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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 03 Aug 2003 :  04:50:06  Show Profile  Visit Yasraena's Homepage Send Yasraena a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Greetings to all.
With this game spawning sooooo many cool modules, I was wondering what was everyones favorite (in hopes of finding some that I've overlooked. Heh heh heh! ) There are two categories to include here. Completely new modules, and remakes of the old PnP modules of yore.

I'll start off...

New module - "The Citadel of Blood" It comes in 3 separate chapters. Chapter 1, Chapter 2, and Chapter 3.
A very cool module for high level characters that has a great combinations of story, role-playing and combat. A pretty large download for all three, but definitely worth it.

Old PnP module - A tie between the following so far.
Q1-Queen of the Demonweb Pits and The Spires Of Ravenloft.
Both are about as close to the original module as you can get using the NWN Toolset, so you can't ask for much more than that. The one bummer about Q1 is that it's close to 40mb, so a humongous download for those still on dial-up.

There's also another that I've just downloaded and it's pretty good so far. H4-TheThrone of Bloodstone. If you like a very challenging hack and slash type of adventure, this one is definitely for you.

"Nindyn vel'uss malar verin z'klaen tlu kyone ulu naut doera nindel vel'bolen nind malar."
Yasraena T'Sarran
Harper of Silverymoon

Edited by - Yasraena on 03 Aug 2003 21:05:46

The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

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Posted - 03 Aug 2003 :  07:19:46  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The Spires of Ravenloft would have to be one of my favorite modules for NWN, based almost entirely on my passion for the Ravenloft setting. I also enjoyed Savage Frontier, and the Warlock from Firetop Mountain modules. The first (and so far only created) chapter of the Arcane Space Spelljammer module was fun, however there were many bugs in that particular module.

I am also eagerly awaiting the City of Doors Initiative's Planescape NWN module, and the soon to be released Dragonlance Adventures module.

The classic remake though, would have to be the Curse of the Azure Bonds module.

Of course, my Drizzt Do'Urden module could be a serious contender for this category if only it were finished. Those few of you who had the privilege to download the demo module certainly saw the fine work my group had carried out on trying to put this module together. You also know how the greater work has been stalled by a number of unforeseen delays such as exams and the release of the Shadows of Undrentide expansion.

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Senior Scribe

South Africa
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Posted - 03 Aug 2003 :  11:00:57  Show Profile  Visit MuadDib's Homepage Send MuadDib a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'd be interested in those mods if someone could tell me which are the best and where a good place would be to get them...

MuadDib - Candlekeep Inn Barhand
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

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Posted - 03 Aug 2003 :  12:57:01  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well MuadDib, Yasraena has already provided a number of links to the NWN module website. However this link provides a number of Bioware created modules that are very entertaining (well...some of them ). I also have another link which takes you to the NWN module database.

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

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Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)

"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood

Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage

Edited by - The Sage on 03 Aug 2003 12:57:57
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Senior Scribe

388 Posts

Posted - 03 Aug 2003 :  21:02:40  Show Profile  Visit Yasraena's Homepage Send Yasraena a Private Message  Reply with Quote
MuadDib, both the Bioware Community Site and the Neverwinter Vault Module Database are great places to find 100's of modules. Just click on the links to be taken there.

Both have pages for the top rated modules that have been voted on by people who've downloaded them and played through them, so it takes the guess work out of which ones to download.

So far the ratings have been pretty accurate.

And since you brought it up Sage, any guestimation on when that Drizzt module of yours will be finished? I'm looking forward to playing through it.

"Nindyn vel'uss malar verin z'klaen tlu kyone ulu naut doera nindel vel'bolen nind malar."
Yasraena T'Sarran
Harper of Silverymoon

Edited by - Yasraena on 03 Aug 2003 21:08:57
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United Kingdom
16 Posts

Posted - 03 Aug 2003 :  22:35:08  Show Profile  Visit Dodger's Homepage Send Dodger a Private Message  Reply with Quote
NW Vault is THE resource... :)

Some of my faves:

1) Harpers Tale (prelude & 1)
2) Crypt Of Riddles (1 & 2)
3) Witches Wake
4) Ravenloft (not bad - better with friends) ;)
5) Gates Of Myth Drannor (playing now - very good)

Also waiting with baited breath for the Planescape conversion.
This stuff needs to be seen to be believed!
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Senior Scribe

South Africa
442 Posts

Posted - 04 Aug 2003 :  06:35:04  Show Profile  Visit MuadDib's Homepage Send MuadDib a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thanks guys, I will be getting them soon. Lets hope they are better than NWN though, cause I never really enjoyed NWN that much

What about BG mods, you guys played any that you can recommend?

MuadDib - Candlekeep Inn Barhand
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

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Posted - 04 Aug 2003 :  12:36:16  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yasraena said -
And since you brought it up Sage, any guestimation on when that Drizzt module of yours will be finished? I'm looking forward to playing through it.
I'm glad to hear there are still people interested. Since you obviously missed out on downloading a copy of the demo, I'll see if I can dispatch a special download for you to play through while the work continues.

As for a guestimation, well...I have my last exams this week, so I should soon have more time to spend incorporating a few of the changes to the module from the recent NWN expansion. Taking that into consideration, I would say two weeks at the maximum.

