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 The Crying God is making me want to scream!
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United Kingdom
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Posted - 09 Jul 2003 :  01:28:38  Show Profile  Visit Joseph's Homepage Send Joseph a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic

I'm new to the forums, but hey everyone was once right? However, I'm not new to the realms, and to roleplay in all shapes and sizes.

My main passion is freeform messageboard roleplay, notably msn groups (check my homepage for a heavilly recommended site) and my main character, a one hundred and thirty~ year old barbarian come corcerer (it's complicated, he's actually twenty nine, but don't ask) has recently discovered faith.

Unfortunately, he has decided to follow the tenants of Ilmater, the crying god, and I'm having a really hard time finding any solid material on what the tenants of Ilmaterian faith actually are...

I've had a search of the forums and found the crying god mentioned a few times, but mostly in passing. If anyone has a wealth of information on him, then please send it to Me or post a link or the information here.

At present I'm getting close to considering another faith altogether for my die hard atheist to consider...

Someone told me the gods were laughing down at us, but I thought the gods were doing something alot less pleasent on me...

Master of Realmslore

1287 Posts

Posted - 09 Jul 2003 :  05:37:50  Show Profile Send Mournblade a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Try to get the old book faiths and avatars from the second edition. Probably published around 1996 or so. GREAT source of information.


A wizard is Never late Frodo Baggins. Nor is he Early. A wizard arrives precisely when he means to...
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The Sage
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Posted - 09 Jul 2003 :  09:42:10  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Here is something which may prove useful for you. Although as Mournblade suggests, for detailed information, consult the 2e tome Faiths and Avatars (9516).

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Posted - 19 Oct 2003 :  20:19:53  Show Profile  Visit Cyric's Homepage Send Cyric a Private Message  Reply with Quote
am just saying you should switch to Cyric
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William of Waterdeep
Senior Scribe

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Posted - 20 Oct 2003 :  02:24:29  Show Profile  Visit William of Waterdeep's Homepage Send William of Waterdeep a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yeah join Cyric and make other people scream.

Courage isn't the lack of fear but rather believing in and doing what you know is right even though fear is present.

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Mumadar Ibn Huzal
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 20 Oct 2003 :  21:29:39  Show Profile Send Mumadar Ibn Huzal a Private Message  Reply with Quote
In the 2nd edition supplements; Lands of Intrigue (LOI) and Empires of the Shining Sea (EotSS); is a small harvest of information regarding the faith of the Crying God.

Tethyr and Calimshan feature a large collection of monestaries dedicated to Ilmater (monastic orders name after flowers). And in Calimshan the faith actually benefits from governmental protection - kind of an anomaly in a country that deals in slaves... but the explaination can be found in EotSS.

Not sure about the latter, but LOI is available as a free download on the WotC website.
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Mumadar Ibn Huzal
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 20 Oct 2003 :  21:35:21  Show Profile Send Mumadar Ibn Huzal a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Actually, I found some more interesting stuff on my HDD (thanks to Steven Schend for providing the info):

Abbeys & Cloisters of Ilmater in Tethyr:
The ten cloisters of Ilmater were established over the past 400 years, and three of them remarkably came into being during the Alemandrian Interregnum. They are placed throughout the country such that a pilgrim/devotee can, with some effort, travel from one to another within two days' ride. They are all manors of sorts, with protective walls around at least a chapel, chapter house, stables, and gardens. Some are more opulent with libraries, monks' quarters separate from the chapter house, or even garrisons for an affiliated knightly order. Each has a specific goal for its faithful, in accord with the saint after which the house is named. While commoners see no distinction among them other than their services and ages, some are more prestigious within church hierarchies of Tethyr simply by their famous founders or associated saints. There are more notes and details about these monasteries, including the various duties of each house, within the various county sections below.
The cloisters of Ilmater are noted under their full names, though everyone refers to them simply by their saint's names (i.e. "St. Alaric's, St. Cabram's, etc.). They are listed by age (first number), and each has a second number, which ranks its prestige among the clergy:
1//2//Convent of St. Rhynda//Night violet (deep bluish-purple flower).//Dedicated in the Year of Bright Nights (985 DR). (Queen Rhinda? page 35 LOI-Tethyr)
2//7//Missionary of St. Cabram//Sunset daisy (deep orange)//Dedicated in the Year of the Stone Rose (1017 DR)
3//4//Monastery of St. Natan//Calim lily (local pale blue floating lily) Dedicated in the Year of the Keening Gale (1050 DR)
4//5//Seminary of St. Ostus//Morning glory//Dedicated in the Year of Shambles (1088 DR)
5//1//Convent of St. Teresa//Bloodlily (scarlet lily)//Dedicated in the Year of Azure Blood (1126 DR)
6//3//Abbey of St. Alaric//Briar rose//Dedicated in the Year of the Howling Moon (1130 DR)
7//8//Hospice of St. Corin//Thistle//Dedicated in the Year of the Yellow Rose (1242 DR)
8//10//Cloister of St. Ramedar//Rock violet (pale, miniature ground flower)//Dedicated in the Year of the Dragon (1352 DR). detailed in PP
9//9//Monastery of St. Domin//Mountain daisy (tiny, ochre-yellow ground-crawling flowers)//Dedicated in the Year of Maidens (1361 DR). Volo’s Guide to Baldur’s Gate II page 99/100
10//6//Priory of St. Silvyr//Tuarlye (blue flower with green highlights indigenous only to the Forest of Tethir)//Dedicated in the Year of the Staff (1366 DR). (King Silvyr? page 31 LOI-Tethyr)

