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Posted - 26 Aug 2011 :  02:26:36  Show Profile  Visit RedneckBadgerLord's Homepage Send RedneckBadgerLord a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
I figured, if half-kender exist in Dragonlance, why not half-halflings in the realms?

Please, no "ewws".

A friend of mine is a little person and he couldn't stand that people on several other boards said no because it'd be "like being in a relationship with a child" that's completely illogical.


What do you guys think? I have my own stats, but how and where do I integrate them into the realms, circa mid-1380's DR?

I was thinking a pseudo-region stretching from Calimshan to Tethyr to Waterdeep.

Note: in my campaign, Artemis Entreri had a son with Dwahvel Tiggerwillies after becoming a veiled Lord of Waterdeep in 1375. He runs a school of swordsmanship, and is now LN (I wouldn't ever call him good, even if he changed quite a bit, as has happened in this campaign.)

Redwall. Drizzt. Kentucky. Enough said.

I was weaned on 2E Baldur's Gate. Learned 3.5E, and can't stand 4E WoF. (Though I try not to mess up canon too badly).

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Posted - 26 Aug 2011 :  04:49:36  Show Profile Send Eltheron a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm not exactly sure what you're asking... if you're asking about an individual with such parentage, they could theoretically go or come from anywhere. Particularly if one parent is an adventurer (or both).

If you're wanting to create a sort of sub-culture composed entirely of half-halflings, you might place them somewhere in Amn or around the Sea of Fallen Stars. Though, in many ways, I'm not sure how they'd look (or be) all that different from short humans?

"The very best possible post-fourteenth-century Realms lets down those who love the specific, detailed social, political and magical situation, with its thousands of characters, developed over forty years, and want to learn more about it; and those who'd be open to a new one with equal depth, which there just isn't time to re-produce; and those repelled, some past the point of no return, by the bad-taste-and-plausibility gap of things done to the world when its guardianship was less careful."
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 26 Aug 2011 :  19:31:23  Show Profile Send Quale a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sunset Vale, around Corm Orp. But I think it's redundant
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75 Posts

Posted - 26 Aug 2011 :  20:28:58  Show Profile  Visit Gouf's Homepage Send Gouf a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I think a half-halfling (Three quarterling?) is entirely feasible. I would say that the parentage would impact body proportions. I.E. a human/halfling being proportionally slightly larger, a elf/halfling being taller but more slender, a gnome/halfling might be more broad shouldered, etc. According to FR11, dwarven blood is domanant, so a dwarf crossed with a halfling would be slightly shorter, but still a dwarf.

That is not to say that a halfling/dwarf romance could not happen, there is one in our currant campaign. And a npc halfling proposed to a half elf in our last session offering to 'Spend the rest of his life, dancing under the moonlight in his vineyards with her.'

I would say any free, open minded social area in the realms, Waterdeep, Zazzespur, Daggerford, The Purple Hills, Silvery Moon, etc... would happily endorse such a union and their offspring.

Just my thoughts....

P.S. your friend the little person was justified in being upset on the matter you mentioned. I was almost in a relationship with a little person, then he got a job out of state, and that was the end of it. But I often wished things had worked out.

"Why is the torch burning blue?"
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Posted - 27 Aug 2011 :  01:28:31  Show Profile Send Ayrik a Private Message  Reply with Quote
This topic has been much discussed in ESdB's once-controversial scroll, Halfling x Human Romance: Icky? Discuss!.

Kender (and half-kender) vermin are discussed in detail within the Kencyclopedia. Seeking half-kender within the mystical google orb finds numerous references; they have apparently been a canonical half-race since 2E, if not earlier. Quarterlings, three-quarterlings, half-halflings, double-wookies, and demicanadians all seem like plausible PC race choices to me ... halfling crossbreeding with humans, dwarves, and other "common" races seems much less improbable than the genasi, cambions/tieflings, aasimar, and dragonborn who may already populate your Realms world. Of course, no matter how rare a given crossbreed might be, the more unique it is the more chance of being a player character. House rules applying to one-of-a-kind characters can be easily corrected if necessary.

PHBR9: Complete Book of Gnomes and Halflings has much information about the short races, including Kender from Krynn. PHBR6: Complete Book of Dwarves and FR11: Dwarves Deep both discuss half-dwarves in some detail. These are all written for 2E, although I'm sure other sources probably adapt these half-races into later editions.


Edited by - Ayrik on 27 Aug 2011 02:09:46
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The Sage
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Posted - 27 Aug 2011 :  03:39:01  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The 3e Sovereign Press Races of Ansalon tome has some partially applicable information on half-kender than can be creatively modified to work for with half-halfings in the Realms as well.

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