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Forgotten Realms Designer

969 Posts

Posted - 12 Feb 2008 :  00:30:37  Show Profile Send TomCosta a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
So as noted in the Fox-at-Twilight posting, Erik and I tried statting up some of his characters from Depths of Madness....

The enormous man before you is garbed in little more than a tanned leather skirt that leaves bare his muscled gray body, with its strange brown-red markings and numerous bony protrusions, many of which are pierced. A giant sword of black metal rests easily and dangerously in one hand, while the other grips an oddly and wickedly curved blade.

CAd = Complete Adventurer, CW = Complete Warrior, FF = Fiend Folio, MC = Magic Item Compendium, RS = Races of Stone

Male goliathRS of Anauroch goliath barbarianRS 1/ranger 6/goliath liberatorRS 4/tempestCAd 5
CG Medium monstrous humanoid
Init +1; Senses Listen +12, Spot +12
Languages Common (Thorass alphabet), Gol-KaaRS (Dethek [Dwarven] alphabet)

AC 22, touch 16, flat-footed 21 (+1 Dex, +4 armor, +2 natural armor, +2 deflection, +3 tempest defense); Dodge, Mobility, avoid reach (+2 AC), avoid thrown weapons (+2 AC)
hp 141 (16 HD; 6d6+9d10+1d12+64)
Immune spells or effects that affect humanoids only
Resist Endurance, acclimated, powerful build
Fort +19, Ref +8, Will +6

Speed 30 ft. (6 squares); Spring Attack, mountain movement
Melee Blackwyrm (Large +2 acidic burstMC adamantine longsword) +24/+19/+14/+9 (2d6+8+1d6 acid/17-20 plus extra 1d10 acid) and Large mwk cold iron kukri +23/+18 (1d6+3/15-20)
Ranged Large mwk composite longbow +18/+13/+8/+3 (2d6+6/„e3) or
Ranged rock +17/+12/+7/+2 (2d6+6; 15 ft. range increment)
Base Atk +16; Grp +26
Atk Options Improved Trip, equal footing, favored enemy (giants) +6, favored enemy (reptilian humanoids) +2, mountain rage 1/day, powerful build, two-weapon spring attack
Special Actions Fling AllyRS

Ranger Spells Prepared (CL 3rd; Concentration +4):
1st¡Xlongstrider, speak with animals

Abilities Str 23 (+6; 21 without goliath arm piercings), Dex 12 (+1), Con 18 (+4; 16 without goliath waist piercings), Int 10 (+0), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 8 (-1)
SQ ambidexterity, animal companion (hawk), combat style (two-weapon combat), improved combat style (two-weapon combat), link (with animal companion), mountain movement, share spells (with animal companion), two-weapon versatility, wild empathy +5 (+1 magical beasts)

Feats Dodge, EnduranceB, Fling AllyRS, Improved Critical (longsword), Improved TripB, Improved Two-Weapon FightingB, Mobility, Rock HurlingRS, Spring Attack, TrackB, Two-Weapon FightingB

Skills Climb +15, Diplomacy +1, Hide +11, Jump +15, Listen +12, Move Silently +11, Sense Motive +9, Spot +12, Survival +12

Possessions goliath body piercings of armor +4 (see below), goliath shoulder piercings of deflection +2 (see below), goliath torso piercings of natural armor +2 (see below), Blackwyrm (Large +2 acidic burstMC adamantine longsword), Large masterwork cold iron kukri, Large masterwork composite [+6 Str] longbow, 40 Large arrows, goliath arm piercings of strength +2 (see below), goliath waist piercings of constitution +2 (see below), and about 550 gp worth of other gear, such as cure potions, utility items, jewelry, and coin. (Since escaping the Depths of Madness, Gargan bought his masterwork weapons and other gear.)

Forgotten Realms Designer

969 Posts

Posted - 12 Feb 2008 :  00:31:55  Show Profile Send TomCosta a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Acclimated (Ex) Gargan is acclimated to life at high altitude. He doesn’t take the penalties for altitude described in the Mountain Travel section on page 90 of the DMG. Gargan doesn’t lose his acclimation to high altitude even if he spends a long time at lower elevation.

Ambidexterity (Ex) Gargan’s attack penalties for fighting with two weapons are lessened to -2 or +0 if the off-hand weapon is a light weapon. Gargan loses this ability when fighting in medium or heavy armor.

Animal Companion (Ex) Gargan has a female hawk named Skyhunter as an animal companion, who he uses mostly for scouting, rarely in combat.

N Tiny animal
Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Listen +4, Spot +18

AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 16 (+2 size, +4 Dex, +4 natural)
hp 13 (3 HD)
Resist evasion
Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +3

Speed 10 ft. (2 squares), fly 60 ft. (average); Wingover
Melee Talons +8 (1d4-2)
Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Base Atk +2; Grp -8

Abilities Str 7 (-2), Dex 18 (+4), Con 10 (+0), Int 2 (-4), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 6 (-2)
SQ 2 bonus tricks (Come, Seek)
Feats Alertness, Weapon FinesseB, Wingover
Skills Listen +4, Spot +18

Avoid Reach (Ex) Gargan has a +2 dodge bonus to AC against melee attacks made by creatures that are not adjacent to him.

Avoid Thrown Weapons (Ex) Gargan has a +2 dodge bonus to his AC against thrown weapons.

Equal Footing (Ex) Gargan gains Improved Trip as a bonus feat. In addition, when making a trip attack against a creature at least one size category larger than he is, Gargan gains an additional +4 bonus on his Strength check (total +18; while raging +21; while fatigued +17) made to trip the opponent.

Fling AllyRS This feat enables Gargan to pick up an ally at least one size category smaller than him—goliaths are treated as Large creatures—and throw her toward a specific square up to five range increments away. It takes a move action to pick up an ally and a standard action to throw that ally. Gargan makes a ranged touch attack (against AC 5) to throw the ally to the chosen square. If the touch attack hits, the ally lands in the square Gargan designates. If the touch attack is a miss, randomly determine in which square the ally lands, using the Missing with a Thrown Weapon diagram on page 158 of the PH. If the ally lands in a square that is occupied, she lands prone in that square. In any case, the ally doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity for this movement.
Allies one size category smaller than Gargan have a range increment of 5 feet, while allies two size categories or more smaller than Gargan have a range increment of 15 feet. Gargan must be strong enough to lift the ally over his head (the ally’s weight cannot exceed his maximum load of 600 lb. or when raging, 1,400 lb.) to throw her.

Monstrous Humanoid (Ex) As a monstrous humanoid, Gargan is not subject to spells or effects that affect humanoids only such as charm person or dominate person.

