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Ashe Ravenheart
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Posted - 18 Mar 2010 :  05:04:24  Show Profile Send Ashe Ravenheart a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Yes, kiddies, the newest adventure path has been released. I have my subscriber PDF and am eagerly awaiting the physical book as we speak (not to mention the NPC Guide that I ordered as well...).

Paizo is taking a different track on this Adventure Path. It's not as 'rail-road-y' as previous paths, and allows for more exploration and freedom for the players. In fact, it basically opens up with the players all arriving in the village with a charter that tells them to 'strive against banditry and other unlawful behavior to be encountered'. The inside covers has wanted posters and 'side-quests' that the characters can do if they want, but have no real bearing on story (except for the gratitude of the townsfolk). And the story itself is very non-linear (much like the Shadowdale: Scouring of the Land adventure was).

Of course, I would be extremely remiss if I didn't mention that each of the six-part adventure path have a monster designed by our esteemed Mr. Greenwood (starting with the Thawn or "Mud Giant"). There's also a familiar beastie called a Carbuncle to throw at the players.

But, what really got my inner grognard smiling are the geographical maps which have been done in a nostalgic Hex Grid. I swear, seeing a hex map for overland travel shot me right back to when I was around 10 and ran Isle of Dread for my little brother. (Is it a TPK if there's only one player?)

Anyway, one of the more interesting reviews out there is by (in)famous Grognard, James Maliszewski, author of the Grognardia blog. He's not as gushing as I (or Purple Dragon Knight) have been, but the fact that he's considering buying it speaks volumes, IMHO.

I actually DO know everything. I just have a very poor index of my knowledge.

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Posted - 18 Mar 2010 :  09:32:48  Show Profile Send Elfinblade a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Pathfinder is looking promising. Be sure to review it here for us when you've tried it out for while.
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Posted - 18 Mar 2010 :  11:21:24  Show Profile Send Diffan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I agree. Even though I won't pay for yet another form of D&D, my friend does and has alot of the adventures. We just started up a new campaign using the Pathfinder rules and the re-vamping of the system has made for a better, more enjoyable time than the older 3.5 system.

On a side note about Pathfinder, what are the chances of them changing or incorporating the mechanics of say the Tome of Magic or Tome of Battle into their new system? In addition, does anyone who plays Pathfinder feel that these books would be too much or "Over-powered" for that system to run?
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Ashe Ravenheart
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Posted - 18 Mar 2010 :  14:21:11  Show Profile Send Ashe Ravenheart a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well, the main selling point of Pathfinder is that it's backwards compatible. You can take just about any other 3.5 book and, with relatively little tweaking, make it work with Pathfinder.

The Tome of Magic and Tome of Battle books could be used with Pathfinder, but I considered them broken with 3.5 when they first came out (and also felt that Tome of Battle was a developer's test for 4th edition). Although, my tastes also lie in being a 'purist' where there's a lot of restrictions on what's allowed in the game or not.

Re: Elfinblade: I did have a chance to run some Pathfinder Society adventures at GenCon last year and had a blast. Unfortunately, I haven't had much of a chance to run it since then due to the fact that my current gaming group's campaign started before Pathfinder's release and no one wants to convert (yet).

I actually DO know everything. I just have a very poor index of my knowledge.

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