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Baleful Avatar
Learned Scribe

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Posted - 19 Dec 2009 :  16:23:21  Show Profile  Visit Baleful Avatar's Homepage Send Baleful Avatar a Private Message
Hey, everybody, I just spotted this over at loremaster:

Eaerlann's symbol is the maranthae.
Specifically, the maranthae is a small woodlands flower found throughout much of Eaerlann (and almost nowhere else in Faerun). It's faintly phosphorescent, in that it captures and gives off (as a VERY faint glow) sunlight and other radiances (e.g. a lantern).
As a badge or symbol, the maranthae is depicted as an eight-petaled flower seen "straight-on" from above (so the long, thin, curved-to-symmetrical-points petals occupy the four cardinal compass points and their bisectors). The petals are, as in nature, a rich blue at their central hub, shading to gold one-third of the way "out," with two-thirds of each petal gold. The maranthae is closely surrounded by a circular wreath of overlapping green leaves, points to the right (clockwise), with the ring of space between flower and circle of leaves being a light sky blue.
There. :} Potted Realmslore!

Those words were posted by Ed of the Greenwood, in response to a question that boils down to "what is the symbol of Eaerlann?"
Goodly Realms goodness!
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

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Posted - 19 Dec 2009 :  16:26:52  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message
Originally posted by The Hooded One

Hi again, all.
Bruce, I'm afraid Ed can't comment on Laeral yet; There Are Plans. Which will involve Steven Schend far more than they will Ed. And before you rush off to put those same questions to Steven: HE can't answer you without seriously harming the chances of said Plans ever happening. Sometimes we must all just be patient and see what comes into print, I'm afraid.

Regardless, I'm sure it'll be worth the wait. I've long been intrigued by Laeral's post-Khelben status. So anything from either Ed or Steven that focuses on that, will be well received by this old sage.

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The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore

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Posted - 19 Dec 2009 :  16:27:27  Show Profile  Visit The Hooded One's Homepage Send The Hooded One a Private Message
Hmmm. Ed neglected to mention that's the "classical" symbol of Eaerlann, back in the days of its greatness.
In the time since, some elves have used a silver-blue, unsheathed and VERY slightly curving longsword, horizontal with the point to the viewer's left, to denote Eaerlann (and those who'd like to restore its greatness).
(I draw this from Ed's notes to me, BTW. I suspect Ed knew the questioner at loremaster was interested in the realm at its height.)
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 19 Dec 2009 :  16:27:37  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message
Originally posted by Bruce Donohue

Hello Hooded and Ed

Hooded is Ed able to comment... Laeral I feel for her pain recently, she has just lost a sister in the cruelest of ways, Khelben is now in Arvandor and she is baring twins. Can Ed comment as to Laeral's perpective and outlook on life at the moment, how she feels, her place and mindset for the future especially now that Mystra is no more, and how did the Casting on the High Moor to create the City of Hope affect the twins still within her womb?

Since we know that Mystra has to okay her Chosen having offspring, I think it's safe to assume that the twins would have been shielded from any adverse effects of that spellcasting. They may have a unique tie to the city, though...

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I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

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Posted - 19 Dec 2009 :  17:00:42  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Bruce Donohue

Hello Hooded and Ed

Hooded is Ed able to comment... Laeral I feel for her pain recently, she has just lost a sister in the cruelest of ways, Khelben is now in Arvandor and she is baring twins. Can Ed comment as to Laeral's perpective and outlook on life at the moment, how she feels, her place and mindset for the future especially now that Mystra is no more, and how did the Casting on the High Moor to create the City of Hope affect the twins still within her womb?

Since we know that Mystra has to okay her Chosen having offspring, I think it's safe to assume that the twins would have been shielded from any adverse effects of that spellcasting. They may have a unique tie to the city, though...

Well, according to Steven, this wasn't Khelben's first set of twin progeny, so I suspect there's probably a little more to this story than just what we've learned so far.