Mountain Movement (Ex) Gargan can make standing long jumps and high jumps as if they were running long jumps and high jumps. Gargan can engage in accelerated climbing (climbing at half his speed as a move action) without taking the -5 penalty on the Climb check.
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Forgotten Realms Designer

969 Posts

Posted - 12 Feb 2008 :  00:32:54  Show Profile Send TomCosta a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Mountain Rage (Su) Once per day, Gargan can enter a mountain rage that lasts for 9 rounds. When Gargan rages, his size category increases to Large. This change increases Gargan¡¦s space and reach to 10 feet and applies a -1 penalty on attack rolls and to AC. However, he does not gain additional benefits on weapon size and grapple checks. He also gains an additional +2 bonus to his Strength when he enters his mountain rage. Gargan gains these benefits in addition to the normal benefits and penalties of a barbarian¡¦s rage (+4 Strength, +4 Constitution, +2 on Will saves, and -2 to AC). Gargan is fatigued for the duration of the encounter when his rage ends. While raging, Gargan has the following changed statistics:

AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 18
hp 173 (+32)
Fort +21, Will +8
Melee Blackwyrm (Large +2 acidic burstMC adamantine longsword) +26/+21/+16/+11 (2d6+11+1d6 acid/17-20 plus extra 1d10 acid) and Large mwk cold iron kukri +25/+20 (1d6+4/15-20)
Ranged Large mwk composite longbow +17/+12/+7/+2 (2d6+6/„e3) or
Ranged rock +16/+11/+6/+1 (2d6+9; 15 ft. range increment)
Grp +29
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Abilities Str 29 (+9), Con 22 (+6)
Skills Climb +18, Jump +18

While fatigued, Gargan has the following changed statistics:

Init +0
AC 21, touch 15, flat-footed 21
Ref +7
Speed can¡¦t charge or run
Melee Blackwyrm (Large +2 acidic burstMC adamantine longsword) +23/+18/+13/+8 (2d6+7+1d6 acid/17-20 plus extra 1d10 acid) and Large mwk cold iron kukri +22/+17 (1d6+2/15-20)
Ranged Large mwk composite longbow +15/+10/+5/+0 (2d6+5/„e3) or
Ranged rock +16/+11/+6/+1 (2d6+5; 15 ft. range increment)
Grp +25
Abilities Str 21 (+5), Dex 10 (+0)
Skills Climb +14, Hide +10, Jump +14, Move Silently +10

Powerful Build (Ex) Whenever Gargan is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), Gargan is treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to him. Gargan is also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature¡¦s special attacks based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect him. Gargan can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty.

Tempest Defense (Ex) When wielding a double weapon or two weapons, Gargan gains a +3 bonus to Armor Class (included above). Gargan loses this ability when fighting in medium or heavy armor.

Two-Weapon Spring Attack (Ex) When Gargan makes a spring attack, he can attack once each with two different weapons as an attack action. Gargan loses this ability when fighting in medium or heavy armor.

Two-Weapon Versatility (Ex) When Gargan fights with two weapons, he can apply the effects of his Improved Critical feat to the other weapon as well.
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Forgotten Realms Designer

969 Posts

Posted - 12 Feb 2008 :  00:33:55  Show Profile Send TomCosta a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hook “Kaemaleth nakom kae thaunea.” (“Foxdaughter leads to my destiny.”)

Gargan Vathkelke Kaugathal, Gargan the Dispossessed, is a mighty goliath warrior and outcast, whose destiny is somehow inextricably tied to the Fox-at-Twilight.

Physical Description
Gargan Kaugathal is a big man, nearly seven feet in height, with leathery gray skin that looks more like rock than flesh. He is hairless and has gem-like green eyes that seem to glow in the dark. A large red swath, like a birthmark, spreads across his chest and back, trailing seeming claws onto his thighs and biceps—the Fox-at-Twilight has once observed that the marking looks a little like a wolf or some other animal. Like all goliaths, Gargan believes his marking points the way to his destiny, though no non-goliath understands it, and it is forbidden for a goliath to try to read it. Gargan’s body is intermittently pocked with small, pebble-like growths called lithoderms, which serve as the platform for several of his magical body piercings.

Other than the equipment noted above, Gargan wears little in the way of clothing, the better to show his tattoo-like markings. Generally, he limits his dress to a belt and short breeches or a skirt of leather, though he has been known to wear a tunic and cloak.

Background and Relevant History
Gargan’s full name is Gargan Vathkelke Kaugathal. Vathkelke, or “Dispossessed,” is a name attached to him in the goliath style (see below), but he is unusual compared to other goliaths in that he introduces himself as Gargan, rather than by his honorific (which he does not particularly like, but bears as a matter of honor).

He is a creature of very few words and stoic reactions. Since his acquaintance with the Fox-at-Twilight, he has learned enough of the Common tongue to understand it very well, but he prefers to let her speak, while he listens and watches his foes. Gargan, like most goliaths, has an attuned sense of non-verbal communication and can often tell what folk desire, regardless of the language they use. For all this, Gargan is not anti-social or morose—rather, he is an energetic competitor, who enjoys the camaraderie of working with others and thrills in vying against opponents, friendly or otherwise. Like others of his kind, he is fixated upon self-improvement and loves physical games. Only failure to meet or exceed his own accomplishments frustrates him. Lately, Twilight has introduced Gargan to the concept of card games, dice, and the like, and while he isn’t overly adept, he enjoys these quite well. Rarely does he beat Twilight, however, for he has yet to grasp the concept of “cheating”—one that is central to her character.

In many ways, Gargan is the perfect counter for Twilight—physically strong but slow where she is frail but swift; wise but more ponderous of thought where she is brilliant but lacks sense; quiet and observant where she is brash and heedless; and honest and forthright where she is deceptive and never, ever lets on more than she intends. Despite his chaotic nature that values independence and liberty, he is a stolid and dependable companion, fearsome in combat and quietly supportive in person. He never talks about himself and is largely inscrutable.

Because of Gargan’s tight-lipped manner, his past is only a little less mysterious than that of his companion Twilight. He belonged to a tribe of goliaths who made their camp in the Plain of Standing Stones in the depths of Anauroch. In those days, he was known as Goluukamkak (or “Stoneslayer”) for his prowess against stone giants, and for destroying a stone golem awakened from an ancient crypt in the desert. He was part of a band of goliath liberators tasked with fighting off war parties of giants and similar threats to his people, and with raiding enemy camps to rescue captured kin. One such raid, however, proved disastrous, and Gargan was the only one of the hunting party to survive. Afterward, against the advice of the tribe elders, he left the tribe to seek out someone who might be able to read the birth markings that pointed to his fate—he grew obsessed with understanding how such tragedy could befall him. He found, in the crypt where he had encountered the stone golem that gave him his name, what appeared to be the spirit of an ancient wizard, who told him that his fate pointed toward a creature called the Daughter of the Fox (“kaemaleth” in Gol-kaa), who would lead him to his destiny.

Gargan returned to find that his tribe had moved on and was not speaking to him. Finally, after days in which they would not speak to him, Mehvenne, the ancient druid of the tribe, told Gargan that he was being shunned and was to be exiled from the tribe. She took away his name Stoneslayer and gave him a new honorific, Vathkelke (which finds its closest Common tongue approximation as “Dispossessed” or, as is the literal definition, “lost by choice”). After he left the tribe, Gargan traveled on his own, looking both to die rejected from his people and to continue protecting them. He proved strong rather than weak, and gained power and skill beyond anything he had known in the tribe. He took to hunting powerful threats to the goliaths of Anauroch, without reward or even acknowledgement. He knew he could never return to his people, but he could still protect them.

