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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 14 May 2009 :  23:49:53  Show Profile  Visit xaviera's Homepage Send xaviera a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
I thought I would share with the community some of the stuff I have written about Sharess. It is not entirely canon but this may be ascribed to regional differences in interpretation or an incomplete lack of knowledge of the gods on the part of mere mortals. Nevertheless I hope it may prove useful to you and I welcome feedback.

1. Introduction.

It has been many years that I have served this city as High Priestess of the Lady of Lust, and shortly the time will come for me to retire and let those flush with the bloom of youth take over my duties. In my years of dedication to the Goddess, I have seen much and considered long and hard the many issues that affect those of us who follow Her, and so now I take quill in hand to indite my thoughts of the Princess of Passion, my understanding of Her, and what it means to call ourselves Sharessin.

It is ever our lot, it seems, to bear the scorn of both highborn and lowborn who think us but courtesans and loosecoin lasses, vapid vessels of carnality and concupiscence with no thought for aught but our next roll in the hay. I say, however, that those who think such speak with neither knowledge nor wisdom, for they have not taken the time to consider the ways of the Dancing Lady, nor to follow Her path and see where it truly leads.

It is my hope that these feeble words will help to convey some of the complex beauty and grand reach of our Goddess’ philosophy, and that it will show how Her domain touches all of our lives in so many ways. I pray that those who jeer and whisper behind their hands but lust after us in their hearts and loins, or who seek us out solely for physical pleasure but dismiss the spiritual enlightenment we offer, will take a moment to read and heed these words and be thereby brought to a greater appreciation of the Lustful Mistress’ divine blessings.

As all peoples differ in environment, in culture, and in belief, when we travel to a particular place we must put on the ways of the locals that our words may sound familiar to them, and so more readily find acceptance. So in this far land, we must perforce speak of Sharess differently than we would in, say, Calimshan. We are fortunate that our Lady does not hold us fast to rite and rote, but allows us the freedom to follow Her as we will. I say this in the hope that I shall not be judged a heretic by those who read these words, but that all who truly follow the Festhall Madam will take from this the essential message and adapt it to their own unique situations, their own temples and their own congregations.

In joyous praise of Sharess,

~ Xaviera

Writings on Sharess: Thoughts & Prayers by Xaviera ~ High Priestess of Sharess

Learned Scribe

149 Posts

Posted - 14 May 2009 :  23:50:58  Show Profile  Visit xaviera's Homepage Send xaviera a Private Message  Reply with Quote
2. A Book of Sharessan Prayers

Song of Praise.

Sharess, our Goddess, Thou art Pleasure -
Thy touch, Thy kiss, our hearts make leap.
Thy gift to us, life's greatest treasure,
Sustaineth us from dawn till sleep.

The means for song and dance to please
Thou hast provided us, Thy blessing.
We pay Thee homage on our knees
Then rise, Thy servants, proud Sharessin.

Thou urgest us to new endeavours,
A feast Thou makest of our life.
Thou teachest how to live for pleasure
And join our hands to ward off strife.

In joy Thou keep'st us safe from pain,
In love ensure Thy song is heard.
Each morn we happy rise again,
Embrace the call to live Thy word.

Our hearts are Thine, O radiant Princess!
In bliss we sing Thy highest praises,
In Thy name burn sacred incense -
Divine Sharess, Thou e'er amaze us.

Each drop of life's sweet joy we capture,
And when time comes to pass the veil
We look to join with Thee in Rapture -
To Thee in death, as life, we hail.

~ Xaviera

Prayer of Thanks.

Sharess, I pray to You now, thankful for the light You have shown to us and to others. We are the messengers of Your wishes for freedom and life. To experience everything there is to see, feel, taste, smell, and hear. To fill us with passion and the truth of what life is. To show one another that there is more to life than day-to-day tasks. To help others to see and decide what they will do after they see. To help others make the choices to fulfill their lives. Sharess, I thank You for this vision of life and end this prayer in hopes of a new day for me and for everyone. Goddess, bless us all.

~ Laura Orcotto

Prayer to Defend the Faith (The Knight’s Prayer).

I have traveled far and my curiosity knows no bounds. I delight in every day given to me on this earth, to love and share my thoughts and feelings with others. I thank Sharess for my lust for life and all its wonders. I pray for the wisdom to comprehend Her ways and the foresight to see their implications. I swear by my sword that I will fight to protect the Temple, its priestesses, and all who seek sanctuary within it. I swear by my shield that I will provide shelter and comfort to those in need and to bring as much joy as I can into their lives. I swear by my heart to be true and faithful to Her teachings and to seek Her more each day in all things. This I pray to Sharess.

~ Laura Silverleaf

The Indulgent's Prayer.

Sweet Sharess, Princess of Passion
I, once broken, now healed by Your love
Come before You to kneel at Your feet
Beseeching You to hear my single plea
Fill my cup to overflowing
That I might spread Your love
That I might be a beacon for You
This I pray to You, divine Sharess

~ Riala Tsu'rein

Prayer for Protection.

Sharess watch over me. Sharess protect me. Sharess bring me joy. Sharess take away my pain.

Prayer of Invocation.

Sharess, Princess of Passion! You enthrall us with the beauty of Your voice, and so we praise You!

Bast, Mother of Cats! You bewitch us with the clarity of Your gaze, and so we adore You!

Zandilar, Dancing Lady! You enchant us with the grace of Your movement, and so we celebrate You!

Bast, Feline of Felicity! You enrapture us with the taste of Your lips, and so we revere You!

Sharess, Lady of Lust! You captivate us with the gentleness of Your touch, and so we worship You!

Litany of Invocation in moments of passion.

Praise ye
Bless* me

* In certain circumstances this may be replaced by another one-syllable word descriptive of the activity being engaged in.

Prayer of Reverence.

Thank Sharess, that you may feel happiness at the sight of a morning sky, or an evening sky. Thank Sharess!

Applaud Sharess, that you may enjoy the sound of music, or of a child's laugh. Applaud Sharess!

Praise Sharess, that you may appreciate the scent of a flower, or of the air after a summer rain. Praise Sharess!

Venerate Sharess, that you may revel in the taste of fine food, or of a vintage wine. Venerate Sharess!

Worship Sharess, that you may rejoice in the kiss of a friend, or the touch of a lover. Worship Sharess!

Blessing in Brief.

Bless us, O Lady, in the giving and receiving of pleasure. Take our pain and give us joy in return, and grant us happiness in all that we do.

Blessing at a Revel.

O Beautiful Sharess, we are here today to celebrate this festival in Your honour. We are here today to enjoy that great gift You have given us - the gift of pleasure. Without pleasure, our food would be as ashes, our wine as swampwater. Without pleasure, our lives would be filled with misery. Without pleasure, our loves would be bitter. I ask that You extend Your blessing over this, Your festival, that we may all take pleasure together, without hurt or harm, hatred or horror. Bless us, O Lady, in the giving and receiving of pleasure. Take our pain, Mistress, and give us joy in return. Grant us happiness in all that we do, insofar as we do it for You and in Your name.

Wedding Blessing.

I bless you both in the name of the Lady Sharess. I bless you both in the giving and receiving of pleasure. May She take your pain and give you joy, and may She grant you happiness in all that you do, both together and apart. May you love and pleasure each other for all your days, and may you forever share in the Eternal Revel that is life.

The Lament of the Supplicant.

My Lady Sharess, my Mistress, my Goddess! Teach and enlighten me. Show me Your way, that I may understand You and teach others Your proper doctrine. I beg of You, my Princess, bless me with the knowledge of Your truth.

Guide me, Sharess! Aid me, I beseech Thee, in standing against those who scorn and insult you. I have defended You against those who call You Goddess of Whores, and I have named You Goddess of all the senses and of all pleasures.

I have always held You close in my heart, my sweet Goddess. Do I not venerate You? Do I not anoint Your idol with sweet oils and burn fine incense to You? Can You not see my devotion, my love for You, Lady Sharess? Can You not hear my desire to serve You? Can You not feel my desire to know You?

I believe in my soul that You are the greatest of all goddesses, but if I have said aught wrong of You, correct me. If my tongue has lied about You, chastise me. You are my Goddess, and I am Your servant. I am Yours to command, Yours to guide, Yours to do with as You will. It is my greatest desire to be Your priestess, though I be unworthy of Your divine grace. Bless me, My Lady, that I may do Your will.

A Prayer For Those Who Defend Innocents

Bless you all, who go against the dark
I pray that all your arrows meet their mark
Raise your shields for those you leave behind
For you are in our hearts and in our minds
We who wait do so with 'bated breath
As you go out to face the face of death
So let the fires of love burn high and bright
To guide you through the darkness of this night

Writings on Sharess: Thoughts & Prayers by Xaviera ~ High Priestess of Sharess

Edited by - xaviera on 25 Jan 2011 15:56:24
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Learned Scribe

149 Posts

Posted - 14 May 2009 :  23:51:44  Show Profile  Visit xaviera's Homepage Send xaviera a Private Message  Reply with Quote
3. The Commandments of Sharess.