Other Ilmatari Saints
Name of Saint - details
St Sollars the Twice-Martyred – Damara (Bloodstone Lands) - ?
St Morgan the Taciturn – Damara (Bloodstone Lands) - ?
St Dionysius - ?
St Jasper of the Rocks -?

St. Selimbrar: - St. Selimbrar was a paladin serving the Ilmatari temple in the Narfelli capital of Heligonius. Sir Selimbrar was a ranking general of the Narfelli army and a hero in many of its battles against the devastating magic of the Raumathari battle sorcerers. In the Year of the Wrongful Martyrs (-188 DR), Sir Selimbrar was ordered to lead his regiments to put down an uprising of serfs from the Great Dale who had been forced to work in the Narfelli farm belt near Milthius.
Both the ruins of this Narfelli agricultural center and the once fertile fields that surrounded it long have been buried beneath the barren wastelands of today's North Country, having vanished after the fall of Narfell and Raumathar. Narfelli parchments safeguarded in the queen's library in Impilturian Lyrabar say that Sir Selimbrar was convicted of treason and sentenced to die for his refusal, together with more than 80 serfs who survived another commander's putdown of their rebellion.
According to the Narfelli text, Sir Selimbrar and the serfs were stripped naked and whipped as they were forced to carry wooden crosses to a temple hill dedicated to Talona above Milthius, where death sentences were executed as sacrifices, to placate the goddess of disease and poison. When the death march reached the hilltop, the arms and legs of all of the condemned were broken and they were bound with ropes to the crosses they had borne, beginning the slow and agonizing death of crucifixion.
The Narfelli parchments say the condemned had been upon their crosses for less than an hour, and none had died yet, when a huge gold dragon flew in from the south and came to the hilltop. From the dragon's back stepped an emaciated man dressed in tattered rags whose body was covered by fresh wounds and the ancient scars of many whippings.
The man pointed to the Narfelli legion and said, "A curse be upon you, but of your own making, and the curse you shall suffer shall also bring the fall of your degenerate land!" With these words, the Narfelli soldiers had been bound motionless to the place where each stood. The ancient man then gestured with his right hand, and Selimbrar and the serfs were freed of their ropes, and their broken bones were healed. They descended from their crosses whole men again.
At this point, the Narfelli accounts in Lyrabar and the teachings of the Ilmatari church begin to differ. After that, the Narfelli text claims, Sir Selimbrar mounted the gold dragon's back in shining armor, flew upward upon the wyrm, and directed it to swoop down upon Milthius. The gold dragon attacked the city time and again with its fiery breath weapon until nothing remained but soot and ash.
According to the Narfelli parchments, Sir Selimbrar then directed the dragon toward the fertile fields of Milthius where the serfs had been ordered to work, and the golden wyrm bathed the fields time and again with its breath of weakening gas. After that, the fields lay fallow, and no seed would germinate in them nor would the least blade of grass take root within them, according to the Narfelli records.
The church of Ilmater claims that its painbearers were present at the mass crucifixion, bore witness to what transpired that day and passed the tale faithfully on within the church, where it is repeated correctly to this date. According to the Ilmatari, the Narfelli soldiers indeed were held motionless by the gestures of the old man, who they claim was none other than the avatar of the Broken God himself.
When St. Selimbrar, as they name him, stepped from the cross, he walked directly to the gold dragon and mounted it, then flew with the dragon southward. The avatar gestured to the freed serfs to follow, and they did so, miraculously marching through the sky behind St. Selimbrar and his wyrm.
After the serfs, Ilmater's avatar followed. Only after all had disappeared were the Narfelli soldiers freed from the magic that had held them. At first, nothing occurred to them. But in the days afterwards, the first time any of the soldiers drew his sword, he immediately broke out with the laughing plague, according to Ilmatari accounts, which led most of the warriors at the crucifixion of St. Selimbrar to refuse to ever draw steel again.
The Ilmatari deny that St. Selimbrar and his dragon did anything to destroy Milthius - an action that would have taken many innocent lives - or that he contaminated the farmland of Milthius, for it would be against the tenets of Ilmater to cause massive death, suffering or starvation.
The Ilmatari say that there indeed was plague in Milthius in the Year of the Wrongful Martyrs (-188 DR), and that the plague and famine caused the city's fall, not fire. They also acknowledge that the fields of Milthius went barren in that year, but they speculate that these things were the poisonous breath of Talona, who felt that her temple hill was desecrated through the abortive sacrificial crucifixions in her honor that the Narfelli failed to execute there.
Whatever the case may be, the Ilmatari claim that St. Selimbrar and the 80 serfs that he freed in Milthius continue to serve the Broken God and have indeed have done so seven times since the Miracle of Milthius, as they call it.
The most recent event, they say, was the appearance of an armored knight atop a golden dragon, blasting a battle call upon a silver horn and followed by 80 marching men in serfs' clothing who were armed only with scythes during the Battle of Bezentil in the Great Dale in the Year of the Roaring Horn (1288 DR).
According to many who witnessed that battle, the knight and his gold dragon defeated the dracolich Nargustrandir in a mighty aerial battle over the eastern Dale, while the serfs, seemingly unstoppable, mowed down archmagi and warriors of the Cult of the Dragon and many other evildoers. Neither the knight nor the serfs are said to have uttered a single syllable on that day.
After completing their mission, the knight and his dragon flew southward, and the serfs simply marched upward into the southern sky, disappearing over the horizon behind them. The painbearers of Ilmater are certain that this was an appearance of St. Selimbrar and the freed serfs of Milthius, and few sages in the Realms doubt them.
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Mumadar Ibn Huzal
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 20 Oct 2003 :  21:40:17  Show Profile Send Mumadar Ibn Huzal a Private Message  Reply with Quote
And something more...

