NO, I don't think it is important for the pantheon to be balanced. Are the other pantheons balanced? No thet're not and most lean to the GOOD. (breaking Norse, Greek, Egyptian down to alignments). But of course is Zeus really good? Is ODIN really good? WHo knows it is a matter of interpretation. Sometimes in Norse mythology Odin seems FAR from being good, and so does thor. And sometimes LOKI seems good. It all depends on the views of whichever culture and customs the pantheon is derived from. For my purposes the alignments assigned to the greek and norse gods work fine.
And ofcourse they are NOT balanced. I do not think Balance is necessary, I just think it is curious to figure it out. I am sure this is something the theologians of the REALMS discuss in detail in fact.
A wizard is Never late Frodo Baggins. Nor is he Early. A wizard arrives precisely when he means to...
That's a good point Mournblade. Even looking through the Deities and Demigods book, you can see the concentration of polar opposites that Bookwyrm makes mentioned of, when he says that evil concentrates.
I think overall balance is not as important as the actions and desires of each individual deity upon the world at a certain time and place.