In the last days of 1374 DR, Year of Lightning Storms, he tracked a fiend-stitched troll called Tlork into the desert and found himself imprisoned in a lost enclave of Netheril called Negarath—a place twisted to madness by the arts of a thrall of Demogorgon and an insane Sharn. There, he met a petite moon elf called the Fox-at-Twilight, and instantly gravitated to her as the fulfillment of the ancient wizard’s words. Since their escape from the Depths of Madness, he has journeyed for a time with Twilight, desiring to see new cultures and places—and to follow the path to his destiny.
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Forgotten Realms Designer

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Posted - 12 Feb 2008 :  00:34:58  Show Profile Send TomCosta a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Notable Allies and Enemies
Having been shunned by his tribe and being unusual and intimidating of visage, Gargan is by necessity a loner. He makes a noted exception for the Fox-at-Twilight, who he believes holds the key to his fate. Twilight (who he calls “kaemaleth,” or “Foxdaughter,” which is how he refers to her in Common) is his only friend, and he, in turn, is the closest anything comes to being her friend. Twilight has brought about certain growths in his character—opening him up to be freer with his feelings—and vice versa, tempering her wild nature (somewhat). Twilight has learned how to goad him into an argument, which he rather enjoys (though at first he took great offense until he realized she wasn’t serious). He has been known to call her “kaemal thavaal” (“filthy vermin”), at which she laughs heartily.

Mehvenne “Starseeker” Kalgatan (NG female goliathRS druidRS 15), the venerable druid of Gargan’s old tribe, has been known to violate goliath custom and speak (albeit indirectly) to Gargan. She is much like a grandmother to him, though whether they are actually related is unknown.

Gargan’s other companions were a series of other goliaths, most of whom perished in the raid that drove him on his obsession with his markings. Twilight has heard Gargan speak at least once of a female goliath with whom he maintained some kind of relationship—Lethalua “Hiddenrunner” Kankulemoa (CN female goliathRS barbarianRS 2/sorcerer 4/rage mageCW 5)—with whom he apparently broke when he left on his quest and has not seen again. Secretly, he suspects that she followed him but was slain by one of the dangers in the desert—for this, he blames himself and refuses to speak more on the subject.
One of Gargan’s longtime foes is the magic warhammer-wielding Tlork “Thunderhead” (CE male troll barbarian 2/fighter 6; see below), the stupid, but incredibly strong jailor of the dungeon known only as the Depths of Madness. Gargan has fought the troll on numerous occasions, and though his combat skills are greater, the creature’s intensive regenerative capabilities and fiend-stitched limbs compensate and level the odds. Of great use against the troll is Gargan’s acid-dripping sword, Blackwyrm, which Tlork intensely fears.

Strategies and Tactics
Gargan is a direct combatant who tries to overwhelm foes with the might and number of his attacks, easily cutting his way through lesser foes. He constantly moves—climbing and jumping with his mountain movement if necessary—his way across the field of battle, making use of his two-weapon spring attack class feature, to reach foes and avoid their attacks. He doesn’t hesitate to knock his opponents to the ground using his Improved Trip feat, equal footing class feature, and powerful build to his best advantage. He prefers to not use his mountain rage unless he has too.

Defensively, Gargan is nearly as direct as he is offensively, relying on his magical protections, his Dodge and Mobility feats, and bonuses against reach and thrown weapons.

Gargan generally holds his spells in reserve or sometimes, as may be the case with longstrider, uses them in preparation for combat. He uses his Fling Ally feat as needs dictate, and Twilight has been known to make use of it. Gargan almost never uses Skyhunter in combat, relying instead on the bird to scout out an area and his speak with animals spell to hear what she’s seen.
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Forgotten Realms Designer

969 Posts

Posted - 12 Feb 2008 :  00:40:02  Show Profile Send TomCosta a Private Message  Reply with Quote
[Note, my apologies for the table, I tried to clean up as much as possible.]

Unique Items
Gargan has several magic body piercings that are favored and crafted by goliaths, who prefer to display their skin patterns for all to see. The goliaths often use them to pierce the lithoderms (coin-sized bone and skin growths) that speckle their arms, shoulders, torso, and occasionally, heads.

Goliath Body Piercings
Price (Item Level): Varies (varies)
Body Slot: Varies
Caster Level: 5th or higher (see below)
Aura: Varies
Activation: —
Weight: —

These body piercings are crafted from various metals and sometimes embedded with gems. They are frequently bar-shaped, though many are curved, sometimes into the shape of a torque or ring.

Goliaths are fond of body piercings and often enhance them with magic. These small pieces of jewelry generally come in pairs (like gloves or boots) and can be enhanced with any of the effects listed in the table below. They take up one of the body slots listed in the table below and will not work if pierced into a different body slot. The table also lists the price to purchase piercings, spell prerequisites for crafting piercings and the magical aura of the different kinds of piercings. The piercings can be enhanced with multiple types of effects, but like any magic item that takes up a body slot with dissimilar powers, each additional power has a 50% increase in price (except as noted below).

Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, varies.
Cost to Create: Varies.

Effect (Bonus Type) / Price / Body Slot1 / Prerequisite (Aura)

AC bonus (armor) Bonus squared x 1,000 gp A, B Mage armor (conjuration)

AC bonus (deflection) Bonus squared x 2,000 gp B, S Shield of faith (conjuration)

AC bonus (natural armor) Bonus squared x 2,000 gp B, To Barkskin (transmutation)

AC bonus (other2) Bonus squared x 2,500 gp S, Th, To Varies3

Damage reduction4/bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing Point value squared x 1,000 gp
A, B, To Stoneskin, CL 7 (abjuration)

Damage reduction4/magic (Point value squared x 1,000 gp) + 3,000 gp B, Sh, To Stoneskin, CL 7 (abjuration)

Damage reduction4/adamantine, cold iron, or silver (Point value squared x 1,000 gp) + 6,000 gp A, B, To Stoneskin, CL 7 (abjuration)

Damage reduction4/chaotic, evil, good, or lawful (Point value squared x 1,000 gp) + 6,000 gp B, Sh, To Righteous might, CL 9 (transmutation)

Damage reduction4/— (Point value squared x 1,000 gp) + 9,000 gp A, B, To Stoneskin, CL 12 (abjuration)

Universal energy resistance against acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic 30,000 gp (energy resistance 5); 60,000 gp (energy resistance 10); 90,000 gp (energy resistance 15); 120,000 gp (energy resistance 20); 150,000 gp (energy resistance 25), 180,000 gp (energy resistance 30)
B, S, To Resist energy, CL 15 (abjuration)

Energy resistance against acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic 4,000 gp (energy resistance 5); 12,000 gp (energy resistance 10); 20,000 gp (energy resistance 15); 28,000 gp (energy resistance 20); 36,000 gp (energy resistance 25), 44,000 gp (energy resistance 30)
B, S, To Resist energy (abjuration)

Spell resistance 10,000 gp per point over SR12; SR 13 minimum B, Sh, Th Spell resistance, CL 9 (abjuration)

Save bonus (resistance) Bonus squared x 1,000 gp S, To Resistance, CL 3 #61620; bonus (abjuration)

Save bonus (other2) Bonus squared x 2,000 gp S, Th, To Varies3, CL 3 #61620; bonus

Fortitude save bonus (resistance) Bonus squared x 250 gp Th, To Resistance, CL 3 x bonus (abjuration)

Fortitude save bonus (other2) Bonus squared x 500 gp Th, To Varies3, CL 3 x bonus

Reflex save bonus (resistance) Bonus squared x 250 gp Ft, W Resistance, CL 3 x bonus (abjuration)

Reflex save bonus (other2) Bonus squared x 500 gp Ft, W Varies3, CL 3 #61620; bonus

