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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 05 Jan 2011 :  12:31:51  Show Profile  Visit Zireael's Homepage Send Zireael a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Monster Trainer [3.5]

Faerun is full of dangerous creatures, so why don't tame them in some way? Not exactly for arena combat... they can just as well be used for rending opponents that have gone afoul of you.
Imagine a drow who has a cloaker for one of the companions. Or an anihillator, provided he has sufficiently high level. Or think of a shade from Anauroch, that is followed by an young asabi and a few shadow creatures. A native of Chult can have a few snakes for his companions, or even an young yuan-ti.

Monster trainers are most commonly encountered among the civilized races. They crop up usually in wild areas (jungle, desert etc.) or in the Underdark. They try to tame the monsters and creatures surrounding them.

Creating a monster trainer
A monster trainer is defined by the creatures he has managed to bend to his will. Of course, in order to do that, he must not let himself be devoured by a monster that caught his eye#8230;
Abilities: A monster trainer#8217;s spells are based on Wisdom, like his ability to gain companions. Dexterity can also prove useful in taming monsters.
Races: Most monster trainers are humans. Members of this class can also be found among wild and wood elves, wemics, dwarves (both shield and duergar, but also wild and arctic ones), svirfnebli (also known as deep gnomes), fire or air genasi, and the dark elves.

Monster trainer in the world
Adventures: A monster trainer spends more time in the wilderness than in a city. His pride are the dangerous monsters he has managed to tame, and they are not met in civilized areas.
Characteristics: The monster trainer#8217;s spell are derived from nature. Apart from spells they gain abilities that make their companions more powerful. Because they rarely engage in direct combat, they do not need heavy armor. They use weapons that allow them better to subdue monsters encountered.
Alignment: Most trainers are detached somewhat from the world and thus are neutral in a part. On the other hand monsters can be used to different aims. Usually a trainer bonds with creatures with a similar alignment, but this is not a rule.
Religion: Monster trainers are not allied with any religion #8211; they can venerate any deity from their racial pantheon.
Background: Most monster trainers learn their trade from a mentor of the same class. Some live or work in a place where the ability to tame different monsters is welcomed. They do not feel a special kinship with others, unless they learnt from the same mentor or work(ed) in the same place.
Other classes: Monster trainers view the members of other classes somewhat like their companions #8211; they fulfill a similar role. For a trainer a fighter, monk, barbarian, warblade or paladin are agressors; a ranger, rogue or scout perform the same function as a scout-companion; a wizard, sorcerer or a cleric are often defenders.

Starting Age: As rogue
Starting Gold: 5k4 x 10 (as rogue)

Alignment: Any
Hit Dice: d8

Class Skills
Class skills of a monster trainer (and their key abilities) are: Move Silently (Dex), Hide (Dex), Ride (Str), Spellcraft (Int), Concentration (Con), Ride (Str), Heal (Wis), Handle Animal (Cha), Craft (any) (Int), Survival (Wis), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Knowledge (arcane) (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Climb (Str), Spot (Wis), Listen (Wis), Swim (Str).

Skill Points at 1st level: (6 + Int modifier) x 4
Skill Points at every level: 6 + Int modifier

Table: Monster Trainer
Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special Spells
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 +0 +2 +0 +2 Gain companion, enchanted tattoo, Track 1
2 +1 +3 +0 +3 - 1
3 +2 +3 +1 +3 - 2
4 +3 +4 +1 +4 Give roles 2
5 +3 +4 +1 +4 Add template 3 1
6 +4 +5 +2 +5 Type focus 3 2
7 +5 +5 +2 +5 Companion special powers 4 3 1
8 +6/+1 +6 +2 +6 - 4 3 2
9 +6/+1 +6 +3 +6 Add template 5 3 3
10 +7/+2 +7 +3 +7 Breed companions 5 4 2
11 +8/+3 +7 +3 +7 Companion special powers 5 4 3
12 +9/+4 +8 +4 +8 - 5 4 3 1
13 +9/+4 +8 +4 +8 Subtype focus 6 4 3 2
14 +10/+5 +9 +4 +9 - 6 5 3 2
15 +11/+6/+1 +9 +5 +9 Add template 6 5 3 3
16 +12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +10 - 6 5 4 3 1
17 +12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +10 Companion special powers 6 5 4 3 2
18 +13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +11 - 6 5 4 4 3 1
19 +14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +11 - 6 5 5 4 3 2
20 +15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +12 Add template 6 5 5 4 3 3 1

Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Monster trainers are proficient in all simple weapons, plus the following ones: net, bolas, harpoon, whip. Monster trainers are proficient in light armor, but not in shields.

