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 Neverwinter Nights: Module construction discussion
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Posted - 30 Dec 2003 :  07:09:49  Show Profile  Visit Upuaut's Homepage Send Upuaut a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Well, here I am new to the forum and I'm creating my first subject of discussion. I have found in the past, when I am attempting to learn something of a technical nature, there is little that is better than developing a small group of like minded individuals for discussion. I have mastered a few Markup languages, as well as Javascript, actionscipt, and a couple of other demi-programing languages. I am ready to tackle the big "C". Neverwinter Nights is C, simply put, and it is not beyond us to know how it works. Anyone who roleplays has enough of a mind to fiddle with a language. Some may even find the programing of it a breeze.

So. . Basicaly I joined up here to find others who A) know extensively about the world of Faerun, and B) are interested in learning how to use the toolset to create modules, and persistant worlds for online play. I'm pretty good with the latter already.. the former, Faerun knowledge, I'm still pretty lacking in. I've been stuck over in that gothic nightmare "World of Darkness" for about 10 years now. I need a lot of refresher material.

So far I have just been breaking down the scripts from the game and the two expansion packs, as well as working on some of my own scripts. I haven't gotten into custom content yet. That is to say, I have not developed any hak packs yet. I have created a couple of magic items, as well as interesting traps using fairly simple scripts.

"When the white eagle of the North is flying overhead
And the browns, reds and gold of autumn lie in the gutter, dead.
Remember then the summer bird with wings of fire flaying
Come to witness spring's new hope, born of leaves decaying."

The Cardinal
Senior Scribe

647 Posts

Posted - 30 Dec 2003 :  07:27:55  Show Profile  Visit The Cardinal's Homepage Send The Cardinal a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Greetings and Well met!
Well all things in Realmslore (and some that isn't) Can be found here. There are a few masters around that know anything... on just about everything...
Anyways welcome, and let anyknow if you need for anything.... But then I guess you are no?

It has to be Certain, the Gods Hate Me. For whatever irrevokable Fate, I have been made the walking Joke. Either that, or Beshaba is overlyfond Of Me.
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16 Posts

Posted - 30 Dec 2003 :  13:44:54  Show Profile  Visit Upuaut's Homepage Send Upuaut a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well that's what I need is Realm experts.

My first thoughts have been attempting to tie my section of the world in with what has already been writen. In that effort I have finished reading the Faerun FAQ, and am processing the timeline. (It's big)

I guess my first question to anyone out there who might know is: What canon has been established on the area Greypeak Mountains and Southwood?

my second question is, what is a standard caravan travel time for an area where there are no roads to follow? i.e. Remote Marches

"When the white eagle of the North is flying overhead
And the browns, reds and gold of autumn lie in the gutter, dead.
Remember then the summer bird with wings of fire flaying
Come to witness spring's new hope, born of leaves decaying."
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