Will save bonus (resistance) Bonus squared x 250 gp Hd, Th Resistance, CL 3 #61620; bonus (abjuration)

Will save bonus (other2) Bonus squared x 500 gp Hd, Th Varies3, CL 3 #61620; bonus

Strength bonus (enhancement) Bonus (even only) squared x 1,000 gp A, Ha, W Bull’s strength (transmutation)

Dexterity bonus (enhancement) Bonus (even only) squared x 1,000 gp A, Ft, Ha Cat’s grace (transmutation)

Constitution bonus (enhancement) Bonus (even only) squared x 1,000 gp Th, To, W Bear’s endurance (transmutation)

Intelligence bonus (enhancement) Bonus (even only) squared x 1,000 gp Fa, Hd Fox’s cunning (transmutation)

Wisdom bonus (enhancement) Bonus (even only) squared x 1,000 gp Hd, Th Owl’s wisdom (transmutation)

Charisma bonus (enhancement) Bonus (even only) squared x 1,000 gp Hd, S Eagle’s splendor (transmutation)

Ability check bonus5 (competence) Bonus squared x 500 gp Varies6 Varies6

Ability check bonus5 (other2) Bonus squared x 1000 gp Varies6 Varies6

Skill bonus7 (competence) Bonus squared x 100 gp8 Varies9 Varies3

Skill bonus7 (other2) Bonus squared x 200 gp8 Varies9 Varies3

Raw ability bonus10 (competence) Bonus squared x 200 gp Varies6 Varies6

Raw ability bonus10 (other2) Bonus squared x 400 gp Varies6 Varies6

1 A = Arms; B= Body; Fa= Face; Ft = Feet; Ha = Hands; Hd = Head; R = Ring; S = Shoulder; Th = Throats; To = Torso; W= Waist.

2 Such as an insight, luck, sacred, or profane bonus.

3 The prerequisites for such effects vary and should be approved by the DM.

4 The effects of wearing multiple sets of goliath body piercings with different types of damage reduction do not stack and cannot be combined. Moreover, only one form of damage reduction can be active each round. The wearer must choose which type of damage reduction is active. Changing which type of damage reduction is active is a swift action.

5 Ability check bonuses apply to one ability. Ability check bonuses grant a bonus on all of the chosen ability’s ability-based checks, including skill checks and ability checks, as well as, if applicable, bardic knowledge checks (Intelligence), initiative checks (Dexterity), turning checks (Charisma), and wild empathy checks (Charisma). It does not grant you access to class features, such as bardic knowledge and wild empathy, you do not have.

6 Ability check and raw ability bonuses use the same body slot options and prerequisites as an enhancement bonus to the same ability.

7 Skill bonuses apply to one skill. Bardic knowledge (which includes stackable class features such as a loremaster’s lore class feature) and wild empathy may be treated as skills for the purpose of making goliath body piercings.

8 Additional skill bonuses can be added to goliath body piercings, but each additional skill bonus only has a 50% increase in price if the skill uses a different base ability, such as Balance and Climb. Skill checks that have the same base ability, such as Profession (tanner) and Survival, are treated as similar abilities and use the base skill bonus price for all bonuses.

9 Goliath body piercings that provide a skill bonus usually use one of the same body slots as an enhancement bonus to the skill’s key ability and should be approved by the DM. For example, a bonus to Sleight of Hand should probably take up a hand slot, but not a foot slot.

10 Raw ability bonuses apply to all ability or opposed ability checks for one ability. They do not apply to other checks, such as untrained skill checks (including Knowledge checks), trained skill checks, and grapple checks. Examples of some checks to which each bonus applies are noted below.
• A Strength check bonus applies to checks to open a sealed container and break or burst open bonds and doors, and opposed checks made during a bull rush, overrun, or trip.
• A Dexterity check bonus applies to checks to avoid slipping or falling (when a Balance or Reflex save is not called for), thread a needle, and not spill something, opposed checks to avoid an overrun or trip, and initiative checks.
• A Constitution check bonus applies to checks made to stay awake, continue running, avoid nonlethal damage from a forced march, hold your breath, and avoid nonlethal damage from starvation and thirst.
• An Intelligence check bonus applies to checks to notice a scrying sensor, navigate a maze, and memorize or remember something.
• A Wisdom check applies to checks to avoid drawing false conclusions from a failed Decipher Script check, determine the exact type of poison with a detect poison spell, determine the time, and recognize a stranger you’ve seen before.
• A Charisma check applies to checks to get oneself singled out in a crowd and influence others in ways not covered by skill checks, opposed checks to convince a magically charmed or commanded creature to do something it wouldn’t ordinarily do, and turning checks (but not turning damage).
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Forgotten Realms Designer

969 Posts

Posted - 12 Feb 2008 :  00:41:01  Show Profile Send TomCosta a Private Message  Reply with Quote

New Region
Plain of Standing Stones Region: Most goliaths live among the many peaks of Anauroch’s Plain of Standing Stones, the rocky, barren plateaus deep within the Great Desert’s center inhabited by giants, hobgoblins, leucrotta, manticores, and other monsters. This region also includes the goliath tribes of Azirrhat further south in the Anauroch’s Sword, where they compete with the reptilian asabi that live below for resources.

Region: Plain of Standing Stones (Anauroch)
Automatic Languages: Gol-Kaa
Bonus Languages: Draconic, Dwarven, Giant, Gnoll, Goblin, Midani
Favored Deities: Kavaki (Lathander), Manethek (Gwaeron Windstrom), Naki-Uthal (Shaundakul), Theleya (Chauntea), Vanua (Talos)
Regional Feats: Bullheaded, Surefooted, Tireless
Bonus Equipment: (A) Large mwk greataxe, Large mwk longsword, or Large mwk (one end) quarterstaff; or (B) Scroll of bear’s endurance and bull’s strength.

Random Starting Ages: 14 years (adulthood), +1d4 (simple classes), +1d6 (moderate classes), +2d6 (complex classes)
Aging Effects: 35 years (middle age), 53 years (old), 70 years (venerable), +2d10 (maximum)
Random Height and Weight: 6’0” (base height), +2d12 (height modifier), 220 lb. (base weight), #61620; (2d6) lb. (weight modifier)

History: Deep in what is now the Plain of Standing Stones in Anauroch, there is a mountain range that was known as the Columns of the Sky during the Golden Age of the Netherese. These were some of the tallest mountain peaks of Netheril, stretching thousands of feet into the sky and creating a landmark that could be seen for hundreds of miles in every direction. To the Rengarth barbarians of that age, the slender peaks were the sacred home of the gods. From these peaks, the gods looked out upon their people, and the Rengarth punished those they found near the peaks, especially if they were found with animal skins or gems taken from “the hearts of their gods.”

In the days of Netheril’s fall, the climate became increasingly harsh and brought the Rengarth great suffering. Entire clans died along with the land itself. Gone were the days where their gods watched over them and shaped the world to their image. (In actuality, the wicked magic of the phaerimm was draining the land of life, turning it rapidly into a desert). Men young and old cursed the unforgiving heights of the sacred mountains, calling upon the gods to show themselves—to salvage the world they had abandoned. The Rengarth began to die out as the old religion crumbled, but a new sect of druids believed the gods and—more importantly—the land was testing them, seeing if their spirits would break with increasing chill and decreasing game. These new Rengarth iconoclasts wished to climb the sacred mountains and throw down the old superstitions of the past, and for this purpose they trained and trained to perfect themselves physically for the arduous task of scaling what was to them the sacred and most powerful peaks in the world.

