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Nicolai Withander
Master of Realmslore

1093 Posts

Posted - 07 Jan 2012 :  13:29:29  Show Profile Send Nicolai Withander a Private Message
I did not mean to discard your posts....

I have read them all! But that does not mean that i agree!
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Senior Scribe

584 Posts

Posted - 07 Jan 2012 :  13:41:51  Show Profile Send _Jarlaxle_ a Private Message
Originally posted by Imp

Nicolai, please read my posts again. I explained everything.

You explaind nothing you are just posting your opinion over and over again claiming that this is canon without backing it up by any citations of official lore.
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Learned Scribe

231 Posts

Posted - 07 Jan 2012 :  13:51:23  Show Profile Send Imp a Private Message
Read what I wrote before you start accusing. You guys are so quick to discard my "opinions" and yet it is you who has no citations or books to prove your words.

Edited by - Imp on 07 Jan 2012 13:59:14
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 07 Jan 2012 :  14:21:56  Show Profile Send _Jarlaxle_ a Private Message
You are the one claiming that what you say is the only valid truth discregarding everyone elses opinions. So its up to you to prove that what you say is the official canon.
Without it its just an opinion. An interesting one, like i think Kilvan said before, but just an opinion just like everyone elses too.
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Learned Scribe

231 Posts

Posted - 07 Jan 2012 :  14:33:22  Show Profile Send Imp a Private Message
Dude, I DID! I did provide the books when I was asked. Now it's their turn.

Edited by - Imp on 07 Jan 2012 14:33:40
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36784 Posts

Posted - 07 Jan 2012 :  16:18:46  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message
Play nice, people. All this back and forth stuff is detracting from the original topic.

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Nicolai Withander
Master of Realmslore

1093 Posts

Posted - 07 Jan 2012 :  16:19:38  Show Profile Send Nicolai Withander a Private Message
Ok... Well Asmodeus is not in Faith and Pantheons, nor do I remember him to be in Deities and Demigods.

You do name some books, but I dont have them all. In fact I only have Book of Devils, where non of the Phenominal cosmic power you speak of is written. Fiendish Codex II, where an CR 27 aspect is stated. And in the 2ed Guide to Hell, he is portraited as very powerful. Infact so powerful that he gives the other lords some of his essence and that is why they are powerful. But I have yet to find anywhere in any of the book I have, that sais over deity. Sorry.

This is not discarding your statement, but I just cant find the evidence.

Further... This is how he is stated in Book of Vile Darkness. (THIS IS NOT AN ASPECT)

Large Outsider (Evil, Lawful)
Hit Dice: 35d8+350 (507 hp)
Initiative: +10
Speed: 40 ft., fly 120 ft. (perfect)
AC: 49 (–1 size, +6 Dex, +9 insight, +25 natural), touch 24,
flat-footed 43
Attacks: Ruby Rod of Asmodeus (+6 unholy greatclub)
+55/+50/+45/+40 melee
Damage: Ruby Rod of Asmodeus (+6 unholy greatclub) 1d8+28
plus 4d8+20 inflict critical wounds
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Chill gaze, demand submission, fear and
weakness gaze, spell-like abilities, spells
Special Qualities: Baatezu traits, DR 20/+7, outsider traits,
regeneration 15, SR 45, summon baatezu
Saves: Fort +29, Ref +25, Will +31
Abilities: Str 40, Dex 23, Con 30, Int 30, Wis 34, Cha 30
Skills: Alchemy +45, Appraise +26, Bluff +45, Concentration
+45, Diplomacy +53, Disguise +45, Gather Information
+45, Hide +19, Innuendo +47, Intimidate +49,
Knowledge (arcana) +45, Knowledge (nature) +18,
Knowledge (religion) +26, Knowledge (the planes) +45,
Listen +47, Move Silently +23, Scry +45, Search +45,
Sense Motive +47, Spellcraft +45, Spot +47
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Craft Rod, Dark Speech, Expertise,
Improved Initiative, Maximize Spell-Like Ability, Power
Attack, Spell Penetration, Violate Spell-Like Ability
Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 32
Treasure: Quadruple standard
Alignment: Lawful evil
Asmodeus the Archfiend, the overlord of all the dukes of hell,
commands all devilkind and reigns as the undisputed master
of the Nine Hells. Even the deities that call that plane home
pay Asmodeus a great deal of respect.
Asmodeus is certainly older than any devil in hell,
although some say that he was not the plane’s first ruler. On
the other hand, some reports claim that he is indeed the
original, primal force of evil in the multiverse.
The actions of Asmodeus are often mysterious to outside
observers, but that is due to the short-sighted and dim-witted
view most beings have. Asmodeus’s manipulations are
labyrinthine and insidious. They work on a grand scale,
although when it suits his needs he is willing to focus his
attention even on the status of a lowly mortal soul.
During the Reckoning, Asmodeus showed that he could
take on virtually all the other archdevils in hell and arise triumphant
when the smoke clears. His will alone dictates
who rules the various layers of hell. Once a year, he gathers
the archdevils together in his home in Nessus, a fortress
called Malsheem. None has ever refused this call. Even Levistus
is briefly freed from his imprisonment to attend (and
sulk through) this gathering.
Asmodeus stands just over 13 feet tall, with lustrous dark
skin and dark hair. He is handsome in the same way that a
thunderstorm is beautiful. His red eyes shine with the power
of hell, and his head is crowned with a pair of small, dark red
horns. He dresses in finery of red and black; a single garment
of his might cost what an entire nation spends in a year. Of
course, he is never without his Ruby Rod, an ornate piece of
unparalleled jeweled finery and vast magical power.

