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Amarel Derakanor

97 Posts

Posted - 16 Sep 2008 :  14:55:16  Show Profile Send Amarel Derakanor a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Well met.

For the Chronology(Campaign) I'm running, I have tried to find some in-depth information regarding Impiltur, but the only I have come up with so far is in the 3:Edition FRCS, and the GHotR, and that ain't much.

Could someone direct me to a more "informative" source?

Learned Scribe

United Kingdom
348 Posts

Posted - 16 Sep 2008 :  15:06:35  Show Profile  Visit Na-Gang's Homepage Send Na-Gang a Private Message  Reply with Quote
You'll want George Krashos' article on Impiltur from Dragon #346.

Available to buy from paizo here:

Edited by - Na-Gang on 16 Sep 2008 15:09:03
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

31701 Posts

Posted - 16 Sep 2008 :  15:45:30  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The best information can be found by weaving together scattered references from the following products:-

Dreams of Red Wizards
The Bloodstone Lands
Sea of Fallen Stars
Champions of Ruin
and Champions of Valor -- Eric told us that he sees the Impiltur sections in both as a convenient mini-setting for Impiltur campaigns
Dragon #277 - "Soargar's Legacy" -- George's detailing, with a little Impilturan lore, of these important weapons for the realm
Dragon #346 - Krash's "Impiltur: The Forgotten Kingdom" article
Unapproachable East [last chapter]

-- And finally, my-soon-to-be-completed [like everything else I'm offering up to Candlekeep] compilation of ALL of Krash's "Impiltur" posts made both at Candlekeep and here at WotC through the years.

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
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Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)

"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood

Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage
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Amarel Derakanor

97 Posts

Posted - 16 Sep 2008 :  16:36:43  Show Profile Send Amarel Derakanor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Now that's what I call good answers! I Thank you, Na-Gang and The Sage! I'm looking forward to seeing that compilation...
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 17 Sep 2008 :  04:40:34  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Lets not forget the Map of Impiltur available here at the Keep, made especially by request from George K. to compliment his excellent Dragon article.

--- Mark

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

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Amarel Derakanor

97 Posts

Posted - 17 Sep 2008 :  17:29:11  Show Profile Send Amarel Derakanor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Markustay

Lets not forget the Map of Impiltur available here at the Keep, made especially by request from George K. to compliment his excellent Dragon article.

--- Mark

I thank you! A splendid map it is. Ah, I love Candlekeep....
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5 Posts

Posted - 20 Sep 2008 :  09:21:20  Show Profile  Visit Bhaldackein's Homepage Send Bhaldackein a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hail and well met!

As a noob, I hope I am allowed to use this thread to ask Mr. George Krashos a question about Impiltur.

From his (now canonized) article about "the Forgotten Kingdom" we know that Lyrabar was founded (as "Impil's Tor") in -135 DR.

I was wondering when the other three major cities of Impitur (Sarshel, Dilpur, and Hlammach) were founded? To my knowledge, these founding dates are neither in any of the Forgotten Realms sources, nor in Mr. Krashos' outstanding article in Dragon #346.

I would also want to inquire if any of the learned sages of this forum knows if there is a comprehensive list of the nobles of Impiltur in existence?

"That's what they expect us to think, Lewis. Therefore, we will not think it..."
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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

6653 Posts

Posted - 21 Sep 2008 :  02:03:38  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Bhaldackein

Hail and well met!

As a noob, I hope I am allowed to use this thread to ask Mr. George Krashos a question about Impiltur.


Originally posted by Bhaldackein
I was wondering when the other three major cities of Impitur (Sarshel, Dilpur, and Hlammach) were founded? To my knowledge, these founding dates are neither in any of the Forgotten Realms sources, nor in Mr. Krashos' outstanding article in Dragon #346.

Both Hlammach and Dilpur were independent holdings at the time of Impiltur's founding in -74DR and realms that had evolved from the remnants of lost Narfell, now some two generations gone. However, they weren't named Hlammach and Dilpur at the time.

Hlammach was known as Arnafel when it became a part of Impiltur and was at the time the holding of the cruel lord Rurgith, known to all (but never to his face) as "the Scarred Lord". His grandfather Nurith had established this hold in -93DR. Rurgith was said to be a tiefling and a powerful priest (of just what deity is now lost to history but most sages agree that it was likely Talona or Kargath - the local incarnation of Talos), and ruled the environs of Arnafel (about two days ride around the settlement that was his 'capital') and the cluster of hamlets that had grown around the seacoast town. Whilst not a benevolent ruler he was not needlessly cruel or wanton and deemed harsh but fair in his pronouncements by those who lived under his aegis. They did so because he was a bastion of strength in a wild land of dangers, protecting the populace from the unfettered demons that still roamed the hinterlands and other desperate bandit and outlaw bands who raided for food, coin and slaves.

