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Lady Fellshot
Senior Scribe

379 Posts

Posted - 17 Jan 2011 :  06:10:22  Show Profile  Visit Lady Fellshot's Homepage Send Lady Fellshot a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Poll Question:
What best describes how you feel about RA Salvatore's Realms books in the general sense? I know opinions vary quite a bit around here on the subject.

I'd ask that any discussion be kept calm and civil.


I was never interested in reading his work.
I liked his novels but at some point I eventually moved away from them.
I love all or most of his Realms books.
I wish he would write about characters other than Drizzt and the other Companions of the Hall more.
I used to dislike his novels but I like them more now.
I never liked any of his novels.

(Anonymous Vote)

Rants and reviews that interest no one may be found here.

Edited by - Lady Fellshot on 17 Jan 2011 06:11:19

Alystra Illianniis
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3750 Posts

Posted - 17 Jan 2011 :  07:19:24  Show Profile Send Alystra Illianniis a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hmm, I was sort of on the fence about this. I voted that I liked most of his novels, but at the same time, I'd like to see more about some otehr characters. I'd especially like to see a book about the Bouldershoulders, or maybe just a book of short stories involving some of his other characters like Nanfoodle or Danica and Cadderly's kids. And more Jarlaxle, please!!! Heck, I'd even take a prequel with him and Zaknafein!

The Goddess is alive, and magic is afoot.

"Where Science ends, Magic begins" -Spiral, Uncanny X-Men #491

"You idiots! You've captured their STUNT doubles!" -Spaceballs

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Lothir, courtesy of Sylinde (Deviant Art)/Luaxena (Chosen of Eilistraee)
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Posted - 17 Jan 2011 :  08:18:49  Show Profile Send Brimstone a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I would like for him to write about other Character's.

"These things also I have observed: that knowledge of our world is
to be nurtured like a precious flower, for it is the most precious
thing we have. Wherefore guard the word written and heed
words unwritten and set them down ere they fade . . . Learn
then, well, the arts of reading, writing, and listening true, and they
will lead you to the greatest art of all: understanding."
Alaundo of Candlekeep
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The Red Walker
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Posted - 17 Jan 2011 :  14:10:40  Show Profile Send The Red Walker a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I've moved away, but would be interested in totally new characters. The present group remind me of my baldur gate 2 dark alliance crew, the longer I played the more magic items we ha until we were unbeatable. D has two swords, two figurines, bracers and taulmaril. Am I missing anything else?

A little nonsense now and then, relished by the wisest men - Willy Wonka

"We need men who can dream of things that never were." -

John F. Kennedy, speech in Dublin, Ireland, June 28, 1963
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Posted - 17 Jan 2011 :  14:56:12  Show Profile Send GRYPHON a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Like them but moved away...
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Posted - 17 Jan 2011 :  16:46:44  Show Profile  Visit Hawkins's Homepage Send Hawkins a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I actually would like more novels featuring Cadderly, Danica and the Bouldershoulder brothers. Though, not knowing how the Spellplague effected Spirit Soaring, I do not know if that is even possible. Also, last I knew, the Bouldershoulders were at Mithral Hall (I have not read the Ghost King or Gauntlgrym yet).

Errant d20 Designer - My Blog (last updated January 06, 2016)

One, two! One, two! And through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back. --Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking-Glass

"Mmm, not the darkness," Myrin murmured. "Don't cast it there." --Erik Scott de Bie, Shadowbane

* My character sheets (PFRPG, 3.5, and AE versions; not viewable in Internet Explorer)
* Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Reference Document (PFRPG OGL Rules)
* The Hypertext d20 SRD (3.5 OGL Rules)
* 3.5 D&D Archives

My game design work:
* Heroes of the Jade Oath (PFRPG, conversion; Rite Publishing)
* Compendium Arcanum Volume 1: Cantrips & Orisons (PFRPG, designer; Publishing)
* Compendium Arcanum Volume 2: 1st-Level Spells (PFRPG, designer; Publishing)
* Martial Arts Guidebook (forthcoming) (PFRPG, designer; Rite Publishing)

Edited by - Hawkins on 17 Jan 2011 16:47:14
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Senior Scribe

586 Posts

Posted - 17 Jan 2011 :  19:05:30  Show Profile  Visit Tyrant's Homepage Send Tyrant a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I went with I wish he would write more about other characters. I know Drizzt is the cash cow, but I liked the books with Jarlaxle and Entreri. It's nice to see it mixed up now and then. I would even go for him writing about all new characters, or characters that have been under used by him up to this point.

