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 Personality: Abordabe
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Dalor Darden
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4211 Posts

Posted - 26 Jul 2010 :  05:22:39  Show Profile Send Dalor Darden a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Lord of the largest tribe in Narfell (as of the writing of "The Bloodstone Lands" for 1st Edition); Abordabe is a THIRTIETH (30th) level fighter!

Anyone know what happened to this guy?

The Old Grey Box and AD&D for me!

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Posted - 26 Jul 2010 :  09:12:10  Show Profile Send Jorkens a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Most of the characters included in that product (and the Bloodstone modules)got little coverage later as far as I remember. Thankfully in my opinion. The last thing I need is a wandering monk named Kane wandering around; I get a picture of Carradine talking to Elminster.
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Senior Scribe

479 Posts

Posted - 01 Aug 2010 :  21:58:37  Show Profile Send coach a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Tribes in Narfell tend to take on the name of the leader as also the name of the tribe

here is all known info on Abordabe from all FR sources:

18. Abordabe tribe [population nearly 4000]
a. Led by Abordabe [fighter 30] [follower of Tempus] (FR9 p18,45)
b. Located near the Trade Fair/Bildoobaris (FR9 p45)
c. Supervises the Trade Fair (FR9 p45)

as you can see he only has been referenced in one source FR9 Bloodstone Lands by RA Salvatore

the largest tribe now is Harthgroth with 4000+ riders, and being as though they have dealings with Gareth I'd not think this was the same tribe renamed for their new leader since Damara and Bildoobaris are so far away from each other

so to answer your question, no one knows and being as though most of this area wasn't in Ed's original realms he may not even can shed light on it

but if a man is 30th level, i'd say the only thing that could get him was old age or accidentally uncovering the wrong demoncyst in Narfell ... my guess is old age but since my campaign in this area is set in the 1340's he is still alive and kicking hehe

Bloodstone Lands Sage
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Dalor Darden
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4211 Posts

Posted - 01 Aug 2010 :  22:20:56  Show Profile Send Dalor Darden a Private Message  Reply with Quote
After reading much more about the area, I have come to see why the character levels are so high there:

When you have a level 100 module...people better be on top of their game!

The Old Grey Box and AD&D for me!
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 19 Aug 2018 :  20:31:47  Show Profile  Visit Icelander's Homepage Send Icelander a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Note that Abordabe is 5'2" and weighs 145 lbs., which means he's not anyone's physical ideal of the greatest warrior in Faerun.

I imagine him as somewhat similar to Sir Terry Pratchett's Cohen the Barbarian or Ghenghiz Cohen (The Light Fantastic, Interesting Times and The Last Hero).

Cohen the Barbarian was introduced at age 87, looking somewhat like a crab carved from old teak and consisting mostly of sinews, grit and bloody-minded toughness. He's had a lifetime's experience of not dying and he's very, very good at it. Of course, at that advanced age, he can't very well be stronger or faster than tall and massive young barbarian warriors at their physical peak. He does, however, have an uncanny way of knowing exactly where an opponent's weapon is going to be and contriving not to be there when it is.

I imagine that a warrior like Abordabe, like Cohen, would find rulership tiresome and as soon as there were not sufficient threats to his tribe, he'd seek to hand off his responsibilities to someone more interested in them. And that like Cohen the Barbarian and his Silver Horde, Abordabe would not be content to die of old age in a sick bed, but would ride off to seek a last adventure suitable for a hero of his stature.

Za uspiekh nashevo beznadiozhnovo diela!

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92 Posts

Posted - 19 Aug 2018 :  21:26:36  Show Profile Send BadLuckBugbear a Private Message  Reply with Quote


That's great stuff, Icelander.

Ewan Cummins
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