Rurgith and Arnafel came into conflict with Impiltur in the Year of Broached Gates (-22 DR) when Ornrath Mirandor, younger brother of the reigning King Inrath II, died in mysterious cicumstances revolving around a skillfully placed stilletto, a beautiful courtesan and ten-weight of the herb morilth (then as now a rare and much desired commodity for it's euphoric effects and ability to be transformed into an insidious inhaled poison when steeped in a little known but simple alchemical reagent). Whilst Ornrath was no goodson of Tyr, his brother demanded redress from Arnafel in the form of tombgold (a term similar to our real world 'weregild') and advantageous trade concessions that Rurgith dimissed out of hand.

It's likely that the canny Inrath used his brother's death as an opportunity to take action against Arnafel (for there was no great love between them) and Impiltur's response was swift and brutal. Within a tenday the Anarth had been raised (Impiltur's then-version of an army which was really a raising of the realm's male adult population into a rough militia) and Inrath marched at its head surrounded by his personal guard who were the true steel of the Realms. Rurgith marched to meet him at the head of his own army and the two forces clashed without result at Greenstone, a small thorp that exists to this day on the outskirts of present-day Hlammach.

It was then that Inrath's true gambit was revealed as the Stonesword mercenary company out of the Vilhon sailed into Arnafel's harbour putting the token resistance to the sword and acting as the hammer to Inrath's anvil when battle between the two realms resumed the next day. An unsuspecting Rurgith was slain in the fight and Inrath marched into Arnafel as a conqueror that evening, pronouncing that it would henceforth be named Hlammach for the brave soldier who saved his king's life in the battle and was ennobled on the field (this noble family, the Suntowers, would give sterling service to Impiltur and its kings for generations but died out as a result of the Gloomfens disaster in 512DR when all its males were slain. More than 36 noble fathers and sons of the Suntowers died with King Sharaun in his disaster against the orcs of Ulbror).

Dilpur was a seacoast town similar to Arnafel/Hlammach governed by a council of elders made up of prominent farmers and fishermen. The town was originally named Elnar for its founder (a short, tough as steel fisherman who was thought to be favoured by Umberlee for his uncanny ability to sense dangerous weather and ride out even the most ferocious of storms) and settled in -65DR. Elnar was a prominent trade partner of Impiltur throughout the century before and after the raising of the Standing Stone providing much in the way of food, primarily fish to the growing kingdom to the west. It became a part of the kingdom proper in the Year of the Moor Birds (90DR) when the culmination of the effects of several poor seasons and an upsurge in pirate activity saw Elnar seek the protection, assistance and strength of Impiltur ruled at the time by the storied Baranth I, a popular and effective ruler. The town was re-named Dilpur in 664DR following the proclamation of King Bellodar III who did so to honour the city's most famous inhabitant up to that time, the sage and loremaster Alathas Dilpur whom the king had grown to love and honour for his scholarly achievements.

There had been a settlement of some sort at the location of present-day Sarshel since the time of Narfell when it was first formed in c. -147 DR as a staging camp for the labourers and armies that would travel west to build and garrison Dun Orthass (present-day Citadel of Conjurers). The fall of Narfell saw the coastal settlement enjoy a host of petty rulers and forms of rule over the ensuing centuries. It was conquered, destroyed, re-built, abandoned more than a few times in that period but its excellent harbour made it an attractive place to 'pitch a tent' and the site was never free of a human presence for very long.

The settlement that we know today as Sarshel was first founded in the Year of the Fiend's Kiss (415DR) when an army of minor demons and their human servitors led by the glabrezu Varkaloth "the Render" was finally defeated by an army led by King Meldath I who had hunted them for the better part of two seasons in and around their lair somewhere in the Gloom Fens (at this time the coastal strip of land that is now the road known as Harandil's March was a long stretch of marshland and reeking bogs. The area was drained and reclaimed by dwarven engineers from Earthfast commissioned by King Harandil II in the period following his accession). The settlement was originally named Oloth for the vibrant scarlet sea aster flowers that grow in profusion throughout the region. It was re-named Sarshel in honour of the king of that name in 735DR by his son Halanter I, for this city is where the great paladin-king leader of the Triad Crusade breathed his last in 734DR.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus

Edited by - George Krashos on 28 Nov 2015 05:30:35
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5 Posts

Posted - 21 Sep 2008 :  18:07:09  Show Profile  Visit Bhaldackein's Homepage Send Bhaldackein a Private Message  Reply with Quote

I never dreamed your answer would be this cool.