Beyond that it does seem like he fixates on one set of creatures/situations and just keeps on using them. I know the story doesn't move around a lot, but they seem to fight the Orcs a lot. And before them it was the Drow. I think I liked some of the earlier books more because they moved around a lot. They went to Luskan, up and down the Sword Coast, to Calimshan, etc. Then they go and spend multiple books in and around Mithral Hall during two seperate runs in the series. Likewise with weapons/accessories. Danica had crystal daggers, Athrogate has Glassteel (sp?) weapons. Cadderly uses Oil of Impact arrows, Athrogate has Oil of Impact leak out of one of his weapons. Drizzt has a magical figurine to summon a magical animal, Jarlaxle (or Entreri, or both, I can't recall) has a figurine to summon a Nightmare. The Drow use hand crossbows, Cadderly has a replica of one built to use. Cadderly even lones it out to the dwarves who go to Mitrhal Hall when Obould invades so we can get some drow hand crossbow and Oil of Impact action. He has plenty of original ideas, it just seems like sometimes he finds an idea he likes and applies it wherever he can. That isn't a bad thing, but the Realms is filled with variety so it feels limiting. I should also start taking notes because I know more than once I have read a part of one of his books and thought "that is fairly similar to a part of LotR" and not something generic like "we're fighting Orcs for the 192nd time". He must be doing plenty right though because I keep reading his books.

Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me.
-The Sith Code

Teenage Sith zombies, Tulkh thought-how in the moons of Bogden had it all started? Every so often, the universe must just get bored and decide to really cut loose. -Star Wars: Red Harvest
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United Kingdom
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Posted - 17 Jan 2011 :  20:19:42  Show Profile  Visit swifty's Homepage Send swifty a Private Message  Reply with Quote
hes spent so much time with drizzt,bruenor etc it became stale.

go back to sleep america.everything is under control.heres american this.shuttup. BILL HICKS.
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Posted - 17 Jan 2011 :  21:32:25  Show Profile  Visit BARDOBARBAROS's Homepage Send BARDOBARBAROS a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I wish he would write about characters other than Drizzt and the other Companions of the Hall more


"The city changes, but the fools within it remain always the same" (Edwin Odesseiron- Baldur's gate 2)
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Senior Scribe

713 Posts

Posted - 17 Jan 2011 :  23:34:38  Show Profile  Visit skychrome's Homepage Send skychrome a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I got quickly bored with his style, because I do not like novels with many (and extense) fighting scenes. The less (and as short as possible) of it, the better. And also I prefer novels with more atmospheric and detailed location descriptions, which is definitely not his focus. So, I moved away quickly from his novels.

This said, I thoroughly enjoyed some stuff with Artemis, like the short story in Realms of Shadow which was absolutely brilliant and entertaining in every aspect which I like about a realms novel and I remember one scene with Artemis being trapped in a warehouse in Calimsham by a war wizzard that was also just great! Maybe the whole Drizzt fighting stuff in boring, northern, rocky landscapes made me miss more of the good stuff, I don't know. Anyways, the few scenes in novels or short stories that I liked, where always among the best realms stuff I have read.

"You make an intriguing offer, one that is very tempting. It would seem that I have little alternative than to answer thusly: DISINTEGRATE!" Vaarsuvius, Order of the Stick 625
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Great Reader

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Posted - 18 Jan 2011 :  00:43:17  Show Profile Send Kentinal a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I was the other, I have not read enough of RAS to form an opinion of his novels.
I might have read one in full posted online (which might have been copyright violation by website, or fanfic of an RAS novel, and a few WotC chapter excepts.
In some ways maybe I should have bypassed poll, however I have watched and participated in discussions about many of his novels. I know more about what he has wrote then I have read his words. Participation on my part would be in reference to rules interpretation for Drow, my reading included seeing sections posted and opinions of some of ot.