Over many generations, an intrepid band of superior physical specimens emerged who could challenge the Columns of the Sky. The druids of the tribe told them to scour the peaks and remove every last belief or doubt about the gods and their mountains. This they set out to do, climbing peak after peak and struggling with mighty creatures who were not gods but flesh and blood, tooth and wing. Finally, they came to the last and greatest peak, and when they had scaled it they found what not even the wisest of them had expected—a sight which struck them dumb and thoughtless with awe.

What they saw is a matter of speculation and myth. Some claim they encountered all the gods assembled in one place, locked in a trance that must have lasted centuries. Some claim it was a ram-headed god named Kavaki and his allies, reshaping the world in their own image. Some say they found no gods but only the power of gods, which reshaped their bodies and their world entire. What is known for certain is that they had grown taller and stronger, their flesh become as stone and infused with gems that gleamed with divine power. They had become the first goliaths.
Today, the goliaths believe that Kavaki the Ram-Lord created them when he found a bush bearing gems in place of fruit growing atop the highest mountain peak in the world. When Kavaki plucked gems from the bush, those gems became the first tribe of goliaths. (In truth, Kavaki and the other gods were aspects of Lathander and some of his allies in disguise as the Morninglord revealed his plans to reshape the entire pantheon in his own image. His ultimate failure triggered a major divine struggle that resulted in the destruction of several deities (including the sundering of Tyche into Beshaba and Tymora) and powerful outsiders, led to the collapse of a half-dozen theocracies, and presaged the fall of Myth Drannor. This event was known as the Dawn Cataclysm.)

The Morninglord as the Ram-Lord admired the small barbarian tribes’ fierce athleticism, tenacity, and bravery, but also took sympathy on their plight and saw some unknown use for the warriors awed before him. Though the barbarians had survived for centuries upon the mountain peaks, their lives were hard, and their population had been hit hard by increasingly harsh seasons, so Lathander and his allies reshaped them into the goliaths and taught them all he knew of daring and competition. They were to be one of the first of his creations, but then so much went wrong, and the goliaths became, if not forgotten, certainly no longer the chosen of the gods (many goliaths returned to the path of the druid, rather than cleric). This changed, however, shortly after the Time of Troubles, as goliath clergy once again attracted the notice of the gods, and their numbers began to grow. Some say it is a result of Lathander’s newest schemes to end the evils of the world). Regardless of the reason, goliath tribes moved throughout the peaks of the Standing Stones, even as far south as the Sword’s Azirrhat where they battle the asabi for survival. Some have even passed through portals to reaches far from Anauroch.

The few known goliath settlements (there may be more goliaths than many sages realize, given the fact that goliaths are often mistaken for giant-kin races by those who don't have the time to scrutinize the species they are observing) include a few tribes in the northern ranges of Anauroch (the largest being in the Plain of Speaking Stones), a cold-adapted tribe on the High Ice, at least one small tribe in the mountains of Chult (where they are on good terms with the local wild dwarves) and a fair sized tribe in the Uthangol Mountains near the Great Rift, where the goliaths war with gnolls and other beasts for territory, and generally deal peacefully with gold dwarf merchants and the stone giants that have migrated there from the Black Ash Plain.

The goliaths’ kin, the feral garguns, were created by mingling with giants in the High Ice of Anauroch and who have themselves taken to worshipping a true neutral feminine aspect of Ulutiu known as Galtha (actually believed to be a remnant of Othea), the Mother of Winter.
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Forgotten Realms Designer

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Posted - 12 Feb 2008 :  00:42:04  Show Profile Send TomCosta a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Society: The goliath social structure is discussed in Races of Stone, though some variations are noted here.

The goliaths are not numerous enough to have a city the size of Thella-Lu (in Greyhawk), and rarely do goliaths know of more than one or two other settlements of goliaths with which to trade.
Many goliath druids and druid/rangers often wander the wilds on their own—not as exiles, but as hermits who belong to no tribe but are welcomed into many different goliath tribes for the news and stories they might bring. (Some tribes are more welcoming than others of these wanderers.) Most of these druids work to keep tabs on far-flung goliath tribes, and tell tales of the widely separated tribes when they travel.

Given the natural propensity for goliaths to wander and the fact that most goliath adventurers are
exiles or druidic hermits, it is quite possible to find them nearly anywhere in Faerun. Goliaths, however, are not a populous race, and since they are often mistaken for ogres or their kin, goliaths have a poor life expectancy outside of their few remote tribes.

Languages and Literacy: Gol-Kaa bears a great deal of similarity to the long-dead language of the Rengarth barbarians, distorted by centuries of change, isolation, and the need to adapt to their deeper voices. Its written form resembles Dwarvish and uses the Dethek alphabet; most of the race, though, is illiterate. Those few goliaths who originally learned to write were taught by rare arctic dwarves who live among the wintry wastes of Anauroch’s High Ice. Several new goliath words and phrases (in addition to those noted in Races of Stone) are presented below.

• “Eth” = This is in many cases a feminine addition to a word, in this case meaning “daughter.” It could also be construed as meaning “mother.”
• “Kae” = “me.”
• “Kaemal” = This is a general purpose term of fox, mouse, weasel, ferret or other, similar creatures. Since these animals are not particularly common amongst goliath lands, this term is similarly general.
• “Kaemaleth” = “Foxdaughter,” Gargan’s honorific for the Fox-at-Twilight.
• “Kelke” = “Freely” or “by choice.” It is unclear whether the choice is on the part of the object or the subject. In “vathkelke,” it may be that whatever owned the object freely lost it, or it might also mean that the object was lost of its own choosing.
• “Nakom” = the verb “lead.”
• “Thaunea” = “fate/destiny.” Note that this word is similar to “thanea,” which means mountaintop, peak, or height. It is appropriate that goliath culture views mountain climbing and destiny in similar lights.
• “Vath” = “Lost”

Magic and Lore: Goliath spellcasting traditions are surprisingly strong among a people considered by most to be barbaric or primitive. Though a few are apprenticed in rare circumstances, wizards are very rare among goliaths, who have little use for study and book learning. Sorcery is not as uncommon among them as among other races, perhaps owing to the divine creation of their race not so long ago. Druids and clerics (who are partial to the Strength domain) of the new gods vie for control over the hearts and minds of the goliaths, but it is a friendly rivalry. Bards are common, both to fulfill their duties as Dawncallers and speakers of deeds and to pass down legends orally from generation to generation.

While not a backward people, goliaths are superstitious and wary of magic that is not their own. Goliath magic often focuses upon perceivable phenomenon and aspects of goliath life—they delight in magic that enhances their physical abilities (such as cat’s grace and bull’s strength), calls forth the powers and wrath of nature (such as call lightning and fireball), or shapes or predicts the weather and seasons. The visions granted by divination awe and astound young goliaths, and stonespeakers and sorcerers commonly ply abjuration to keep a goliath settlement safe from outside meddling. Almost all goliath settlements are magically shrouded, proof against scrying from any but the most powerful and determined of searchers. Goliaths distrust enchantment and illusion, as trickery and manipulating the will of others is patently unfair in a competition. Polymorphing oneself or others makes goliaths nervous, but factors into a great many of their tales as a source of conflict for a hero to overcome (the hero is magicked into an inferior body, for instance, and must find a way to return to his own, perfect form). Necromancy is abhorrent to them, and a goliath who practices the dark arts is often exiled.

