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 Campaigns, where are they set.
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Mumadar Ibn Huzal
Master of Realmslore

1338 Posts

Posted - 02 Oct 2002 :  15:16:50  Show Profile Send Mumadar Ibn Huzal a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
I have seen several references of DM's running a campaign in the Realms. I was wondering which area did you choose to run it in?

My own campaign is set in and around Berdusk in the year 1372 DR. The characters have started at 1st level and are steadily progressing forward in their careers (most of them are at 3rd lvl or almost there). So far they haven't really left Berdusk, but the campaign doesn't restrict them to it.

I choose Berdusk as a base of operations because of some opportunities I saw for adventuring, opportunities which are not limited to the Harpers and the Zhentarim... (I won't elaborate, some of my players might drop in and do a sneak peak )

At first I had been thinking of setting it in Tethyr/Amn. That region is one of my favorite regions in the Realms, but since my last table-top campaign was set there I decided for something slightly different.

Senior Scribe

470 Posts

Posted - 02 Oct 2002 :  23:51:02  Show Profile  Visit Halidan's Homepage Send Halidan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Mumadar Ibn HuzalI have seen several references of DM's running a campaign in the Realms. I was wondering which area did you choose to run it in?


I have two campaigns that I'm running at present. My face-to-face campaign is set in Daggerdale in 1367-68. The PC's are currently members of Randal Morn's Freedom Riders - opperating out of Anathar's Dell near the Daggerdale/Shadowdale border.

The campaign started with the old TSR module "Doom of Daggerdale." From there, we've been using mostly material that I've written about various Freedom Rider opperations against Zhent forces. The PC's have faced off against an Orc stronghold in the southern part of the dale, rescued slaves, escorted a Saurial back to the Lost Dale, and worked to improve conditions in Anathar's Dell. Recently, the PC's completed the exploration of Shraevyn's Tower from the first module of the Randal Morn trilogy.

My other campaign is a PBEM set in Scardale in 1369. The players are escorting Fr. Mylan, a cleric of Waukeenan, across the dale. They have recently solved a mystery involving missing farm children and slain animals in an area of the dale called North Falls Grange. The adventure involved an ancient mirror that was creating warped reflections of a wyvern that the players ended up calling Giant Demon Chickens because of the way they looked.

"Over the Mountains
Of the Moon
Down the Valley of the Shadow,
Ride, boldly ride,"
The shade replied,
"If you seek for Eldorado!"

Edgar Allen Poe - 1849
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Arion Elenim
Senior Scribe

933 Posts

Posted - 07 Oct 2002 :  17:07:39  Show Profile  Visit Arion Elenim's Homepage Send Arion Elenim a Private Message  Reply with Quote
As cliched as it may seem, Waterdeep is a great place to start...reason being, the place has a ton of intriguing levels of adventuring....

There are scummy, rat-ridden allies and paved, golden mansions, all overlooked by Blackstaff Tower. It is Harper-heavy and Red Wizard heavy....a veritable hotbed for intrigue.

Also, the elven city of Suldanesselar is a favorite of mine......

My latest Realms-based short story, about a bard, a paladin of Lathander and the letter of the law, Debts Repaid. It takes place before the "shattering" and gives the bard Arion a last gasp before he plunges into the present.
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Learned Scribe

315 Posts

Posted - 12 Oct 2002 :  00:22:13  Show Profile  Visit lowtech's Homepage Send lowtech a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I havn't the time right now, but I think a political/war campaign in Chessenta would be fun. First working to unite Chessenta, then expanding into portions of Unther and Chondath. The players would be part of a political cabal (nuetral-aligned).
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Mumadar Ibn Huzal
Master of Realmslore

1338 Posts

Posted - 22 Oct 2002 :  12:25:03  Show Profile Send Mumadar Ibn Huzal a Private Message  Reply with Quote
As can be read elsewhere in this forum, I'm starting a PbeM campaign in the North. In the Silver Marches to be a little more exact. The regional supplement on the area contained a wealth of information and ideas for me to sculpt some raw ideas for a campaign. The fine-tuning will come amongst other things from the character's backgrounds.
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Caladan Brood
Senior Scribe

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Posted - 05 Jun 2013 :  18:16:58  Show Profile  Visit Caladan Brood's Homepage Send Caladan Brood a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The campaign I'm currently running (very slowly - been many moons since session two) began in Beregost; in the next session, Candlekeep will feature, and after that Baldur's Gate. I have no idea where the story will take the characters after that, or if they'll stay around Baldur's Gate.