I'll let you know more about the demo and the 'official' release of the module by ethereal mail.

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
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Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)

"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood

Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage

Edited by - The Sage on 04 Aug 2003 12:37:39
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Senior Scribe

388 Posts

Posted - 04 Aug 2003 :  19:10:08  Show Profile  Visit Yasraena's Homepage Send Yasraena a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by MuadDib

Thanks guys, I will be getting them soon. Lets hope they are better than NWN though, cause I never really enjoyed NWN that much

What about BG mods, you guys played any that you can recommend?

I hope you mean the story of the main game, 'cause the mechanics of the game will be the same regardless of the mod.
I actually really liked the main game. True, it wasn't the best story, but the feel was pretty epic and the way your actions dictated your alignment was really cool. I actually stayed good throughout the entire game. Not an easy feat, considering the NPC's you had to deal with. I find it really hard to have to pay an NPC with an attitude for information regarding my main quest, so I just beat it out of him. You only lose a few good points and you can replace them easily enough.

As far as the BG mods go, you know, I'm pretty sure that there aren't any player made mods for them. I haven't seen any or mention of any on the various websites that I frequent for both of those games.
The only mods I know of are the two 'official' ones that bioware put out for them.
I can't remeber the name of the one for BG I because it's been so long since I played it, but BG II had "Throne of Bhall".
If you liked either of the main games, then you'd probably like the add-ons.

"Nindyn vel'uss malar verin z'klaen tlu kyone ulu naut doera nindel vel'bolen nind malar."
Yasraena T'Sarran
Harper of Silverymoon
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United Kingdom
16 Posts

Posted - 07 Aug 2003 :  00:08:52  Show Profile  Visit Dodger's Homepage Send Dodger a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Yasraena
I can't remeber the name of the one for BG I because it's been so long since I played it, but BG II had "Throne of Bhall".

That would be "Tales Of The Sword Coast" ;)

There are actually a LOT of mods available for BG1 & 2. Check out and I think you'll find what you're looking for.

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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 07 Aug 2003 :  09:28:57  Show Profile  Visit Yasraena's Homepage Send Yasraena a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Whoa! Color me misinformed!
Thanks for the tip Dodger. I can finally get some replay value out of both those games now.

"Nindyn vel'uss malar verin z'klaen tlu kyone ulu naut doera nindel vel'bolen nind malar."
Yasraena T'Sarran
Harper of Silverymoon
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 07 Aug 2003 :  09:33:37  Show Profile  Visit Yasraena's Homepage Send Yasraena a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Sage of Perth

Yasraena said -
And since you brought it up Sage, any guestimation on when that Drizzt module of yours will be finished? I'm looking forward to playing through it.
I'm glad to hear there are still people interested. Since you obviously missed out on downloading a copy of the demo, I'll see if I can dispatch a special download for you to play through while the work continues.

As for a guestimation, well...I have my last exams this week, so I should soon have more time to spend incorporating a few of the changes to the module from the recent NWN expansion. Taking that into consideration, I would say two weeks at the maximum.

I'll let you know more about the demo and the 'official' release of the module by ethereal mail.

That would be extremely cool Sage. Looking forward to getting in to it. Everything that was posted on the actual topic sounded really promising.

Anxiously awaiting the email.........

"Nindyn vel'uss malar verin z'klaen tlu kyone ulu naut doera nindel vel'bolen nind malar."
Yasraena T'Sarran
Harper of Silverymoon
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United Kingdom
16 Posts

Posted - 25 Aug 2003 :  00:46:35  Show Profile  Visit Dodger's Homepage Send Dodger a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I knew there was another one! "The Darkest Day" can be found here:
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William of Waterdeep
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Posted - 19 Oct 2003 :  15:04:10  Show Profile  Visit William of Waterdeep's Homepage Send William of Waterdeep a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Dodger

I knew there was another one! "The Darkest Day" can be found here:

Did you play TDD all the way through?

Courage isn't the lack of fear but rather believing in and doing what you know is right even though fear is present.

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Maecenus of Westgate
Learned Scribe

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Posted - 13 Nov 2003 :  21:38:54  Show Profile  Visit Maecenus of Westgate's Homepage Send Maecenus of Westgate a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I can't believe no one has mentioned the Shadowlords series or the Dreamcathcher series of modules yet.

I'm a huge fan of these and am eagerly awaiting Adam's next installments entitled "Demon". Shadowlords starts your character out in Scornubel at 1st level and leads you on to Hill's Edge and eventually Skull Gorge. Dreamcatcher begins in Waterdeep where a mysterious meteor shower falls upon the city leading your character to investigate an unusual underwater environment and eventually flying astride a gold dragon to reach Evermeet! A fantastic amount of work and effort went into these and I highly recommend them for any fan of the Forgotten Realms. You can even pursue romances with certain NPCs, much like in Baldur's Gate 2.

You can download these from but more information on these modules can be found here:

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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 14 Nov 2003 :  04:31:47  Show Profile  Visit Yasraena's Homepage Send Yasraena a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I just downloaded both of those series last week.
I hope they're as good as the ratings on the site and you say they are.

"Nindyn vel'uss malar verin z'klaen tlu kyone ulu naut doera nindel vel'bolen nind malar."
Yasraena T'Sarran
Harper of Silverymoon
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