Spells: Monster trainers have an ability to cast divine spells from their list. The DC is 10 + spell level + the trainer#8217;s Charisma modifier. To cast spells, a trainer must have a Charisma of 10 + spell level. A monster trainer has no ability to learn spells not on the list.

Track: A monster trainer gains Track as a bonus feat.

Companions: A monster trainer gains an ability to possess a companion. A creature of the following type: magical beast, animal, aberration, vermin can be a companion. The creature cannot be of size greater than large. The creature's Intelligence cannot exceed 15.
To make the creature a companion, a trainer must succeed on a d20 roll + 1/2 class level + Charisma mod against a DC of 10 + the creature's HD + its highest mental ability modifier.
If the creature is under the effects of a mind-affecting spell from the enchantment school (eg. Suggestion, charm animal etc.) there is a circumstance bonus equal to the trainer#8217;s level. There's a circumstance penalty of -10 if the creature is hostile and +5 bonus if the creature is helpless. The trainer can use Diplomacy to change the creature's attitude.
Making a companion out of a creature takes a week per the creature's HD. During this time the trainer learns its abilities and teaches it obedience.
The trainer orders his companions in a move-equivalent action. If more than one companion is of the same type (eg. Two are vermin), he can order both in a free action. No Handle Animal checks are required. The orders can be given telepathically or voiced.
The companions can be taught tricks just as if they were animal companions.
The companions cannot fight or travel by themselves if the trainer is not nearby. If the companion dies, he automatically reverts to the tattoo. The companion does not lose HD on returning to life.
The companion advances as the trainer gains levels. He gains one HD per every two levels of the trainer, whether there is a advancement section in its entry or not. If it gains feats and ability increase, the trainer makes the choices.
If the companion has spell-like abilities, it can use only a single one, chosen by a trainer, once a day. The effects and spells caused by the companion disappear when it's killed or is changed into tattoo.
The trainer can control companions the sum of whose CR does not exceed twice his level. No single one can have CR higher than his class level.
If those limits are exceeded, the creature has a chance of rebelling. A rebelling creature behaves like a normal creature of its kind would. It cannot be changed into tattoo form until it's killed.

Enchanted Tattoo: The monster trainer automatically enchants his companion to a tattoo. The tattoo may show the companion in a simplified way or it might be a geometric or any other design, the choice is the player#8217;s. The trainer can cast cure medium wounds on a chosen companion in a tattoo form once per day per every 2 levels he has and it does not use up his spells per day. If the companion is killed, the trainer cannot call him for an entire week. The companion does not lose HD on returning to life. If the companion is freed, the tattoo associated with him disappears from the trainer#8217;s body.

Give Roles: A trainer of 4th level can give one of three roles to his companions: an aggressor, a defender, or a scout. The aggressor companion gains a +2 bonus to attack and damage. This bonus improves to +4 on sixth level, +6 on eight and +8 on tenth. The defender companion gains a similar dodge bonus to AC and can grant his trainer 1/2 of this bonus as a dodge bonus to AC. In addition he can cast friend shield on the trainer once per day. The scout companion gains a similar bonus to Spot and Listen checks. The trainer can #8220;see through his eyes#8221; (like a high-level wizard and his familiar) and use his other senses too (scent, blindsight etc.).
Up to three companions can perform a given role at once.