The Tawny Temptress has blessed us all with the ability to appreciate our sensations, to enjoy our experiences, to revel in our impressions of the world. If we believe, as I do, that this is indeed a gift, and so given freely to us, then all else follows from this first axiom:

I. Pleasure is the gift of Sharess, so bring happiness to all who seek it and joy to those in pain.

I humbly suggest that from this one basic commandment of the Goddess flows an entire philosophy, a majestic tree growing and branching from a single seed. This one statement guides us and dictates to us how we should live our lives so as to be most in harmony with our Lady and the world in general.

II. Pleasure is the path of life, and pain the door to death. A life without pleasure is a life not lived.

Happiness and joy affirm life, while pain diminishes it. Thus the way of Sharess is the way of life.

III. Life is an endless revel, so seek out pleasure at every opportunity, savouring the old and sampling the new.

If Her gift to us is that of being able to appreciate life, it stands to reason that we should do so joyously and continuously so as to best honour and celebrate Her glorious divinity.

IV. There is no limit to the Goddess' blessing, so let none restrict your freedom to enjoy Her bounty.

If Sharess, in Her divine wisdom, has deigned to grant us this magnificent boon, to let Her grace flow down to us from above, then it is up to us to ensure that Her way and Her word flow freely to all, that all may benefit.

V. A pleasure shared is a pleasure doubled, but to take without consent is the worst of thefts.

A gift is given for both the enjoyment of the giver and of the recipient. The Goddess has blessed us with this facility, so too must we give this gift to others generously, not hoarding and not taking what others have for ourselves.

Writings on Sharess: Thoughts & Prayers by Xaviera ~ High Priestess of Sharess

Edited by - xaviera on 15 May 2009 03:20:47
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 14 May 2009 :  23:52:34  Show Profile  Visit xaviera's Homepage Send xaviera a Private Message  Reply with Quote
4. Pleasure, Pain and Excess.

We are creatures born of matter. We have material bodies to carry our minds about, and minds to tell our bodies where to go. Under normal circumstances, we do not exist in this world apart from our bodies.

Pleasure guides the body to maintain itself, to feed, to rest, to protect itself and other minds, and to encourage the creation of more minds through the medium of sex. Pain, on the other hand, signals that which can harm the body and thus endanger the mind within. That is, pleasure and pain tell our minds, through the medium of our bodies, what is good and what is bad for our bodies. We seek out or avoid sensations depending on whether they are pleasurable or harmful. Thus, pleasure and pain guide our bodies and minds in order to preserve them both.

Pain signals danger and impending harm to the body, which generates stress and produces fear and thereby distorts our perceptions of the world. Pain thus produces imbalances in both mind and body. Pain, it cannot be denied, is a part of life, a sensation that is difficult to avoid, and we should appreciate it because it warns us of danger. Small amounts of pain can be stimulating, invigorating and motivating, but excess pain is worse than excess pleasure, since that which harms is more likely to slay than that which pleases.

Anything done to excess is, by definition, potentially harmful to the body. To exceed is to drive the body or the mind out of balance. Being out of balance too severely, as through damage or illness, or for too long, can impair the ability of the body or mind to function properly, to deal with the realities of the world. Thus, imbalance may harm the body or mind.

Creatures born out of balance - sick or in pain - often die soon after birth. Those who live may be injured or crippled, physically or mentally. Generally, organisms endeavour to avoid pain. It is therefore not normal to find pleasure in excess pain. Those persons who do are out of balance because of some injury - mental or physical - that has happened to them in the past.

One should strive to experience the sensations that life has to offer. It may be difficult to avoid experiencing negative sensations, or they may even be sought out, in some cases, in order to discover one's limits and tolerances. Pain, for example, is occasionally necessary in order to bring about greater pleasure, as in the pain of being born or of giving birth, which opens the door to an entirely new life. But to enjoy too many negative sensations, or to derive pleasure from pain, is not the way of Sharess, but of Loviatar and Shar. Pleasurable sensations are naturally much more enjoyable - in this way the Goddess directs us as to what should most often be sought out and experienced.

Too much pleasure, of course, can also imbalance the body and the mind. Alcohol, for example, distorts one’s perceptions, distracts the mind from the requirements of living in this world, and limits the ability of the body and mind to fulfill those requirements. Too much of a good thing can in fact be a bad thing.

Knowing one's limits is important, since one then learns how far one can or cannot go, and striving is essential to our being. One should therefore push oneself to exceed. But to exceed, in the sense of striving to push the limits, is not necessarily to be excessive, in the sense of striving to push beyond one's limits.

Sometimes we cannot avoid excess. But since excess can harm, it follows that we should not exceed excessively. In the context of pleasure and pain, this means that we should not push ourselves out of balance too often, or we may become ill or suffer damage to the mind or body. It may be argued as well that social relations, since they may also affect our minds and bodies, should be considered in deciding what is excessive.

Some Sharessin believe that overindulging is the best way to worship our Lady, but the line between indulgence and excess depends upon the person. I personally do not feel that Sharess is about excess at all, only the appreciation and enjoyment of life’s experiences. To overindulge too often is to diminish one’s appreciation of reality by distorting or damaging the senses. That being said, even doing things to excess on occasion can be instructive and useful, if only to learn just how far one can go. Furthermore, some things can be done ‘to excess’, in the sense of ‘frequently’, without harming oneself. Nevertheless, one must not become caught up in mindless repetition or overindulgence in familiar things, for it is our charge to experience that which is novel and different in addition to that which is well-known. So everything in moderation - including moderation!

Without pleasure and pain, we would not resist damage to our bodies and we would not seek out the joyous passions that create more minds to experience the world. To attend to all the messages that our senses bring us, to truly appreciate the interaction of our bodies with the world without, is to live fully within the world. Sensations - pain and pleasure - teach us how to learn and grow, how to reach and strive, and how to create that which is beautiful and good. It is for this that we honour Sharess, who has given us this divine blessing: the ability to live life to the fullest.

Writings on Sharess: Thoughts & Prayers by Xaviera ~ High Priestess of Sharess
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 14 May 2009 :  23:53:17  Show Profile  Visit xaviera's Homepage Send xaviera a Private Message  Reply with Quote
5. The Joys of Sensation.

We worship our Lady as the Goddess of Sensual Pleasures. If pleasure is important to you, you may wish acknowledge Her for all of the blessings she grants you in your daily life. Consider how many times each day you experience pleasure, or wonder at a particular sensation, and you will realize how much we really should be thankful for Her divine gifts. So if your sensual experiences bring you pleasure or are otherwise important to you, then Sharess is worthy of your devotion.

There are those who would argue that Sune is the Goddess of Beauty, that Hanali Celanil is the Goddess of Love, that Lliira is the Goddess of Joy, and they would be right. But we Sharessin believe that the vast majority of our experience, our very life, is tied intimately to our senses. Without our senses we would know nothing, and without Her divinely-granted ability to appreciate what they tell us, we would neither learn nor grow. It is for this reason that we believe the so-called Succubus of Sensation to be among the greatest of goddesses.

Those who find pleasure in learning new things may worship Oghma or Mystra, but when they joyfully open an ancient book, smell the dust and run their fingers down that faded page, they revel in the pleasures that their senses bring them. The monk who masters the disciplines of the body takes pleasure in his control of it. The warrior whose blood sings and whose muscles strain with each swing of the weapon, who stands proud on the field of battle, experiences the pleasures of the strength, power and coordination of his body. The feeling of rising from bed in the morning as you open your eyes and stretch, and of going to sleep at night as you pull the sheets over you and drift off - even occasions such as these are pleasurable and so should be acknowledged.

To explore your senses is to come closer to the world and to yourself. One can obtain pleasure from almost every event in life, and life should, after all, be enjoyed, for a life without pleasure is an empty one. And just as we have many senses, so there are many ways to please them. We therefore liken life to a banquet - a feast, a Revel - and we believe that there is a place at the table for each of us. We also believe, as do the followers of Lliira, that joy is to be found in bringing joy and pleasure to others, and that pleasure shared is greater pleasure. We invite you to join us and take your pleasure in all of that with which we have been blessed.

As different people take pleasure in different taste sensations, so should we all endeavour to be gourmets and to try different wines and juices, sweets and sauces, vegetables and viands. If you are a chef or vintner, and are gratified by the taste of food and drink, perhaps you will send a prayer to the Goddess of the Ruby Lips.

The sense of smell reaches deep into our memories and may produce the strongest reactions of all the senses. For this reason, we should take the time to smell flowers, perfumes, fresh hay, the scent of a loved one, or an old book, and think on them and how they make us feel. These are the pleasures of the sense of smell, for which glorious gift you might well consider worshipping Sharess.

Have you ever looked at something so lovely that your heart just aches? A sunset. A lover's face. A child playing. A beautiful view. Those are the pleasures of sight. If you enjoy any of those things, or if you enjoy painting or sculpting or other forms of art, and are gratified by your sense of sight, you should then perform devotions to our Lady.

The sense of touch is of course exemplified by the joyful and intimate pleasures of carnal congress, of flesh on flesh. But it also grants us the feeling of fabric or sand on skin. Of furs, or sensual oils, or massage. If you enjoy soaking in a warm bath, a cool rain, lying on the grass in the sun, or other pleasures of the body, I suggest that you give thanks to the Mother of Cats.