On the other hand, perhaps I should have expected it. I am, after all familiar with your article and your GHotR!

I’m, to say the very least, grateful for the trouble you took in answering my question. But, as we say in my part of the world, "One fool can ask more then ten sages can answer." And that goes for this fool as well. So here goes:
Originally posted by George Krashos

Hlammach was known as Arnafel when it became a part of Impiltur and was at the time the holding of the cruel lord Rurgith, known to all (but never to his face) as "the Scarred Lord". His grandfather Nurith had established this hold in -93DR.

What was the origin of Nurith? Was he of Narfell origin (his grandson possibly being a tiefling seems to suggest so), or was he, like Impil Mirador, a survivor of the Jhaamdath Empire?
Originally posted by George Krashos

Dilpur… … was originally named Elnar for its founder (a short, tough as steel fisherman who was thought to be favoured by Umberlee for his uncanny ability to sense dangerous weather and ride out even the most ferocious of storms) and settled in -65DR.

This raises the same question: Was Elnar of Narfell origin, or a Jhaamdathan emigrant?

And of course, there are other things I’m wondering about. For instance: We know from your article and various other sources that many Impilturians settled in other parts of Faerûn (Thesk and Cormyr spring to mind).

We also know Impiltur was quite expansive during parts of its history. So my question is: How big was Impiltur during its heyday? How much of the Easting Coast and the fallen Narfell Empire did Impiltur claim as its own?

The fact that Telflamm was settled with an Impilturian charter and paid fealty to the kingdom for quite some time seems to suggest the shore of Thesk was, at least to some extent, under protection of Impiltur.

And were Tsurlagol and Procampur ever part of Impiltur?

I also notice that there is a lack on information about Impiltur during the Kingless Years. Who ruled the 4 city-states, for instance? Was there open warfare between the four cities during the Kingless Years?

Perhaps I’m pushing the limits here, but then again, I didn’t join Candlekeep for naught…

"That's what they expect us to think, Lewis. Therefore, we will not think it..."

Edited by - Bhaldackein on 21 Sep 2008 21:37:05
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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

6653 Posts

Posted - 10 Oct 2008 :  23:40:29  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Just bumping this for the moment so it doesn't get lost and I don't forget about it. More lore soon, Oghma willing.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

6653 Posts

Posted - 12 Oct 2008 :  09:05:24  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Bhaldackein


I never dreamed your answer would be this cool.

Coolness is in the eye of the beholder. Glad it floated your boat.

Originally posted by Bhaldackein
We also know Impiltur was quite expansive during parts of its history. So my question is: How big was Impiltur during its heyday? How much of the Easting Coast and the fallen Narfell Empire did Impiltur claim as its own? And were Tsurlagol and Procampur ever part of Impiltur?

Well, that depends on which dead king you are using 'speak with dead' with ...

Impiltur's first great expansion occurred during the reign of one of the greatest kings in the kingom's history, Meldath I, known to all as "the Mighty". Tall and fair, he was the sister-son (nephew) of Auminath II and Forlath and had a martial bent. When crowned, he immediately organised a military expedition into the uplands of Impiltur (the present day lands bordering the Earthspurs "around the corner" of well-settled Impiltur. It was very much frontier country at that time, and only loosely ruled by the monarchs of the realm) to quell disaffected “Hillers”, who had gathered into a bandit army and were attacking and pillaging settlements and border forts.

They were finally defeated in 414DR. He also thwarted a plot by some nobles to elevate one of Forlath’s illegitimate sons to the throne, exiling them and beheading the ringleader in 416 DR. In 425 DR, he launched a swift, naval assault against Altumbel, conquering that small region and adding it to the lands of Impiltur. Turning west in 429 DR, he besieged and conquered the wayward Chessagol ending the short-lived rule of the “Stonelords” who had seized power during the time of his grandfather (it had previously been conquered as far back as the Year of the Falling Wall (9 DR) in the reign of Varanth I, but its loyalty to Impiltur waxed and waned as the kingdom went through tumult and upheaval) and dealt Proeskampalar a sharp military rebuff in 431 DR when they sought to check his ambitions.