The first campaign I ran was in Shadowdale, no doubt, using "Beneath the Twisted Tower" from the boxed set, but I believe that the party was wiped out; I remember only bits and pieces as it is a good while ago but I remember having fun with it.

The second campaign, I remember it vividly actually, began with me reading from a sea captain's log, which served as an introduction to the campaign, and as I finished I told the players they were aboard a ship about to dock in the harbor of Suzail.. but I can't remember anything else lol
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Kris the Grey
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Posted - 05 Jun 2013 :  19:21:31  Show Profile Send Kris the Grey a Private Message  Reply with Quote
My present campaign began outside the hamlet of Rassalantar along the Long Road near Waterdeep on Halaster's Highharvestide in the year 1369. It headed into Waterdeep (with a few forays into Undermountain) where it stayed through the Sea Devils attack on the city in 1370. The PCs went north through the Mere of Dead Men and fought a Cult of the Dragon cell in Leilon that summer. They visited Neverwinter that fall, then fled a powerful revealed enemy into Undermountain (and the Promenade near Skullport) that winter.

After a foray or two into Skullport (and a confrontation with the slavers of the Iron Ring when liberating a slave on a mission for Qilue) the PCs again headed north to Silverymoon, through Mithral Hall (during the events of the Hunter's Blades trilogy), into Blingdenstone and on to Mantol Derith (to complete the mission for Qilue begun in Skullport) in the early months of 1371. While in Blingdenstone, they discovered evidence of the coming Drow attack on the city and participated in attempt to defend it and it's citizens. They are about to head back to the surface again with Deep Gnomish refugees in tow and will likely spend the spring in Silverymoon.

From there it is anyone's guess where they will go! Lol.

Kris the Grey - Member in Good Standing of the Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors, the Arcane Guild of Silverymoon, and the Connecticut Bar Association
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Great Reader

4430 Posts

Posted - 06 Jun 2013 :  02:50:51  Show Profile Send Diffan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The last Forgotten Realms campaign we had going was one set in the Moonsea region. It was designed to be a string of published adventures starting with the Burning Plague (once free adventure on the Wiz-bro site) set in the town of Glister. There, the 1st level PCs would defeat the threat and start to gain some notoriety. Following that they confronted a few Zhentarim problems in the region including a small outpost which they infiltrated and burned down. They then made their way to Melvaunt to which they became involved in some plot pieces from the Mysteries of the Moonsea book. At that point, I inserted the Sons of Gruumsh adventure to which they successfuly acomplished with only two character deaths, lol.

Afterwards, we sort of fell away to other campaigns and haven't really gotten back to that group of characters yet. It was fun and really helped show some of the new PCs some interesting elements of the Forgotten Realms.
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Jeremy Grenemyer
Great Reader

2717 Posts

Posted - 06 Jun 2013 :  02:59:05  Show Profile Send Jeremy Grenemyer a Private Message  Reply with Quote
My Realms campaigns start in Cormyr. As player characters advance in levels I always expand the campaign to include the sweet spots in the Realms: Undermountain, Waterdeep, the Underdark and lots of places in between.

Look for me and my content at EN World (user name: sanishiver).
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Learned Scribe

290 Posts

Posted - 06 Jun 2013 :  04:45:29  Show Profile Send Renin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm finishing a 10 year campaign set in Chondath. Why? To escape our perennial playing in Cormyr and the Sword Coast to go to an area not truly explored in box sets or adventure pathways-also, so I could do whatever I wanted with it.