I must hold to my first question. Where is he stated most true???
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 07 Jan 2012 :  17:13:08  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message
Gray Richardson had a very nice explanation of how certain things work (although certainly not all - the universe is a great mystery, after all).

Basically, there are 'tiers' of power that we are canonically aware. we know the various levels of deities, from Exarch (demi-power) to Greater power (and I have also HB-added in the 'High God' layer, for pantheonic leaders). We also have Overpowers, which are probably the same as the 'Watchers' (Ed's "Watching Gods") from the OD&D/Mystara, and we are aware of at least one being above the level of 'Overgod'. We also have primordials, which appear to be in the echelon somewhere, but its hard to place them precisely. In some ways they are more powerful then gods, and in others they are not.

Gray's idea was that 'divinity' was a template that any power (including arch-fiends and High celestials) could obtain - it just means you have opened-up a two-way conduit between yourself and mortals, for a mutual exchange of energies and benefits. It is symbiotic in nature, and therefor, many evil powers would tend to shy away from it (a god can be damaged by his own Faith, through dogma, for instance). So too would most primordials, since they are of a completely alien mindset.

My personal belief in this regard (meaning, this isn't part of Gray's conjecture) is that primordial elemental powers - and perhaps certain others - work through go-betweens - they use deities in much the same way deities use exarchs (saints/Chosen/etc). They provide a boost of power on a primal magnitude that most deities could never hope to obtain on their own, while sending a portion of that energy on to the primordial (just like it works between mortals & gods, and demi-powers {exarchs} and gods - it all amounts to the same thing - a symbiotic relationship that potentially raises the abilities of all parties involved).

Ergo, I contend, THE (prime)Ordial of elemental fire is some primal being - perhaps Agni, or Hastsezini - and Kakatal (a named used by Ed in his deity article in The Dragon, which was borrowed from Michael Moorcock's works and appeared in the 1st-printing DD) and Kossuth are just both regional names for him, or rather, local aspects (and an aspect of a primordial could be a god). In the east (Kara-Tur), Zhu Rong would be the aspect/god of the primoridal Fire-power. This also means that the Archomentals are Greater Aspects (Archatars?) of the primal fire power, which should be unaligned (two faces of the same being, molded by the mortal belief in them into what they are).

Anyhow, I digress... my point is that you can have way more power then a deity (like Asmodeus has), and yet be limited in what you can obtain (the whole sybiotic-relationship of Worship). As powerful as Primal beings are (and I am talking about all of them - fiends, Celestials, elemental lords, etc), they are limited by their nature. Even a lowly farmhand is better at handling water then Khosuth is.