The sense of hearing brings us sound and, above all, the joy of song and music. What can give more pleasure than music? Birds. A child laughing. A lover's voice. The ocean. A peaceful night. Milil, whom the bards worship, is a friend of Sharess. If you work with or enjoy music, poetry or song, and are pleased by that which you hear, you may want to acknowledge the Lady with the Velvet Voice.

What else? Movement, including the playing of music, as well as the intricate and involved movements of dance. Those who dance in shadows use their bodies in the same way that bards use their voices to call on magical forces. Zandilar is a Goddess of dance who has become a part of Sharess.

We exist in the world, and we experience it through our senses. Almost all that we know comes to us in this way. Why should not we then seek to enjoy those sensations? There are so many ways to experience life, and the pleasures thereof. To live a life without pleasure is to stand aside from the banquet to which the Goddess has invited us all. It is to live an empty life, to deny all that the world gives that is good. We are not happy in denying ourselves, but in fulfilling and enjoying ourselves. So enjoy life. Seek out the pleasures it has to offer and partake of them. Share them with others. And do not harm, but rather love, for love is the greatest of pleasures.

Writings on Sharess: Thoughts & Prayers by Xaviera ~ High Priestess of Sharess
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 14 May 2009 :  23:53:51  Show Profile  Visit xaviera's Homepage Send xaviera a Private Message  Reply with Quote
6. Love and Lust.

Sharess, the Dancing Lady, is the Goddess of Sensual Pleasure and Hedonism, which is to say the enjoyment of pleasure. Most people think that she is strictly about sex, primarily because prostitutes are often Her followers. Also, many see the worship of a pleasure goddess as equivalent to a license to have indiscriminate sex. So those who do not know the truths of the Goddess look down upon her followers with condescension or even outright revulsion. But that is because they do not understand.

After all, how can something pleasurable be disgusting? Sharess teaches us to enjoy pleasure, whether in food, or drink, or companionship, or in the physical sensations of loving. If there is naught offensive about eating or drinking, why should there be about touching another person intimately, to share pleasure with them? One should be as comfortable with another as with oneself. In fact, touching oneself and touching another are not two different things - you are merely closer to yourself than someone else.

There are many paths to love, which is the greatest of all forces. One may come to love another by appreciation of their personality, their beauty, their actions, that they kindle lust in you or that they make you happy to be with them. There are those who believe in so-called 'courtly love', in which two persons pine for each other from afar and tremble in ecstacy at the mere brush of fingertips. (In my opinion, this would be much too frustrating to bear for long.) Or there are those who begin as friends and comrades and come to understand each other to the point where they cannot help but fall in love. Or, of course, those whom passion draws together. Whatever the origin, I believe that full and true love should partake of all three of these qualities. This is not to say that two or even one cannot lead to satisfying relationships, but a stool with three legs is more likely to remain upright longer than one with fewer.

Love and passion are two sides of the same coin. Passion is the physical act of love, and love creates lust and passion in turn. One and then the other, like a wheel rolling. You can have one without the other, but one leads to the other, as night follows day, and it is difficult to keep them apart. So why try? Love, and be passionate. Let the feeling take you where it will. Pleasure is to be enjoyed.

The phrase 'Sharessan wedding' is sometimes used to describe a couple who pass a night together and then move on, but this is unfair. As personal freedom is of vital importance to us, a marriage should not last beyond the desire of both parties to hold it together. However, this does not mean that marriage in the Sharessan tradition is something that should be entered into lightly. In any relationship there are responsibilities and expectations, and whosoever commits to one (for whatever period of time may be agreed upon) should respect both. The most obvious consideration, of course, is the possibility of issue and who shall raise any children that come of the union or, if both agree to do so, how said raising shall be done and how the duties shall be apportioned. I would not marry a couple under the eyes of the Goddess even for a night were I not convinced that they were sufficiently mature.

For those who seek only carnal pleasure, it is true that many worshippers of the Lady of Lust are prostitutes or courtesans, as I myself have been, and I am proud of my past and that I have brought satisfaction to so many. Once again, though, this does not mean that all Sharessin are to be thought of as such, nor are all such necessarily Sharessin. For me personally, I feel closer to the Goddess in moments of passion, and I believe that the sensations that accompany sexual congress are among the most intense one can experience. With the right person, at the right moment, and where the other 'legs of the stool' are also present, I find nothing in life to surpass these pleasures. There are times where I have done my duty to my Goddess with diffidence, difficulty, or outright distaste, but I have always done so freely in honour of the Succubus of Sensation. Others may die great deaths for their deities, but I for one am content to die a thousand little deaths for mine.

The Temple prostitute who offers herself in imitation of the Goddess should be praised no more or no less than any other Sharessin for how they serve, for they, as I, serve freely. For those for whom it is not a free choice, but who are driven to it through poverty or coercion, it is not a pleasant life. Those women (or men) who take the path of the loose-coin lass or tiger lily for other reasons should therefore be supported by us and protected against exploitation and harm until such time as they may leave the trade. It is my thought that the Temple of Sharess should sponsor courtesans in each city, offering them lodging and protection and a place and means to do their work in safety and not in squalor for so long as they continue to do it. Naturally they should pay a small portion of their wages for what they receive, but better to us than to someone who beats and mistreats them.

There is, sadly, a great deal of confusion about the relationship between Sharess and Loviatar, though fortunately it is more often scurrilous than sacreligious. It is true that we may use whips in our devotions and in the training of new members, though these are usually more akin to the silken sashes of the Sunites than to the barbed tails of the Loviatarans. The Mistress of Pain teaches that one should experience pain in order to become indifferent to it. We, on the other hand, do not believe that anyone should be indifferent to any sensation. I will not deny that small amounts of pain can be stimulating and even enhance the experience of other sensations, but pain in such amounts as to be regularly injurious is excessive and may even interfere with one's appreciation of the Goddess' gifts.

As with any act engaged in by two (or more) people, both must be agreeable or the will of Sharess is not being respected. Freedom to explore and experience without coercion or control is the essence of the Festhall Madam. I have even, with my own congregation, elevated to the status of a commandment that "a pleasure shared is a pleasure doubled, but to take without consent is the worst of thefts." It therefore follows that rape is abhorrent to the Goddess, as is congress with those who cannot freely consent or who may not be mature enough to understand the consequences of their actions, such as animals or children. While one should always be considerate of others feelings, nobody should be held accountable for someone else's feelings, so to request or even demand something from another with threats or intimations of harm to oneself or another or withdrawal of affection is emotional blackmail and thus coercion and unacceptable.

So if you find yourself alone and unhappy, seek out pleasant company and enjoy yourself. Visit with friends that they may support you in your time of need and bring a smile to your face with their company. Everybody wants to be happy. And if it is good to receive pleasure, how much better must it be to give it? Seek out pleasure and passion and give yourself to them, and share the same with others. In giving the gift of pleasure, you receive it as well, as Sharess takes pleasure in granting Her divine blessing to mortals.

Lust is only part of the worship of Sharess. We live through all of the senses, so stimulate them all and enjoy what they tell us about the world. Sharess is about the experience of life. This means both sensual and emotional. Satisfaction of the flesh and the heart. And the mind as well, if that is where your pleasures lie. We give honour to each other and to the Goddess Herself in sharing the blessings of Sharess with others, and in so doing we increase the amount of joy and happiness in this world and in so doing make it a better place for all.

Writings on Sharess: Thoughts & Prayers by Xaviera ~ High Priestess of Sharess

Edited by - xaviera on 21 May 2009 02:30:57
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 14 May 2009 :  23:54:33  Show Profile  Visit xaviera's Homepage Send xaviera a Private Message  Reply with Quote
7. The Nature of Evil.

What is your most valuable possession? What is it that drives you? What is it without which you die? What is the one thing that you keep even beyond death?

The answer is: Your soul.

What does your soul do? It keeps you alive. It animates your body and directs it to seek pleasure and avoid pain, that it may survive within this shell of flesh. It makes your blood flow, your lungs breathe, your mind think, your heart feel. But your soul is more than just your mind, your heart, your will. It is your very essence. It is the part that drives you, that controls all of your existence. Your feelings, choices, decisions. Your soul is the one thing that is truly yours. It is the most important thing you have, even more than your life here on this material plane. It is the deepest part of you, the part that remains when everything else is gone, and without which you do not exist in any way. It is you.

What is the best state, the best way, for you to live? What is the most important thing for your soul?

I would say that it is: Freedom.

Why? What is it that makes freedom so important?

Freedom is the ability to do what you want, when you want. Freedom is not being constrained, restricted, limited, controlled or imprisoned. Freedom, above all else, is about choice. If you are hungry, you need to eat. If thirsty, to drink. There may be many places to do this, but some more dangerous than others. Wild beasts may roam the fields, or the waterhole may be poisoned. I may offer you maggoty meat, mouldy cheese and bitter water, and your hunger and thirst may be satisfied, but you are not satisfied in the sense of being happy or pleased that your body's barest needs have been addressed. Not just for the continued survival of your body, but for the well-being of your soul. In other words, the better your physical needs are satisfied, the more you can turn your attention to things other than pure survival.