That said, my next goal is to use Thay and its wizards as a major back drop to problems all around the Sea of Fallen Stars, and travel to and through all countries there.
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Learned Scribe

147 Posts

Posted - 06 Jun 2013 :  06:44:07  Show Profile Send Ze a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Our current 3.0-3.5 campaign is developed in three Acts, each with a different DM.
We started in the Channath Vale (a modified, pretty Realms-shaking version of Red Hand of Doom DM'ed by me), then moved to the Lake of Steam area (where the Realms-shakingness increased even further), then went around Amn, then jumped over to Krynn, where we currently stand.

When this one will end - probably around Spring '14 - we'll start my Waterdeep campaign, either Pathfinder or Next, depending on how Next will be then.

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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 06 Jun 2013 :  12:28:43  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Most of my games were in the Cormyr/Dales region, but my last two - 3e and current - are set along the East coast of the Dragonreach (note in my current campaign I have blended 'The North' with the Unappraochable East, so the two campaigns are VERY different).

I've never done anything south of the Sea of Fallen Stars (but would like to).

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

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Learned Scribe

324 Posts

Posted - 09 Jun 2013 :  15:18:10  Show Profile  Visit MalariaMoon's Homepage Send MalariaMoon a Private Message  Reply with Quote
My first Realms campaign with my brother and some friends (back when I was a teenager in the 90s took place in Shadowdale, starting with the 'Beneath the Twisted Tower' from the 2nd ed. boxed set and then roving around the Dalelands but not getting much further than that.

I actually started a campaign very similar to Lowtech's idea; taking place in Chessenta and Threskel, but it never really got off the ground.

A Harper driven campaign with Fellfire of these boards travelled to the Moonshaes, Amn and Tethyr.

My current Realms campaign is based around adapting old Dungeon modules to the Realms and the Pathfinder ruleset. It began in the Border Kingdoms, travelled north to the Dragon Coast, and the PCs are currently in Cormyr, on the borders of the Stonelands.
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61 Posts

Posted - 09 Jun 2013 :  18:36:29  Show Profile Send Pazuzu a Private Message  Reply with Quote
My current campaign started in 2010 and the in-game date was summer 1374. We started in Cormyr or to be more exactly in the small village of Hilp, which is now the base of operation of the group since they got an old castle there almost in ruins. The characters started to re-build the castle right now with a second group of characters (side group).
The main group was playing "The Sunless Citadel" as an introduction and then we moved forth to the first Cormyr adventure. Since this is going to be a long-term campaign and because I like to fill in the characters' background the group moved to Waterdeep and is now on the way to the second Cormyr adventure set in Shadowdale. I will insert some more sub-plots though I'm not sure which and how right now. For sure, we will also play the third and last adventure and then I will do some homebrew stuff. I have some ideas for some epic adventures, like e.g. bringing back Mystra with the help of the blue artifacts. We play 3.5 and I think we will stick to it. Maybe I will take some ideas from 4th Edition Realms into my campaign, but I don't have details yet. I will also wait for D&D Next and its Realms to see what might happen to my group :-D

May your dice obey your will. - Gary Gygax (*1938 - †2008)
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Learned Scribe

118 Posts

Posted - 09 Jun 2013 :  19:53:43  Show Profile Send MisterX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
My first FR campaign (started when I still was at school) was set in the City of Kulta (I just found the name on the map and no lore at all so I designed the set by myself) in Sembia. Only recently (we keep playing when we meet, like, once in a year or so…) the players moved north into Cormanthor.

The campaign I'm DMing now is set in the Drow city of Jhachalkhyn which I decided to set in the upper/middledark around Neverwinter (I know NWN: Shadows of Undrentide provide a city in the region, I'm still not sure if it's there or not…).