Taking on the divine template is risky, because it opens-up that two-way conduit, but the benefits are that you can now access things your own limited nature never allowed. For instance, Kossuth needs a lake moved (for whatever reason), so he has his mortal followers move it for him (a very simplistic explanation - on a divine scale thing would be more 'cosmic'). Bill Gates & Oprah Winfrey are the RW equivalent of 'greater Powers', and yet, they still need people to mow their lawn, cook, clean, take out the trash, etc, etc... Just because you have vast amounts of power doesn't make you capable of every little thing. You need underlings to take care of 'the small stuff'.

So while Asmodeus has way more power then most deities in certain areas, he would be greatly limited in the Prime (mortal) world, where he has to act through minions and intermediaries. If he could acquire the divine template, then that would open the door to many possibilities - and by absorbing another being that already had access to a sphere may actually be a type of cosmic 'back door'. Consider also that Azuth held a portion of Mystra's power, and Mytsra herself was an Elder (the level greater then 'greater' LOL) Artifact, and contained the energies of TWO primal powers.

Asmodeus was not content to foster some little cult, work hard at it, become a lesser power and rise through the ranks over countless centuries. Oh no... he is ASMODEUS... he wanted to jump right to the top of the heap. Toril and its Weave are inter-twined; the Weave governed nearly all aspects of Faerunian life - he now controls a piece of that. He may have even kept a portion of Azuth separate, re-named it, and is using that in FR (which would be more his speed - as I said earlier, evil powers would shy-away from that symbiotic deity-relationship). He has done this before - in GH (Oerth) he was known as 'The Serpent', and on earth 'The Devil'... his names are Legion.


And just how do we know that Azuth wasn't already an aspect of Asmodeus - some poor hapless mortal that allowed Asmodeus into his soul - and what occurred during the Spellplague was just Asmodeus calling his wayward aspect (avatar) home?

Az... modeus? Hmmmm... maybe the mortal's name was originally 'Zuth'.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 07 Jan 2012 17:25:54
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Great Reader

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Posted - 07 Jan 2012 :  17:22:11  Show Profile Send Ayrik a Private Message
Asmodeus and his power changed between 1E and 2E, changed again during 2E, again in 3E, and yet again in 4E. My sources are primarily pre-4E, my preferences are primarily 2E; in those Asmodeus is not a god but he's pretty bad news and has access to phenomenal power. Your sources seem to be exclusively 4E, where Asmodeus is "only" a god who happens to have a hideout in Hell. Use whatever books you have, assign whatever level of power you prefer, add whatever details from other sources you like - there's nothing "wrong" with playing a different, a non-canon, or even a homebrewed Asmodeus in your campaign. Particularly since nobody can agree on Asmodeus's "real" abilities anyhow.

Although much has been written about Asmodeus, almost nothing has been written about Ao. Since Ao is completely ambiguous (and, I think, his inconvenient existence is something post-2E D&D would like to sweep under the cosmic carpet) it's really impossible to measure him directly against Asmodeus. If you think one is more powerful than the other then so be it, your answer is as valid as anyone else's.

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Learned Scribe

231 Posts

Posted - 07 Jan 2012 :  17:33:08  Show Profile Send Imp a Private Message
Ok... Well Asmodeus is not in Faith and Pantheons, nor do I remember him to be in Deities and Demigods.

Why... should he be there?

In fact I only have Book of Devils, where non of the Phenominal cosmic power you speak of is written.

What edition?

But I have yet to find anywhere in any of the book I have, that sais over deity. Sorry.

Strawman. Nowhere did I say he is an overdeity. He is "as powerful as an overdeity in his own realm (Hell)".

And sorry, but Book of Vile Darkness isn't about devils, and also it's 3ed, so they could not get the stats right.

I must hold to my first question. Where is he stated most true???

Nowhere. Is Ao stated up? I Lady of Pain stated up? No, because they're too ancient and powerful to state them up.

Also, isn't it illegal to post the stats from the book?

Edited by - Imp on 07 Jan 2012 17:35:17
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Master of Realmslore

1272 Posts

Posted - 07 Jan 2012 :  17:38:57  Show Profile Send Therise a Private Message
Originally posted by Markustay

And just how do we know that Azuth wasn't already an aspect of Asmodeus - some poor hapless mortal that allowed Asmodeus into his soul - and what occurred during the Spellplague was just Asmodeus calling his wayward aspect (avatar) home?