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
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Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)

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Senior Scribe

352 Posts

Posted - 19 Dec 2009 :  19:21:34  Show Profile  Visit Menelvagor's Homepage Send Menelvagor a Private Message
Originally posted by The Hooded One:
Hi again, all.
Bruce, I'm afraid Ed can't comment on Laeral yet; There Are Plans. Which will involve Steven Schend far more than they will Ed. And before you rush off to put those same questions to Steven: HE can't answer you without seriously harming the chances of said Plans ever happening. Sometimes we must all just be patient and see what comes into print, I'm afraid.

While I'm certainly keeping the above comment in mind (especially the part about neither Ed or Steven being able to comment), is there anything we may be told about this? If not, we'll just have to wait patiently as you said, and hope for the best.

"Shall mortal man be more just than God? shall a man be more pure than his maker?
Behold, he put no trust in his servants; and his angels he charged with folly.
How much less them that dwell in houses of clay, whose foundation in the dust, are crushed before the moth?" - Eliphaz the Temanite, Job IV, 17-19.

"Yea, though he live a thousand years twice, yet hath he seen no good: do not all go to one place?" - Ecclesiastes VI, 6.

"There are no stupid questions – just a bunch of inquisitive idiots."

"Let's not call it 'hijacking'. Let's call it 'Thread Drift'."

Edited by - Menelvagor on 19 Dec 2009 21:50:34
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Senior Scribe

804 Posts

Posted - 20 Dec 2009 :  04:01:08  Show Profile  Visit Blueblade's Homepage Send Blueblade a Private Message
Dear Ed and THO,
Are any of the Knights of Myth Drannor (any, not just the "core starters" who featured in the recent novel trilogy) likely or somewhat likely to still be alive, post-Spellplague?
I'm thinking: stasis or being trapped/hiding in a magic item or some other magical means of lasting for a century or so, or having a long lifespan through being non-human . . .
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The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore

5056 Posts

Posted - 20 Dec 2009 :  04:08:24  Show Profile  Visit The Hooded One's Homepage Send The Hooded One a Private Message
Oooh, shrewdly asked, Blueblade.
So much so that I'm thinking NDAs will prevent Ed from answering you. I strongly suspect that one of the magical things you mentioned has been used as a means of "cheating the timejump" for at least one Realms character, though none of us will know for sure for a while yet.
Oh, and more than that: that another possibility you mentioned has served ANOTHER Realms character in achieving the same ends.
However, I more than strongly suspect that neither Ed nor I can say more (in his case thanks to NDAs, in mine because I just don't know, and if I asked Ed his NDAs would prevent him from telling me - - and if I guessed and asked him to confirm my guess, he'd instead ask me as a longtime close friend to accept "nothing" by way of an answer, and not to speak publicly about THAT, and I of course would agree).
Which means we'll all just have to wait and see.
Ah, for the good old freewheeling days when Ed and other designers just couldn't wait to share the next tidbit or facet of the unfolding Realms with us all . . .

Edited by - The Hooded One on 20 Dec 2009 04:11:40
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Great Reader

2449 Posts

Posted - 20 Dec 2009 :  05:54:01  Show Profile  Visit Hoondatha's Homepage Send Hoondatha a Private Message
Those days aren't gone... Ed still can't wait to share lore with us. It's just that he has to, occasionally. But then he finds other lore to give us instead, so it's almost perfect.

And BA, that's a great catch. I've been trying to figure out what Eaerlann's symbol was for years. Now I know. Thanks.

Doggedly converting 3e back to what D&D should be...
Sigh... And now 4e as well.
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 20 Dec 2009 :  15:21:02  Show Profile  Visit Blueblade's Homepage Send Blueblade a Private Message
Oh, good...because I (as usual) have MORE questions.
However, right now I'll ask just one (or rather, a bunch of questions all about the same thing):
How well is sewer DESIGN understood? Do sewers just "happen," being added to over time on the general principle of water runs downhill, and we'll harness tides in a coastal port or a spring or two under the city to provide the flushing, and if we don't have a big flow, we use spells to move the water - - or do we flush it anywhere at all? Does it just sit brewing in cesspools, with the overlying water keeping the smell down? Or human wastes used as fertilizer, intentionally?
Hmm. It all comes back to the stinky stuff, eventually.
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Senior Scribe

388 Posts

Posted - 20 Dec 2009 :  16:41:30  Show Profile Send Snowblood a Private Message
you are absolutely spot on there THO I was and am interested in Eaerlann at its height.....:-) and thanx for that little added bonus..... much appreciated.....

