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 Whats the diffrence between Lloth and Lolth?
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Posted - 26 Dec 2003 :  16:14:15  Show Profile  Visit mr.lee's Homepage Send mr.lee a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic

I've seen people using the name "Lolth", but in my version of the book "Homeland"(1st book of the Dark Elf triology) The spider queen is called "Lloth"(not "Lolth"). This cofuses me. Who is Lloth and who is Lolth, and how do you pronounce the words? Help please. I hope this isnt posted under the wrong topic, if it is, please forgive me.

If I'd wanted your opinion, I'd have told you what it was.

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Posted - 26 Dec 2003 :  21:18:59  Show Profile  Visit Faraer's Homepage Send Faraer a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The drow spider-goddess is Lolth. Gary Gygax named her that in the late 70s, and that's the name in the Realms, except for the regional variant 'Lloth' used in Menzoberranzan and Uluitur which came about because Bob Salvatore used 'Lloth' (perhaps by mistake) in The Crystal Shard.

Lolth is pronounced 'lolth' (short or long o as you prefer), Lloth is 'loth'.
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Posted - 26 Dec 2003 :  21:35:23  Show Profile Send Hymn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
As I remember it it's the same godess only some fault(?) arised, or miss typing at Salvatores hand, or type editor. But the true name for her is Lolth (loalth) as the name Lloth only is used a few times. It could also do with that Lolth is used in both the Realms and the core AD&D phanteon. Perhaps they thought at the time that an extra name should be used as to noth mix her up between the worlds. I don't know about that, only a guess. Hope it did more help then harm,

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69 Posts

Posted - 27 Dec 2003 :  00:58:19  Show Profile  Visit mr.lee's Homepage Send mr.lee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
thanks for helping me out. so the general and "correct" term is "Lolth", even though Salvatore insisted on calling her "Lloth"! (LOL, or LOLth or LLOth if you know what I mean) haha! I hardly believe Lolth (or was it Lloth?) would be very happy if she knew we humans were mising up the names ... but ok. now thats cleared up anyway.

merry x-mas and a happy new-year from mr.lee

If I'd wanted your opinion, I'd have told you what it was.
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69 Posts

Posted - 27 Dec 2003 :  00:59:21  Show Profile  Visit mr.lee's Homepage Send mr.lee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
P.S. and by the way - who is gary gygax?
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Posted - 27 Dec 2003 :  04:53:56  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by mr.lee

P.S. and by the way - who is gary gygax?

No one important.
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The Sage
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Posted - 27 Dec 2003 :  07:54:28  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by mr.lee

P.S. and by the way - who is gary gygax?

Co-creator of the role-playing game "Dungeons & Dragons". There is much more information located on many different RPG sites across the internet, just go out, and search...

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Strahd Von Zarovich
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Posted - 28 Dec 2003 :  13:37:13  Show Profile  Visit Strahd Von Zarovich's Homepage Send Strahd Von Zarovich a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by SiriusBlack

Originally posted by mr.lee

P.S. and by the way - who is gary gygax?

No one important.


Strahd Von Zarovich

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Elrond Half Elven
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Posted - 28 Dec 2003 :  15:11:51  Show Profile  Visit Elrond Half Elven's Homepage Send Elrond Half Elven a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Strahd Von Zarovich BLASPHEMY!!

Hey don't you belong in Ravenloft Your name certianly suggests it.
I'm pretty sure that Mr Gygax is better known in America, BUT He does (or did) appeat every so often in Dragon magazine, and his name is dropped into several introductions in the books. I'm surprised Mr Lee that you never knew who he was .
Anyway I always thought that the difference between Lloth and Lolth was one was the default spelling for Greyhawk and the other the spelling for Forgotten Realms, however they where both the same God. Obviously I am Wrong tho'. Here is a quick question for you, how involved is the Drow patheolon with say the human, or Dwarf? Obvs they are occasionally involved with the Elvish, the occasional skirmish or two .

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Posted - 29 Dec 2003 :  08:59:56  Show Profile  Visit Bookwyrm's Homepage Send Bookwyrm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Read on into Exile. When Drizzt is with the gnomes, the pronounciation difference is addressed. Sort of.

It's just a typing error, just like with Tempos/us.

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Garen Thal
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Posted - 29 Dec 2003 :  09:32:13  Show Profile  Visit Garen Thal's Homepage Send Garen Thal a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The proper name for the goddess is "Lolth." "Lloth" is explained, in several places (including Demihuman Deities, and the older Mezoberranzan boxed set and Drow of the Underdark book) as the Menzoberranyr name for Lolth. Three years after the first misspelling- if ever it was one- the explanation was provided, in print.
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Fibura Gauntlet

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Posted - 29 Dec 2003 :  16:11:30  Show Profile  Visit Fibura Gauntlet's Homepage Send Fibura Gauntlet a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I always refer to Her as "Lloth" because it looks Celtic (oh, all right then, Welsh) to me and thus more authentic. Which is a little ironic when you think about it, preferring the "realistic" spelling to the "fantasy" one It does mean I get to pronounce it "Hcloth" though

(before someone asks, no, that wasn't a typo )

- Fibura Gauntlet
A scrib(bl)e on the margins of Candlekeep
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Ezindir the dark
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Posted - 29 Dec 2003 :  16:31:20  Show Profile  Visit Ezindir the dark's Homepage Send Ezindir the dark a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by mr.lee

P.S. and by the way - who is gary gygax?