Az... modeus? Hmmmm... maybe the mortal's name was originally 'Zuth'.

You know, oddly enough I remember reading in some 4E source that Asmodeus "regained his divinity" rather than just becoming a new divinity by absorbing Azuth.

I don't know how far I'd personally take this, but what if "Azuth" never really was a true mortal but rather an experiment by Asmodeus to experience free will? Perhaps a fragment of himself that he sent to Faerun, which then gained independent mortality and perhaps even a soul? Eventually, this fragment manages to gain Mystra's trust and even becomes a god (later re-absorbed).

Alternatively, Asmodeus may have become so powerful after he takes up residence in the lower realms, after signing the Grand Compact with the gods. So many souls are corrupted, and go to him, where few ended up with the gods. The gods make an appeal to AO, who then splits off Azuth from Asmodeus and places him under Mystra's watch. So when Mystra was killed, Azuth was "free" and regained his true memories, and simply re-merged with his greater self.

Not stuff I'd personally do, but interesting to consider...

Female, 40-year DM of a homebrew-evolved 1E Realms, including a few added tidbits of 2E and 3E lore; played originally in AD&D, then in Rolemaster. Be a DM for your kids and grandkids, gaming is excellent for families!
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 07 Jan 2012 :  18:24:18  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message
Originally posted by Imp

Also, isn't it illegal to post the stats from the book?

We should preview snippets, rather than full stat blocks. And they need to be properly cited.

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I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!
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Master of Realmslore

1446 Posts

Posted - 07 Jan 2012 :  19:18:15  Show Profile Send Eilserus a Private Message
Originally posted by Markustay

Unless you consider each edition a continuity reboot - some worse then others.

Just pretend 'something' (beyond human comprehension) occurred in the universe, and the timeliene got derailed. In fact, we have several pieces of canon in FR that establishes this as something that has happened before (Sundering, Dawn Cataclysm), so its even built into our setting of preference.

Ed's famous 'reset switch'.

Anyhow, you can make everything canon, when you consider the possibility that canon can be canonically re-written, in-setting. It doesn't always work, but sometimes it works very well (the recent Star Trek movie, for example). When you are dealing with stuff like magic, super-science, gods, other dimensions, etc, etc, continuity re-boots are easy enough to write-off.

In fact, its self-serving canon, because only an insane god would tamper with the timeline, since they can alter or obliterate their own existence. Ergo, even evil powers would work to maintain the status-quo, UNLESS they were VERY sure of the outcome. This then answers the question of "why don't more people use time-travel?" Such individuals - be they mortal or divine - would 'anger the gods'.

But Liches are all a little nuts, and Shar... well.. she's Shar.

What's Ed's famous 'reset switch'? Isn't the whole Spellplague thing some sort of continuation or consequence of the Time of Troubles? Could have swore I read that somewhere. If so, what is Ao up to? And more importantly, what does the Spellplague mean, because I don't get how it's linked to the Time of Troubles.

I wasn't a big fan of Asmodeus eating Azuth and all of a sudden blamo, greater deity. But I was just reading the 4E Demonomicon book yesterday and it stated what larvae are used for. Demons eat them and grow in strength. Maybe Asmodeus has been hoarding millions of them and ate them plus Azuth to grow in power immensely.
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Great Reader

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Posted - 07 Jan 2012 :  19:39:56  Show Profile Send Ayrik a Private Message
The Spellplague was very different from the Time of Troubles, but an important result (Mystra dying, magic and the Weave failing) did occur in both; I view the Spellplague as more a repetition than a continuation, the events are not linked outside of the Time of Troubles happening much earlier and therefore contributing to the background history. The 4E setting also includes a brief synopsis of events which occurred during the Spellplague and subsequent 100-year interval. One of these events was Asmodeus's consumption of Azuth. Although I happen to disagree with how this particular event was staged, I also don't see it as being utterly improbable.

The fact is that if you want to maintain a pure canon setting then you must accept all the events which detail and change the canon within your preferred edition, regardless what you think of them. You are always free to change things you mislike or select which things "did" and "did not" happen, but once you do so it's pointless to argue over points of canon you haven't adopted. Champion the true faith or challenge the blind dogma, the fate of Asmodeus is yours to decide.