"Small beings can have small wisdom," the dragon said. "And small wise beings are better than small fools. Listen: Wisdom is caring for afterwards."
"Caring for afterwards ...? Ker repeated this without understanding.
"After action, afterwards," the dragon said. "Choose the afterwards first, then the action. Fools choose action first."
"Judgement" copyright 2003 by Elizabeth Moon
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Posted - 18 Jan 2011 :  02:21:23  Show Profile  Visit Hawkins's Homepage Send Hawkins a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by skychrome

I got quickly bored with his style, because I do not like novels with many (and extense) fighting scenes. The less (and as short as possible) of it, the better.
Being a connoisseur of martial arts and choreography, these were always one my favorite parts of his books. Not to say that they should be for everyone, but just trying to say that I think that they are part of what draw many people to his books.

Errant d20 Designer - My Blog (last updated January 06, 2016)

One, two! One, two! And through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back. --Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking-Glass

"Mmm, not the darkness," Myrin murmured. "Don't cast it there." --Erik Scott de Bie, Shadowbane

* My character sheets (PFRPG, 3.5, and AE versions; not viewable in Internet Explorer)
* Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Reference Document (PFRPG OGL Rules)
* The Hypertext d20 SRD (3.5 OGL Rules)
* 3.5 D&D Archives

My game design work:
* Heroes of the Jade Oath (PFRPG, conversion; Rite Publishing)
* Compendium Arcanum Volume 1: Cantrips & Orisons (PFRPG, designer; Publishing)
* Compendium Arcanum Volume 2: 1st-Level Spells (PFRPG, designer; Publishing)
* Martial Arts Guidebook (forthcoming) (PFRPG, designer; Rite Publishing)
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Master of Realmslore

1190 Posts

Posted - 18 Jan 2011 :  08:31:45  Show Profile  Visit Zireael's Homepage Send Zireael a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I don't remember what I voted, probably 'moved away'. I prefer E. Cunningham to R.A.S., that's why. Although I liked most of his books, can't really name an exception. The Icewind Dale trilogy probably, with all those continuity errors...

SiNafay Vrinn, the daughter of Lloth, from Ched Nasad!
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Posted - 18 Jan 2011 :  10:03:49  Show Profile Send Dennis a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I was never interested, primarily because he focuses more on fighter characters---which I never like, save a very few exceptions.

Every beginning has an end.
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Posted - 18 Jan 2011 :  14:07:17  Show Profile  Visit Alisttair's Homepage Send Alisttair a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I loved them all and would like to see more on other characters for sure, but you can't argue with sales numbers.

Karsite Arcanar (Most Holy Servant of Karsus)

Anauria - Survivor State of Netheril as penned by me:
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Senior Scribe

584 Posts

Posted - 18 Jan 2011 :  16:00:30  Show Profile Send _Jarlaxle_ a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm woundering about this one:
I was never interested in reading his work.

Why would anyone not want to read a book of author xy without ever having read something of him?I mean having read something of an author and than decide that you don't like it and aren't interested in reading something from this author again is reasonable for me, but this sounds strange.

The only reason for this I could imagine would to not to be interested in FR books at all but than it would be strange to be in this forum.
So what am I missing?
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Posted - 18 Jan 2011 :  16:07:52  Show Profile Send Dennis a Private Message  Reply with Quote
FR is a huge world, and certainly RAS is not = to FR, nor is Ed. So if one does not like to read the works of a "single FR author," it doesn't mean he's not an FR reader. As for me, to paraphrase my previous reply, RAS's central characters are fighters, which I don't particularly like; hence, I don't read his novels.

Every beginning has an end.
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Posted - 18 Jan 2011 :  17:07:17  Show Profile  Visit Alisttair's Homepage Send Alisttair a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The beauty of the realms is that it is a vast playground with many stories by many writers, all happening in a different corner with some crossing over the odd time.

