonsea trilogy for how Hulburg would have become, so NPCs lean in that direction, while the PCs can break free from that.
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Learned Scribe

101 Posts

Posted - 01 May 2012 :  22:08:49  Show Profile  Visit EltonJ's Homepage Send EltonJ a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I've thought about placing the island of Harn from Harnworld off the Sword Coast where it lay between the Moonshaes and Ruathym.

I've thought about using Ptolus as the city for Cimbar. It gives me a reason to use the Banewarrens adventure as well as Monte Cook's Chaositech.

I've contemplated putting in Ratmen in the Realms. My whining player was against it.

I've just know thought of placing Sharn from Eberron in the Vilhon Reach!

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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 02 May 2012 :  05:19:11  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I've considered placing Sharn in the mouth of the Dragonmere, or there-abouts. I placed Greyhawk (the city) along the Western coast of the Dragonmere when I first ran FR.

Originally posted by Dalor Darden

I'm going to place an Iclandic Island to the north and west of the main continent...only remains free from ice because of thermal activity...a true land of "Fire and Ice" where I'm going to allow more Viking types to hail from. It will be the Kingdom of Ostland (taken from Mystara). They are going to now be free from an Icy Shroud that Thrym kept them confined once again sail the seas.
You may be interested in This map I found a long time ago, and stumbled back upon a few days ago.

I have no idea who did that, but I kinda like it. Believe it or not, that guys technique (copy and pasting bits off the main map) got me started with my own mapping.

I wanted a similar 'homeland' for my Norse as well, and had considered something like this for quite some time. Ignore the nonsense to the east, but I really love the way Oerik (HG) and Xendrik (Eb) fit in there - the Northern barbarians of GH are perfectly positioned to be the Illuskan/Rauthym forbears.

I am awaiting for permission from that maker of those maps to start my conversion/adaption - I downloaded GIMP to get me started (I hate having to learn a new software, but I don't have the $800 to shell-out for Photoshop ATM).

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 02 May 2012 05:30:53
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Dalor Darden
Great Reader

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Posted - 02 May 2012 :  16:55:56  Show Profile Send Dalor Darden a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Markustay

I've considered placing Sharn in the mouth of the Dragonmere, or there-abouts. I placed Greyhawk (the city) along the Western coast of the Dragonmere when I first ran FR.

Originally posted by Dalor Darden

I'm going to place an Iclandic Island to the north and west of the main continent...only remains free from ice because of thermal activity...a true land of "Fire and Ice" where I'm going to allow more Viking types to hail from. It will be the Kingdom of Ostland (taken from Mystara). They are going to now be free from an Icy Shroud that Thrym kept them confined once again sail the seas.
You may be interested in This map I found a long time ago, and stumbled back upon a few days ago.

I have no idea who did that, but I kinda like it. Believe it or not, that guys technique (copy and pasting bits off the main map) got me started with my own mapping.

I wanted a similar 'homeland' for my Norse as well, and had considered something like this for quite some time. Ignore the nonsense to the east, but I really love the way Oerik (HG) and Xendrik (Eb) fit in there - the Northern barbarians of GH are perfectly positioned to be the Illuskan/Rauthym forbears.

I am awaiting for permission from that maker of those maps to start my conversion/adaption - I downloaded GIMP to get me started (I hate having to learn a new software, but I don't have the $800 to shell-out for Photoshop ATM).

So the Illuskans would be Suel???

The only thing that prevents me from ever considering a map which includes both the Flannaes and Faerun is that one is so much more high magic than the other.

The implications of a single Red Wizard finding the Flannaes would spell disaster as a flood of magic wielding folks from Faerun would dominate Greyhawk...where wizards and even clerics are much less common.

I like the maps though...and by the way...the nonsense to the East was once upon a time my favorite campaign world.

I always loved the Empire of Alphatia.

I liked the deep history of it's world spanning empire, where the followers of Air defeated the followers of Fire and eventually their empire collapsed.

I actually decided a long time ago that the Wind Dukes of Aaqa were actually the Mentors of the Followers of in fact the Alphatian Empire was in fact a vassal state to the Empire of the Wind Dukes. The Alphatians were the magical colony masters of many worlds, and such ancient empires such as the Suel were beneficiaries of even older civilizations that were once beholden to the Alphatian Empire/Wind Dukes Empire.

On Faerun, I decided that it was in fact an ancient Alphatian ritual that the Netherese stumbled upon that allowed them to create their flying cities...another thing originally taught to the Alphatians by the Wind Dukes.

In fact, there is an entire kingdom within the Alphatian Empire called Floating Ar that is much like Netheril.

