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 The spellfire, the weave and the outer planes
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Felen Enthelion

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Posted - 25 Jun 2008 :  01:01:13  Show Profile  Visit Felen Enthelion's Homepage Send Felen Enthelion a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I certainly don't believe the Weave -- or its contiguous source -- is absent in Dweomerheart.

Actually... i second editions well... it is.

I mean, in second edition the crystal sphere of Realmspace is pervaded by raw magic. Raw magic is deadly to mortals. The weave is what Mystra gives to mortal people to purify raw magic and let them use magic.

On the Outer Planes magic isn't raw. Outer Planes are the planes of Belief, and there magic is easier to use. There is no need of any channel like the weave. For the opposite reason there is no weave in the Inner Planes, because their magic is totally binded to matter.

I don't know about the other crystal spheres in 2nd edition. Or, like you say, there is raw magic on all the Prime Material and the gods of Magic of each one of them (like Boccob for Oerth and Lunitari, Solinari and Nuitari for Krinn) have their own weave (and that means that they never spoke of that before...) OR raw magic is something unic of Realmspace(and that means Toril is really an unluky planet)...

The last option is the worst one fo a spellfire wielder. So I hope it is the 1st.

I think you can just say Mystra attatches a 'lifeline' to her Chosen and other 'special' individuals

It is an interesting idea But it should be like a continuous channel of raw magic in one singol being.... something very dangerous.
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 25 Jun 2008 :  20:31:20  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
For Chosen, I imagine them having their own 'self-contained' mini-Weave about them (they carry pieces of Mystra within them).

That doesn't work so well as an explanation for Spellfire users though, hence my 'lifeline' concept.. or you can just say they were Warlocks all along, and just thought they got their power from Mystra (Raw magic = Eldritch magic?)

That probably goes against the novels though - I never read any Spellfire or Harper novels, so I wouldn't know.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 25 Jun 2008 20:32:02
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Posted - 21 May 2012 :  05:40:47  Show Profile Send PrimeClueless a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Alright. Everyone is looking at the weave as some all enveloping force of the planes. That's not the case. The weave was created by the old Gods, Mystryl in particular, as a safeguard to protect Toril from magical destruction. Toril is a magic rich world. The magic infuses everything, the sediment, air, water, everything. The planet is so rich with magic that the world would burn with magical energy. For Gods this wouldn't be a problem, and so AO wasn't concerned with it when he created his sphere, but when Mystryl and the other dieties were all born or spawned, they saw that the world could not maintain life with those levels, and as a result Mystryl developed the weave as a safeguard for creatures to exist. It acts as a giant filter sifting the raw magical energies into levels that the planet can sustain, or perhaps a safety net that keeps the energies in check.

Not every planet of every crystal sphere is like this. Some are different and designed according to the needs or wants of its Over God. With this in mind the weave is unique to only a few places that are somehow linked to Toril directly and with close ties to it. For instance Abeir or Faerie, or other quasi planes that exist outside of Toril but are linked to it directly.

On other planes of existence there is no weave. There is no need for one. Magic exists in different strengths and designs. On some planes the magic ebbs and flows like waves on the water. On some planes the magic limits certain aspects of life such as good, evil, chaos or law. These differences in magic have no effect on a weave, because there isn't one.

As for Mystra taking Cyric's magic away. I believe they were in Ao's court when that happened, and as his court is found within his crystal sphere on the prime material plane, the weave and her power would apply. Dweamorhome would not be affected as it is on Mechanus, and only would be under Mystra's direct influence.

Now, as for the Spellfire Channeler and Spellfire Hierophant, consider them to be like human magical batteries. They are able to absorb magical energy and hold it in their unique phisiology for a short period of time. The energy is not constant. they cannot directly link to the weave and draw energy as they need it, they must have it cast into them directly and not by an area of effect spell. This is why their abilities would work on any planet or plane where magic flows. They would even be able to maintain their energy on a planet or plane that has no magic at all, though once used the magic would then be gone and unable to recharge. The reason spellfire doesn't function in an anti-magic field is that all magic in any form, raw or refined is negated. The energy is still there, but it can't be utilized. Once the individual leaves the anti-magic area his levels are still usable and at their original power they were before they went into the anti-magic field. Magic Dead areas sort of work like anti-magic fields and so have the same affect on Spellfire.

Now those of you who want to argue the affects of psionics in these cases should know that psionics isn't magic in any form. Psionics are effects created by the will of the possessor, the raw internal energies of the individuals using it and so has nothing to do with anti-magic or magic, arcane or divine. It functions on any plane at the same levels on only rarely affected by them. Psionics can be cast in magic dead areas and anti-magic fields.

I hope this helps folks out. Regardless of what version of D&D your playing, the multi-verse doesn't and shouldn't change and in most cases it doesn't.
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