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68 Posts

Posted - 04 Mar 2012 :  15:03:14  Show Profile  Visit koz's Homepage Send koz a Private Message  Delete Topic
Was reading about the suvudu cage match and thought it was a pretty cool idea. I'm not sure if anyone would be interested and I don't mean to steal someone else's idea but how about a realms centric tournament? Maybe hae a write in period for nominations for contestants and have the seeding done by the people who know the characters the best, the authors and designers themselves. (If they want to that is.) I know that every creator will be partial to their own characters but they are also extremely honest about the limitations of their creations from what I have seen. I figure it would be the only fair way that would cause the least amount of disagreements. I know there would always be complaints about who got seeded what but I think this would curb a lot of them. Plus that is where the voting would come in. If someone thinks their favorite was seeded wrong or has an impossible match up then vote and vote often. Since it would all be based on votes upsets are bound to happen. Anyway it was just a thought. I personally don' have the time to set it up but if people are interested maybe somebody else could. All in fun of course.


68 Posts

Posted - 04 Mar 2012 :  15:23:45  Show Profile  Visit koz's Homepage Send koz a Private Message
If the authors and designers idea doesn't work out a random draw might work as well.
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Great Reader

9933 Posts

Posted - 04 Mar 2012 :  17:16:16  Show Profile Send Dennis a Private Message

While I'm not (and never was) a fan of these characters, I understand how popular they are: Drizzt, Entreri, and Jarlaxle. Most votes would (obviously) easily be for them...

Every beginning has an end.
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36863 Posts

Posted - 04 Mar 2012 :  17:44:31  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message
Meh, this would just be a more involved X vs. Y debate, which we try to avoid. Many of these match-ups could be decided more by scenario than anything else, and objectivity rarely plays all that strong a factor in such discussions.

Hence, I am closing this thread.

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