After a period of consolidation, Meldath marched against Proeskampalar in 438 DR, defeating its armies in battle and besieging the city. After a two-year siege, this city fell too and bowed down before the conqueror of Impiltur. Meldath appointed his son and namesake as ruler of the city whilst preparing for even greater gains for the kingdom. Within another four years, he organised a huge military expedition into the Vast, seeking to eradicate the orcs of Vastar and expand Impiltur’s hegemony and influence into the Dragonreach and Moonsea area. The orcs proved stronger than expected however and Impiltur’s armies were driven back over the mountain passes of the Earthfasts. Meldath was gravely wounded in the fighting and lingered a further year, his health and strength broken, before dying.

This monarch's empire would not last for many years following his untimely passing, as dynastic upheaval saw the realm contract once again and both Proeskampalar and Chessagol assert their independence.

Some 150 winters later, Impiltur saw the accession of Bellodar I, known to sages as "the Conqueror". Very much in the mould of his father, Bellodar I matched a skill for war with the cunning and intelligence to be a master of diplomacy. He fought off a Flight of Dragons that assailed the lands of the Easting Reach in the first year of his reign, personally bringing down the great white wyrm Kriohionis "the Icemaw".

In his reign he once again annexed Chessagol and claimed it as part of Impiltur, although it would pronounce its independence on the day of his death some 30 years later. He crossed the Easting Reach, building a fort at Uthmere and sending an expedition deep into the Great Dale, claiming territory and demanding fealty from those humans he encountered. Those who took up arms against the king, were dealt with swiftly and mercilessly.

The “Great March” culminated in the armies of Impiltur reaching the shores of Ashanath after building the first road through the Great Dale and the gap between the forests. There he built another log and earth fortress and even sent a force across the lake to explore those strange lands. Nothing was heard of this expedition, or its leader Duke Halthos Orbil again. After a series of attacks by monsters, seemingly appearing out of nowhere (actually summoned and controlled by the Witches of Rashemen) Bellodar and his army marched back to the coast and the ships waiting for them there.

Upon his return to Impiltur, Bellodar declared these new lands ready for settlement and indeed, many settlers left the realm for Uthmere and the fringes of the forests to the east. Bellodar hoped that this would act as the catalyst for the creation of a 'greater' Impiltur but the passage of his armies had woken previously slumbering evils and the forest became a place of danger and darkness once more, harking back to the days of ancient Narfell. Those settlers who followed Bellodar’s Road were rarely seen again and the majority clustered around the settlement of Uthmere.

Bellodar died at the hands of nobles of House Orbil who assassinated him in revenge for the death of the head of their house, for they believed that the king had engineered his death to eliminate a rival. Their rebellion was short-lived however, and the entire house was declared outlaw, their holdings and possessions confiscated by the Crown.

Since these storied times, Impiltur has a various times controlled Chessagol/Tsurlagol, Uthmere and Telflamm but not operated as any great expansionistic empire.

Originally posted by Bhaldackein
The fact that Telflamm was settled with an Impilturian charter and paid fealty to the kingdom for quite some time seems to suggest the shore of Thesk was, at least to some extent, under protection of Impiltur.

Telflamm was indeed founded with the support and royal approval of King Peverel but his death a scant 4 years later saw the ambitious Windyn Balindre announce the formation of his own city-state in 926 DR. The re-formation of Impiltur in 1097 DR saw Imphras the Great demand and receive this holding's fealty again in the Year of the Guardian (1105 DR). Some say that in doing so Imphras had territorial designs on Thesk and that may well be true, but the reigning oligarchs exercised their diplomatic skills and mercantile clout to grant the re-formed Impiltur adavantageous trade agreements in return for treaties of security and friendship which the principled Imphras could not usurp by outright annexation. Whilst he hoped that Thesk would seek to voluntarily accept the rule of Impiltur, such never came to pass.

Imphras rode to bloody war in 1110 DR on their behalf and some elements of the oligarchy thought long and hard at that time about accepting the always open invitation to have Thesk become a part of Impiltur proper, but strategic and geographical realities likely gave them pause, for the shadow of Thay loomed over them always and Impiltur was across the Reach, unable to swiftly render aid or succor. In the end, the oligarchs decided that it was better to placate both Thay and Impiltur whilst favouring the latter and go on as they had for the better part of a century.

Telflamm became independent of Impiltur again in 1177 DR when its reigning Marchioness Delile Balindre, keen to have her offspring on the throne of Impiltur, was rebuffed by Ilmara when making overtures of marriage between her and the much younger Imphras II. Ilmara was said to be quite unconcerned by this development, citing little need for Impiltur to retain “haystack villages across the Reach”. The city-state has remained independent ever since but has retained dynastic ties through marriage. In fact, the machinations of Prince Thaum of Telflamm ushered in one of the most tulmultuous periods in Impiltur's history. Following his attempt to seize Impiltur's throne, relations between the realm and the city-state have not been particularly cordial, even to the present-day.