I've also ran campaigns in: The Silver Marches (at least three times), Damara and below the Dalelands (the Drow City of Maerimydra before it was destroyed during the War of the Spider Queen as described in the "City of the Spiderqueen" adventure).

You see, I'm all into the "North" theme. ;)

For my next campaign(s), I'll probably go for the south; Dambrath sounds very interesting (did I mention I like dark elves?), Thay offers opportunities for both complex and high-powered intrigues and the Moonsea region with all it's Zhents is a region where I want to set a campaign in, too. ;)

All my campaigns are set around 1368–1372 since I started with 3e. The concrete time for my running Drow campaign isn't defined yet since I still have not decided whether I'll get Lolth's silence in or not. Spellplague will not in any event happen within "my" realms, since I don't like the changes it brings – I like the gods how they are. Also, I probably won't go back to the times before and during the Time of Troubles. But I will definetly will bring in Bhaal, Myrkul and/or Amaunator into one of my campaigns. ;D

I've lost track of recent realmslore, since my campaigns are still in the 1370ies. :-)
When talking about rules (and related stuff) I always refer to 3.5e unless explicitly noted.
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Senior Scribe

466 Posts

Posted - 10 Jun 2013 :  13:30:43  Show Profile Send Mapolq a Private Message  Reply with Quote
My first campaign in the Realms was set in Amn, the second one was a maritime campaign that spanned from Luskan to Halruaa, and the current one is set in the Vilhon Reach, as you can see in the thread linked in my sig. I've also ran short games in Scardale, Tethyr and the interior of Impiltur, and I DM on a NWN2 PW set in Phlan and the surrounding areas (also in my sig).

Never sleep under the jackfruit tree.

Tales of Moonsea - A Neverwinter Nights 2 Persistent World. Check out our website at and our video trailer at, as well as our thread here at Candlekeep:

My campaign thread:

Edited by - Mapolq on 10 Jun 2013 13:31:18
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Master of Realmslore

1268 Posts

Posted - 11 Jun 2013 :  02:14:43  Show Profile  Visit Delwa's Homepage Send Delwa a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm currently running two campaigns. The first has been going for about half a decade now, and has reached epic levels. It started in the late 1370's and is now in the early 1380's Dale Reckoning. I'm not strictly following the events in Grand History of the Realms around the start date of the Campaign, as many events would take the spotlight away from my PC's. I started the campaign on the Dragon Coast, but we are currently adventuring in the Plains of Purple Dust. The story has taken many twists and turns, and involves a quest to restore the elven kingdom of Cormanthyr, one of the characters, a Cleric of Talos, is on a personal quest to godhood, (sadly, that PC doesn't know what Talos does to people he sponsors to godhood. I'm trying to drop hints, but this could be bad.)

The other is a level-one game I started to introduce a few friends to D&D as well as the Realms. It's in the Silver Marches, and is a quest to retrieve a stolen magical Harp that once belonged to an aged Harper, and is set in 1385 DR.

- Delwa Aunglor
I am off to slay yon refrigerator and spoil it's horde. Go for the cheese, Boo!

"The Realms change; seldom at the speed desired of those who strive, but far too quickly for those who resist." - The Simbul, taken from the Forgotten Realms Campaign Conspectus
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Master of Realmslore

1853 Posts

Posted - 11 Jun 2013 :  04:40:46  Show Profile  Visit xaeyruudh's Homepage Send xaeyruudh a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Not sure if I'm the only one, but I spend most of my time in Mulhorand, the Old Empires in general, and the original Imaskar.

Lately I've been hatching a thousand-year long storyline going from 1357 forward, eliminating the ToT and Spellplague and creating its own events to restore continuity (no weird changes in the pantheons, for instance) from 1e through D&D Next. Soooo I'm enjoying the era-neutral presentation of the Realms that seems to be in the works.