Karsite Arcanar (Most Holy Servant of Karsus)

Anauria - Survivor State of Netheril as penned by me:
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Great Reader

3308 Posts

Posted - 18 Jan 2011 :  19:13:48  Show Profile  Visit Faraer's Homepage Send Faraer a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I've enjoyed several of Bob's earlier books, preferred reading about Wulfgar and Bruenor to the sidekick Drizzt. I never really connected them strongly in my imagination to the Realms, and if someone got that impression (rightly or wrongly, for them) I can see them not being interested for that reason. There are several Realms authors I'm not inclined to try a full Realms novel by -- that is, as much as all the other things I want to read -- after having picked up tastes of their work. (This doesn't include any actively posting here, as it happens.)
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 19 Jan 2011 :  01:27:59  Show Profile  Visit skychrome's Homepage Send skychrome a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by HawkinstheDM

Originally posted by skychrome

I got quickly bored with his style, because I do not like novels with many (and extense) fighting scenes. The less (and as short as possible) of it, the better.
Being a connoisseur of martial arts and choreography, these were always one my favorite parts of his books. Not to say that they should be for everyone, but just trying to say that I think that they are part of what draw many people to his books.

Totally agree with you. That is definitely the strong part of his novels, if one likes fighting scenes.

"You make an intriguing offer, one that is very tempting. It would seem that I have little alternative than to answer thusly: DISINTEGRATE!" Vaarsuvius, Order of the Stick 625
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Lady Fellshot
Senior Scribe

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Posted - 19 Jan 2011 :  01:41:20  Show Profile  Visit Lady Fellshot's Homepage Send Lady Fellshot a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by skychrome

Originally posted by HawkinstheDM

Originally posted by skychrome

I got quickly bored with his style, because I do not like novels with many (and extense) fighting scenes. The less (and as short as possible) of it, the better.
Being a connoisseur of martial arts and choreography, these were always one my favorite parts of his books. Not to say that they should be for everyone, but just trying to say that I think that they are part of what draw many people to his books.

Totally agree with you. That is definitely the strong part of his novels, if one likes fighting scenes.

I can't say the same. I prefer prose fight scenes to be over and done with as soon as possible. It's far more important to me to see who's standing afterwards.

Rants and reviews that interest no one may be found here.
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Great Reader

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Posted - 19 Jan 2011 :  01:51:07  Show Profile Send Dennis a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by skychrome

Originally posted by HawkinstheDM

Originally posted by skychrome

I got quickly bored with his style, because I do not like novels with many (and extense) fighting scenes. The less (and as short as possible) of it, the better.
Being a connoisseur of martial arts and choreography, these were always one my favorite parts of his books. Not to say that they should be for everyone, but just trying to say that I think that they are part of what draw many people to his books.

Totally agree with you. That is definitely the strong part of his novels, if one likes fighting scenes.

I like fighting scenes, myself---only those with less swordplay and more magical "pyrotechnics."

But I agree. The excessive fighting scenes are what draw most people to RAS's books. I know one who's obsessed with Drizzt and who ceaselessly tries to make me join the "Cult of Drizzt"----to no avail, of course.

Every beginning has an end.
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Alystra Illianniis
Great Reader

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Posted - 19 Jan 2011 :  07:51:59  Show Profile Send Alystra Illianniis a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Would that be me? Guilty as charged, if so. Not the obsessed part, mind you, although he IS (close to) my favorite Realms character, and the one who first instilled my love of the world. That said, I'm the sort who likes to play devil's advocate and try to persuade folks that they might be missing out on something good by not trying something new on occasion. (casts charm person and suggestion on dennis... )

The Goddess is alive, and magic is afoot.

"Where Science ends, Magic begins" -Spiral, Uncanny X-Men #491

"You idiots! You've captured their STUNT doubles!" -Spaceballs

Lothir's character background/stats:

My stories:

Lothir, courtesy of Sylinde (Deviant Art)/Luaxena (Chosen of Eilistraee)
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Great Reader

9933 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2011 :  08:35:24  Show Profile Send Dennis a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Alystra Illianniis

Would that be me? Guilty as charged, if so. Not the obsessed part, mind you, although he IS (close to) my favorite Realms character, and the one who first instilled my love of the world. That said, I'm the sort who likes to play devil's advocate and try to persuade folks that they might be missing out on something good by not trying something new on occasion. (casts charm person and suggestion on dennis... )

You did try to convince me more than once, but I don't recall you saying you're obsessed with Drizzt. The friend I was referring to explicitly said that she's irrevocably obsessed with Drizzt, to the point that she'd name her first son after him---to the utmost horror of her bf.

Every beginning has an end.
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Senior Scribe

584 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2011 :  09:05:56  Show Profile Send _Jarlaxle_ a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Dennis

FR is a huge world, and certainly RAS is not = to FR, nor is Ed. So if one does not like to read the works of a "single FR author," it doesn't mean he's not an FR reader.