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Charles Phipps
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 07 Jan 2012 :  20:14:31  Show Profile  Visit Charles Phipps's Homepage Send Charles Phipps a Private Message
I think Asmodeus is a Greater God now because devil worship is rife in the Realms now.

Not because he ate Azuth.

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Great Reader

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Posted - 07 Jan 2012 :  20:57:32  Show Profile Send Ayrik a Private Message
Worship of devils is rife now?

As compared to before?

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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 07 Jan 2012 :  21:19:21  Show Profile Send Imp a Private Message
Originally posted by Charles Phipps

I think Asmodeus is a Greater God now because devil worship is rife in the Realms now.

Not because he ate Azuth.

Devils (and Asmodeus in particular) had worshipers long before that.
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Charles Phipps
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 07 Jan 2012 :  21:39:18  Show Profile  Visit Charles Phipps's Homepage Send Charles Phipps a Private Message
Yeah, I just figure that there's more of it.

Or, you know, he actually gets a benefit from it.


And yes, since Asmodeus is now a Greater God and there's apparently a huge amount of it going on with the Shadovar (see the new RA Salvatore novels).

My Blog:

Edited by - Charles Phipps on 07 Jan 2012 21:40:03
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

31701 Posts

Posted - 08 Jan 2012 :  01:21:05  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message
Originally posted by Charles Phipps

I think Asmodeus is a Greater God now because devil worship is rife in the Realms now.
Quite possibly.

Though, given that previous lore has often hinted at Asmodeus being entirely unknown and mysterious, I'd just as often speculate that his rise to greater power is due, mainly, to some hidden ambition being secretly accomplished.

Whether it is the death of deities or the manipulation of planar-scale events which have thrust him into the upper echelons of divine authority... it's just as mysterious now, as it was when Asmodeus was merely the devilish Lord of the Ninth.

Of course, this is assuming that what we've been told about Asmodeus the deity is all true. Perhaps his rise to power is the greatest lie yet to be told... Maybe he's fooling the entire multiverse!

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Master of Realmslore

1272 Posts

Posted - 08 Jan 2012 :  03:51:02  Show Profile Send Therise a Private Message
Originally posted by The Sage

...Of course, this is assuming that what we've been told about Asmodeus the deity is all true. Perhaps his rise to power is the greatest lie yet to be told... Maybe he's fooling the entire multiverse!

This got me thinking: what if Azuth wasn't the only one that Asmodeus has stolen power from? As the Lord of Lies, he'd be competing with Cyric, right? And with Cyric quite literally tied up, perhaps all that worship energy is going to Asmodeus.

Veeeerrrry interesting... I could learn to like Asmodeus a lot more if he's slowly killing Cyric!

Female, 40-year DM of a homebrew-evolved 1E Realms, including a few added tidbits of 2E and 3E lore; played originally in AD&D, then in Rolemaster. Be a DM for your kids and grandkids, gaming is excellent for families!
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Nicolai Withander
Master of Realmslore

1093 Posts

Posted - 08 Jan 2012 :  14:16:29  Show Profile Send Nicolai Withander a Private Message
First of all I did not know that posting stats from books were not allowed or frowned upon. Sorry!

Secondly have trouble believing that Asmodeus has power equal to Ao, even in hell. (pre. 4ed)

If we say that he is a primordial/elder evil... Like a cosmic constant, like he is the source or ALL evil in the entire multiverse. He would be indeed EXTREMELY powerful and would indeed be as powerful as AO or any other Over Power. But If the is true, it makes no sense to be "hiding" in hell. OFC one could state that schemes and plans on such a level in incomprehensible to mortals like me. But since it is mortals who have created D&D I doubt that!

If we for one brief second compare him to others of great power. Would Asmodeus be immune to an attack from Thay or Larloch or The Srinshee??? In hell? Would Hell withstand an attack from an army on 100K level 20 paladins?

He’s one mysterious bastard, and even though I know that we in our campaign can have him be as we want, part of why I like FR is that the stories are entwined and numerous. So I like to have some sort of connection to written lore.

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Learned Scribe

231 Posts

Posted - 08 Jan 2012 :  15:00:16  Show Profile Send Imp a Private Message
Info from various books and various editions. Make from it what you want. I'm bored discussing with you, because you're just repaeting your opinions and wishes without backing them up with citations. Adieu.

