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 What is your candle keep char?
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Learned Scribe

337 Posts

Posted - 17 Sep 2003 :  14:48:19  Show Profile  Visit Cult_Leader's Homepage Send Cult_Leader a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
What exactly is your candle keep chars? I mean what are their races and what are their classes and such.

My lil char's name was, when I played him upon table top and before he became what he is now, Leaf. Everyone just called him leaf cause they couldnt say his full name. Eh. He was the only Elf in a mixture of Half orcs, two dwarves, and two humans. *sighs and shrugs* I was the odd man out that game heh. Anyway, Leaf, Later known simply as nothing more then Leader, Is a curst, Some damn high level mage got me good... Anyway, He is 8 levels of fighter, 4 levels of rouge, and 7 levels of necromancer. Yeah. He was a sly guy. And now he just sit around with half his brain power. Thank god I had items that made him smarter. Hehe. Anyway, What are all of your chars anyway?

"Madness you say! Do you fear me? Are you afraid of what I might do, of what I might say? What a fascinating reaction. Don't you find it somewhat encumbering?"

Piddles assumes a deep and resonant voice. "Space...the Final Frontier. These are the voyages of the starship...Garou. It's mission: to slay Wyrm creatures where they live and breed. To accumulate more Garou than the world's entire population. To produce metis like no one has before." - Piddles

"Aren't you people supposed to be doing something? Like, entertaining me, the fascist wizard?" - InleRah

I have the passwords to the minds of everyone and the cheat codes to the universe - Me

Senior Scribe

388 Posts

Posted - 17 Sep 2003 :  18:34:42  Show Profile  Visit Yasraena's Homepage Send Yasraena a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well, as the avatar shows, Yasraena is a Drow Elf. She originally hails from Oerth (Greyhawk) but has now made her permanent home in Faerun. She is a 15/14 fighter/mage, worships (or more realistically, tries to follow the tenets and beliefs of) Eilistraee and has most recently taken the offer from Alustriel to join the ranks of the Harpers in and around Silverymoon and the north.

For those who want to know more, check her out here, or my group's website for a more up to date profile.

"Nindyn vel'uss malar verin z'klaen tlu kyone ulu naut doera nindel vel'bolen nind malar."
Yasraena T'Sarran
Harper of Silverymoon
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The Cardinal
Senior Scribe

647 Posts

Posted - 17 Sep 2003 :  18:55:38  Show Profile  Visit The Cardinal's Homepage Send The Cardinal a Private Message  Reply with Quote
My own Reincarnation, has survived longer than any others to actually get a prestiege class ,
I just a simple human, Hailing from just this side of the Spine of the World.
Necromancer, Monk of the Old Order and Apprentice Blackguard. Not really odd considering my Adventuring troop is nothing more than a handful of Mercs. One Half-ogre Fighter( our thug), A now Recently animated human fighter (we had no raise the Dead Spell at the time soo....either loot him or animate him, most of us ain't gonna carry him), A Elven Ranger, our silent and usually turning a blind eye guide, A Warprisoner turned recruit elven magess, And our Party's dwarven cleric and Moral compass... We had a thief but his neck broke.. he tripped honestly... and our Gnomish Mage kinda blew up... he had alot of magical items and alchemist fire on him when a Dragon turned him into a beacon... all that was left was a crater....
And or those of you who doubt me, the party was played for several months This was my party... unfortunatly

It has to be Certain, the Gods Hate Me. For whatever irrevokable Fate, I have been made the walking Joke. Either that, or Beshaba is overlyfond Of Me.

Edited by - The Cardinal on 17 Sep 2003 18:58:25
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Learned Scribe

264 Posts

Posted - 17 Sep 2003 :  19:57:59  Show Profile  Visit Trafaldi's Homepage Send Trafaldi a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Trafaldi is the main character in a book i am writing he is a night one a mixture of all races and demons, vamps, and other all have different attributes depending on there differences. He is mostly vampiric and of the six elements involved {earth, water, wind, fire, life, and death} he is death.
What draws me to this character the most is his name it is of my own creation no one has ever had it as an idea.
but he really doesn't have a class he has death magic and can sue a sword and his whip.