Abbey of St. Alaric: The Abbey of St. Alaric is nestled in the hills a few miles southwest of Morninggold Keep, and this abbey is a library for medical knowledge as well as a center for training Ilmater's specialty priests. St Alaric's is one of the larger abbeys of Ilmater in the Lands of Intrigue, and it houses monks, priestesses and priests, and a number of lay scholars. It is also the most scholarly of the ten Tethyrian monasteries founded by the order of Ilmater, and this is the best school for any learned person in all of Tethyr. Saint Alaric was the son of a Cali****e healer and a Tethyrian wizard and scholar; among the many feats in his lifetime (12th century DR), he saved the life of the wizard-hero Bowgentle. Bowgentle later helped Alaric found this abbey and library. The abbey is headed by Revered Sister Janyrah yr Sarsora Abbess of the Abbey of St. Alaric
The only other notes I (= Steven Schend) have on St. Alaric is that he's half-Tethyrian (father) and half-Cali****e (mother), and the flower that epitomizes the order of St. Alaric and adorns the abbey is the briar rose (a wild orangish-red rose of smallish size).

****[Aulando's censoring prevents me from writing C a l i s h i t e ]

And even a little of my own homebrewed stuff:
Ilmater’s Temple (Oulmene): Five hundred years ago, priests of Ilmater, founded a rest stop for travelers along the River Walk. A few decades after that, the rest stop was visited by Alaric of Ilmater and some fellow priests. The priests decided that this would make a good location for a temple. With the aid of the local farmers, they cleared out trees and drove off the few monsters that had settled in the chosen spot. Soon travelers began visiting the temple regularly and the priests developed a loyal following. The hamlet, named Oulmene, grew and prospered along with the temple. Not surprisingly, such prosperity garnered the attention of local bandit gangs. One hundred years ago a large and highly trained bandit force overran the temple, killing and looting. Before they caused too much damage the duke of Dusk sent a small army to end the destruction. Although the temple was ruined, the hamlet was saved. With all the priests’ dead, there was no one left to rebuild the temple. The townspeople made a halfhearted effort to fix the temple but something scared them off. As time passed, one exaggerated story led to another until everyone in the village believed the temple was haunted by hordes of undead priests. The church of Ilmater, under political pressure elsewhere, decided to abandon the site.
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William of Waterdeep
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Posted - 20 Oct 2003 :  23:32:36  Show Profile  Visit William of Waterdeep's Homepage Send William of Waterdeep a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Wow thats some good reading material.Thank you and Steven Schend.