Aryvandaar, Ilythiir, Arnothoi, Orva, Sarphil, Anauria/Asram/Hlondath, Uvaeren, Braceldaur, Ilodhar, Lisenaar, Imaskar, Miyeritar, Orishaar, Shantel Othrieir, Keltormir, Eaerlann, Ammarindar, Siluvanede, Sharrven, Illefarn, Ardeep, Rystal Wood, Evereska are all available here for download:
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Broken Helm
Learned Scribe

108 Posts

Posted - 20 Dec 2009 :  16:58:12  Show Profile  Visit Broken Helm's Homepage Send Broken Helm a Private Message
Dear Ed and THO,
Do merchant ships sailing the Inner Sea, just-pre-Spellplague, carry spare rudders? If not, what do they have on board they could press into service as an emergency replacement if their rudder broke or got carried away? Big steering oars?
Thank you for anything you can say...
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5 Posts

Posted - 20 Dec 2009 :  23:54:25  Show Profile  Visit Jergal's Homepage Send Jergal a Private Message
Dear Ed and THO:

I was wondering if it would be canon if there were paladins of Jergal in the realms at the time of 3.5 edition?

Thanks for your time.

Jergal - Lord of the End of Everything

Edited by - Jergal on 20 Dec 2009 23:55:42
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

31798 Posts

Posted - 21 Dec 2009 :  00:03:46  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message
I'm not Ed, but I think I can partly address this while you're awaiting the Bearded One's response.

There aren't any canon paladins for the Lord of the End of Everything. At least, not that I can [immediately] recall. Though, as of F&P, the Companions of the Pallid Mask are said to combat/command undead not sanctioned by the Jergali church.

So if you require a close-to-Paladin-fighter-type, you could probably utilise the Companions as a possibility.

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Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage

Edited by - The Sage on 21 Dec 2009 04:37:55
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Knight of the Gate
Senior Scribe

624 Posts

Posted - 21 Dec 2009 :  04:09:00  Show Profile Send Knight of the Gate a Private Message
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Jergal

Dear Ed and THO:

I was wondering if it would be canon if there were paladins of Jergal in the realms at the time of 3.5 edition?

Thanks for your time.

I'm not Ed, but I think I can partly address this while you're awaiting the Bearded One's response.

There aren't any canon paladins for the Lord of the End of Everything. At least, not that I can [immediately] recall. Though, as of F&P, the Champions of the Pallid Mask are said to combat/command undead not sanctioned by the Jergali church.

So if you require a close-to-Paladin-fighter-type, you could probably utilise the Champions as a possibility.

Not to nitpick, but I think they're the Companions of the Pallid Mask.

How can life be so bountiful, providing such sublime rewards for mediocrity? -Umberto Ecco

Edited by - Knight of the Gate on 21 Dec 2009 04:09:26
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

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Posted - 21 Dec 2009 :  04:37:58  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message
That's right. My mistake for not re-checking the source before I replied.

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
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Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)

"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood

Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage
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Posted - 21 Dec 2009 :  07:30:04  Show Profile  Visit Jergal's Homepage Send Jergal a Private Message
Yeah, its just a tough subject. I know Jergal was once lawful evil. Now he's lawful neutral. But with his dogma I'm not sure about paladins. In the Faiths and Pantheons source it says paladins worship him. This is why I was wondering if you could be a paladin. Since one of his portfolios is guardian of tombs. I don't know if paladins are allowed to worship just one aspect of a god on Toril. I just want to know since I want to create a character on Neverwinter Nights 2 and want it to be as canon as possible. Also thanks for all the help in advance with this question.

Jergal - Lord of the End of Everything

Edited by - Jergal on 21 Dec 2009 07:31:29
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Bruce Donohue
Learned Scribe

131 Posts

Posted - 21 Dec 2009 :  15:45:47  Show Profile Send Bruce Donohue a Private Message
I would like to take this occasion to wish all on the boards a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Best to all!