Once all of our needs are satisfied, when we don’t hunger, or thirst, or crave warmth and shelter, we are free then to think of other things. Family and friends. Love and dreams. Worship and devotion, by which I mean following our gods as they wish, not merely desperately crying out for their aid. To think about great things and great ideas, and to seek knowledge. To undertake quests and great ventures.

Sharess teaches us that life is like a great feast, a table replete with many kinds of food and drink that is set before us, and we are invited by the Goddess to take a seat at that table and to try all that life has to offer. It would be a poor feast indeed if you were served naught but thin gruel and weak beer. No, I tell you, life is about choice! Life is about trying all of those foods, all of those things, that appeal to you. Life is about experiences. A life without experiences is a banquet uneaten - indeed, it is a life unlived. You may as well lock yourself away in a dungeon if you do not life your life to the fullest.

We must feed our bodies in order to survive. But there is more to life than simply surviving. Life, in fact, is about living. The more ways you have to attend to those basic needs of life, the more joy you will find in doing so. Further, the more ways you have of satisfying your other needs - for companionship, for knowledge, for purpose - the more you will be fulfilled. It follows, then, that a life with more choices is a better life.

Of course, one must still make the right choices. One may choose to eat only bread, for example, but then one may as well not have the choice. One may choose to beat one's spouse, or drink oneself into a stupor nightly, but that is not a good way of living, for it harms the body - whether one's own or another's - thus hindering the ability to enjoy oneself in future and denying oneself the freedom of choice, thus corrupting and twisting the soul within.

So what, then, is evil?

The person who beats you, or who threatens harm to your family, or who takes your hard-earned coin until you do what he wants is evil, no? There is a saying - those who seek power should be the last to receive it. And there is a good reason for this, as expressed in another saying - power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. He who tries to control you, to coerce you, to force your obedience, is really trying to govern your soul and make it his. He attempts to corrupt your soul, to bend it to the service of his desires and away from your own.

I hope you would all agree that, if someone drags you off to a dungeon and tortures you for no reason, he is evil. Pain, when prolonged or forced, twists the soul and eventually causes the death of the body, Enjoying the pain of another is like drinking their blood, or eating their heart. He who tortures your body, who inflicts pain, is trying to control you. He who tortures you for his own pleasure, or for the pleasure or sustenance of his dark god or goddess, attempts to satisfy his own foul lusts by wringing your soul dry. Or one may give up control over oneself, by succumbing to drink or drugs, for excess damages your body and makes you a slave to your own lusts. The addict gives himself over to the addiction and forfeits his own soul to it, as the evil man forfeits his soul to dark powers when he attempts to steal yours on their behalf.

Evil, then, is about limiting choice. Evil corrupts your most precious possession, trying to damage it, control it, or take it from you. The evil person seeks to restrict your choices, to dictate what you can and cannot do. If you do not give in, the evil person threatens the same to others - your family, your loved ones. Evil seeks to chain you, to limit you. And if you are limited, boxed in, you cannot dream those great dreams or do those great things, because you are too busy being in pain and afraid because someone else wants what you have, be it your toil or your loyalty or your worship. It is not a natural state, for a soul to be crushed or imprisoned.

Evil must always be resisted. It is better that the pain be brief so that the pleasure may be long, and not the other way around. Do not give in to those who wish you harm. Do not let others tell you how to live, or what to believe. Do not follow those who tell you that fear is the path to certainty, or to power, because fear closes doors and chains you down. Fear may give power to some, but only by taking it from others. The rabbit about to be pounced on by the hawk may freeze or run in a random direction - he may escape, he may not, but he is in no position to choose. The tyrant who rules a nation of slaves is not a happy person for all his power, because he knows that only for so long as he keeps his foot down will he be safe from those beneath it. Hold your hand out, and squeeze it tight. How long can you keep it like that? Not long, I'll warrant. When you try to squeeze water it will always escape between your fingers. So the tyrant will always be vanquished, sooner or later, by someone who refuses to be crushed. By someone who wants the freedom to choose their own life.

As Bast, Sharess is the foe of evil, striking hard and directly at the source thereof. But even in Her guise as Sharess, the Princess of Passion, we can see that Her way is the way to happiness and the fullest enjoyment of life. We must resist evil, we must resist coercion, we must resist the use of force and terror and show by example the power of love. Sharess is about increasing rather than decreasing opportunities for experiencing pleasure, which means increasing freedom and choice.

Not all choices are easy. Sometimes the best choice may be painful in the short term - or even the long term - but the good of it outweighs the bad. Though we seek pleasure and abhor pain, we should not avoid it when it is the best choice. To bring greater happiness into the world, we must sometimes endure a little pain, either for ourselves or on behalf of others. A friend - someone who loves you - is a person who helps you through difficult times by taking some of your pain unto themselves. A friend is one who helps carry your burdens, in order to make it easier for you to make your way along the path before you, in order to make it easier for you to make the best choices. A friend is someone who seeks to maximize your choices and thus your potential for pleasure, joy and happiness. This is why love will always be more powerful than fear in the end, for as long as there is love there will be those who will take on the pain of others in order to resist oppression and terror, that others may be free to experience the joys of life. Help others to live their lives freely and without coercion, fear or pain, that all may enjoy the bounty of Sharess and the pleasures of the Eternal Revel that is Life.

Writings on Sharess: Thoughts & Prayers by Xaviera ~ High Priestess of Sharess
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 14 May 2009 :  23:56:37  Show Profile  Visit xaviera's Homepage Send xaviera a Private Message  Reply with Quote
8. The Temple of Love.

Imagine, if you will, a beautiful island set in a dangerous ocean. Imagine the rending rocks, the sucking whirlpools, the treacherous currents that make these waters a danger to all who sail them. Imagine, finally, the creatures that live within this ocean - the dangerous, hungry, leviathans ready to pull a ship down and feast on those who are so unfortunate as not to drown immediately.

Those who sail this ocean wield the whip of terror, the flail of force. They survive by tooth and claw, breaking the bones and sucking the marrow of those who are weaker. These pirates of the soul must subsist on the blood and strength of others, for one cannot drink the waters of this sea, as they are bitter as gall.

What is this dread watery waste of which I speak? Where is this fearsome ocean? It is imaginary, an image, but one that should be familiar to you all, for I am speaking of the treacherous tides of Hatred that batter our spirits, the sharp rocks of Anger against which we are thrown, the vortex of Jealousy that drowns us.

Those who live on this beautiful island of which I speak avoid the brigands of the waves. They take care not to venture too close to those fearsome waters, and likewise spurn the burning deserts of despair, the swamps of suspicion and the crags of coercion. Rather, they revel in glowing fields of flowers, air that is fresh and perfumed, the melodious calls of songbirds, the pure azure of the sky. The inhabitants of this blessed land turn their eyes inward, to the shining capital of this glorious realm, which is ruled by three Queens – indeed, three Goddesses. For it is the Land of Love of which I speak, the land of the heart, of Sharess, Lliira and Sune.

Imagine that this idyllic island is divided into three districts, each ruled by a Goddess, and from each district there issues a road that leads to the shining heart of this blessed isle, the magnificent Temple of Love. One road is the Road of Sharess, Goddess of Pleasure and Passion. The second is the Road of Sune, Goddess of Beauty and Romance. And the third is the Road of Lliira, Goddess of Joy and Happiness. They twist and wander over hills and through valleys and cross each other here and there, but each will lead you to the Temple, and you may follow whichever you wish.

As you journey toward the Temple, you will meet the inhabitants of this land. Some live nearer one road, some nearer another. Some live closer to the Temple, others farther. But wherever you may find them, you will see that there is love in their hearts. Those who live closer to the way of Sharess may enjoy the pleasurable aspects of their love more than, say, the romantic. Those who live along the path of Lliira may prefer to concentrate on the joy their relationships bring. Most importantly, those who live between two roads may value equally any two, or even three, of these attributes of love. Still, anyone who holds love for another will feel some of the blessing of each Goddess, for everyone who lives on the island is blessed to a greater or lesser degree by each of the Three Queens who rule it.

The Temple of Love at the heart of the city is the end of your pilgrimage. By whatever road you travel, from whatever part of the island you come, this is your destination. It is here that all roads come together, it is here that your love is fulfilled and completed. Sharess, Lliira and Sune rule here and in your heart, all domains together in the perfection and beauty of true love.

I ask you, could there be any more beautiful place in all the Realms? Where the romance, the joy, and the pleasure of love all combine in a harmonious whole? As love is a complex of different feelings, different parts, I believe that those of us who worship love in any and all of its forms should reflect this conjoint magnificence by worshipping together. Love, after all, is universal. Let us all join hands and go forth to spread that loving message to an island whose shores are battered by evil.

I urge you to keep love in your hearts. Let your eyes see it, your lips proclaim it, your hands offer it. We who follow Sharess travel one particular road, but our ultimate destination is always that Temple of Love where all meet together in joy and happiness. Turn away from anger, hatred, jealousy and greed. Love love, enjoy joy, take pleasure in pleasure, and praise all of the Goddesses of Love in everything that you do.