Some believe there is something more after death, if you really want to find out... go kill yourself and stop pestering me.
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United Kingdom
46 Posts

Posted - 18 Sep 2003 :  21:42:09  Show Profile  Visit Vallandar's Homepage Send Vallandar a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Vallandar Arlandar was a human mage who I spent hours detailing for a pbmb campaign which the DM refused because he really wanted a fighter.
A couple of weeks later I discovered the Candlekeep forum and 'Vallandar' was the first name that came to mind.

Whilst at the inn Vallandar has evolved into a member of the Zhentarim anxious to clear that organisation's name... hence the quote.

'The sinews of war, unlimited money'
- Cicero
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Learned Scribe

337 Posts

Posted - 19 Sep 2003 :  13:56:49  Show Profile  Visit Cult_Leader's Homepage Send Cult_Leader a Private Message  Reply with Quote
OOO, nice. Best clear it a bit faster I think. I can tarnish things just as fast if not faster. I tend to actually think alike to others when trying to screw them over, and seem to think of hat they could do just before they do it. Might make some fun Candle Keep inn rp.

"Madness you say! Do you fear me? Are you afraid of what I might do, of what I might say? What a fascinating reaction. Don't you find it somewhat encumbering?"

Piddles assumes a deep and resonant voice. "Space...the Final Frontier. These are the voyages of the starship...Garou. It's mission: to slay Wyrm creatures where they live and breed. To accumulate more Garou than the world's entire population. To produce metis like no one has before." - Piddles

"Aren't you people supposed to be doing something? Like, entertaining me, the fascist wizard?" - InleRah

I have the passwords to the minds of everyone and the cheat codes to the universe - Me
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Great Reader

4740 Posts

Posted - 20 Sep 2003 :  05:15:58  Show Profile  Visit Bookwyrm's Homepage Send Bookwyrm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I didn't come on here with a character in mind . . . I've just always liked my name, and (as my friend Lost Elph once said, in her highly gramatical way of speaking) I use it for everything.

Then someone said that she had only just noticed that it was Bookwyrm, not worm. At that, I spun off a histronic post about how I had been 'found out', and that yes, I really was a dragon.

No real character history . . . just a nigh-immortal mithril dragon who wanders Type-IV multiverses in search of new things to learn about . . . .

Hell hath no fury like all of Candlekeep rising in defense of one of its own.

Download the brickfilm masterpiece by Leftfield Studios! See this page for more.
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

31701 Posts

Posted - 20 Sep 2003 :  06:10:31  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I am glad to see that some people here - other than myself and Mournblade - have read the Scientific American article on Parallel Universes published a while back.

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
-- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct

Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)

"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood

Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage
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Great Reader

4740 Posts

Posted - 20 Sep 2003 :  07:04:38  Show Profile  Visit Bookwyrm's Homepage Send Bookwyrm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
What, you've already forgotten?

I had a long discussion on that article with a friend of mine. That was an entertaining afternoon.

Hell hath no fury like all of Candlekeep rising in defense of one of its own.

Download the brickfilm masterpiece by Leftfield Studios! See this page for more.
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

31701 Posts

Posted - 20 Sep 2003 :  07:08:32  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I don't know how I missed that one , even taking into consideration the fact that I posted to that scroll as well...

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
-- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct

Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)

"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood

Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage
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Great Reader

4740 Posts

Posted - 20 Sep 2003 :  07:14:48  Show Profile  Visit Bookwyrm's Homepage Send Bookwyrm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
There, there, Sage. It happens to the best of us . . . .

Hell hath no fury like all of Candlekeep rising in defense of one of its own.

Download the brickfilm masterpiece by Leftfield Studios! See this page for more.
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Learned Scribe

337 Posts

Posted - 22 Sep 2003 :  13:55:25  Show Profile  Visit Cult_Leader's Homepage Send Cult_Leader a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I don't know about that one, never read it *shrugs* However you get into quantum chaos and things like that i know what your talking about heh.