Just some thoughts I had long ago that tied things more closely together after reading the meetings between Elminster and Mordenkainen and such.

The Old Grey Box and AD&D for me!
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Dalor Darden
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Posted - 02 May 2012 :  17:04:21  Show Profile Send Dalor Darden a Private Message  Reply with Quote

I just realized I say "In fact" a LOT!

Almost like I'm used to talking in a courtroom or something.

The Old Grey Box and AD&D for me!
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 02 May 2012 :  23:49:06  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
In fact you do.

You seem to think a lot like me - that there is no "this setting" and "that setting", its all D&D, and its all inter-related.

Everything comes full-circle. I considered the Suel as an Imaskari colony. When the Imaskari found them, they were much like the barbarians in northern Oerik, but thanks to their influx of culture and civilization, the Suel rose to become a magically mighty people themselves. The Suel people (at first) were treated almost as badly as the Mulan, but in time earned the respect of the Imaskari, and even full citizenship in their empire (when earned).

When the Pharonic gods attacked Imaskar, everyone was called home. I assume some stayed behind - both troops and governors - and thats where we get some of our cross-world pollination (amongst other things). The remaining Imaskari merged with the Suel peoples and became the new Suel empire (like some Romans did after Rome abandoned the British isles).

One of the many things the (common) Imaskari brought back with them was the knowledge of Kakatal (later called Kossuth in the Realms). The order of the Crimson Cowls was an underground faith that flourished for a short time, venerating the lord of flames, before Imaskar itself fell. Although the priesthood was shattered, an aspect of the faith carried-on unnoticed in the survivor states, including Mulhorand & Unther. Eventually this became known as the clandestine group Red Acolytes, which used the strange Mulan 'southern magic', combining divine magic with dark sorcery. In time, other groups broke off from this one - the white, black, and grey Wizards sometimes heard about in tales of the Old Empires. However, the main group continued on, becoming the Red Wizards, and based in the Thayan Uplands, finally won their independence from their homeland.

So both the Suel and Thayans - the Scarlet Bortherhood and Red Wizards - have common roots going back to the worship of an elemental lord (the crimson cowls). There was also another covert group - the ruby assassins - but they're another story.

As for the magical differences between FR and GH - you could just fudge those (my own FR is more like the OGB in levels, and there aren't nearly that many epic characters), or you could say the Circle of Eight is very pro-active about stamping-out interference, or that there is some subtle difference in magic that nerfs FR casters somewhat, or you could even play-up the differences and say that some of FR's power-groups are starting to make in-roads in the Flanaess (which would make for a very interesting campaign).

And Xendrik is just pure win (Katashaka never got any love).

Didn't mean to insult Mystara - I really love that place as well. Its just a bit of overkill on that map (along with teeny-tiny Krynn).

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 02 May 2012 23:53:12
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Dalor Darden
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Posted - 03 May 2012 :  03:51:24  Show Profile Send Dalor Darden a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hmmmm...I got to thinking.

I could say that Evermeet is the dividing line between the possibility of High Magic in Faerun, and "Normal" Magic in Greyhawk. Some sort of barrier...

Also, you are right; Faerun doesn't HAVE to have so many high level magical individuals. Also, the same barrier I was talking about above could prohibit even teleportation.

Also, the Isle of Evermeet could be working in concert with the elves of the Spindrift Isles to prevent exploration of the waters between their two Island Strongholds.

This would also allow for the reason that such spells as the Tenser's, Otiluke's, Bigby's and etc are also found in Faerun...and I could introduce some Faerunian spells into Greyhawk just as easily.

It would also more easily explain away things in Greyhawk like "Why in the hell are the Drow in Greyhawk if in Faerun they exist for vile and evil deeds?"


I've seen it before, but now I don't know where to look...does anyone know where I can find a side by side review of the Timelines for both areas? I'm pretty sure I remember Brian James having it...but did he have to remove it once the GHotR came out?


found a decent one I think:

Is this ok to have here?

The Old Grey Box and AD&D for me!

Edited by - Dalor Darden on 03 May 2012 04:01:19
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Dalor Darden
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Posted - 03 May 2012 :  04:03:49  Show Profile Send Dalor Darden a Private Message  Reply with Quote is three apart instead of listed together...

I'll keep looking.

The Old Grey Box and AD&D for me!
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 03 May 2012 :  04:18:28  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
A Temporal Chronology of the Primes

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 03 May 2012 04:19:24
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Dalor Darden
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Posted - 03 May 2012 :  15:19:50  Show Profile Send Dalor Darden a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Markustay

A Temporal Chronology of the Primes

That works!