Edited by - Imp on 08 Jan 2012 15:03:09
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Charles Phipps
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 08 Jan 2012 :  15:00:37  Show Profile  Visit Charles Phipps's Homepage Send Charles Phipps a Private Message
My version of Asmodeus did this. Bear with me it's completely non-canon.

* Gargauth was actually a catspaw of Asmodeus who existed for the purpose of building a cult of devil-worshipers and a mortal network for Asmodeus all the while believing he was working on his own.

* Shar and Asmodeus made an alliance pre-Cyric to have him kill Azuth and thus it was Shar's influence which caused Azuth to fall into Nessus when Dweanorheart died.

* Asmodeus then absorbed the weakened Azuth.

* Asmodeus used the massive energy released from Mystra's death (through Azuth's knowledge and tie to Mystra) to move the Abyss to the Elemental Plane and thus cause the Primordials to have to deal with the Abyss. He then made an alliance with Graazt and Orcus (two of the more "trustworthy" Demon Princes) plus all of the Great Balor like Errtu to focus their attention elsewhere.

* Asmodeus proceeded then to absorb Gargauth before using his essence to appear to all the various Devil cults of the Realms, proclaiming their devil served him and annointing new priests.

(It was also a way to tweak the noses of the Lords of the Nine too)

* Shar and Asmodeus have since been aligned ever since, Asmodeus and she sharing the goals of essentially corrupting and destroying the universe.

Why would Asmodeus support this? Well, he's a Devil. He's PURE EVIL.

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Nicolai Withander
Master of Realmslore

1093 Posts

Posted - 08 Jan 2012 :  15:43:27  Show Profile Send Nicolai Withander a Private Message
Originally posted by Imp

Info from various books and various editions. Make from it what you want. I'm bored discussing with you, because you're just repeating your opinions and wishes without backing them up with citations. Adieu.

Well if you read my last post I’m actually asking something. But that must have slipped your mind! Or eyes. Just like it must have slipped your mind to actually post the written phrases where it says he has as much power as an over deity. Or was that illegal???

What I dont understand is why you get so angry. Why you have to take that tone in your posts!

I have never actually said that what you have posted is untrue, i have just said that I have trouble believing them because they seem farfetched. And to me you lack the ability to back them up. Again I’m just posting my opinion so thankfully you won’t respond. So now I can trash whatever you have written. I won’t though.

You have every right to state whatever you want to state. And for whatever reason. But so do I have a right not to believe it just because you say it. Give a page no. or something like that!

I actually find you reaction pathetic. Sorry!
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Nicolai Withander
Master of Realmslore

1093 Posts

Posted - 08 Jan 2012 :  15:51:04  Show Profile Send Nicolai Withander a Private Message
Just forget it.

Close the scroll!!!
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36784 Posts

Posted - 08 Jan 2012 :  16:17:51  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message
Originally posted by Nicolai Withander

Just forget it.

Close the scroll!!!


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I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

31701 Posts

Posted - 09 Jan 2012 :  00:59:40  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message
Originally posted by Nicolai Withander

Originally posted by Imp

Info from various books and various editions. Make from it what you want. I'm bored discussing with you, because you're just repeating your opinions and wishes without backing them up with citations. Adieu.

Well if you read my last post I’m actually asking something. But that must have slipped your mind! Or eyes. Just like it must have slipped your mind to actually post the written phrases where it says he has as much power as an over deity. Or was that illegal???

What I dont understand is why you get so angry. Why you have to take that tone in your posts!

I have never actually said that what you have posted is untrue, i have just said that I have trouble believing them because they seem farfetched. And to me you lack the ability to back them up. Again I’m just posting my opinion so thankfully you won’t respond. So now I can trash whatever you have written. I won’t though.

You have every right to state whatever you want to state. And for whatever reason. But so do I have a right not to believe it just because you say it. Give a page no. or something like that!

I actually find you reaction pathetic. Sorry!

That last bit is particularly inappropriate, Nicolai. Candlekeep is a community of considerate respect and civility. I'm certain you likely could've found a more polite way of voicing your opinion on a particular scribe's reaction, eh?

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

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Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)

"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood

Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage
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