Originally posted by Bhaldackein
I also notice that there is a lack on information about Impiltur during the Kingless Years. Who ruled the 4 city-states, for instance? Was there open warfare between the four cities during the Kingless Years?

During this period from 926 DR to 1097 DR the city-states of Lyrabar, Hlammach, Dilpur and Sarshel held sway in the lands of Old Impiltur. Some of them kept titles from that realm, such as Lyrabar whose ruler was still known as the War Captain, but others became ruled by “Grand Princes”, “Highlords” and “Greatlords”. Most of the city-states controlled the lands around them, but outlying areas, such as the Uplands became the domain of warlords and bandits, the most notorious of which was Irlithor “the Render”, a bandit who claimed Tower Ithfell in the far northwestern corner of the realm and made it his.

This period in Impiltur’s history saw great changes to the region, not the least of which was the climatic change that saw the sheet of ice and permafrost that had covered modern Damara, Narfell and Vaasa recede over the course of a century or so until by 1038 DR those lands were fully ice-free. This prompted a wave of settlement of these new lands led by prospectors and miners who sought the mineral riches of the Galenas and the Giantspires. Also, by this time, the trees of the Auldgloam Forest that had existed across the Easting Reach in Impiltur proper and had once linked with the Forest of Lethyr and the Rawlinswood as one, huge sprawling forest domain, were all destroyed by heavy logging, leaving all the lands up to Bluefang Water totally cleared of woodlands. This in turn led to the establishment of ‘thaedar’ or communal farm collectives along the river that formed the northern border of what were considered to be the lands of Impiltur.

Outlying areas of Old Impiltur across the Easting Reach such as Uthmere and the fledgling settlement of Telflamm were claimed by no-one save those with the sword arm strong enough to establish their authority. This period also saw the decline of Milvarn and the establishment of the oligarchy of Thesk in 937 DR in the lands in and around the Dragonjaw Mountains as well as the founding of Aglarond and the subsumation of Velprin and the end of the rule of the Demaz Dynasty. The city-states of the lands of Impiltur continue to thrive economically, as they were still part of the golden chain of ports bringing trade goods from the ‘mysterious east’, but more and more cities such as Telflamm, Velprintalar and Milvarune became the most popular trading destinations for merchant vessels – prompted in the main by the steep harbor duties and levies imposed by each individual city-state of Impiltur on ships docking at their harbors.

The city-state rulers were fractious and prone to petty bickering and as a result the region suffered as a trade hub and in terms of political and mercantile clout. The efforts of Greatlord Arpalon Eirlthaun of Hlammach saw the establishment of the Sword Council, a great conclave of regional rulers and notables which was first held in the Year of the Blazing Call (946 DR) and every 5 years thereafter, which focused the region's trade opportunities and saw some minor agreements in relation to defence and bureacratic consistency (like agreeing that their individual coinage would be of the same weight and gold standard etc.).

The Grand Council continued to be held until the Year of the Twilight Campaign (1046 DR) when the rulers of Dilpur and Sarshel contrived to have War Captain Embrar Heltharn of Lyrabar, grandfather of Imphras, assassinated at a 'private meeting' whilst the council was in session. This plunged the region into a brief season-long 'war' with Lyrabar flexing it military muscle under the leadership of the very young Imbrar Heltharn and Hlammach acting as peacemaker. This conflict is known as the Captain's March for Imbrar's bold foray into the regional areas controlled by Dilpur and Sarshel and marked a turning point in the previously stable politics of the region.

Like a giant rousing itself from slumber, Lyrabar and its ruling Heltharn family began to ready itself to re-unite the realm with themselves as rulers, whether by force or diplomacy. The invasion of the hobgoblins in 1095 DR would give them the opportunity for which they had planned for the better part of half a century.

I hope this has been useful for you. Nobles and a response to your queries on my previous post when I get a chance.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus

Edited by - George Krashos on 12 Oct 2008 09:18:22
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Master of Realmslore

United Kingdom
1073 Posts

Posted - 12 Oct 2008 :  13:54:50  Show Profile  Visit crazedventurers's Homepage Send crazedventurers a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by George Krashos

Well, that depends on which dead king you are using 'speak with dead' with ...

Impiltur's first great expansion occurred during the reign of one of the greatest kings in the kingom's history, Meldath I, known to all

I hope this has been useful for you. Nobles and a response to your queries on my previous post when I get a chance.

-- George Krashos

I need to reread this post again - just pure brilliance.

Thank you George for the wonderful lore.