The Old Grey Box and AD&D for me!
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 03 May 2012 :  17:36:19  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I had pointed-out in other threads that Vecna's bid for power (and getting the hell out of Ravenloft) coincides with the Fall of Mystra (there is an overlap in years).

Both 'reordered the planes', so if we don't look at them separately, and realize there was an entire multiverse of stuff happening all at once, then it easier to digest the massive changes occurring all over the place (and most especially to the Realms, which are directly connected to most other settings).

Mystra's fall and Vecna's ascension were just two pieces of a MUCH larger puzzle - someone is playing a very dangerous game. The only one I know with that sort of time, power, and patience is Asmodeus (although I am sure there are others).

In my own HB world, my version of him was called Kazmodeun, but I have since spun my theocratic empire in a different direction (because I didn't want to mimic what Pathfinder did with him). Worshipers were called 'Kazzites', and the were part of the 'Kazzite Empire' (which was just its popular name - I forget its official title). Now its a fantasy version of the Holy Roman Empire (which it always was), but with an unforgiving sun-god at its head. Someday I'll finish the fluff and post it all somewhere.

As for the idea of taking FR material and pasting it onto another map - I have been given permission by that cartographer to use his maps as a starting point, so I hope to get to work on that project today (which was the original purpose of this thread).

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 03 May 2012 18:12:22
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Dalor Darden
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Posted - 03 May 2012 :  20:03:54  Show Profile Send Dalor Darden a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Did you know it was Pazuzu who helped Asmodeus ascend to power?

The Old Grey Box and AD&D for me!
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United Kingdom
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Posted - 04 May 2012 :  12:26:46  Show Profile Send Thauramarth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I don't know if it really qualifies as a radical overhaul, but I've made some modifications to "my" Realms. Biggest one involved changing Anauroch into something very similar to the Chaos Wastes from Warhammer's Known World, full of (large of big) pockets of weirdness (one of them being the core of the Domain of Dread, and some others being the various "Islands in the Mist"), with the Zhentarim trying to search a stable trade route through the whole mess.

Some other modifications were made, to accomodate specific geograhical features in some adventures (I am not even talking about adapting existing villages and putting some new ones to fit certain published adventures).

Still, all in all, overall it's still quite close to the Realms as everyone knows it.

In the other way around (using material from FR and putting it in HB world - less of that, mostly because my favourite HB is based on very specific premises that do not dovetail all that well with FR; most of the stuff included involves concepts and ideas from adventures - e.g., the concept of the Azure Bonds, which was used by some sorcerer...)
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bestial warlust

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Posted - 29 Jan 2013 :  15:27:39  Show Profile Send bestial warlust a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hello new here I thought I'd post some of my changes for my upcoming game. A little background I've been gaming for a long time most of my early games were set in Greyhawk though I've had the grey box since it was released.

The upcoming game I'll be running will be using a version of the OD&D rules (the white box) Delving deeper. My game will be set using the grey box version. With some select things from 2nd ed and probably little to no 3.x + versions. Here are some of my changes to my version of the realms.

  • There is no weave – When Mystryl was killed the weave was also destroyed the resulting destruction caused a magical rain of fire to bombard the Realms resulting in the creation of Vis. Vis pockets are found scattered through the realms and are highly prized because of it's rarity. This Vis is described below (yes taken from Ars magica one of my favorite games)

  • When the weave was destroyed there was a time of no magic. The new Mystra noticed a weakening of the fabric between dimensions. This allowed access to strange “entites” that could be used for spells. Mystra taught this new way to mortals and now guards the rift to prevent it from tearing even more destroying the world.
  • The Time of troubles will not occur in the Year of 1358 DR (current game year). The current gods remain in place. And there is no overgod.

  • Drow remain an evil and dark race shunned by most surface races

  • There are no magic shops. Small alchemists shops can be found for minor potions and other magical component sundries

Vis is a magical substance that takes many forms. It could be a flask of pure spring water, a newly bloomed flower, or an iridescent rock. What all these items have in common is they are infused with pure magic. Vis can be used in the casting of spells or the creation of magic items.

Vis allows a magic user to cast spells without losing it from memory. The vis is consumed in the process. One vis for a first level spell, two vis for a second level spell, three for a 3rd level spell and so on. One vis is worth 100 GP towards the creation of a magic item. The referee can use vis as treasure usable towards the creation of a magic item in place of giving out more gold pieces. Vis is also a required ingredient for casting ritual magic (see house rules for more details). Vis sources come in several varieties mediocre, standard and rich. Depending on the source up to twelve pawns of vis can be harvested. Each season roll a d6-2 for poor, 1d6 for standard and 2d6 for rich this is the amount that can be harvested from that source for that season.

