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Kitira Gildragon
Learned Scribe

191 Posts

Posted - 06 Oct 2003 :  19:15:45  Show Profile  Visit Kitira Gildragon's Homepage Send Kitira Gildragon a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
I have seen reference to the "Cleansing Blade of the People" in Code of the Harpers, however, I haven't found additional reference to the group. Have they been used in any novels and/or sourcebooks since?

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Posted - 07 Oct 2003 :  04:06:25  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Kitira Gildragon

I have seen reference to the "Cleansing Blade of the People" in Code of the Harpers, however, I haven't found additional reference to the group. Have they been used in any novels and/or sourcebooks since?

If you're referring to The Eldreth Veluuthra, the "Victorious Blade of the People", an "old and very secretive fellowship of the elves who are fanatical in their view of humans as unclean beasts," than yes, they have been featured in products. The two products that immediately spring to mind are Cloak and Dagger, pages 60-63, from where the above quoted material is from and I believe the group was also mentioned in Lords of Darkness.

Off the top of my head, I can't think of any novel that explicity showed The Eldreth Veluuthra in action. I know the current memembers, at least according to Cloak and Dagger include moon elves, gold elves, aquatic elves, baelnorn, and a lich. Racism has no bounds.
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Kitira Gildragon
Learned Scribe

191 Posts

Posted - 07 Oct 2003 :  19:14:08  Show Profile  Visit Kitira Gildragon's Homepage Send Kitira Gildragon a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm not surprised about the different races involved, however, I'm looking for something more... perhaps I'll have to invest in said books, but I'm not sure if it'll have what I need.

Do you remember if there was a major motive for their actions used, by chance? Maybe a name behind the organization???

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Posted - 08 Oct 2003 :  02:34:31  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Kitira Gildragon

Do you remember if there was a major motive for their actions used, by chance? Maybe a name behind the organization???

The Organization's major motives? To kill humans and half-elves, especially the latter, in the hopes to slow or block human expansion into wooded areas especially in areas near elven woodlands. It is a small, less than a hundred members, organization that is very secretive.

As for name behind the organization? What do you mean? A higher authority or what? Someone else that pulls the strings?
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Kitira Gildragon
Learned Scribe

191 Posts

Posted - 10 Oct 2003 :  16:54:07  Show Profile  Visit Kitira Gildragon's Homepage Send Kitira Gildragon a Private Message  Reply with Quote
What I meant about major motives... instead, I should have asked: have they been involved in any plots that have come to light?

As for name behind the organization? What do you mean? A higher authority or what? Someone else that pulls the strings?

Any of these would be appreciated, if there are names available. Backers maybe? Merchants/Kingdoms/Areas sympathetic to the Blade?

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William of Waterdeep
Senior Scribe

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Posted - 12 Oct 2003 :  17:45:27  Show Profile  Visit William of Waterdeep's Homepage Send William of Waterdeep a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Kitira Gildragon

What I meant about major motives... instead, I should have asked: have they been involved in any plots that have come to light?

As for name behind the organization? What do you mean? A higher authority or what? Someone else that pulls the strings?

Any of these would be appreciated, if there are names available. Backers maybe? Merchants/Kingdoms/Areas sympathetic to the Blade?

I have been trying to find something on this for you but not much luck.Need someone like Sage or Faraer to get involved.

Courage isn't the lack of fear but rather believing in and doing what you know is right even though fear is present.

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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

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Posted - 13 Oct 2003 :  03:56:55  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I have some information somewhere, at home. Although since I am not there at the moment, you will most likely have to wait a few days (unless Faraer has something). I'll see to posting some details about it, once I finally get home again...( the duties of a travelling programmer seem to be unending...)

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Posted - 13 Oct 2003 :  04:02:12  Show Profile  Visit Bookwyrm's Homepage Send Bookwyrm a Private Message  Reply with Quote

IMAGE: The Sage of Perth, travelling the dusty roads of the Kingdom of Australia, a single dusty-grey horse pulling his well-burdened wagon. A sign on the side of the wagon reads "Potions, Scrolls, and Computer Spells" in faded red paint . . . . .