Personally I would love to see this as the 'official' Impiltur thread and be kept as a sticky for all scribes to access easily.

Just a thought

So saith Ed. I've never said he was sane, have I?
Gods, all this writing and he's running a constant fantasy version of Coronation Street in his head, too. .
love to all,
Candlekeep Forum 7 May 2005

Edited by - crazedventurers on 12 Oct 2008 13:56:42
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Purple Dragon Knight
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 12 Oct 2008 :  20:05:43  Show Profile Send Purple Dragon Knight a Private Message  Reply with Quote
George's Impiltur Map: Saved to Impiltur folder of PDK's hard drive...
George's new Impiltur comments: Saved to Impiltur folder of PDK's hard drive...

Edited by - Purple Dragon Knight on 12 Oct 2008 20:06:06
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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

6653 Posts

Posted - 12 Oct 2008 :  23:29:50  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yea, about that map ... I need to drop MarkusTay and e-mail. There are a few things that need to be sorted out with it. I'll get onto it in my "spare time" ...

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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Great Reader

3286 Posts

Posted - 13 Oct 2008 :  03:00:28  Show Profile Send Brimstone a Private Message  Reply with Quote
-That is awesome stuff.


"These things also I have observed: that knowledge of our world is
to be nurtured like a precious flower, for it is the most precious
thing we have. Wherefore guard the word written and heed
words unwritten and set them down ere they fade . . . Learn
then, well, the arts of reading, writing, and listening true, and they
will lead you to the greatest art of all: understanding."
Alaundo of Candlekeep
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Senior Scribe

408 Posts

Posted - 29 Sep 2013 :  09:28:10  Show Profile Send Derulbaskul a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by The Sage (snip) -- And finally, my-soon-to-be-completed [like everything else I'm offering up to Candlekeep] compilation of ALL of Krash's "Impiltur" posts made both at Candlekeep and here at WotC through the years.

I realise this is probably a silly question - it has only been five years - but did you ever compile George Krashos's Impiltur posts?


NB: Please remember: A cannon is a big gun. Canon is what we discuss here.
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

31701 Posts

Posted - 29 Sep 2013 :  15:40:40  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Derulbaskul

Originally posted by The Sage (snip) -- And finally, my-soon-to-be-completed [like everything else I'm offering up to Candlekeep] compilation of ALL of Krash's "Impiltur" posts made both at Candlekeep and here at WotC through the years.

I realise this is probably a silly question - it has only been five years - but did you ever compile George Krashos's Impiltur posts?

Yes, and I'm almost done properly formatting it so that folk other than myself can make use of the file on multiple platform types.

I keep promising Krash I'll send the draft to him before I release it here, so that he can give it a final look and judge my worthiness to compile his great work.

Once that's done, I'll make it available here at Candlekeep. [If you're anxious for the file, though, I suppose I could send you my very rough draft file which remains unformatted?]

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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 29 Sep 2013 :  15:52:10  Show Profile  Visit rjfras's Homepage Send rjfras a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Derulbaskul

Originally posted by The Sage (snip) -- And finally, my-soon-to-be-completed [like everything else I'm offering up to Candlekeep] compilation of ALL of Krash's "Impiltur" posts made both at Candlekeep and here at WotC through the years.

I realise this is probably a silly question - it has only been five years - but did you ever compile George Krashos's Impiltur posts?

Five years is merely the blink of an eye in Sage Time
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 30 Sep 2013 :  04:58:04  Show Profile Send Derulbaskul a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by The Sage (snip) Once that's done, I'll make it available here at Candlekeep. [If you're anxious for the file, though, I suppose I could send you my very rough draft file which remains unformatted?]

Thank you. That would be really helpful. I spent the weekened gathering up most of them but I suspect I have missed a few. Please do send it through to derulbaskul at gmail dot com.

I'll proofread and format it as well and then return it to you.


NB: Please remember: A cannon is a big gun. Canon is what we discuss here.
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Skilled Spell Strategist

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Posted - 30 Sep 2013 :  13:49:38  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by George Krashos

Originally posted by Bhaldackein

Hail and well met!

As a noob, I hope I am allowed to use this thread to ask Mr. George Krashos a question about Impiltur.


Originally posted by Bhaldackein
I was wondering when the other three major cities of Impitur (Sarshel, Dilpur, and Hlammach) were founded? To my knowledge, these founding dates are neither in any of the Forgotten Realms sources, nor in Mr. Krashos' outstanding article in Dragon #346.

Both Hlammach and Dilpur were independent holdings at the time of Impiltur's founding in -74DR and realms that had evolved from the remnants of lost Narfell, now some two generations gone. However, they weren't named Hlammach and Dilpur at the time.

