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Great Reader

3290 Posts

Posted - 26 Jan 2012 :  23:43:12  Show Profile Send Brimstone a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
DDXP: Seminar Transcript - Charting the Course: An Edition for all Editions

Taken from En World...

No Realms info, but interesting...

"These things also I have observed: that knowledge of our world is
to be nurtured like a precious flower, for it is the most precious
thing we have. Wherefore guard the word written and heed
words unwritten and set them down ere they fade . . . Learn
then, well, the arts of reading, writing, and listening true, and they
will lead you to the greatest art of all: understanding."
Alaundo of Candlekeep

Edited by - Brimstone on 26 Jan 2012 23:48:49

Great Reader

3290 Posts

Posted - 26 Jan 2012 :  23:48:30  Show Profile Send Brimstone a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Here is another article from En World...

"These things also I have observed: that knowledge of our world is
to be nurtured like a precious flower, for it is the most precious
thing we have. Wherefore guard the word written and heed
words unwritten and set them down ere they fade . . . Learn
then, well, the arts of reading, writing, and listening true, and they
will lead you to the greatest art of all: understanding."
Alaundo of Candlekeep

Edited by - Brimstone on 26 Jan 2012 23:49:01
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Great Reader

4692 Posts

Posted - 27 Jan 2012 :  00:17:06  Show Profile Send Kentinal a Private Message  Reply with Quote
OK, I am sold not, the discussion appears to be offering all and nothing. Use minis or not, use grid maps or not, it all depends on how the DM wants to approach the many options and of course getting players enough that agree to DM options.

"Small beings can have small wisdom," the dragon said. "And small wise beings are better than small fools. Listen: Wisdom is caring for afterwards."
"Caring for afterwards ...? Ker repeated this without understanding.
"After action, afterwards," the dragon said. "Choose the afterwards first, then the action. Fools choose action first."
"Judgement" copyright 2003 by Elizabeth Moon
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 28 Jan 2012 :  03:23:13  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I just hope it doesn't get so 'ephemeral' that it becomes impossible to nail down anything specific. An 'un-system', if you will.

I just felt there was a wishy-washy, back-and-forth feel to 4e, and I'd rather they be firm (whether right or wrong) on certain things, then do that 'waffling' thing again.

In other words, the Core system needs to be SOLID.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 28 Jan 2012 03:55:59
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7989 Posts

Posted - 28 Jan 2012 :  04:53:58  Show Profile Send Ayrik a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I don't at all blame WotC for refusing to offer any solid promises this early in their project development. Most especially since it seems like every "official" statement they make is immediately analyzed, criticized, attacked, and defended by the now-rabid piranha pool of fans. I believe Wizbro is still doing recon, gathering information and feeling out how many people represent each segment of the market and what those people want (or don't want) in their new D&D.

I expect that when WotC starts getting secretive, hiding behind their NDA shields and dropping names of specific people, places, and things in 5E and in the 5E Realms - that's when their plans will be more solidified and any statements they make will be meaningful. For now they're just being political, which means that just like politicians they make themselves visible to the media and constantly make statements which don't really say anything at all.

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Great Reader

4458 Posts

Posted - 28 Jan 2012 :  14:07:39  Show Profile Send Diffan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Where Markustay sees Wishy-Washy, I saw as Options. Lets take the back-and-forth of 4E's Essentials. Many feel it was a play to older editions, making non-spellcasting classes more "believable" than their AEDU counterparts. It's partially true, but it was also pretty well designed. For example, I though the Knight played really well, allowing me to maintain my role as Defender. But if I wanted a few aspects from the Weaponmaster (PHB-Fighter), then there were ways to grab a few powers too.

More options often means more fun IMO.

As for the use of Mini/Grids, I always felt it was a group concensus to use them or not. Or, worse case scenario Majority rules. Our group loves using grids and miniatures and i'd hate to see them opt-out of those aspects for people who don't. I see no reason why the game can't support both.
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