Those goliaths who cast spells are noted for their creation of goliath piercings (see above), which enhance and perfect the body to which they are attached. They also have created a few unique spells over the centuries (see one example, strength of the mountain hunter, below). Goliaths rarely make use of magic items they did not create themselves, though enchanted weapons never fail to catch their eye. Also, the goliaths who live in such places as the Anauroch desert have been known to stumble upon caches of Art from Netheril or dragon hoards, so it is not unusual to encounter a goliath who bears an item of a forgotten age.
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Forgotten Realms Designer

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Posted - 12 Feb 2008 :  00:42:47  Show Profile Send TomCosta a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Strength of the Mountain Hunter
Level: Cleric 4, Druid 3, Sorcerer/Wizard 4
Components: V, S, DF
Effect: Creatures touched (up to one creature per level)
Duration: 10 minutes per level or until discharged (see text)
Save: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes

You call upon the stones and the might of the mountains to strengthen limbs and bodies for the long hunt ahead. Muscles ripple with the power of the mighty earth, allowing those you have blessed to run great distances and leap and climb with astonishing grace. And when you meet your foe, the strength of ages will guide your hand.

Subjects affected by this spell gain a +4 divine bonus on Climb and Jump checks and the benefits of the Endurance feat for the duration of the spell. (If a target already possesses the Endurance feat, he gains an additional +4 bonus on all appropriate checks.) This effect lasts until a subject deals damage (either by natural attack, weapon, or spell) to any target. At this point, he loses the endurance effect of this spell but gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength for 1/round per caster level.

A subject who discharges the spell for himself does not discharge it for others who may be affected.

Religion: Kavaki is an aspect of Lathander that focuses on the youth, vitality, self-perfection, and above all athletics portions of the Morninglord’s portfolio, and whose clerics favor the Protection and Strength domains. The other gods of the goliaths were Lathander’s allies at the time of the Dawn Cataclysm, but have since changed. Kuliak the Dead Goddess was originally an aspect of Eldath (who would not supply Lathander and his allies with fresh water as they prepared for battle on principle), but has since been supplanted by first Jergal (who was nothing more than an interloper obeying the edicts of Myrkul) and now Kelemvor (who has taken a true interest in the goliaths and seeks to redeem Kuliak’s faith, especially among goliath exiles who favor the Fate and Travel domains). Manethek the Wise Hunter is an aspect of Gwaeron Windstrom (sent by Mielikki to assist Lathander and whose clerics favor the Animal and Knowledge domains). Naki-Uthal, the Brave Climber is an aspect of Shaundakul (whose clergy favor the Air and Travel domains), who was a close ally of the Morninglord prior to the Dawn Cataclysm, but was shown an image of Lathander’s folly by Selûne and rejected the failed plans that led to the demise of most of his faithful in Myth Drannor. Theleya the Fertile One is an aspect of Chauntea (whose clergy favor the Plant and Renewal domains). Finally, Vanua the Harbringer of Woe was a masculine aspect of Tyche whose name was seized by Talos when she fell—his clergy favor the Destruction and Fire domains. Goliath exiles often refer to these deities by their “human names,” so as not to confuse the listener, but Gol-kaa holds to the traditional names.

Some rivalry exists between clerics and druids, but like most things in goliath society, this leads to friendly (if fierce) competition. Goliath druids council moderation and living in harmony with nature—many worship Theleya (Chauntea). However, among the druids are more than a few traditionalists who have no use for the goliath pantheon—they have broken with the “new gods” of the goliaths and revere what they call the Great Mountain Spirit, an incarnation of the elemental deity Grumbar. This spirit is thought to be the greatest, largest mountain in existence, and all other mountains—including the Columns of the Sky—only manifestations of the Great Mountain Spirit. The goliath druids also sometimes reference the children of the Great Mountain Spirit, one of which is benevolent and the other malign. While these druids almost always revere the Great Mountain Spirit itself, some devote themselves to the children, the Gentle Slope (the archoelemental known as Sunnis or Entemoch elsewhere in the Realms), or the Jagged Peak (the archoelemental known as Ogremoch). As none of these are common or socially accepted beliefs, druids who worship the Great Mountain Spirit or any of his children are almost certainly exiles or hermits, or else they hide their unpopular views. However, many goliaths refer to the Great Mountain Spirit as a sort of reminder of their barbaric past, and it figures into many stories, alternately as a guide or as an antagonist.

The D’tarig sage Inder (who, despite the prejudice against his people [see below], spent a great deal of time among the goliaths, and upon whose writings most of the current knowledge of goliath religious practice is based) notes that during the Time of Troubles, some settlements reported a mysterious goliath cleric that seemed to be a member of the Stonespeakers and knew all many goliath secrets, yet was not known to any of the Stonespeakers. Some have theorized that this visitor was Kavaki himself, while others (particularly the druidic exiles) believed him a manifestation of the Great Mountain Spirit. The nuances of this speculation are largely lost on most non-goliaths.

Relations with Other Races: Goliaths tend to have a favorable disposition toward dwarves, though the goliaths do not seek them out any more than any other race. This high regard is in part based on a mutual connection to the stone and earth. A certain goliath tribe in the frozen north maintains cool but congenial relations with the arctic dwarves of the High Ice, who feature often in tribal stories (though, owing to the goliaths’ competitive nature, this is usually as a support for the goliath hero or comedic relief). The goliaths and dwarves in Chult are fierce and affable competitors and have been known to ally for common gain.

In general, goliaths are very wary of giants, particularly stone giants—who they see as natural competition, but with whom they will do surprisingly peaceful trade, in contrast to their violent contests over land and resources. (The goliaths and stone giants participate in both with equal enthusiasm, which is very curious to most outsiders. The goliaths, for their part, don’t see anything strange about it.)

Goliaths otherwise keep to their isolated tribes, though occasional contact with humans or other humanoid races has been reported. They distrust the Bedine nomads, though occasional alliances in order to fight off agents of the Black Network or the “Flying City” (Shade) have benefited from capable goliath scouts and rangers in the past. And, while the goliaths distrust the Bedine, they actively dislike the D’tarig and their untrustworthy ways. Nevertheless, the goliaths have also learned the short humans are a gateway to rare and sometimes much needed merchandise, and despite their trepidation, know they are not the evil threat the Zhentarim or the Shadovar represent. They war often with the hobgoblins and asabi for territory, and regularly fend off gnoll raiders.
Owing to their uneasiness with many forms of magic, the goliaths dislike and, indeed, fear magical creatures such as phaerimm, sharn, lamias, and the like. They are not a timid race, however, and will show no mark of their fear, often addressing vastly mightier foes as equals. Goliaths children love stories of the strongest of their kin who dare to challenge dragons in the sands and mountains of the desert.