I never said something like this anywhere
Originally posted by Dennis

As for me, to paraphrase my previous reply, RAS's central characters are fighters, which I don't particularly like; hence, I don't read his novels.

Ah ok, I missed that post somehow. But sill am wondering how you know this when never read anything from him. Btw. there are some novels with some heavy magic fighting involved

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Great Reader

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Posted - 19 Jan 2011 :  09:23:48  Show Profile Send Dennis a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by _Jarlaxle_

Ah ok, I missed that post somehow. But sill am wondering how you know this when never read anything from him.

That's precisely one of the purposes of this site, right? ---To know those which one has little or no knowledge about... Also, I read from other sites a couple of reviews on some of his books, even those non-FR ones.

Originally posted by _Jarlaxle_

Btw. there are some novels with some heavy magic fighting involved.

And of course Drizzt emerged as the victor?! Hah! No, thanks.

Buuuuut, my doors are never completely closed. If RAS makes Drizzt or any of his characters set foot on Thay or Shade, I would without a doubt read his books, even if they'd be a quintet.

Every beginning has an end.
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 19 Jan 2011 :  09:51:12  Show Profile Send _Jarlaxle_ a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Dennis

---To know those which one has little or no knowledge about... Also, I read from other sites a couple of reviews on some of his books, even those non-FR ones.

Originally posted by Dennis

And of course Drizzt emerged as the victor?! Hah! No, thanks.

Yeah I see how good this works

Btw: the only one who allways (and I mean allways) emerges as the victor is Jarlaxle

Edited by - _Jarlaxle_ on 19 Jan 2011 09:52:08
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Lady Fellshot
Senior Scribe

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Posted - 19 Jan 2011 :  15:19:52  Show Profile  Visit Lady Fellshot's Homepage Send Lady Fellshot a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Dennis

Originally posted by _Jarlaxle_

Btw. there are some novels with some heavy magic fighting involved.

And of course Drizzt emerged as the victor?! Hah! No, thanks.

Buuuuut, my doors are never completely closed. If RAS makes Drizzt or any of his characters set foot on Thay or Shade, I would without a doubt read his books, even if they'd be a quintet.

Hah, the only book with a decent spellbattle (to my mind anyway) is the Pirate King... which had the added bonus of considerably less Drizzt than is usual. Keep in mind that I haven't read any of the Cadderly books and have utterly no intention of doing so.

Also, I would suppose that there is some chance that Shade or Thay may become involved in future books.

Rants and reviews that interest no one may be found here.
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Great Reader

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Posted - 19 Jan 2011 :  21:54:32  Show Profile Send Dennis a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by _Jarlaxle_

Btw: the only one who allways (and I mean allways) emerges as the victor is Jarlaxle

He might be a wizard, but he's still more of a fighter. Not enough to draw me in.

Every beginning has an end.
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Great Reader

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Posted - 19 Jan 2011 :  21:57:15  Show Profile Send Dennis a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lady Fellshot

Also, I would suppose that there is some chance that Shade or Thay may become involved in future books.

I'm looking forward to that. I read some discussion in the Gauntlgrym thread, and it appears like Tam has a hand on some things and a certain fallen Netherese enclave is involved.

Every beginning has an end.
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Alystra Illianniis
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Posted - 19 Jan 2011 :  23:55:52  Show Profile Send Alystra Illianniis a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Actually, most of the Spell-battles I've seen in RAS's books, Drizzt was barely even involved in. He does NOt as a rule, get into fights with wizards. He's not stupid, after all. Most of the magical battles in the Drizzt books have been between other characters in the books, like Alustriel or Nanfoodle and the flavor-of-the-week enemy. There were some big ones in Ghost King, IIRC. Drizzt stayed out of most of those, except to fight off the melee opponents. That's what he does best, after all.

The Goddess is alive, and magic is afoot.

"Where Science ends, Magic begins" -Spiral, Uncanny X-Men #491

"You idiots! You've captured their STUNT doubles!" -Spaceballs

Lothir's character background/stats:

My stories:

Lothir, courtesy of Sylinde (Deviant Art)/Luaxena (Chosen of Eilistraee)
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