Hlammach was known as Arnafel when it became a part of Impiltur and was at the time the holding of the cruel lord Rurgith, known to all (but never to his face) as "the Scarred Lord". His grandfather Nurith had established this hold in -93DR. Rurgith was said to be a tiefling and a powerful priest (of just what deity is now lost to history but most sages agree that it was likely Talona or Kargath - the local incarnation of Talos), and ruled the environs of Arnafel (about two days ride around the settlement that was his 'capital') and the cluster of hamlets that had grown around the seacoast town. Whilst not a benevolent ruler he was not needlessly cruel or wanton and deemed harsh but fair in his pronouncements by those who lived under his aegis. They did so because he was a bastion of strength in a wild land of dangers, protecting the populace from the unfettered demons that still roamed the hinterlands and other desperate bandit and outlaw bands who raided for food, coin and slaves.

Rurgith and Arnafel came into conflict with Impiltur in the Year of Broached Gates (-22 DR) when Ornrath Mirandor, younger brother of the reigning King Inrath II, died in mysterious cicumstances revolving around a skillfully placed stilletto, a beautiful courtesan and ten-weight of the herb morilth (then as now a rare and much desired commodity for it's euphoric effects and ability to be transformed into an insidious inhaled poison when steeped in a little known but simple alchemical reagent). Whilst Ornrath was no goodson of Tyr, his brother demanded redress from Arnafel in the form of tombgold (a term similar to our real world 'weregild') and advantageous trade concessions that Rurgith dimissed out of hand.

It's likely that the canny Inrath used his brother's death as an opportunity to take action against Arnafel (for there was no great love between them) and Impiltur's response was swift and brutal. Within a tenday the Anarth had been raised (Impiltur's then-version of an army which was really a raising of the realm's male adult population into a rough militia) and Inrath marched at its head surrounded by his personal guard who were the true steel of the Realms. Rurgith marched to meet him at the head of his own army and the two forces clashed without result at Greenstone, a small thorp that exists to this day on the outskirts of present-day Hlammach.

It was then that Inrath's true gambit was revealed as the Stonesword mercenary company out of the Vilhon sailed into Arnafel's harbour putting the token resistance to the sword and acting as the hammer to Inrath's anvil when battle between the two realms resumed the next day. An unsuspecting Rurgith was slain in the fight and Inrath marched into Arnafel as a conqueror that evening, pronouncing that it would henceforth be named Hlammach for the brave soldier who saved his king's life in the battle and was ennobled on the field (this noble family, the Suntowers, would give sterling service to Impiltur and its kings for generations but died out as a result of the Gloomfens disaster in 512DR when all its males were slain. More than 36 noble fathers and sons of the Suntowers died with King Sharaun in his disaster against the orcs of Ulbror).

Dilpur was a seacoast town similar to Arnafel/Hlammach governed by a council of elders made up of prominent farmers and fishermen. The town was originally named Elnar for its founder (a short, tough as steel fisherman who was thought to be favoured by Umberlee for his uncanny ability to sense dangerous weather and ride out even the most ferocious of storms) and settled in -65DR. Elnar was a prominent trade partner of Impiltur throughout the century before and after the raising of the Standing Stone providing much in the way of food, primarily fish to the growing kingdom to the west. It became a part of the kingdom proper in the Year of the Moor Birds (90DR) when the culmination of the effects of several poor seasons and an upsurge in pirate activity saw Elnar seek the protection, assistance and strength of Impiltur ruled at the time by the storied Baranth I, a popular and effective ruler. The town was re-named Dilpur in 664DR following the proclamation of King Bellodar III who did so to honour the city's most famous inhabitant up to that time, the sage and loremaster Alathas Dilpur whom the king had grown to love and honour for his scholarly achievements.

There had been a settlement of some sort at the location of present-day Sarshel since the time of Narfell when it was first formed in c. -147 DR as a staging camp for the labourers and armies that would travel west to build and garrison Dun Orthass (present-day Citadel of Conjurers). The fall of Narfell saw the coastal settlement enjoy a host of petty rulers and forms of rule over the ensuing centuries. It was conquered, destroyed, re-built, abandoned more than a few times in that period but its excellent harbour made it an attractive place to 'pitch a tent' and the site was never free of a human presence for very long.