Add Template: A monster trainer of 5th level can add a chosen template to one of his companions. On 9th level, he can add it to two of them, on 15th on three and on 20th on four. It does not have to be the same template on each one. You can add more than one template to one companion only if they do not clash (you cannot add a half-fiend template to the creature that already has half-celestial template).
The companion has to fulfill the requirements of the template, if any. The companion#8217;s alignment must match the one represented by the template (i.e. you cannot add the half-fiend template to a good companion).
The trainer#8217;s alignment has to match the one of the template (i.e. a good trainer cannot add the half-fiend template).
Adding a template takes one day for every 2 HD the creature has. It requires a Handle Animal check with a DC of 15 + 1 per every 2 HD the creature has + 1 per template the creature has.
The templates do not count against HD/CR limit of the trainer#8217;s HD/CR -1.
The trainer knows the number of templates equal to his Intelligence modifier + 1/2 class level.
Possible templates: fiendish, celestial, half-fiend, half-celestial, mineral warrior*, faerzress-infused creature*, chameleon*, arachnoid*, fire element creature, water element, cold element, earth element, wood element, shadow creature, anarchic creature, axiomatic creature, pseudonatural creature, corrupt creature, beast of war, tauric, titanic creature.
Additional templates: spell-stitched (the trainer must have at least 1 level in an arcane spellcasting class), phrenic (the trainer must have at least 1 manifester level).

*Those templates are only available to the trainers currently in the Underdark, who have spent most of their careers there.

Type focus: A trainer of 6th level can choose one type of creature. He must have at least one companion of this type. He gains +2 to all checks pertaining this type.

Companion Special Powers: A trainer of 7th level can give a special power (being an equivalent of weapon enchantment +1) to a companion of his choosing. On 11th level the limit is weapon enchantment +2, on 17th - +3.

Breed Companions: A trainer of 10th level can cross-breed any two companions he has. He can even cross companions of radically different types (eg. vermin & outsider) or of opposing aligments. Breeding companions requires them to be of different sex.
A successful process requires a Handle Animal check of 20 + 1 per every template the mother has + 1 per every template the father has + 1 per every 5 HD difference between the creatures + 5 if the creatures are radically different.
The crossbreed is born after a number of weeks equal to the mother#8217;s HD. The mother has to stay in a relatively safe place for this time. Mother#8217;s fighting has a cumulative 10% chance of losing it. No multiple pregnancies occur.
The crossbreed has 50% chance for a type of either of his parents. It gains movement modes of both parents, natural attacks of both parents. It has 50% chance for special attacks of both parents. It can inherit special qualities of the second parent (the one she did not get type from), provided they do not depend on his type. The crossbreed has 75% chance to have the mother#8217;s feats and skills, and 25% to have the father#8217;s.
The crossbreed#8217;s growth is sped up. The creature is mostly adult and eligible to be the trainer#8217;s companion after the number of weeks equal to three times the pregnancy time.
If the trainer wants the crossbreed to be his companion, normal restrictions apply.
The trainer cannot perform more than one breeding at a time. He can perform it many times, without restriction (he can breed a week after the first crossbreed is born, he can use the first crossbreed for more breeding, he can breed the crossbreed with its mother/father etc.)
The crossbreeds are fertile only in the first generation; second generation crossbreeds are sterile.

Subtype focus: A trainer of 6th level can choose one subtype of creature (good, evil, extraplanar etc.). He must have at least one companion of this type. He gains +2 to all checks pertaining to this subtype. If it's a subtype of a type the trainer has focus in, the bonuses stack.

Monster trainer spell list
1 level #8211; charm animal, calm animal, sleep, talk to animals, magic fang, ray of enfeeblement, entangle, detect poison, daze.
2 level #8211; cure light wounds, barkskin, bull#8217;s strength, cat#8217;s grace, bear#8217;s endurance, owl#8217;s wisdom, hold animal, animal trance, reduce animal, daze monster, Tasha#8217;s hideous laughter.
3 level #8211; cure medium wounds, greater magic fang, neutralize poison, remove disease, dominate animal, heroism, rage, suggestion, haste, slow, magic circle against evil/good etc.
4 level #8211; cure serious wounds, locate creature, charm monster, confusion, polymorph,
5 level #8211; hold monster, enfeeblement, symbol of sleep, stoneskin, cure critical wounds.
6 level #8211; mass bull#8217;s strength, mass cat#8217;s grace, mass bear#8217;s endurance, mass cure light wounds, find path, greater heroism, mass suggestion, symbol of persuasion
7 level #8211; heal, mass cure medium wounds, true seeing, banishment, symbol of stunning

Note: These are divine spells, regardless of the original#8217;s classification!