Courage isn't the lack of fear but rather believing in and doing what you know is right even though fear is present.

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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 22 Oct 2003 :  16:41:17  Show Profile  Visit Cyric's Homepage Send Cyric a Private Message  Reply with Quote
yes but did you se any thing abut Cyric there
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William of Waterdeep
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Posted - 22 Oct 2003 :  22:13:37  Show Profile  Visit William of Waterdeep's Homepage Send William of Waterdeep a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Cyric

yes but did you se any thing abut Cyric there

No,it was about Ilmater.Come on you read more than just stuff about Cyric don't you?

Courage isn't the lack of fear but rather believing in and doing what you know is right even though fear is present.

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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 23 Oct 2003 :  09:09:26  Show Profile  Visit Cyric's Homepage Send Cyric a Private Message  Reply with Quote
yes i did i wondered abut the page where he found this if there was any thing abut Cyric there
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William of Waterdeep
Senior Scribe

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Posted - 25 Oct 2003 :  05:26:18  Show Profile  Visit William of Waterdeep's Homepage Send William of Waterdeep a Private Message  Reply with Quote
LOL.......You will never change my friend.
You sure your not really THE CYRIC Dark Sun????

Courage isn't the lack of fear but rather believing in and doing what you know is right even though fear is present.

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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 30 Oct 2003 :  16:14:58  Show Profile  Visit Cyric's Homepage Send Cyric a Private Message  Reply with Quote
who knows, who knows
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William of Waterdeep
Senior Scribe

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Posted - 31 Oct 2003 :  04:13:08  Show Profile  Visit William of Waterdeep's Homepage Send William of Waterdeep a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Cyric

who knows, who knows

I think you really are Cyric.If not,you should be.

Courage isn't the lack of fear but rather believing in and doing what you know is right even though fear is present.

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Mumadar Ibn Huzal
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 17 Nov 2003 :  22:22:13  Show Profile Send Mumadar Ibn Huzal a Private Message  Reply with Quote
At least he sounds like he has read the Cyrinishad... The way he seems to ramble at times across various posts... not unlike the Cyric during the Cyrinshad debacle...
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Great Reader

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Posted - 17 Nov 2003 :  22:25:19  Show Profile  Visit Bookwyrm's Homepage Send Bookwyrm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Indeed! He even had the nerve to suggest my latest character would be made perfect by making him a Cyrist.

Hell hath no fury like all of Candlekeep rising in defense of one of its own.

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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 17 Dec 2003 :  17:02:11  Show Profile  Visit Cyric's Homepage Send Cyric a Private Message  Reply with Quote
he would have ben happy and you know it....
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Great Reader

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Posted - 28 Sep 2018 :  13:41:58  Show Profile  Visit cpthero2's Homepage Send cpthero2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Acolyte Joseph,

Here is a fantastic source of Ilmater material. It's been some years since you posted, but hey, why not?

The citations at the bottom are fantastic, and quite numerous.

Best regards,

Originally posted by Joseph


I'm new to the forums, but hey everyone was once right? However, I'm not new to the realms, and to roleplay in all shapes and sizes.

My main passion is freeform messageboard roleplay, notably msn groups (check my homepage for a heavilly recommended site) and my main character, a one hundred and thirty~ year old barbarian come corcerer (it's complicated, he's actually twenty nine, but don't ask) has recently discovered faith.

Unfortunately, he has decided to follow the tenants of Ilmater, the crying god, and I'm having a really hard time finding any solid material on what the tenants of Ilmaterian faith actually are...

I've had a search of the forums and found the crying god mentioned a few times, but mostly in passing. If anyone has a wealth of information on him, then please send it to Me or post a link or the information here.

At present I'm getting close to considering another faith altogether for my die hard atheist to consider...

Higher Atlar
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