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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

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Posted - 13 Oct 2003 :  04:51:54  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I like it Bookwyrm...thanks.

Anyway, just as a side note, I am currently in the city of Adelaide, and I was thinking about looking for our old friend (and sometime poster, here at Candlekeep), George Krashos. He normally has some interesting things to talk about, and with the lack of a true gaming community here, I am feeling very isolated.

And so, off I go, with a scroll of let's go to the local bookstore, and a copy of this month's C++ User's Journal .

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
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Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)

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Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage
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Kitira Gildragon
Learned Scribe

191 Posts

Posted - 13 Oct 2003 :  22:03:07  Show Profile  Visit Kitira Gildragon's Homepage Send Kitira Gildragon a Private Message  Reply with Quote
My thanks, gents. I kind of figured info would be in short supply, but any scrap (and I do mean 'scrap') is appreciated! *hugs for Sage*

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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 19 Oct 2003 :  05:17:02  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hey Sage of Perth

I'm still around - lurking as they say.

I'm guessing you're not in Adelaide any longer but if you are drop me a line on: 0419 814 560 or e-mail me: and hopefully we can get together for a chat.

If you've made it back to Perth, drop me an e-mail and we can FR a little.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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William of Waterdeep
Senior Scribe

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Posted - 20 Oct 2003 :  02:28:16  Show Profile  Visit William of Waterdeep's Homepage Send William of Waterdeep a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Kitira Gildragon

My thanks, gents. I kind of figured info would be in short supply, but any scrap (and I do mean 'scrap') is appreciated! *hugs for Sage*

So I take it the Sage has given you what you need? I hope so if not *ahem* I am sure he will.

Courage isn't the lack of fear but rather believing in and doing what you know is right even though fear is present.

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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

31799 Posts

Posted - 20 Oct 2003 :  08:56:36  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
George Krashos said -
I'm guessing you're not in Adelaide any longer but if you are drop me a line on: 0419 814 560 or e-mail me: and hopefully we can get together for a chat.

If you've made it back to Perth, drop me an e-mail and we can FR a little.
As it happened, I didn't end up having much time for anything outside of work. I was really looking forward to meeting another scribe from Candlekeep.

Anyway, I should be heading back to the great city of Adelaide during the first two weeks of November, so I'll see about contacting you before then, and we'll line something up.

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
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Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)

"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood

Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage
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Mumadar Ibn Huzal
Master of Realmslore

1338 Posts

Posted - 20 Oct 2003 :  21:22:47  Show Profile Send Mumadar Ibn Huzal a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Kitira Gildragon

What I meant about major motives... instead, I should have asked: have they been involved in any plots that have come to light?

As for name behind the organization? What do you mean? A higher authority or what? Someone else that pulls the strings?

Any of these would be appreciated, if there are names available. Backers maybe? Merchants/Kingdoms/Areas sympathetic to the Blade?

As per page 130 of Lords of Darkness: "The Eldreth Veluuthra is a loosely organized group of like-minded fanatics. The individual cells of the organization communicate with one another only rarely, each acting on its own to support and further the cause."

The 'Blade Lords' are the leaders of the organization, and the group as a whole doesn't have any powerful backers. They must rely on the goodwill of sympathizers, and don't have any powerfull alies.

The groups plots and activities are rather simple (as far as simple goes for evil organizations) they fight a form of guerilla war against humanity - all means are allowed.
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Kitira Gildragon
Learned Scribe

191 Posts

Posted - 24 Oct 2003 :  16:46:00  Show Profile  Visit Kitira Gildragon's Homepage Send Kitira Gildragon a Private Message  Reply with Quote
There are no particular family lines mentioned in connection with them though?
Are there any areas where a cell has made their presence known?

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William of Waterdeep
Senior Scribe

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Posted - 04 Nov 2003 :  02:30:00  Show Profile  Visit William of Waterdeep's Homepage Send William of Waterdeep a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Kitira,Did you ever find anything else out? You got me interested in it myself but I haven't found anymore.