It is this part in particular that is rather non-canon, I think - specifically the view of Lliira as a goddess of love. I've written it this way primarily because Lliira is reputed to share Brightwater with Sune and Sharess (as well as Tymora) as per "A Revel in Brightwater" (The Candlekeep Compendium, vol. VI, July 2006). One could, however, just as easily substitute Hanali Celanil, who is rumoured to have tutored Sune and is a friend of Zandilar the Dancer.

Writings on Sharess: Thoughts & Prayers by Xaviera ~ High Priestess of Sharess
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The Sage
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Posted - 15 May 2009 :  00:27:59  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
This is some fairly decent and solid Realmslore, xaviera. Sharess is one of my favourite Realms deities. And being the music-buff that I am, I'm especially pleased with the section on "Sharessan Prayers." In fact, I'm almost tempted to try and compose some choral music that would likely accompany these prayers during such religious ceremonies.

Would you mind if I use your material for something like that?

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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 15 May 2009 :  00:39:10  Show Profile  Visit xaviera's Homepage Send xaviera a Private Message  Reply with Quote
By all means! And if anyone has any more, please let me have them.

Writings on Sharess: Thoughts & Prayers by Xaviera ~ High Priestess of Sharess
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Great Reader

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Posted - 15 May 2009 :  09:12:24  Show Profile Send Kuje a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Wow, nice. I need to grab that info and put it into a file for reference. :)

For some of us, books are as important as almost anything else on earth. What a miracle it is that out of these small, flat, rigid squares of paper unfolds world after world, worlds that sing to you, comfort and quiet and excite you... Books are full of the things that you don't get in real life - wonderful, lyrical language, for instance, right off the bat. - Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird

Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium
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Learned Scribe

United Kingdom
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Posted - 15 May 2009 :  11:21:41  Show Profile Send arry a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Nice stuff, many thanks for sharing. I will try and give feedback, but you've given us a lot to work through :). I have to read through and think about it for a bit.
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 15 May 2009 :  11:58:44  Show Profile  Visit xaviera's Homepage Send xaviera a Private Message  Reply with Quote
One of the difficulties I had while thinking on Sharessan philosophy was how she fits with lawful/neutral/evil slave-trading nations nations such as Calimshan and Mulhorand, given that both she and her aspect Bast are chaotic good. The doctrine of 'freedom and pleasure for all' does not seem to mesh well with slavery and this remains a psychic thorn in my side. I expect that it is her more decadent nature that appeals to the citizens of those countries and that she herself might be more neutral there. Even her militant side, as Bast and Foe of Set, might be more concerned with evil acts against the society rather than against individuals, which would be more in keeping with the generally lawful nature of these lands. I can, however, envision Priestesses of Bast giving 'solace' to the dispossessed by leading wild slave orgies in secret torchlit underground rooms late at night...

Writings on Sharess: Thoughts & Prayers by Xaviera ~ High Priestess of Sharess

Edited by - xaviera on 15 May 2009 12:00:28
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 15 May 2009 :  19:55:38  Show Profile Send edappel a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Wonderful... Can be at the next Candlekeep compendium, right Sage?

--- Ed Appel

*** I'm a brazilian FR fan. So, feel free to correct my writing mistakes to improve my english.
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The Sage
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Posted - 16 May 2009 :  00:17:44  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Actually, if xaviera would like, I think this material would sit better on one of the shelves of Candlekeep's main site.

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Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
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Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)

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Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 16 May 2009 :  01:28:55  Show Profile  Visit xaviera's Homepage Send xaviera a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Anywhere that it might be of use to someone wishing to play a Sharessin. Again, this is just one person's view of the Goddess and Her philosophy. As I suggested in both my first and most recent posts, there are probably many different interpretations, ranging from near-Sunite (I think lots of Sunites are just closet Sharessin) over to neo-Loviatarans and others who remember Her as one of the Maidens of the Forbidden Fruit with Shar herself. If someone else is inspired to write something from a different point of view, I'd love to see it.

A priestess, one time, of Sharess,
Oft enjoyed a flirtatious caress.
But she astonished the nations
When she refused assignations
Saying "Surprise! I'm a virgin, no less!"

Writings on Sharess: Thoughts & Prayers by Xaviera ~ High Priestess of Sharess
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 16 May 2009 :  02:58:22  Show Profile  Visit xaviera's Homepage Send xaviera a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Got to thinking about slavery and related topics and thought I should come up with something about that. Thank you for your input on the matter, MrHedgehog and Knight of the Gate (in 2 of the 3 posts that appear immediately after this one).

Please note that this post originally appear 10th in order. I've renumbered the Collected Sayings from part 9 to 10, assigned this bit of prose to part 9, and swapped the two posts for your convenience so that they may be read in the proper sequence within the thread.

9. On Domination.

The world in which we live is rich in variety of all sorts, which makes it possible for us to experience many different things in the course of our lives and thus follow the dictum of Sharess to seek out new sensations as well as enjoying those that are familiar.

All things in the world are different from each other - some are taller, some are shorter, some are heavier or lighter, harder or softer. If they were not different, then they would all be indistinguishable, and the world would be a very dull place. Even on an endless plain scattered with identical cubes, not all are the same, for some are nearer and some farther, some closer to their neighbours and some less so.

So too is it in the world of people. Some are taller or shorter, faster or slower, wiser or more stupid, stronger or weaker. Should two people identical in all respects compete in a race, one will win and the other lose, for one of them may be slowed by a blade of grass or a grain of sand and the other may not.

It stands to reason, then, that some people will always be more powerful than others, or smarter, or wiser. Some are more able to take care of their own needs and the needs of others, and some less so. When animals group together, there is usually a leader to the pack or the herd, and when people meet to undertake an endeavour or even to socialize, one may dominate by virtue of his leadership skills or his ability to better tell a jest.

The followers of Bane would have you believe that only power through strength and the fear of strength entitle one to rule. Certainly, strong men will oft rule over strong nations, and weaker men over weaker nations, and the stronger nations over the weaker, as has always been the pattern throughout history. The power and quality of weapons and the strength of the arms behind them are usually what determine the victor, but strength of purpose or ideas or the power of riches and canniness in trading or an overwhelming tide of sheer numbers may also win out where weapons lose.

Sometimes strength or power makes for good rulers, and sometimes for bad. But so long as there are strong men and weak men there will be masters, servants and slaves. As our animals are slaves to us, so are we servants to our rulers and our rulers beholden to the grace of the gods.

The world progresses from the smallest and most insignificant thing all the way up to the greatness and majesty of the most powerful gods, and so it shall always be. The weak man may become strong, the strong man may become a ruler of men, and a ruler may even become a god, but always there will be some stronger and some weaker.

Slaves and Slavery.

In some places in this world, a man who has a slave has the power of life or death over him. In other places, he has lesser power, as dictated by custom or by the State, but in all cases the slave is by definition not free. The slave may, depending on his master, never come and go as he wishes, or sometimes come and go, but he may never always do so. Thus, the man who is a slave cannot truly follow the dictates of Sharess.

Naturally, he should revel in what he has, and seek out such novelties as he may, but he cannot follow all of his whims. All men, to a greater or lesser degree, are so restricted, but the slave most of all, for he is in bondage and so is constrained in his choice of experiences.

The wise man values his servants and his slaves as he values his family and his home and his beautiful possessions. All things that bring joy to us should be treasured, and a faithful servant or well-trained slave upon whom one may rely without hesitation are as pearls of great price. As the ruler who treats his people with care and fairness is loved and revered over the vile despot who tortures and steals at his whim, why should not a man treat those in his charge well?

If you are truly a follower of the Princess of Passion, you will understand that everyone should be as free as they possibly can be. There are always limitations, naturally, as the ruler bows to the gods, the people to the ruler, the servants to the master and the children to the parents, but to have care of another is to imply that you should keep their best interests in your heart as well as your own.

I say to you that it is your responsibility to guide and train those in your charge, to improve them so that they are better fitted to experience all that life has to offer. Furthermore, you should afford them the chance to do so at every reasonable opportunity. Thus you should be both firm and fair, protective and permissive.

If you are poor, share what you have with those beneath you - your children and your slaves should eat as you do. If you are rich and can afford to pay a worker his wages, I say to you that you should free your slaves and pay them their worth if they so wish it. Thus you both grant them the most precious gift there is, that of freedom, and at the same time honour them for their value to you. Like the beloved king who is revered by his subjects, the one whom you free may then be bound to you even moreso by loyalty and by love, which is the greatest of all powers.

To me, the only person who truly deserves slavery is the one who truly enslaves others. He who rules by the power of the lash, who takes what he will without recompense, who steals the possessions and even the lives of others, deserves in turn what he inflicts upon them. The thief and murderer, therefore, may in my mind be chained and made to work that some small amount of good may come out of their miserable existences. I believe that a pleasure shared is a pleasure doubled, and that one should do to others as one would have done to themselves. For those who give only pain and terror and sorrow, is it not also fitting to have returned to them that which they have given?

Animals and Summoned Creatures.