The settlement that we know today as Sarshel was first founded in the Year of the Fiend's Kiss (415DR) when an army of minor demons and their human servitors led by the glabrezu Varkaloth "the Render" was finally defeated by an army led by King Meldath I who had hunted them for the better part of two seasons in and around their lair somewhere in the Gloom Fens (at this time the coastal strip of land that is now the road known as Harandil's March was a long stretch of marshland and reeking bogs. The area was drained and reclaimed by dwarven engineers from Earthfast commissioned by King Harandil II in the period following his accession). The settlement was originally named Oloth for the vibrant scarlet water orchid that grew in profusion throughout the region at the time (now it is a rare and expensive bloom). It was re-named Sarshel in honour of the king of that name in 735DR by his son Halanter I, for this city is where the great paladin-king leader of the Triad Crusade breathed his last in 734DR.

-- George Krashos

Kargath is another alias for Talos? Sounds like another absorbed demi-god to detail in history.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 01 Oct 2013 :  08:28:43  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Or Talos by another name. Ed's god lore makes it clear that deities have many names to their worshippers.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus

Edited by - George Krashos on 01 Oct 2013 08:29:25
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

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Posted - 01 Oct 2013 :  13:41:38  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ah, Impiltur... we hardly knew ye'...

I should really finish the newer, goodier map of Impiltur... if only I had some sort of reference to use to flesh-out the geography...

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 01 Oct 2013 :  15:40:25  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Talk to me Markus. I'm more than happy to work with you on fleshing out an Impiltur map.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 02 Oct 2013 :  01:15:37  Show Profile Send Derulbaskul a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The Sage, does your offer to share your draft version still stand? If not - or if this is a Sage-time thing and I should come back in 2023 - please let me know as I think I have most of Georges replies now and will simply begin tidying up my own draft.


NB: Please remember: A cannon is a big gun. Canon is what we discuss here.
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The Sage
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Posted - 02 Oct 2013 :  02:43:19  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Derulbaskul

The Sage, does your offer to share your draft version still stand? If not - or if this is a Sage-time thing and I should come back in 2023 ...
I'd already sent a copy your way using the address you have tied to your profile here at Candlekeep.
... - please let me know as I think I have most of Georges replies now and will simply begin tidying up my own draft.
If you're only including what Krash has posted here at Candlekeep about Impiltur, then you're missing half the "story."

As I've previously stated, my own compilation includes everything Krash has posted about Impiltur via Candlekeep, the Wizards boards, and ALL versions of the REALMS-L mailing list.

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Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage
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Gary Dallison
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Posted - 02 Oct 2013 :  08:54:35  Show Profile Send Gary Dallison a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sage could i also have a copy of this compilation, pretty please with cherries on top.

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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 02 Oct 2013 :  10:45:41  Show Profile Send Derulbaskul a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thanks, The Sage. I'm stunned.

I've checked my in box and spam box a few times but no sign. Thanks anyway.


NB: Please remember: A cannon is a big gun. Canon is what we discuss here.

Edited by - Derulbaskul on 02 Oct 2013 10:46:52
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

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Posted - 02 Oct 2013 :  13:22:48  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by George Krashos

Talk to me Markus. I'm more than happy to work with you on fleshing out an Impiltur map.

-- George Krashos
LOL - I guess you never got that PM I sent a few weeks back... thought you were ignoring me.

There was something you sent me once before that got lost in the fire, and that would help.

Also, I would also like a copy of Sage's 'Krash impiltur Lore', if possible. Thanks.

I lost interest in finishing my new/old map (restoring the 3e era to the previous 1e/2e geography), but I have so much of it done that it would be a waste not to at least finish the 'Demon Lands' portion of it. It irks the heck out of me the way Impiltur got splattered across all different map sections in the FRIA - unless you are really good at C&P, its hard to get a feel for that region. It also doesn't help that in the 1e/2e era, it also got split apart on several printed maps (a piece of it on the Bloodstone map, for instance). Its no wonder George has been wanting a decent map of the place.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 03 Oct 2013 :  06:49:08  Show Profile Send Derulbaskul a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Markustay(snip)Also, I would also like a copy of Sage's 'Krash impiltur Lore', if possible. Thanks.(snip)

Me too. :)


NB: Please remember: A cannon is a big gun. Canon is what we discuss here.
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 03 Oct 2013 :  16:27:19  Show Profile Send Asharak a Private Message  Reply with Quote
If possible, i'm also interested for a copy of Sage's "Krash impiltur Lore". Thanks.

"Soyez réalistes : demandez l'impossible"

Sorry for my English... it's not my native tongue.
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 04 Oct 2013 :  04:25:33  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Friend Sage, it may be easiest to send a copy of this to me, then I can toss it up on my website and just share out a link to it.

I shan't be able to do that for about 24 hours, though. Not expecting to have much time for the interwebs betwixt now and then.

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