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Thraskir Skimper
Learned Scribe

204 Posts

Posted - 17 Jun 2018 :  03:21:38  Show Profile Send Thraskir Skimper a Private Message  Reply with Quote
My Cantrip wielding Apprenti are all used in City adventures where the worst thing that happens is an Apprentice will get mugged or asked to spy on someone with out being seen and getting beaten up if spotted. Which of course serves them right for getting seen. Typically a student or pre student will guide a merchant for a fee through a city cast a coloured light spell above a merchant which wards off the thieves in a district. Assuming they don't screw it up. Or they will carry their broom around to various shops for cleaning services with a chance to cast cleaning spells to cut down on work and get paid enough money for attending classes. Keeps the Apprenti busy. Yes scrying is a great way to spy on people but 50 to 100 apprentice can often do it better.

Thay Red
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89 Posts

Posted - 22 Mar 2019 :  01:12:41  Show Profile Send Cosmar a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I go between specializing in Abjuration or being a generalist.

I know Abjurers are far from optimized and a lot of people find Abjuration kind of boring, but for some reason I always think of them as the classical wizards even more than Conjurers or Necromancers. For some reason, in my head, literary mages like Gandalf and Ged would be Abjurers. In 3rd edition I'd typically go Master Specialist --> Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil.

Lately I've been super basic and been loving playing as Elven generalists (using the Elf Wizard racial substitution levels from Races of the Wild).

Right now my Sun Elf generalist, Kethamil Sylairaque, is Wizard5/ Harper Mage 4, with plans for going into Olin Gisir. He originally wanted to become a Spellguard of Silverymoon, but recent adventures have driven him to a more Divinatory path, and he really wants to find/protect/destroy ancient elven secrets.

He comes from a long line of talented mages who have at various times been involved in Big Things (the Crown Wars, Seven Citadels' War, establishment/fall of Myth Drannor, etc.) and basically wants to follow in their footsteps, intending to master all forms of magic, perhaps learn Elven High Magic someday and invent a bunch of his own spells.

At the moment, he's trying to thwart a demonfey plot to kidnap Sun Elves and use an evil artifact (some kind of brazier that utilizes demon hearts...) to forcibly turn them into Fey'ri. At the same time, they're trying to find a way into an Unseelie Fey demiplane called the Vale Beyond the Veil, in which the demonfey are trying to find something called the Rain of Embers (which might be a weapon dating to the Seven Citadels' War).

ALSO, his wizard and Spellguard of Silverymoon father (whom he later discovered was secretly a Harper) went missing on a mission and he's been trying to find him. Turns out daddy-o was researching ways to contact and/or travel to Myth Adofhaer, and Kethamil has discovered a spellbook relic of Labelas Enoreth that contains a ritual in which one can open a temporary portal between planes that are out of temporal sync (including both the Vale Beyond the Veil and Myth Adofhaer). His father completed the ritual and may have already gone to Myth Adofhaer...Kethamil has deciphered the ritual and is searching for the components to complete it himself, which include 10,000 gp in diamonds, focii from both planes, and a scale from the dragon god of time, Chronepsis.

But the fey'ri business with the turning elves into demons thing, and Rain of Embers, whatever that is, are kind of taking priority.
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The Arcanamach
Master of Realmslore

1869 Posts

Posted - 28 Aug 2020 :  16:14:28  Show Profile Send The Arcanamach a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I've played a variety of mage 'types' over the years. I tend to favor battlefield control and/or support over raw damage. Currently playing a chronurgist mage in 5e for a new campaign hosted in our home. Having fun with it but still only level 6 at the moment. Should really open up in a few more levels (around 10th or so). One of our PCs died last night because assassin's were sent to our camp and the two guards both failed perception. Our kenku rogue never had a chance. I rolled high on initiative and laid out a hypnotic pattern and all enemies were affected. They're now dead without me doing a single point of damage.

I have a dream that one day, all game worlds will exist as one.
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Great Reader

2286 Posts

Posted - 07 Nov 2020 :  19:59:01  Show Profile  Visit cpthero2's Homepage Send cpthero2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Master Withander,

Hey... I was thinking that it would be fun to hear how you guys play you mage. Be it wizard or sorcerer. Just a short summery about concept and maybe speciel spells or feats that you like. Maybe some info about prestige classes.

When I play a mage/wizard, etc., I play a Master Speciliast | Focused Specialist | Diviner with prestige class into Arcane Devotee or Void Disciple (preference to Void Disciple) w/worship being to Savras.

Good stuff, and a face wrecker with that kind of knowledge in a game.

Best regards,

Higher Atlar
Spirit Soaring
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