We use animals for our needs and our pleasures. We raise them for food, for steeds, for hunting and companionship. As with how we treat other people, there are some things that are good and some things that are evil. I think that to cause needless pain for sport, such as to pit two animals against each other in a fight for the enjoyment of spectators, is wrong, for one should not take pleasure in the pain of another, human or otherwise.

Of course, the more intelligent the creature, the less so should we do such things. Gladiatorial combats are to my mind barbaric, even when both are condemned criminals, though some might argue that justice is being done. Perhaps this is a matter of taste, though I think that if one is not going to enslave a criminal for life or for a certain period of time as sentence for his offences, that his death should be swift and not painful and prolonged.

I likewise have reservations about whether or not it is appropriate for a Priestess to summon creatures to fight on her behalf. Certainly at times, if one is doing the direct will of the Goddess, She may send aid in the form of a servant of some sort to fight alongside you, but to send such a holy emissary out to face what you will not seems to me somehow wrong. If such be the decision of the Goddess and the choice of the one summoned, so be it - I would likely offer up my life for Sharess, after all, though I would of course prefer that my death be one of utmost pleasure than pain - but it still seems wrong to me to command one who has no choice.

To compel a being, especially a sentient one, to give up its very life is to force it to commit suicide. It is to force another to experience fear and pain and the end of all pleasure for your own needs. For we who are charged to end pain and bring joy, to bring pain and end joy is to repudiate the very Goddess we claim to adore.

The Undead.

This brings me, finally, to the topic of the undead.

In the case of such creatures as skeletons and zombies, I am given to understand that they are mere mindless corpses, animated by what little vital power remains within their cells and by the Necromancer's command of the Weave. As such, it is no 'worse' to create one than it is, say, to enchant a tree or a broom to walk, save that they are disgusting to look upon and that it is disrespectful to the memory of the one who is deceased to use their body in such ways.

In this regard, I personally do not like the Firedance that some Sharessan temples employ to cremate those who have passed on, nor does this sit well with those who call themselves Dancers of Sharess (though I am not myself one of them). I enjoy dancing immensely but in this case the departed obtains no joy therefrom, being long gone from the body, and so it seems to me to be but cheap puppeteering and thus distasteful.

There are other creatures of the grave, such as ghouls and wights, who live beyond death either by the force of some enchantment or by their own evilness. So also it is with ghosts or spectres who remain trapped on this plane as a result of a terrible occurrence or because of an important deed left undone.

The vampire is created by the bite of another or, some say, by the death of a werewolf or of a particularly evil person whose hunger keeps him alive beyond the grave. Again, this is a creature animated by hatred and controlled either by another or by his own foul energies and is best dispatched with alacrity.

In both cases these creatures are tormented souls. They exist for nothing but their hatred or their hunger and are incapable of feeling or appreciating the beauty and joy of life - rather, they exist only to extinguish it. Like the one who is addicted to a drug and craves nothing but, they have no control over their own lusts and are simply pitiful memories of men who are best set free from what remains of their existence.

Liches and baelnorns are those who have elected, through their own choice, to remain in this world after their natural time has come to an end. The method used to prolong their existence may or may not be vile and involve the invocation of dark powers. Those who are evil and do evil should, like living men who do the same, be destroyed for the protection of those who cannot protect themselves against their fell depredations. Those who elect to remain out of a sense of duty or obligation and who do not do evil should perhaps be pitied, for by binding themselves to a dead shell have cut themselves off from many of the joys that life affords. I would prefer a short life full of pleasures than an eternity of half-pleasures, and would be tormented knowing that I could not experience the entirety of what the world has to offer. What good, after all, is eternal life if you can't have any fun?

Finally, those who summon spirits or sentient undead for use in battle are as bad, to my mind, as those who call animals to fight for them. To rip a soul from its rest and to force it to do your selfish bidding is not much different than commanding an animal or other creature to perish on your behalf. As I said in regard to the issue of slavery, the essential element in Sharessan thought is that we should always promote freedom howsoever we can. To bind another being to our will such that it cannot act of its own volition is to do the opposite of what the Goddess commands and is, I believe, hypocritical if not heretical.


It is my opinion that we who follow the Princess of Passion must always look toward promoting the greatest pleasure and freedom that we reasonably can. It is our charge, after all, to help others to experience the pleasures of existence and to bring joy to those who are in pain. I grant that some pains and sorrows are necessary and that we should appreciate them as well for what they teach us about life, but for us to deliberately inflict pain or take away freedom or deny pleasure strikes me as being more of Loviatar or Shar than of the Lady of Lust.

Certainly a drowning man cannot help his fellows unless he is able to reach the air, nor can a mother defend her children if she herself is dead, so one must first look to oneself. To live according to Her way, however, is not simply to wallow in boundless pleasure without responsibility, but to commit yourself to the well-being of others as well as to yourself and to bringing joy wherever you can. I urge you, my fellow Sharessin, sisters and brothers, to consider the implications of the Goddess' teachings for every action that you take.

May Sharess bless you in the giving and receiving of pleasure. May She take your pain and bring you joy, and may She grant you happiness in all that you do, insofar as you do it for Her and in Her name.

Writings on Sharess: Thoughts & Prayers by Xaviera ~ High Priestess of Sharess

Edited by - xaviera on 21 May 2009 02:44:37
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 16 May 2009 :  08:58:38  Show Profile  Visit MrHedgehog's Homepage Send MrHedgehog a Private Message  Reply with Quote
This is great! Thank you for posting it.

in Mulhorand there are chaotic good churches who OWN slaves. Anhur specifically I believe? Slavery there is not seen as evil I don't think, just how things work. Being a slave does not mean you are necessarily abused. Is feudalism not also a form of slavery? Serfs belong to the land etc. Less developed societies than our contemporary society couldn't neccessarily function without social structures such as these, perhaps?
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 16 May 2009 :  11:43:10  Show Profile  Visit xaviera's Homepage Send xaviera a Private Message  Reply with Quote
You make a good point. While societies obviously can function without slaves, most ancient societies had them and we don't think of Greece or Rome (to name the two most obvious) as evil nor, necessarily, do we think so of the medieval social order in which serfs were little more. Nor do we think of the Roman paterfamilias' right to expose his children (i.e. abandon them to death) as evil, merely 'barbaric'. We are playing a squeaky-clean polished-chrome high fantasy, after all. In fact, slaves could have quite high status in ancient times. So it was probably taken for granted that this was the 'way of the world', and people may even have been seen in a similar sense as slaves of the gods. This point of view does largely remove the contradiction.

Writings on Sharess: Thoughts & Prayers by Xaviera ~ High Priestess of Sharess
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Knight of the Gate
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Posted - 16 May 2009 :  20:04:37  Show Profile Send Knight of the Gate a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Precisely: Point in fact, slaves can rise to the highest levels of the bureaucracy- and in fact are likelier to do so than non-slave commoners, since the commoners aren't taught to read and write, which many slaves are. On the subject of abuse, all slaves in Mulhorand are owned by the temples- abusing a slave is 'destruction of church property', which is a serious (possibly capital) offense. The question is: does the church of Bast own slaves? I can't imagine that they wouldn't!
As far as the lore you've presented, it is nothing short of excellent! Many thanks, and this is becoming canon in my campaign right abouuuut.... now. Thanks for all your hard work, Xaviera!

How can life be so bountiful, providing such sublime rewards for mediocrity? -Umberto Ecco
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 17 May 2009 :  18:01:29  Show Profile  Visit xaviera's Homepage Send xaviera a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Please note that this post originally appeared 9th in order. However I have renumbered it as 10 so that it more properly follows the section On Domination and moved it so that the entire document can now be read in the proper sequence within the thread.

10. Collected Sayings.

Life is like a great feast prepared for us by the Goddess. Take your place at the table and try all that is delectable! May Sharess give you the pleasure of friends and of the food and drink in which you partake with them.

I live for pleasure, the giving and receiving of it, for helping to relax people, for contributing to people's happiness, well-being and a sense of love of life and of others. I despise hatred and I generally dislike violence and pain. I believe that love is one of the greatest forces in the world, and that the physical expression of it is one of the greatest pleasures we can experience.

There are those who despise my Goddess and call me whore. It is sad that there are some people who dont understand love and affection, or who are repulsed by the thought of it. Their minds are as closed as their legs.

Too many people see the world strictly in terms of black and white, good and evil, with naught between. Those are the violent and the haters, who cant tolerate any ambiguity, any shades of gray. If you dont believe as they do, you are the enemy, to be scorned at best or killed at worst. I suppose it may make life easier for them, but not for everybody else.

Destruction is violent, and leads to pain. Sometimes it is unavoidable, but should be kept to a minimum wherever possible. Order is too stifling and leaves no room for spontaneity. Laws are too often about preventing people from enjoying themselves. But there is always a middle ground, and one should try to hold to it, I think.

I believe that one can never have too many friends. And preying on others is not a good way to make friends. The ruler who keeps his subjects in bondage does not sleep well at night, while the one who gives his subjects their freedom prospers. His people love him and will die for him, while the followers of the dictator will flee at the first opportunity. I believe in the power of love and pleasure, which are two sides of the same coin.