It's a major priority of the campaign to develop and incorporate Kara-Tur, Zakhara, Maztica, and the empire of Imaskar, plus jaunts into Spelljammer and Planescape. And that's why it's not done.
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Learned Scribe

111 Posts

Posted - 23 Jun 2013 :  15:05:12  Show Profile Send Lothlos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
My current campaign is centered around Raven's Bluff and the Sea of Fallen Stars.

The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say.
-J.R.R. Tolkien

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Master of Realmslore

United Kingdom
1150 Posts

Posted - 24 Jun 2013 :  12:37:23  Show Profile  Visit hashimashadoo's Homepage Send hashimashadoo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm trying to teach my PCs self-reliance so they don't keep going from NPC to NPC begging for clues that they should be able to work out on their own so I'm setting my Waterdeep Campaign in 1374 while Khelben et al are off creating Rhymanthiin.

If they continue to be stumped, I'm just going to write dungeon crawls for them.

When life turns it's back on you...sneak attack for extra damage.

Head admin of the FR wiki:
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The Arcanamach
Master of Realmslore

1845 Posts

Posted - 24 Jun 2013 :  13:55:03  Show Profile Send The Arcanamach a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I dont have a campaign as I currently have no one to play with
but in the past my campaigns have been all over the Realms from the Sword Coast, the North, the Old Empires, Cormyr, etc. My favorite areas tend to be Waterdeep/the North, and Old Empires areas.

I have a dream that one day, all game worlds will exist as one.
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Master of Realmslore

1853 Posts

Posted - 24 Jun 2013 :  20:14:29  Show Profile  Visit xaeyruudh's Homepage Send xaeyruudh a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by hashimashadoo

I'm trying to teach my PCs self-reliance so they don't keep going from NPC to NPC

Waterdeep is too full of reasonably friendly NPCs. Undermountain ftw... let them ask skeletons and oozes for clues.
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Learned Scribe

111 Posts

Posted - 26 Jun 2013 :  21:49:30  Show Profile Send Lothlos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Undermountain is where my pc's are heading next.

Just cause there are NPC's there that are knowledgeable does not mean that the NPC's have nothing better to do than answer the PC's questions or if they do answer them then the price might be a quest for the pc's to take care of some business that they did not have time for like harvesting pieces of various slimes, oozes, and puddings in Undermountain for spell components. Or negotiating with an ancient dragon for a piece of treasure that the NPC needs.

The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say.
-J.R.R. Tolkien

Edited by - Lothlos on 26 Jun 2013 21:58:44
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Learned Scribe

202 Posts

Posted - 03 Jul 2013 :  22:53:09  Show Profile Send Joebing a Private Message  Reply with Quote
My current campaign is my first ENTIRELY set in the North (yeah, I know, sounds funny for a DM who has been DMing since AD&D). No base of operations yet at 5th level (3.5 rules). Set in late 1372, this directly follows my last campaigns events (where forces loyal to Kiaranselee overtook Menzo from Lolth's forces, since Lolth is silent). The PC's are being searched for by the Red Wizards. Eventually, I hope they will choose Silverymoon as a base, though that will only be temporary, due to the need to rein in a few players. In a few weeks (hopefully) the players will have both the Harpers and Red Wizards seeking them in a not-so-good way.

Now plugging away on mass conversion to 5e, as well as my imprint J. Halk Games.

First adventure on DM Guild: Lair of Elaacrimalicros
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Learned Scribe

202 Posts

Posted - 03 Jul 2013 :  22:55:02  Show Profile Send Joebing a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Mumadar Ibn Huzal

As can be read elsewhere in this forum, I'm starting a PbeM campaign in the North. In the Silver Marches to be a little more exact. The regional supplement on the area contained a wealth of information and ideas for me to sculpt some raw ideas for a campaign. The fine-tuning will come amongst other things from the character's backgrounds.

That is how my current campaign started. I got the Silver Marches supplement, read some stuff, wrote an adventure, and found a few good tie-ins.
Great minds...

Now plugging away on mass conversion to 5e, as well as my imprint J. Halk Games.

First adventure on DM Guild: Lair of Elaacrimalicros
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