Equipment: As noted in Races of Stone and above.
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Forgotten Realms Designer

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Posted - 12 Feb 2008 :  00:43:30  Show Profile Send TomCosta a Private Message  Reply with Quote
It was a troll¡Xor at least, it had been, once. Both its original arms had been severed at the shoulders and replaced. Its left¡Xholding a warhammer with a head the size of an ale keg¡Xwas long and wiry with half a dozen digits, and its right was a muscled limb three times as thick that ended in a clawed hand. A stumpy, elephant-like leg rooted it to the floor alongside a ganglier limb. It was balanced by a segmented, prehensile tail that looked like a scorpion¡¦s. Because of the oddly imbalanced limbs, the creature walked with a drunken sway. Half of its skin had been replaced with the mottled pelts of demons and a golden gem of some sort had been embedded in its chest.

FF = Fiend Folio, MC = Magic Item Compendium

Male troll barbarian 2/fighter 6
CE Large giant
Init +4; Senses darkvision 90 ft., low-light vision, scent; Listen +4, Spot +3
Languages Common, Giant; illiterate

AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 17 (-1 size, +4 Dex, +8 natural); uncanny dodge
hp 185 (14 HD; 6d8+2d12+6d10+112); regeneration 5; DR 3/good
Resist fire 5
Fort +21, Ref +8, Will +4

Speed 50 ft. (10 squares)
Melee Large +1 impactMC warhammer +21/+16/+11 (2d6+10/19-20/„e3) and clawed arm +22 (1d8+11) and sting tail +20 (2d4+9 plus poison) and bite +15 (1d6+4)
Melee clawed arm +22 (1d8+11) and long arm claw +20 (1d8+9) and sting tail +20 (2d4+9 plus poison) and bite +15 (1d6+4)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (15 ft. with long arm or warhammer)
Base Atk +12; Grp +27
Atk Options Awesome Blow, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack, poison (Fort DC 14, 1d6 Str/1d6 Str), rage 1/day, rend 1d6+1d8+15
Special Actions trample 1d8+13 (Ref DC 26)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 16)
1/day¡Xpoison (clawed arm +22 melee touch or long arm +20 melee touch, Fort DC 17, 1d10 Con/1d10 Con)

Abilities Str 29 (+9; 33 [+11] with clawed arm), Dex 19 (+4), Con 26 (+8), Int 6 (-2), Wis 6 (-2), Cha 8 (-1)
SQ fast movement, illiteracy

Feats Awesome Blow, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Natural Armor („e2), Iron Will, Power Attack, Track

Skills Climb +16, Intimidate +12, Jump +24, Listen +4, Spot +3

Possessions shirt of demonskin, Large +1 impactMC warhammer, fiendish graftsFF (clawed arm, fast leg, fiendish heart, fiendish skin, long arm, sting tail, trampling leg)

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Forgotten Realms Designer

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Posted - 12 Feb 2008 :  00:44:38  Show Profile Send TomCosta a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Fiendish GraftsFF Tlork has several fiendish grafts. Tlork¡¦s grafts are not treated as treasure, but have raised his Challenge Rating by +2. The bonuses from his grafts are included above.
* Clawed Arm: Tlork gains a +4 bonus to Strength when using the arm for any purpose and can make an attack with the arm using his base attack bonus and Strength modifier in addition to his normal attacks.
* Fast Leg: Tlork¡¦s speed increases by 10 feet when not wearing heavy armor or carrying a heavy load. Tlork also gains a +5 competence bonus on Climb and Jump checks.
* Fiendish Heart: See below.
* Fiendish Skin: Tlork¡¦s natural armor improves by +1, he gains a +2 inherent bonus to Dexterity, and 1/day, Tlork can use poison as the spell (CL 16; DC 17, 1d10 Con/1d10 Con).
* Long Arm: Tlork¡¦s reach with his long arm increases by 5 ft.
* Sting Tail: Tlork can make one additional natural attack per round using his base attack bonus and Strength modifier with his sting tail for 2d4 plus his Strength modifier points of piercing damage plus poison (Fort DC 14, 1d6 Str/1d6 Str).
* Trampling Leg: As a standard action during Tlork¡¦s turn, he can move up to his speed and run over opponents at least one size category smaller than himself for 1d8 plus 1-1/2 his Strength modifier points of bludgeoning damage. A trampled opponent can attempt either an attack of opportunity at a -4 penalty or a Reflex save (DC 26) for half damage.

Rage (Su) Once per day, Tlork can enter a rage that lasts for 13 rounds. Tlork is fatigued for the duration of the encounter when his rage ends. While raging, Tlork has the following changed statistics:

AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 15
hp 213 (+28)
Fort +23, Will +6
Melee Large +1 impactMC warhammer +23/+18/+13 (2d6+12/19-20/„e3) and clawed arm +24 (1d8+13) and sting tail +22 (2d4+11 plus poison) and bite +17 (1d6+5)
Melee clawed arm +24 (1d8+13) and long arm claw +22 (1d8+11) and sting tail +22 (2d4+11 plus poison) and bite +17 (1d6+5)
Grp +29
Atk Options rend 1d6+1d8+18
Special Actions trample 1d8+16 (Ref DC 28)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 16)
1/day¡Xpoison (clawed arm +24 melee touch or long arm +22 melee touch, Fort DC 17)
Abilities Str 33 (+11; 37 [+13] with clawed arm), Con 30 (+10)
Skills Climb +18, Jump +26

While fatigued, Tlork has the following changed statistics:

Init +3
AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 17
Ref +7
Speed can¡¦t charge or run
Melee Large +1 impactMC warhammer +21/+16/+11 (2d6+9/19-20/„e3) and clawed arm +22 (1d8+10) and sting tail +20 (2d4+8 plus poison) and bite +15 (1d6+4)
Melee clawed arm +22 (1d8+10) and long arm claw +20 (1d8+8) and sting tail +20 (2d4+8 plus poison) and bite +15 (1d6+4)
Grp +26
Atk Options rend 1d6+1d8+14
Special Actions trample 1d8+12 (Ref DC 25)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 16)
1/day¡Xpoison (clawed arm +21 melee touch or long arm +19 melee touch, Fort DC 17)
Abilities Str 27 (+8; 31 [+10] with clawed arm), Dex 17 (+3)
Skills Climb +15, Jump +23

Rend (Ex) If Tlork hits with both claw attacks, he latches onto the opponent¡¦s body and automatically deals an additional 2d6+16 points of damage.

Regeneration (Ex) Fire and acid deal normal damage to Tlork. If Tlork loses a limb or body part, the lost portion regrows in 3d6 minutes. Tlork can reattach the severed member instantly by holding it to the stump.
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Forgotten Realms Designer

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Posted - 12 Feb 2008 :  00:45:40  Show Profile Send TomCosta a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Tlork “Thunderhead,” is the stupid, but incredibly strong jailor of the dungeon known only as the Depths of Madness. Tlork is one of Gargan the Dispossessed’s (see above) longtime foes. Gargan has fought the troll on numerous occasions, and though his combat skills are greater, the creature’s intensive regenerative capabilities and fiend-stitched limbs compensate and level the odds. Tlork greatly fears Gargan’s acid-dripping sword, Blackwyrm.

After the events of Depths of Madness in early 1375 DR, Year of Risen Elfkin, it is not certain what became of Tlork. In all likelihood, he remains in service to the new master of that vile place, but he could have escaped and be wandering the Realms even now—searching especially for Davoren Hellsheart (see . . the meal that got away.

Unique Items
Tlork has had his flesh grafted with numerous fiendish graftsFF, one of which is detailed below.