I worship Sharess because she embodies my ideals, my love of giving and receiving pleasure. Now, I would say that most pleasure is good, and most good things are pleasurable, but I'd not take it too far. Still, pleasure, as long as both sides agree to it and none are harmed - how can that be bad? Sometimes, when I'm with someone, I almost feel as if the Goddess herself has descended on me, that I'm doing Her will, or that Her power is within me. I understand Sharess because She is like me.

A lot of people have the idea that Sharess is just about sex. But I believe that anybody who enjoys the finer things in life can worship the Lady in good conscience. Joy is an emotional state. Pleasure is the response to a physical stimulus. Joy and pleasure are similar, but not the same. Beauty, by its impingement on the senses, produces pleasure. The inner response to that pleasure is joy. Thus, I think that joy is sort of an emotional or internal pleasure, and hence they are all related. As Sune is the goddess of beauty, the physical stimulus, one may say that enjoying beauty is the province of Sharess.

Personally, I've always thought that Sune was too fixated on beauty and not enough on fun. To shun someone because they aren't externally beautiful is wrong, to me. People have many sorts of beauty, not all of it visible on the surface. And there are demons and devils who are physically beautiful, but are far from good. The beautiful is not always good, and the good is not always beautiful. One cannot judge a book by its cover. You must open it, read it, turn the pages, to see what is inside. Reading it then becomes a pleasure, something to be enjoyed. The world is more complicated than just the way things look. But as a priestess of Sune once told me, 'Sune is no more about superficial beauty than Sharess is about screwing everyone you meet'.

Sometimes I find we have to be very clear about our ability to make commitments. Sharess does not tell us to be faithful in marriage or not. That, I believe, is a personal decision which those who are marrying should discuss fully before they commit. I personally cant ever see being with one person exclusively - it's just not the way I am. Which is a big advantage in serving Our Lady. But I have to make it clear to my lovers some times that they need to accept that as part of me. Some would want me to dedicate myself to them alone. It hurts them, but I've had to say to them that I cant do that. You cannot be held for ransom by someone else's feelings. That's the way it has to be unless there were, oh, fifteen of me. Perhaps Sharess would have me love with wild abandon, but She is a Goddess and is entitled to take extreme positions on such things. I still have to live with everybody in the morning.

Sharess does not demand, She asks. I can dedicate my pleasure to Sharess or not. Whether I make that choice or not shows how I serve Her. But theology is not my strong point. It's enough for me that I can give thanks to someone for the pleasures I experience.

It is with Pleasure that I serve Sharess.

Writings on Sharess: Thoughts & Prayers by Xaviera ~ High Priestess of Sharess

Edited by - xaviera on 21 May 2009 02:40:08
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 21 May 2009 :  02:33:06  Show Profile  Visit xaviera's Homepage Send xaviera a Private Message  Reply with Quote
// I've expanded section 6, Love and Lust. FYI, the original posting consisted of paragraphs 1, 2, 4, 10 (3rd-6th sentences) and 11 should the additions prove too controversial. Also swapped sections 9 & 10 so the entire series may now be read in the proper order.

Writings on Sharess: Thoughts & Prayers by Xaviera ~ High Priestess of Sharess

Edited by - xaviera on 21 May 2009 02:43:26
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 23 May 2009 :  19:21:31  Show Profile  Visit xaviera's Homepage Send xaviera a Private Message  Reply with Quote
2a. Ceremony of Consecration

This rite purifies the idol of the Goddess and the environs of the temple and banishes taint and unholiness that it may be a place fit for the adoration of the Princess of Passion.

First, the Priestesses must cleanse themselves. They should bathe in clean water to which a few drops of holy water or oil and some flower petals or perfume have been added.

Let the High Priestess speak the following words over the bath. "O Divine Sharess! I ask that You bless these waters that we may be cleansed and purified in Your sight. Raise us up, O my Goddess, and anoint us, that we may be fit to approach You and worship You here in this place."

Upon completion of the bath, the participants dry themselves and either remain nude or wear a short skirt or at most a light tunic or kirtle. Bare feet are preferable, though sandals may be allowed.

The High Priestess must have to hand a vial of perfume and a goblet of wine. Also, a candle as well as incense and a burner. Finally, she should wear finger-cymbals or a belled wrist-band. All of these things should be blessed beforehand and used only for temple ceremonies. Let her approach the altar and place them with reverence thereupon.

The High Priestess approaches the statue and bows low before it. The other Priestesses shall form a semicircle behind her and do the same. Though it is always a joy and a pleasure to behold the Goddess, let all cast their eyes down for a moment in acknowledgement of their submission to the Lady of Lust.

Speak then the Prayer of Invocation.

Let the High Priestess raise her arms to the Goddess, and ring the bells or chimes joyously and call out to the Lady of the Golden Heart: "Sharess, Princess of Passion! You enthrall us with the beauty of Your voice, and so we praise You!"

Let her lift up the candle and shine light upon the face of the Goddess. "Bast, Mother of Cats! You bewitch us with the clarity of Your gaze, and so we adore You!" Let all look upon the beauty of the Tawny Temptress.

Let her light the censer and blow fragrant smoke upon the statue and speak these words: "Zandilar, Dancing Lady! You enchant us with the grace of Your movement, and so we celebrate You!" Let the smoke infuse all present.

Let her dip her fingers in the wine and touch the lips of the idol. "Bast, Feline of Felicity! You enrapture us with the taste of Your lips, and so we revere You!" Let all share in the fruit of the vine.

Finally, let her take a drop of perfume and touch it to the breast of the effigy and then to her own. "Sharess, Lady of Lust! You captivate us with the gentleness of Your touch, and so we worship You!" Let all who participate share with her a kiss in friendship and love.

Let all then kneel and place their foreheads to the floor in sign of their humility and obedience to the will of the Lustful Mistress. The High Priestess may kiss the altar with all reverence if there is one, else she shall bow as do the others.

Let them once again raise their eyes to the image of the Goddess, and let the High Priestess ask Her blessing upon those present. "O Divine Sharess! Bless us, Your servants, in the giving and receiving of pleasure and in the doing of Your will. Sanctify this, Your house, and watch over us herein and elsewhere. Keep us safe in Your arms, take from us our pain and bring us joy in return. Grant us happiness in all that we do, insofar as we do it for You and in Your holy name!"

Let all proceed deosil about the Temple, censing and aspersing the place thoroughly. When finished, ensure that all items are safely put away in a secure place so that they remain untainted and holy. Let the participants then enjoy beverages and a light meal and the pleasure of each others company, keeping thoughts of the Goddess in their hearts as they do so.

Writings on Sharess: Thoughts & Prayers by Xaviera ~ High Priestess of Sharess

Edited by - xaviera on 23 May 2009 20:27:34
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 23 May 2009 :  19:41:45  Show Profile  Visit Menelvagor's Homepage Send Menelvagor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I love this. Sharess was always one of my favorite goddesses, and this is great stuff. Because of this, though I must ask.
I don't think this is exactly relevant, but still:
When last I looked in the FRCG, Sharess was considered only a goddess of cats,a s far as I remeber. As I do not have the book with me, I would appreciate if soemone would tell me if this is true. Because it seems kind of stupid to have a goddess of cats.
So, please tell me that I misremember, and that Sharess hasn't lost her 'appeal'. And if not, I'll just ignore it, as many have ignored large parts of 4e.

"Shall mortal man be more just than God? shall a man be more pure than his maker?
Behold, he put no trust in his servants; and his angels he charged with folly.
How much less them that dwell in houses of clay, whose foundation in the dust, are crushed before the moth?" - Eliphaz the Temanite, Job IV, 17-19.

"Yea, though he live a thousand years twice, yet hath he seen no good: do not all go to one place?" - Ecclesiastes VI, 6.

"There are no stupid questions – just a bunch of inquisitive idiots."

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Wooly Rupert
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Posted - 23 May 2009 :  20:17:07  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Menelvagor

When last I looked in the FRCG, Sharess was considered only a goddess of cats,a s far as I remeber. As I do not have the book with me, I would appreciate if soemone would tell me if this is true. Because it seems kind of stupid to have a goddess of cats.
So, please tell me that I misremember, and that Sharess hasn't lost her 'appeal'. And if not, I'll just ignore it, as many have ignored large parts of 4e.

Well, the Egyptian goddess Bast is most widely known as a goddess of cats... What deities exist in a given pantheon is a reflection of the society that worships that pantheon. If a society for some reason became overly concerned with socks that disappear in the dryer, then their pantheon would have a god covering those missing socks (this deity would likely cover all sorts of lost stuff, rather than just lost socks, but the overall point is the same).

For info on deities, I'd not consider the FRCG to be a good reference (I'm reading it now, and I'm not convinced it's a good reference on anything but Returned Abeir, though there are some ideas that can be mined).

The best source of info on deities is 2E deity trilogy Faiths & Avatars, Powers & Pantheons, and Demihuman Deities. These books contained a wealth of lore about the various deities of the Realms, their churches, and their followers. Those three books are some of the best Realms products that we've ever had.

