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Posted - 30 Sep 2010 :  14:25:28  Show Profile  Visit mserabian's Homepage Send mserabian a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Hey guys

Just joined the forum, and I've got a few questions. I've enjoyed the realms game products and a few of the novels for many years now.

I'm mostly interested in RSEs and certain characters that I've read about and I'd like some pointers to the novels in which these events occur.

I'm going to go back to the beginning and look at the first 10 years of realms novels...

here's some of the stuff I'm looking for...


in what novels is the... fall of Zhentil Keep featured in?
what about the Harper Schism?

I've read the avatar novels (the original trilogy)...

what events do the second set of avatar novels cover?
how about the last two books?

what other RSEs occur in the first 10 or so years of the novel line?

-what novels feature Khelben?
the seven sisters?
others of the Chosen?
Elminister (other than the Elminster novels)?
the cool core villains like Szazz Tam, Semenon, others...

-what novels feature the harpers?
the Zhents?
the Red Wizards?

that's all for now! Looking forward to your replies...



Great Reader

9933 Posts

Posted - 30 Sep 2010 :  16:23:33  Show Profile Send Dennis a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Blackstaff by Steven Schend features Khelben.

Silverfall by Ed Greenwood features the seven sisters.

The Shadow of the Avatar trilogy by EG features Elminster.

The Haunted Lands trilogy by Richard Lee Byers features the Red Wizards; the zulkirs, including Szass Tam. It chronicles Tam's attempt to be the sole ruler of Thay and the steadfast opposition of the other zulkirs, with the help of the Brotherhood of the Griffon, a mercernary band of griffon riders led by a war mage.

Every beginning has an end.
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713 Posts

Posted - 30 Sep 2010 :  19:40:02  Show Profile  Visit skychrome's Homepage Send skychrome a Private Message  Reply with Quote
this is always a useful thread to browse through:

Originally posted by mserabian
what events do the second set of avatar novels cover?
how about the last two books?

If you refer to the last two books (Prince of Lies + Crucible):
They cover Cyrics performance as a god, his struggle to maintain the portfolio of god of death, his relation with Kelemvor, the creation of the Cyrinishad and his trial in the pantheon.

In my personal opinion these two books are among the best I have read in the realms and I found them exponentially better written than the first 3.

"You make an intriguing offer, one that is very tempting. It would seem that I have little alternative than to answer thusly: DISINTEGRATE!" Vaarsuvius, Order of the Stick 625
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United Kingdom
730 Posts

Posted - 30 Sep 2010 :  19:53:04  Show Profile Send Thauramarth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by mserabian

in what novels is the... fall of Zhentil Keep featured in?
what about the Harper Schism?

Fall of Zhentil Keep: Prince of Lies.
The Harper Schism was not described in novels, but only in the last of the 2E supplements Cloak and Dagger.

Originally posted by mserabian

I've read the avatar novels (the original trilogy)...
what events do the second set of avatar novels cover?
how about the last two books?

The Shadow of the Avatar features the travails of Elminster during the first couple of Tendays of the Time of Troubles, but later on the emphasis shifts to the Rangers Three and the Malaugrym.
Prince of Lies and Crucible: the Trial of Cyric the Mad continues the ongoing plotting of Cyric.

Originally posted by mserabian

what other RSEs occur in the first 10 or so years of the novel line?

Not sure as to the exact delineation you're looking for, but the Horde Wars, the discovery of Maztica, and (borderline) the upheaval in the Serôs. Otherwise, RSEs relatively limited.

Originally posted by mserabian

-what novels feature Khelben?
the seven sisters?
others of the Chosen?
Elminister (other than the Elminster novels)?
the cool core villains like Szazz Tam, Semenon, others...

Khelben did not get a novel "to himself" until Blackstaff, but off the top of my head (there must be others), he has cameos in The Halfling's Gem, Waterdeep (3rd installment of the Avatar trilogy). He plays a supporting role in Elfshadow, and Elfsong.
Seven Sisters: Alustriel features in the Drizzt series; Qilué makes an appearance in the Starlight and Shadows series; Storm features in Spellfire and Crown of Fire, in the Shadow of the Avatar trilogy, as well as (in a bit of a controversial way) in Shadowdale and Tantras; the Simbul puts in an appearance in Spellfire, and is the main character in The Simbul's Gift; Dove in Sojourn; Syluné plays a role in the Shadow of the Avatar trilogy.
Szass Tam features in Red Magic; Manshoon makes (dis)appearances in Spellfire and Crown of Fire, where Sememmon also makes an appearance.
Elminster also pops up in the Avatar trilogy proper, in the Spellfireseries, Azure Bonds, and (I seem to remember) in Finder's Stone.
Originally posted by mserabian

-what novels feature the harpers?
the Zhents?
the Red Wizards?

The Harpers: in every Harper novel, and they feature rather heavily in Elfshadow, and less prominently, in Elfsong, and the Spellfire series.
Red Wizards appear in Red Magic, as well as Crimson Gold. Zhentarim: the Spellfire trilogy; the Shadows of the Avatar trilogy, several novels in the Harpers series: The Parched Sea, Crypt of the Shadowking, Curse of the Shadowmage.
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