Multiclassing: If the trainer becomes a druid or ranger, one of his companions can become the animal companion, if it is of the animal type. If the trainer becomes a wizard, one of his companions can be his familiar. If the trainer becomes a paladin, one of his companions can be his mount.

New feats

Additional type [General]
Requirement: 5. level of monster trainer, Cha 15
Benefit: You can add one of these types and subtypes to the list of eligible companion types: dragon, giant, undead, outsider, fey, swarm, plant, ooze.
Special: You can choose this feat many times, each time it applies to another type.

Coming next - starting packages, Knowledge DCs and eligible companions per CR!

What do you think?

SiNafay Vrinn, the daughter of Lloth, from Ched Nasad!

Edited by - Zireael on 08 Jan 2011 13:56:18

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Posted - 06 Jan 2011 :  22:55:33  Show Profile Send Diffan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
While I really like the concept, I'm not sure how easy it'd be to keep track of 6 different companions not to mention their templates. And the DM is going to have to compensate for a multitude of opponents for his minions/BBEGs.

So in an adventuring party, your only going to need a druid, a monster trainer, and a wizard and your all set since the monster trainer has animal companion as doesnt the druid and they' act as the meat shields.
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 07 Jan 2011 :  14:11:59  Show Profile Send Kilvan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Zireael

Monster Trainer [3.5]

Track: A monster trainer gains Track as a bonus feat.

First companion: A monster trainer gains an ability to possess a companion. A creature of the following type: magical beast, animal, aberration, vermin or outsider can be a companion. Its HD cannot exceed the HD of the trainer -1. Its CR cannot exceed the ECL of the trainer -1. The creature cannot be of size greater than large.
To make the creature a companion, a trainer must succeed on a Handle Animal check with a DC of 10 + per every 5 HD the creature has + 1 per every template the creature has + 10 if the creature is hostile #8211; 5 if the creature is helpless.
If the creature is under the effects of a mind-affecting spell from the enchantment school (eg. Suggestion, charm animal etc.) there is a circumstance bonus equal to the trainer#8217;s level.
On 4, 8, 12, 16 & 19 level the trainer can gain another companion. The trainer can succeed at the aforementioned test to gain even more, but then he has to free one of his companions.
The trainer orders his companions in a move-equivalent action. If more than one companion is of the same type (eg. Two are vermin), he can order both in a free action. No Handle Animal checks are required. The orders can be given telepathically or voiced.
The companions can be taught tricks just as if they were animal companions.
If the companion dies, he automatically reverts to the tattoo. The companion does not lose HD on returning to life.
The companion advances as the trainer gains levels. He gains one HD per every two levels of the trainer, whether there is a advancement section in its entry or not.

At level 13, a monster trainer could have 4 12-headed cryo/pyrohydras, just saying. As for the polymorph mechanic, just basing the power of the monster available to you for a companion on HD leads to broken loops. Allowing more than 'animals' just makes thing easier. I'm not a min/maxer, and I can already see a few ways to exploit this.

I think, IMHO, that if you wish to allow more than one companion, every additional pet should 'weaken' all the others. So a trainer would have to choose between several average monsters or few more powerful. I would also allow additional monster type while rising in level (a new type every 5 levels for example), to make things both more balanced and more interesting, instead of all those types at first level.

Originally posted by Zireael
Give Roles: A trainer of 4th level can give one of three roles to his companions: an aggressor, a defender, or a scout. The aggressor companion gains a +2 bonus to attack and damage. This bonus improves to +4 on sixth level, +6 on eight and +8 on tenth. The defender companion gains a similar dodge bonus to AC and can grant his trainer 1/2 of this bonus as a dodge bonus to AC. In addition he can cast friend shield on the trainer once per day. The scout companion gains a similar bonus to Spot and Listen checks. The trainer can #8220;see through his eyes#8221; (like a high-level wizard and his familiar) and use his other senses too (scent, blindsight etc.).
Up to three companions can perform a given role at once.