Meilleurs voeux a tout et a tous en cette occasion du temps de fetes. Joyeux Noel et Bonne Heureuse Annee
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Bruce Donohue
Learned Scribe

131 Posts

Posted - 21 Dec 2009 :  16:15:37  Show Profile Send Bruce Donohue a Private Message
Does anyone now if the Archwizard Novel by Troy Denning that is supposed to come out this month is just the reprint of the Archwizard Trilogy regarding the arrival of the Netherese back into the Realms, or is it a brand new novel?
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The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore

5056 Posts

Posted - 21 Dec 2009 :  16:18:41  Show Profile  Visit The Hooded One's Homepage Send The Hooded One a Private Message
Hi, all.
Well, I asked Ed about Jergal and paladins, and he said:

Sure, there can be paladins of Jergal. However, they'll be VERY rare, and will be self-sufficient loners, "doom-swords" who stalk the world without much benefit of established churches, a helpful clergy, etc.
(Think of Karl Edward Wagner's Kane character.)
Jergal will speak to them personally, in dreams and waking "talking in their heads," and will guide them to aid and hidden treasure caches (usually in tombs) when they have need of such things. His paladins are "my little aimed arrows," as he once referred to them.
Please note that Jergal's aims (and what he has his paladins do) may seem rather confusing to many mortals.

So saith Ed. More Realmslore, as we approach Yuletide, and Ed busily wraps and wraps and wraps presents . . .
(Having just finished and sent off some new Realms writing for Wizards, last night.)
love to all,
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The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore

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Posted - 21 Dec 2009 :  16:23:29  Show Profile  Visit The Hooded One's Homepage Send The Hooded One a Private Message
Bruce, it's almost certainly a reprint, though I'm checking with my sources in the industry (and if I come up empty, I'll get Ed to check with Troy!).
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Bruce Donohue
Learned Scribe

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Posted - 21 Dec 2009 :  16:39:29  Show Profile Send Bruce Donohue a Private Message
Thanks so much THO and does Ed know what type of ceremony that an priest aspirant goes through before he or she is to graduate to the ranks of full priest of Corellon?
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Posted - 21 Dec 2009 :  18:41:25  Show Profile  Visit Jergal's Homepage Send Jergal a Private Message
Thank you Ed and THO for this info. I will tell the realm that I play in of this and direct them to this website if they have any questions about it. This is incredible and again thanks. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! :)

Jergal - Lord of the End of Everything
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Bruce Donohue
Learned Scribe

131 Posts

Posted - 21 Dec 2009 :  19:36:21  Show Profile Send Bruce Donohue a Private Message
Hello Hooded and Ed,

Now all the Drow that were Eilistraee worshipers and all those that were good and descendents of Mieryatar (sorry about the spelling) at end of Lisa's Book were changed back to their true Mieyatar elves, thus brown skin with black hair. My question is, in the new FR, are they considered Eladrin, Copper or Wild Elves now?
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Bruce Donohue
Learned Scribe

131 Posts

Posted - 21 Dec 2009 :  22:03:35  Show Profile Send Bruce Donohue a Private Message
Hello Hood and Ed,

Do you know if in Myth Drannor, or in the Dale Lands there is still the Temple of Amaunator (Lanthander as he used to be called in 3FR)?
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The Hooded One
Lady Herald of Realmslore

5056 Posts

Posted - 21 Dec 2009 :  23:53:11  Show Profile  Visit The Hooded One's Homepage Send The Hooded One a Private Message
Hi again, all. I have a surprise smidgin of Realmslore to share with you all, in response to Christopher Rowe's query about twins (originally posted on page 47 of this thread): "Okay, how about this. Have there been any/many famous sets of identical twins in the Realms? I know that the Thunder Blessing brought about increased twin births among the dwarves--but are twins counted rare or (relatively) common among elves and halflings? Are twins thought to be good or bad luck in any cultures?"
Ed now adds:

