(1)Has anyone here used Campaign Cartographer 2 and/or Fractal Mapper v7.0? (2)Which one do you prefer if used both?Tell me about experiance with either one.
Courage isn't the lack of fear but rather believing in and doing what you know is right even though fear is present.
Ive only used Campaign Mapper before, It was ok, quite useful, my only gripe is that the redrawing of the map when zooming or scrolling took sooooooo long and became very frustrating. Dont know if this is useful to you or not, I have the impression that CM is a cut down version of CC2..... of course im probably quite wrong
Lord Rad
"What? No, I wasn't reading your module. I was just looking at the pictures"
Ive only used Campaign Mapper before, It was ok, quite useful, my only gripe is that the redrawing of the map when zooming or scrolling took sooooooo long and became very frustrating. Dont know if this is useful to you or not, I have the impression that CM is a cut down version of CC2..... of course im probably quite wrong
I'm not sure about the cut down version.I myself used a demo of CC2 but so far the only advantage I see is that the Interactive Atlas was made with it.Fractal Mapper seemed easier to use to me but since there is the relationship bewteen CC2 and the FR Interactive Atlas I had always hoped it was just me that felt it was awkward.
Courage isn't the lack of fear but rather believing in and doing what you know is right even though fear is present.