You cant realy mean you dident now this?

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Posted - 30 Dec 2003 :  03:48:55  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Ezindir the dark

Originally posted by mr.lee

P.S. and by the way - who is gary gygax?


You cant realy mean you dident now this?

It wouldn't surprise me if he did in fact mean exactly what he put forth in the question. A thread on the WOTC board I believe also had many posters with no idea as to who Mr. Gygax was/is. For some roleplaying didn't start til the dawn of Prestige Classes....or dark elves wielding two scimitars.

Nothing wrong with that...just up to the veterans of roleplaying to let them know who Mr. Gygax is and why his name might be one to recall.

Not that I'm one of those people....Gygax? Wasn't there a video game named that in the 80s
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Ezindir the dark
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Posted - 30 Dec 2003 :  16:10:37  Show Profile  Visit Ezindir the dark's Homepage Send Ezindir the dark a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Do you see this smily? I tried to express irony with it, but it dident seem to work.

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Ezindir the dark
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Posted - 04 Jan 2004 :  21:22:45  Show Profile  Visit Ezindir the dark's Homepage Send Ezindir the dark a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Warning: Tiny spoiler
After been reading a little in the weekend I have found some other miswrited gods:
1.) Clangedin/ Clangedon
In Book one in the IWD trilogy Bruenor places a " rune of Clangedon" on the hammer that will be given to Wulfgar, but in IWD 1 the voise fighter one, two or somthing is a dwarf crying out: "By Clangedins twinaxes", and I think, but I might be wrong that in BG 2 "TOB" you can forge rune of clangedin with the Runehammer, but I am not realy sure about this, and I think I can remember that I have heard the name Clangedin before, but I can't realy remember where.
In IWD 1 in Easthaven the cleric/warrior/paladin or somthing Everard talks of Tempus, but in the IWD trilogy the barbarians of IWD whorships Tempos, and I think they have used teh name Tempus in IWD 2 , but I am not sure of this either.

Any coments?

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Posted - 04 Jan 2004 :  23:32:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Clangeddin and Tempus are the correct names. Clangeddin is the dwarven deity of crafting, and Tempus is the Faerunian god of war, as I remember.
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Garen Thal
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Posted - 05 Jan 2004 :  00:43:17  Show Profile  Visit Garen Thal's Homepage Send Garen Thal a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Keep in mind, though, that "Tempos" is the name by which Tempus is known among the barbarians of Icewind Dale, at least according to Faiths and Avatars. Also, according to Demihuman Deities, Clangeddin is often spelled Clanggedin or Clanggendin. It shouldn't ever be spelled Clangedon. Tempus and Clangeddin, however you spell them, are respectively the Faerūnian and Dwarven gods of war and battle.
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Ezindir the dark
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Posted - 05 Jan 2004 :  16:17:52  Show Profile  Visit Ezindir the dark's Homepage Send Ezindir the dark a Private Message  Reply with Quote
So you are saying that there is a mispelling in the book?

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Garen Thal
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Posted - 06 Jan 2004 :  13:47:46  Show Profile  Visit Garen Thal's Homepage Send Garen Thal a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Not at all. I'm saying that each of those books has "misspellings" listed as alternate names for the gods in question. Clangeddin has at least two accepted spellings for his name beyond "Clangeddin," and the use of "Tempos" in R.A. Salvatore's novels is not a misspelling; it's how Wulfgar's people say Tempus' name.

As with the Lolth/Lloth issue, it's not entirely clear whether the explanation was there all along, or if the explanation is given to keep from having to admit an editing mistake in the spelling of a god's name, but officially, Tempos is just another name for Tempus.
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69 Posts

Posted - 06 Jan 2004 :  18:11:44  Show Profile  Visit mr.lee's Homepage Send mr.lee a Private Message  Reply with Quote
well, if you say so.....

If I'd wanted your opinion, I'd have told you what it was.
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Garen Thal
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Posted - 06 Jan 2004 :  21:58:09  Show Profile  Visit Garen Thal's Homepage Send Garen Thal a Private Message  Reply with Quote
It's not that I say so. It's that the books say so. Each of the F&A books from 2nd Edition lists the various known aliases for each deity.

Faiths and Avatars
"Aliases: Tempos (among the barbarians of Icewind Dale)"

Demihuman Deities
"Aliases: Clanggedin (shield dwarves), Claggendin"
"Aliases: Araunshee, Lloth (Menzoberranzan and Uluitur), Megwandir, Moander, Zinzerena"
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Posted - 28 Sep 2018 :  15:23:29  Show Profile  Visit cpthero2's Homepage Send cpthero2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Great Reader Faraer,

Wow, so is that actually what did happen then regarding the spelling? It was just a typo? I never even questioned it, as I figured it was just different dialects saying it a different way. That would be hilarious. Sort of like how 'Filk' came to be, by having 'Folk' typed incorrectly for the World Fair in 1938, and reprinting of course was a very expensive proposition back then.

Quite entertaining if so.

Best regards,

Originally posted by Faraer

The drow spider-goddess is Lolth. Gary Gygax named her that in the late 70s, and that's the name in the Realms, except for the regional variant 'Lloth' used in Menzoberranzan and Uluitur which came about because Bob Salvatore used 'Lloth' (perhaps by mistake) in The Crystal Shard.

Lolth is pronounced 'lolth' (short or long o as you prefer), Lloth is 'loth'.

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