Aha. Just came across those elusive identical halfling twins in my 1981 Realms notes: the male hin Amandar and Melver Minstrelwish, both handsome, agile, and tall and thin (for halflings) sorts who were scourges of both halfling and human lasses in their youths (spent errand-running, swift-package-delivering, and spying [often from rooftops, by night, on "embarrassing bedchamber moments" for the patrons who hired them to blackmail with] in Waterdeep). They were born in the summer of 1349 DR, and both left Waterdeep hurriedly (a running stride or so ahead of slayers hired by furious nobles whose wives [Melver] or daughters [Amandar] they had seduced, Amandar fleeing in the spring of 1367 DR and Melver in the fall of that year. Amandar hid out in Tethyr's Velen region for some years, and Melver ended up in Sembia . . . where he got into the same sort of trouble. As a result, he fled to Deepingdale, where Amandar, working with a caravan as a scribe, limner, and forger, happened across him by chance and settled down with him in Melver's sylvan "hidehold" (that he shared with a female half-elf lover, Jarantha Moonfall, a onetime "nightskirts" of Highmoon). The hidehold became a Harper safehouse stopover, and the three settled down into living quietly in the woods and making a good living falsifying documents for Harper agents, and writing steamy romance chapbooks and "wildsword" adventure chapbooks (short, lurid pulp adventure tales, often involving murder mysteries and hidden treasure, and ALWAYS involving lots of swordfights).
The fates of the three are unknown, because they maintained very low public profiles, using passing Harpers to send out their work and receive payments. They could have died or moved without the wider Realms being aware of it, if Harpers didn't talk...and most Harpers don't talk about such things, Spellplague or no Spellplague.
Thus far, that's all I have.

Wow! So saith Ed. Imparting another fascinating little tidbit of Realmslore. The place is real and alive, I tell thee!
love to all,

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80 Posts

Posted - 22 Dec 2009 :  05:21:35  Show Profile  Visit Sandstorm's Homepage Send Sandstorm a Private Message
*insert round of applause here*

You have no idea how real it is :P I love these little stories about random characters, so full of life. I can't wait to contribute ;) (not sure if you remember, but i'm the aspiring author... which by the way, my new novel you both suggested I delve into is going VERY well)

I especially enjoyed this tid bit because I have always had an extreme fondness for halflings. I believe it was Troy Denning who did wrote the third book of the Avatar Trilogy in which the halfling Sneakabout was mentioned. (though I believe he was under the pen name Richard Arlinson or something like that at the time) That halfling was SO well written, made me love them forever.

Also, I wrote a post no here a while back, i BELIEVE on page 116, wherein I asked about Athkatla, and the Cowled Wizards. It was an inquiry as to how it is the Wizards detect the casting of magic that goes on in the city, which has (or at least WAS... not sure where it stands now) been deemed illegal within its walls.

Yours Truely, Deder Sandstorm
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Learned Scribe

254 Posts

Posted - 22 Dec 2009 :  07:22:37  Show Profile  Visit gomez's Homepage Send gomez a Private Message
Originally posted by The Hooded One

The fates of the three are unknown, because they maintained very low public profiles, using passing Harpers to send out their work and receive payments. They could have died or moved without the wider Realms being aware of it, if Harpers didn't talk...and most Harpers don't talk about such things, Spellplague or no Spellplague.

It's not that likely they survived the hundred-year gap though, right?
Halfling and half-elves do not live that long, iirc.

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Learned Scribe

254 Posts

Posted - 22 Dec 2009 :  07:34:34  Show Profile  Visit gomez's Homepage Send gomez a Private Message
Originally posted by Bruce Donohue

Hello Hooded and Ed,

Now all the Drow that were Eilistraee worshipers and all those that were good and descendents of Mieryatar (sorry about the spelling) at end of Lisa's Book were changed back to their true Mieyatar elves

Not *all* of them. A few priestesses of Eilistraee stayed drow (due to exceptional circumstances).
I think they are considered green elves (or a version thereof).

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Bruce Donohue
Learned Scribe

131 Posts

Posted - 22 Dec 2009 :  17:47:40  Show Profile Send Bruce Donohue a Private Message
I read today in the book Grand History of Forgotten Realms, that in 1385 that Cyric and Shar combined forces and murdered Mystra on her home plane, the blast resulting from her death killed Savras, and expelled Azuth and Velshoon to the Astral plane, furthermore, it states that only the Greater Gods survived. It states that Lathander,Sune and Tyr, combined forces and imprisoned Cyric for 1000 years to the confines of his home plane.
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