Once it's all been harvested it takes another season for it to collect. You can over harvest a vis site. The danger here is that over harvesting is there is a chance (4+ on a d6) that the site will become barren no longer producing vis. When you over harvest roll an additional d6 (no modifiers) and this is how much extra you gain for that harvesting.

Living Spells
This only applies to magic-user's. As mentioned spells are actually a living alien entity. Before the destruction of Mystryl the Netherese magic-users could funnel spells through the weave without memorization. But since the destruction of the weave there is no inherit spell power in the realms to draw on. Instead these “living spells” must be pulled from their dimension and trapped in the magic-user's mind. These creatures are summoned through formulae discovered or taught to the magic-user the process of this is referred to as memorization. This process is similar to the roman Ars Memoriae.

New spells that are discovered are the researching mage discovering a way to find and bind a one of these creatures to the prime material plane into the magic-users mind. Because of this more than one copy of the same spell cannot be memorized at a time.

These are just some of my current changes

Edited by - bestial warlust on 29 Jan 2013 16:00:29
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The Masked Mage
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Posted - 29 Jan 2013 :  15:43:50  Show Profile Send The Masked Mage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I've long thought about making a HUGE change - not to Faerun, but to Toril. Namely, I would blend the Forgotten Realms with the D&D globe and create a Hollow World setting withing Toril, complete with a world shield down below the underdark. Two worlds in one.
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bestial warlust

2 Posts

Posted - 29 Jan 2013 :  16:01:22  Show Profile Send bestial warlust a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I've thought about adding hollow world also but for now I'll leave that on the back burner the surface has enough to explore already.
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Posted - 29 Jan 2013 :  18:53:38  Show Profile Send Ayrik a Private Message  Reply with Quote
As a true grog (long live Drognard!), I must agree with Jorkens. First is best. Second is second best. Third is a little spice added to reheated leftovers. Fourth is the scrapings which a dog might lick off the plate.

Of course, some people prefer the taste of leftovers and scrapings over the classic recipes, more power to them. Sembia belongs to me.

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The Arcanamach
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 29 Jan 2013 :  22:02:31  Show Profile Send The Arcanamach a Private Message  Reply with Quote
My Realms is a combination of worlds from (Dragonlance, Eberron, Greyhawk mostly) but, sadly, I lack the time to really re-do the maps (not to mention the expertise to redo them). So I just say that continent X is here and location Y is there and combine the elements that I like most from the various game worlds into the the Realms.

All that said, I absolutely love Markustay's maps and Dalor's work on the Shire!

I have a dream that one day, all game worlds will exist as one.
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 29 Jan 2013 :  22:38:51  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
FIRST... Welcome to the Candlekeep forums Bestial Warlust!!!
(and there's a sentence I never pictured myself saying)

Second, thanks for contributing to my thread. This one was more focused on 'geography', but its all good - love hearing about what other people have done.

I've incorporated similar ideas in my Realms over the years, but in the end I usually dropped them (I found it was a lot of bookkeeping). I adapted rules from the C&S system which had a BMR (Basic Magical resistance) rating for everything, and you had to reduce that resistance to Zero before you could enchant (so not quite the same thing as yours, but along the same lines). Some stuff - like dragon gold - was naturally BMR 0, which was very handy (it was time-consuming reducing a material's magical resistance). You could also screw-up (roll a critical failure) and wind-up with adding to its resistance (which is is similar to how you have 'over-farming' Vis).

All of that applied to creating items though, not casting spells. I've tried a lot of systems for that as well.

@The Arcanamach - thanks for the kind words. You should see the mosh-up I am doing now (which I will be detailing on The Piazza, because its pulled so far away from canon that I feel its no longer even appropriate for this site).

Today I added Varisia... just for the hell of it. Poor Sembia got smacked around and reduced, but it worked. I also decided that there was just one HUGE series of wars in the past - sort of like a 'world war', so I rolled all that together (it was easier to work-out all the continuity gaffs that way). So now just about every locale is built upon the ruins of ancient civilizations that destroyed each other in the distant past. Hmmmm... guess it still sounds like The Realms after all.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 29 Jan 2013 22:43:46
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Posted - 31 Jan 2013 :  08:01:11  Show Profile Send Marc a Private Message  Reply with Quote
In the Kingmaker AP campaign I had such a world. Neighboring countries of the River Kingdoms were from Forgotten Realms, WoG, and others. Tough except for their ambassadors, they didn't have a lot of influence.

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