Courage isn't the lack of fear but rather believing in and doing what you know is right even though fear is present.

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5 Posts

Posted - 19 Nov 2003 :  14:15:31  Show Profile  Visit Mellomir's Homepage Send Mellomir a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Kitira Gildragon

There are no particular family lines mentioned in connection with them though?

You can be certain that there are more than a few Starym members.

Are there any areas where a cell has made their presence known?

I've always thought that the Hullack Forest in Cormyr would make an excellent locale for a cell. The proximity to trade routes while still being 'remote' is an advantage, plus being on the border between Sembia and Cormyr makes it easy to blame murderous activities on either of those powers.
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Great Reader

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Posted - 19 Nov 2003 :  22:06:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Kitira Gildragon

There are no particular family lines mentioned in connection with them though?
Are there any areas where a cell has made their presence known?

The Eldreth Veluthraa were formed by five noble families from Myth Drannor opposed to the Coronal's aim of opening up the city's gates. One of them was the Starym.
As for locations, Lords of Darkness mentions that the organization has cells in 'elven territories of Faerun, particularly in areas that were vacated during the Retreat and are now underpopulated, including Ardeep, Cormanthor, the High Forest, the Moonwood, the Chondalwood, the Winterwood, the Neverwinter Woods, and the Border Forest.

This is all from Lords of Darkness. I'll dig up some other items, and look in those...
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Kitira Gildragon
Learned Scribe

191 Posts

Posted - 25 Nov 2003 :  18:54:53  Show Profile  Visit Kitira Gildragon's Homepage Send Kitira Gildragon a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by William of Waterdeep

Kitira,Did you ever find anything else out? You got me interested in it myself but I haven't found anymore.

I'm afraid not, William. I've been a bit busy with college papers (some of which I still have less than a week to write, heheheh) and work. However, I should be returning to the fold shortly. I have spoken with a possible DM, and we are both looking for information in our spare time. If I happen to find something more, I will be more than happy to share it with you.

Mellomir, Ariva- I kind of figured Starym would have it's fingers in this mess, but I was looking for other names. *shrug* I dislike using well known names again and again for some reason. *shrug* (Part of my reason for using the Blade to begin with...)

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5 Posts

Posted - 27 Nov 2003 :  16:15:29  Show Profile  Visit Mellomir's Homepage Send Mellomir a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I went back and looked at Lords of Darkness (the 3E accessory) and none of the Staryms are in positions of power. In fact, all of the Bladelords (I think that's right) are from families whose name I recognize from other sourcebooks (1E - 3E).
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2286 Posts

Posted - 28 Sep 2018 :  12:31:37  Show Profile  Visit cpthero2's Homepage Send cpthero2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Great Reader Bookwyrm,

That put an absolutely fantastic image in my mind! haha

Best regards,

Originally posted by Bookwyrm

IMAGE: The Sage of Perth, travelling the dusty roads of the Kingdom of Australia, a single dusty-grey horse pulling his well-burdened wagon. A sign on the side of the wagon reads "Potions, Scrolls, and Computer Spells" in faded red paint . . . . .

Higher Atlar
Spirit Soaring
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Posted - 28 Sep 2018 :  12:41:50  Show Profile  Visit cpthero2's Homepage Send cpthero2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Learned Scribe Gildragon,

In fact, there are two family lines specifically named, that were identified within an article called, Duskblades and Knights from 2007, so a few years after your post [better late than never, right?]

The names are:
  • Vyshaanti
  • Dlardrageth

As to your quest regarding locations of cells of Duskblades, yes, sort of. Here are some locations, and I will of course cite my work here:
  • Silverymoon
  • Evereska
  • Cormanthor
  • Some noble houses in Evermeet

Best regards,

Originally posted by Kitira Gildragon

There are no particular family lines mentioned in connection with them though?
Are there any areas where a cell has made their presence known?

Higher Atlar
Spirit Soaring
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