Fiendish Heart
Price (Item Level): 10,000 gp (12th)
Body Slot: —
Caster Level: 3rd
Aura: Faint; (DC 17) abjuration, evocation, necromancy
Activation: —
Weight: —

This gem-like object is embedded in the creature’s chest. It flares with a golden light.

A fiendish heart grants the grafted creature resistance to fire 5. Further, the creature gains a +5 competence bonus to Intimidate checks and the ability to use the Intimidate skill (including the ability to demoralize opponents) against undead and evil outsiders despite any normal immunity to fear effects. In addition, the grafted creature does not suffer the -6 circumstance penalty to Intimidate checks that creatures with fiendish grafts suffer to other Charisma-based checks.

Prerequisites: Graft FleshFF, creator must be a fiend, desecrate, resist energy, scare (or higher level spell with the fear descriptor).
Cost to Create: 5,000 gp, 400 XP, 10 days.
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Forgotten Realms Designer

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Posted - 12 Feb 2008 :  01:03:15  Show Profile Send TomCosta a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Oops, I forgot to give credit where credit was due here. KnightErrantJr's work on goliaths was particular helpful with these posts as Erik and I were working it up at the time he posted his stuff and started to incorporate much of it as we went...

By Erik Scott de Bie and Thomas M. Costa
Special thanks to Jared Rascher (a.k.a. KnightErrantJR of
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Brian R. James
Forgotten Realms Game Designer

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Posted - 12 Feb 2008 :  01:42:41  Show Profile  Visit Brian R. James's Homepage Send Brian R. James a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Wow. Impressive as always Tom!

Brian R. James - Freelance Game Designer

Follow me on Twitter @brianrjames
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Purple Dragon Knight
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 12 Feb 2008 :  01:59:44  Show Profile Send Purple Dragon Knight a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Whoa... Tom!!! you should send all of this to Alaundo, as he can post the tables in their original shapes and do credit to your work!

This treasure trove should not stay in this pitiful format! Glory to the trove!!! Bring on the 6th-level spell: Alaundo's Format Polisher (Transmutation [Law,Acid,Teleportation,Light])
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Erik Scott de Bie
Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 12 Feb 2008 :  04:12:15  Show Profile  Visit Erik Scott de Bie's Homepage Send Erik Scott de Bie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Good show, Tom!

This was a very, very fun project, and I'm glad it turned out well. I hope everyone who likes goliaths as much as I do can find stuff to use!

Email has been sent to Alaundo. :)


Erik Scott de Bie

'Tis easier to destroy than to create.

Author of a number of Realms novels (GHOSTWALKER, DEPTHS OF MADNESS, and the SHADOWBANE series), contributor to the NEVERWINTER CAMPAIGN GUIDE and SHADOWFELL: GLOOMWROUGHT AND BEYOND, Twitch DM of the Dungeon Scrawlers, currently playing "The Westgate Irregulars"
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Forgotten Realms Designer

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Posted - 12 Feb 2008 :  14:48:24  Show Profile Send TomCosta a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thanks everybody, and just to be clear, Erik deserves as much or more credit for the two posts than I do.

And Brian, if you can slide any of this into stuff, please don't hesitate.... nudge, nudge.... ;-)
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 12 Feb 2008 :  14:51:38  Show Profile  Visit Darkmeer's Homepage Send Darkmeer a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by TomCosta

Oops, I forgot to give credit where credit was due here. KnightErrantJr's work on goliaths was particular helpful with these posts as Erik and I were working it up at the time he posted his stuff and started to incorporate much of it as we went...

By Erik Scott de Bie and Thomas M. Costa
Special thanks to Jared Rascher (a.k.a. KnightErrantJR of

Since KnightErrantJR is unavailable for a little longer, I've taken the liberty of passing this tidbit on to him. Thanks for putting this up, he's very excited from what I could tell (well, he said 'floored,' I'd consider that excited).

As far as the rest, wow. I really like how it all shaped up. Thanks much for posting.

"These people are my family, not just friends, and if you want to get to them you gotta go through ME."
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Erik Scott de Bie
Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 12 Feb 2008 :  15:19:52  Show Profile  Visit Erik Scott de Bie's Homepage Send Erik Scott de Bie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thanks for doing that, Darkmeer!

I'd tried to contact him myself but his email appeared to be down and he was away from the forums. I don't suppose you'd consider dropping me his addy in a PM?


Erik Scott de Bie

'Tis easier to destroy than to create.

Author of a number of Realms novels (GHOSTWALKER, DEPTHS OF MADNESS, and the SHADOWBANE series), contributor to the NEVERWINTER CAMPAIGN GUIDE and SHADOWFELL: GLOOMWROUGHT AND BEYOND, Twitch DM of the Dungeon Scrawlers, currently playing "The Westgate Irregulars"
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Learned Scribe

118 Posts

Posted - 12 Feb 2008 :  20:08:00  Show Profile  Visit sirreus's Homepage Send sirreus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
thanks tom. great work(especialy the body piercings)

"The measure of an undisciplined mind, is that the intellect allows emotion to challenge the observed truth" Richard Baker
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Master of Realmslore

1089 Posts

Posted - 13 Feb 2008 :  02:37:41  Show Profile  Visit Xysma's Homepage Send Xysma a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by sirreus

thanks tom. great work(especialy the body piercings)

I knew you'd like those.

War to slay, not to fight long and glorious.
Aermhar of the Tangletrees
Year of the Hooded Falcon

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Learned Scribe

118 Posts

Posted - 13 Feb 2008 :  19:32:25  Show Profile  Visit sirreus's Homepage Send sirreus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
you know me soooo well

"The measure of an undisciplined mind, is that the intellect allows emotion to challenge the observed truth" Richard Baker
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Master of Realmslore

1190 Posts

Posted - 11 Jan 2011 :  17:17:48  Show Profile  Visit Zireael's Homepage Send Zireael a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Wow, what a great scroll! Any more tidbits coming?

SiNafay Vrinn, the daughter of Lloth, from Ched Nasad!
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Great Reader

3054 Posts

Posted - 11 Jan 2011 :  17:55:24  Show Profile  Visit Alisttair's Homepage Send Alisttair a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I forgot about this one. My 4E FR campaign has a Goliath PC who originates from ancient Netheril (he was stuck in a time stasis).

Karsite Arcanar (Most Holy Servant of Karsus)

Anauria - Survivor State of Netheril as penned by me:
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Master of Realmslore

1965 Posts

Posted - 11 Jan 2011 :  22:02:23  Show Profile Send Fellfire a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Nice Work!! I'm a big fan of Fox-at-Twilight. Nice to see Gargan finally statted out as well. I was hoping for a description/background on "Blackwyrm" under Unique items. I'm also a big fan of magical items, particularly weapons. I remember reading you were planning a story about "Betrayal", any more hints as to where/when?


Love is a lie. Only hate endures. Light is blinding. Only in darkness do we see clearly.

"Oh, you think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but.. blinding. The shadows betray you because they belong to me." - Bane The Dark Knight Rises

Green Dragonscale Dice Bag by Crystalsidyll - check it out

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Forgotten Realms Designer

969 Posts

Posted - 11 Jan 2011 :  22:28:58  Show Profile Send TomCosta a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Glad you all liked it, though Erik and I did this 3 years ago now. :-) So, sadly, I don't anticipate any additional info on Gargan. We have this scroll, the one on Twilight and the one on Yldar and his sister I believe.
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