Sharess is described in Powers & Pantheons. Page 51 of that source lists her portfolios: hedonism, excess, lust, sensual fulfillment, festhalls, cats, pleasure seekers.

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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 23 May 2009 :  20:27:06  Show Profile  Visit xaviera's Homepage Send xaviera a Private Message  Reply with Quote
2b. Ceremony of Induction

This rite sanctifies a new applicant to the Priesthood and admits her formally to the Temple hierarchy and to the embrace of the Goddess.

As with all important rites, the Priestesses must cleanse themselves beforehand. The High Priestess shall speak the following words over the bath to sanctify it. "O Divine Sharess! I ask that You bless these waters that we may be cleansed and purified in Your sight. Raise us up, O my Goddess, and anoint us, that we may be fit to approach You and worship You here in this place."

She shall then invite the Supplicant to approach the bath, saying these words: "If it is your wish today to join the Temple of Sharess, then approach now, that I may undress you. I invite you to enter these sacred waters so that you may be blessed and purified in the sight of the Goddess." She shall bathe the Supplicant and then anoint her with holy oil on forehead, nose, lips and breast, saying "You have been purified by this water, be now anointed with this oil, be blessed by the Princess of Passion."

As usual, the Priestesses either remain unclothed or wear light and unrestrictive garments with bare feet or perhaps sandals. The Supplicant must be entirely nude.

The sacred instruments are taken from their place of holding and blessed before being set upon the altar. The Supplicant is brought forth by two Priestesses and all face the idol and bow low before it. The High Priestess shall then call out to the Goddess. "O Sharess! O Bast! O Zandilar! Hear me, O radiant Goddess, Your Priestess and servant! One comes before you today who wishes to serve You as we serve You, with humility, dedication and adoration. Let her acknowledge You and pay You the homage that it is our pleasure to render!"

The High Priestess shall turn to the Supplicant and speak the Prayer of Reverence.

Let her raise a candle to the Supplicant and say unto her, "Thank Sharess, that you may feel happiness at the sight of a morning sky, or an evening sky". Let the Supplicant reply "Thank Sharess!", followed by the other participants.

Let her then ring bells or chimes and say, "Applaud Sharess, that you may enjoy the sound of music, or of a child's laugh". Then shall the Supplicant reply "Applaud Sharess!", and then those others present.

Let her surround the Supplicant with the smoke of fine incense and say, "Praise Sharess, that you may appreciate the scent of a flower, or of the air after a summer rain." Then shall the Supplicant reply "Praise Sharess!", as shall all the Priestesses.

Let her give a sip of good unwatered wine and say, "Venerate Sharess, that you may revel in the taste of fine food, or of a vintage wine", and all shall reply in their turn "Venerate Sharess!"

Let her finally say, "Worship Sharess, that you may rejoice in the kiss of a friend, or the touch of a lover" and offer unto the Supplicant a kiss upon the lips. All then speak in turn, "Worship Sharess!"

The Supplicant shall prostrate herself before the statue of the Goddess as the Priestesses also bow.

The High Priestess speaks. "O beautiful Goddess! I ask that You accept this one as Your servant. Command her, instruct her, teach her, guide her, watch over her and protect her. May she follow Your word and, in walking the path that You have set us, show others the beauty and glory of Your way".

She shall then raise up the Supplicant and bestow upon her a ring or other token of her acceptance into the Temple of Sharess. "May the Lustful Mistress bless you in the giving and receiving of pleasure. May She take your pain and bring you joy, and may She grant you happiness in all that you do, insofar as you do it for Her and in Her name."

All shall bow one final time to the image of the Goddess.

Writings on Sharess: Thoughts & Prayers by Xaviera ~ High Priestess of Sharess
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 23 May 2009 :  20:54:55  Show Profile  Visit xaviera's Homepage Send xaviera a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sharess is an evolving goddess whose history is more or less as follows:

Bast was the Mulhorandi goddess of cats. She absorbed Felidae, a Mulani/Turami goddess of felines, nomads and sensual pleasures and eventually became known as the Patroness of Festhalls as she focused more on the pursuit of pleasure. She later absorbed the power of Zandilar the Dancer, the Yuir elven demi-goddess of passionate love and was subsequently 'perverted' by Shar, taking the name of Sharess and becoming known as one of the Maidens of the Forbidden Fruit. She almost fell victim to Shar but was eventually freed by Sune. She is infatuated with the pursuit of pleasure and is the goddess of passion, sex and prostitutes.

I have no clue what happened to her after 3.5e, nor does it concern me.

My own character's 'mission' is to portray Sharess as a goddess of passionate love (similar to Zandilar) and appreciation of life (through sensual experiences) as well as a goddess of sex and lust. Her 'understanding' of Sharess is somewhat different from the canonical view; she is essentially promoting an 'evolution' similar to the RL Old Testament deity's shift from tribal to universal and from vengeful to loving god.

Writings on Sharess: Thoughts & Prayers by Xaviera ~ High Priestess of Sharess

Edited by - xaviera on 23 May 2009 21:24:41
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The Sage
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Posted - 24 May 2009 :  01:29:32  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Menelvagor

When last I looked in the FRCG, Sharess was considered only a goddess of cats,a s far as I remeber. As I do not have the book with me, I would appreciate if soemone would tell me if this is true. Because it seems kind of stupid to have a goddess of cats.
Why? Considering how important cats were in some Earth-based mythological frameworks, it's only reasonable to assume that Bast, when she emigrated to Faerûn, much like the other Mulhorandi deities, brought much of her faith with her. And considering were the Mulan originated [likely to be Earth], their reverence for cats probably also came with them to establish itself in the Realms.

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Great Reader

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Posted - 24 May 2009 :  02:32:00  Show Profile Send Kuje a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Menelvagor

When last I looked in the FRCG, Sharess was considered only a goddess of cats,a s far as I remeber. As I do not have the book with me, I would appreciate if soemone would tell me if this is true. Because it seems kind of stupid to have a goddess of cats.
Why? Considering how important cats were in some Earth-based mythological frameworks, it's only reasonable to assume that Bast, when she emigrated to Faerûn, much like the other Mulhorandi deities, brought much of her faith with her. And considering were the Mulan originated [likely to be Earth], their reverence for cats probably also came with them to establish itself in the Realms.

You know, I've been thinking about Mene's post on and off all day and the whole thing about her portfolio of cats kind of bothered me. :) Mainly because it really should be felines and not just cats. There were more then one type of feline in Egypt. I know, I'm being a bit anal but Bastet, to me, should include those large felines, not just cats. :)

For some of us, books are as important as almost anything else on earth. What a miracle it is that out of these small, flat, rigid squares of paper unfolds world after world, worlds that sing to you, comfort and quiet and excite you... Books are full of the things that you don't get in real life - wonderful, lyrical language, for instance, right off the bat. - Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird

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The Sage
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Posted - 24 May 2009 :  03:05:44  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Kuje

Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Menelvagor

When last I looked in the FRCG, Sharess was considered only a goddess of cats,a s far as I remeber. As I do not have the book with me, I would appreciate if soemone would tell me if this is true. Because it seems kind of stupid to have a goddess of cats.
Why? Considering how important cats were in some Earth-based mythological frameworks, it's only reasonable to assume that Bast, when she emigrated to Faerûn, much like the other Mulhorandi deities, brought much of her faith with her. And considering were the Mulan originated [likely to be Earth], their reverence for cats probably also came with them to establish itself in the Realms.

You know, I've been thinking about Mene's post on and off all day and the whole thing about her portfolio of cats kind of bothered me. :) Mainly because it really should be felines and not just cats. There were more then one type of feline in Egypt. I know, I'm being a bit anal but Bastet, to me, should include those large felines, not just cats. :)

An important point. And I agree. Especially when you consider that some of the most prominent iconography and symbolism used to portray Bastet in ancient Egypt [and, likely, among the Mulan in the Realms as well], often used a lioness as suitable representation.

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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 24 May 2009 :  06:21:41  Show Profile  Visit xaviera's Homepage Send xaviera a Private Message  Reply with Quote
"At the height of Mulhorand's second empire, when many beast cults were popular, Bast subsumed the portfolio of Felidae, a beast cult deity of felines, sensual pleasures, and nomads." [P&P, p.105]

"During this period, the Mulan and Turami peoples began to venerate Felidae, a goddess of felines, sensual pleasures, and nomads revered by the barbarians to the north and west, and in a very short time the more powerful Bast subsumed Felidae's portfolio and position into her own." [F&P, p.51]

"Originally she was viewed as the protector goddess of Lower Egypt, and consequently depicted as a fierce lioness [...] by the Middle Kingdom she came to be regarded as a domestic cat..." []

Historically (RL as well as in-game) her power has diminished from that of a lioness and goddess of felines (and more) to a domestic cat and goddess thereof. However I expect that is a simplified 'lowest common denominator' attribution and that she still maintains many of her older powers. By analogy, calling Sune a goddess of beauty doesn't also mean that she isn't a goddess of love.

Writings on Sharess: Thoughts & Prayers by Xaviera ~ High Priestess of Sharess

Edited by - xaviera on 24 May 2009 06:22:41
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