"Madness you say! Do you fear me? Are you afraid of what I might do, of what I might say? What a fascinating reaction. Don't you find it somewhat encumbering?"

Piddles assumes a deep and resonant voice. "Space...the Final Frontier. These are the voyages of the starship...Garou. It's mission: to slay Wyrm creatures where they live and breed. To accumulate more Garou than the world's entire population. To produce metis like no one has before." - Piddles

"Aren't you people supposed to be doing something? Like, entertaining me, the fascist wizard?" - InleRah

I have the passwords to the minds of everyone and the cheat codes to the universe - Me
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Great Reader

4740 Posts

Posted - 22 Sep 2003 :  17:09:23  Show Profile  Visit Bookwyrm's Homepage Send Bookwyrm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
You should check out that issue then, perhaps at your local library. Quite interesting. There was also another issue -- or was the the same one? -- that detailed some brain/mind things that Mournblade said was like Psionics, if you're interested in that.

Hell hath no fury like all of Candlekeep rising in defense of one of its own.

Download the brickfilm masterpiece by Leftfield Studios! See this page for more.
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Edain Shadowstar
Senior Scribe

455 Posts

Posted - 23 Sep 2003 :  06:29:25  Show Profile  Visit Edain Shadowstar's Homepage Send Edain Shadowstar a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The name "Edain Shadowstar (TM)" refers to a very old, very fondly loved character of mine who has been around since I began playing D&D. A Elf (Ar'Tel'Quessir to be specific) and a Mage, Edain has gotten around and managed to make people in just about every corner of the multiverse want him dead. He has more or less been a NPC since he got too powerful to play, and has turned into a reappearing thorn in PCs side (he's the type to show up wondering how he got here and not to the store to buy milk and make some annoying comment about how a Paladin's armor is more Lathanderite than Tyrran in apearance and then teleports off to play poker with some yugoloths). In general Edain is insanely smart, and after twenty thousand years of life it takes something impressive to surprise him. He is a believer that one can never be too prepared, and is well prepared to flee to the far corners of the multiverse if he sees something as a real threat. Amongst his many talents is a knack for divining that would make the great Realmsian Seer Alaundo look like a carnival fortunteller , thus finding him unprepared is unlikely.

Edain is the type who through his travels likes to leave his mark, and does it with style and flare. A good example is the giant keep he built in Ravenloft that acts as a great big portal which he used ot escape the first time the mist brought him there. Only actiavatable once every hundred years the keep is the only way out of Ravenloft that commonly known; however, being the annoying type Edain took the activation key with him when he left, and the portal now cannot be activated without it, making Edain a fairly unpopular character in the Domain of Dread (not that anyone can get to him outside the Demiplane). Of course he was never very popular amongst the residents of Ravenloft, seeing he had a penchant for killing vampires, werewolves, and the like. Now, I think I've made my point, but to sum it up he's Elminster (or whatever generic ultra-wizard you identify with), but is elf, very stylish, more attractive, and yes, way smarter .

As far as stats go, well, he does not really have them. Were I to assigned them he'd be something ungodly like a 50th level wizard, or a 45th level wizard and 5th level arhcmage, or something like that. Really, I'd prefer not to quantify him, it just gets messy. Neddless to say he's gone from powerful PC, to comic relief and occasional deus ex machina plot device. Not that I deliberately run adventures that require such a heavy handed approach .

Edain Shadowstar
Archwizard of Rel Astra and Waterdeep

- Gaius Solarian, Captain General
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

31701 Posts

Posted - 23 Sep 2003 :  09:30:25  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Bookwyrm said -
There was also another issue -- or was the the same one? -- that detailed some brain/mind things that Mournblade said was like Psionics, if you're interested in that.
"Hearing Colors and Tasting Shapes", I believe was the title of the article...and yes it was in the same issue.

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
-- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct

Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)

"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood

Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage
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