Then, I think +8 bonus to damage and attack is way too powerful for a level 10, especially for monsters with 3+ attacks (or 12...). I'd reduce it at least by half. The fact that the pet cannot die, or has any permanent penalty for dying, makes the defender option less appealing. You'd also need to specify how much time it takes to switch role, to avoid simple cast-shield then switching to agressor loops.

All in all, I think you've got something there, but it leaves too much room for choices that would make the trainer WAY too powerful for his level. Then again, it's still morning, so maybe I missed something or didn't get something well. Keep it up.

Edited by - Kilvan on 07 Jan 2011 14:16:31
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Posted - 07 Jan 2011 :  14:31:21  Show Profile Send Diffan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The skill list and skill points per level seem good, being on par with the Ranger. As well as the spell selection. Nothing too overpowering and they all fit well with the theme.

The weapon proficiencies seem to look good, though I'd even push to give them proficiency with Medium armor too.

Getting back to the animal companions, I only see a light problem with aberrations as they are very exotic and they can have some pretty potent abilities even at low CRs.

One question I have is how a Monster Trainer can obtain a Companion when it's CR can't exceed the Monster Trainer's HD -1? So if a 1st level Monster trainer has 1 HD, then the companion would have a 0 CR? Just trying to see how this works.
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 07 Jan 2011 :  15:40:27  Show Profile  Visit Zireael's Homepage Send Zireael a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The class has undergone several changes, most importantly in the limits on companions. I'll post them as soon as I can.

SiNafay Vrinn, the daughter of Lloth, from Ched Nasad!
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 07 Jan 2011 :  18:22:55  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
What's up with the word "PEACH" in the subject line?

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I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!
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Posted - 07 Jan 2011 :  19:17:01  Show Profile Send Diffan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

What's up with the word "PEACH" in the subject line?

Please Evaluate And Critique Helpfully (or Honestly)

Edited by - Diffan on 07 Jan 2011 19:17:43
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 07 Jan 2011 :  20:17:27  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Diffan

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

What's up with the word "PEACH" in the subject line?

Please Evaluate And Critique Helpfully (or Honestly)

Ah. I'd not seen that acronym before.

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
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I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!
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Posted - 08 Jan 2011 :  14:35:13  Show Profile Send Kajehase a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Off-Topic post - highlight to read.

Am I the only one who's beginning to find the use of acronyms in everyday English to having become a bit too prevalent? I'm more and more frequently finding myself reading sentences that are just about comprehensible when simply writing the whole darn thing without acronyms would render it clear as clean water

There is a rumour going around that I have found god. I think is unlikely because I have enough difficulty finding my keys, and there is empirical evidence that they exist.
Terry Pratchett
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Master of Realmslore

1280 Posts

Posted - 11 Jan 2011 :  14:22:23  Show Profile Send Bladewind a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The spell list should be adapted to the meriad of creatures the Monster Trainer can rear. For example: Speak to animals doesn't work on (mindless) vermin or abberations, and the same is true for calm animals and animal trance.

Perhaps give it new unique spells that emulate the abilities of those spells at one level higher than the original spell.

Such as this:
Beast Trance
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind effecting; Sonic]
Level Monster Trainer 3
Components V,S
Casting time 1 standard action
Range close
Target Animals, magical beasts, vermin and abberations of no intelligence or intelligence 1 or 2
Duration Concentration
Saving throw Will negates; see text
Spellresistance yes

This spell functions as the 2nd level druid spell, except it can effect vermin and abberations of low intelligence aswell. Vermin and abberation always recieve a saving throw to resist, unless they have been domesticated or are under a compulsion. They automatically fail to resist. Vermin and abberation swarms have a special +2 circumstance bonus to their will save to resist the spell.

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