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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36867 Posts |
Posted - 19 Aug 2008 : 22:27:30
quote: Originally posted by Finder
Wooly Rupert, I had to sell those two novels. lol. But There was apart of the story while they were on the ship where Finder's Avatar tells joel about how Joel could possibly bring Finder back from the dead with the Finder's stone (which at that time only possed a very small amount of his divine essence/spark) and related to why the Priestess of Bane was after "the Hand of Bane". He explained it very well. Later The Priestess and the Banelich were actually on Bane's corpse flooting on the Astral plain about to cast the ritual to bring Bane back. However Jaz(sp) swooped down and pretty much knocked the hand of bane from the banelich destorying it.
Well, yeah -- it could be used for resurrection, but that was not the intent of it. Just because that was a possible use for it doesn't mean it was the intended use. I can break my window by throwing a printer thru it -- the printer would accomplish that purpose quite well. But the printer wasn't made to do that. It can be used for that purpose, but that likely never entered the minds of the design team.
Going by your arguments, though, since it could be used to break windows, that would be the intended purpose.
That's why I'm saying that neither the Finder's Stone nor the Hand of Bane were backup plans.
quote: Originally posted by Finder
Not too sure about Fzouls part in Banes return, but I stand behind what I said about Xvim.
Xvim was the Baneson, and he did contain part of Bane's essence. But that doesn't mean that Bane had any particular plan in mind when he fathered Xvim. Some legends say Xvim's mom was a paladin -- maybe Bane's only purpose in fathering Xvim was to corrupt the paladin. Some legends say Xvim was born from a demon -- maybe Bane fathered him to seal some deal. We don't know. It could even be that you are correct, and that Bane did father Xvim as a backup plan -- but there isn't anything to support that, either.
quote: Originally posted by Finder
I also will ask you a question. To have a contingency plan do you believe you need to know when and how you die?
Not at all. But just because something can be read to be a contingency plan doesn't mean it is -- especially when no evidence supports that it is, and there is evidence that indicates it wasn't. |
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Sill Alias
Senior Scribe
588 Posts |
Posted - 14 Feb 2010 : 10:00:12
How about changing theme of discussion? Plans of powers are realy complicated, so there are many possibilities (I liked theory of Bhaal's killers though). Talking about canon - not everything is written in guidebooks. I do believe that Bhaalspawn saga is partially true, however timeline is really messed up. But who doesnt make mistakes? Some creatures or characters were created on a whim after all.
Actually I wanted to know who is your favourite NPC?
You can hear many tales from many mouths. The most difficult is to know which of them are not lies. - Sill Alias
"May your harp be unstrung, your dreams die and all your songs be unsung." - curse of the harper, The Code of the Harpers 2 ed.
Milith holder of HB8

63 Posts |
Posted - 02 Apr 2010 : 19:56:04
Knowing the how the divine works, it probably takes place in more than one timeframe at once =p
Hey, babe, see my shiny teeth as I smile my very best wolf smile- Ed Greenwood. |
Master of Realmslore
1190 Posts |
Posted - 12 Apr 2010 : 20:12:19
quote: however timeline is really messed up.
Right, and I created another scroll trying to clear it up a bit. |
SiNafay Vrinn, the daughter of Lloth, from Ched Nasad! |
Lord of Bones

United Kingdom
78 Posts |
Posted - 12 Sep 2010 : 09:12:48
I'm currently running a campaign on the Sword Coast that encompasses parts of the Bhaalspawn saga. I'm having the PCs wake up (not knowing each other) in Irenicus's dungeon at the start with his claim that they're the route to his divinity, but just as he's getting to the meat of his prophecy, they're broken out by a party of adventurers.
The disparate group (we have a human ranger/druid, a half-drow monk of the long death, a half-orc paladin, a halfling rogue/wizard, an elf sorcerer (with the abyssal bloodline), a human cleric of Kelemvor and a gnome bard), then has to make their way out of his dungeon without equipment, evading monsters, guards and traps (which has been quite fun, seeing characters act in a way their classes usually wouldn't).
The aim is that once they escape the dungeon they will be of the belief that one of them contains Bhaal's divine essence, but in actual fact all of them are children of Bhaal (hence why Irenicus took all of them after many years of research and investigation). We may well have a Highlander situation at the end of the game.. |
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36867 Posts |
Posted - 12 Sep 2010 : 14:43:30
quote: Originally posted by Lord of Bones
We may well have a Highlander situation at the end of the game..
Lots of Queen music and sequels that ignore the original story?  |
Candlekeep Forums Moderator
Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore -- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct
I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!  |
Lord of Bones

United Kingdom
78 Posts |
Posted - 12 Sep 2010 : 15:46:23
quote: Originally posted by Wooly Rupert
quote: Originally posted by Lord of Bones
We may well have a Highlander situation at the end of the game..
Lots of Queen music and sequels that ignore the original story? 
Well I was more thinking "There can be only one!" inter-party conflict, but sure! Why not?
Here we are... Princes of the universe... |
Come watch the Gentleman's Guide to Gaming!
On my channel I review and dissect role-playing games with great gusto. Please do take a look and let me know what you think. |
Great Reader
2449 Posts |
Posted - 24 Feb 2011 : 18:24:17
I've always been partial to the BG storyline, even though it plays fast and loose with a lot of things (planar sphere, Coweled Wizards, Suldanesselar as a major city rather than a green elf hide-out, etc.). But of all the questionable things in the series, the Bhaalspawns' ages never really bothered me. I just figured that they aged faster than normal.
I also figured that at least some of the Bhaalspawn had been concieved well before the ToT. I never really had a good reason why, so I'm gleefully appropriating KEJR's "Ultimate Killer" idea. It works for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is that it's a really easy way for Bhaal to spread the fear of his name without having to do anything himself.
So now I figure that a couple of rounds of Ultimate Killer produced most of the Bhaalspawn that show up as antagonists in ToB. It also explains why many of them are things like giants, dragons, and drow, because Bhaal was looking to breed powerful killers, and the "lesser" races in those generations had already been killed off.
Which meant that when the ToT rolled around, Bhaal had a procedure that had already been proven effective. I think it's entirely believable that a god steeped in as much death as Bhaal might get a sense that "I'm not gonna make it through this one," and take steps to provide for his eventual rebirth.
But just because Bhaal was foresighted doesn't mean he's patient. He wasn't to get resurrected as quickly as possible, so he puts more power into the last-generation Bhaalspawn, causing them to reach adulthood faster than normal. So instead of the Bhaalspawn War taking place 20-25 years after the ToT as it should, it instead happens in half the time. It also gives the new Bhaalspawn a fighting chance against their older brethren, and means the existing Bhaalspawn don't necessarily have a lock on becoming the next Lord of Murder. Because Bhaal's a spiteful deity, and he wouldn't want to make it too easy for them.
I think those two factors, earlier rounds of Ultimate Killer to explain things like Bhaalspawn dragons, and accelerated aging for the ToT Bhaalspawn, tie up that loose end nicely. Now if only resolving the Coweled Wizards was that easy... |
Doggedly converting 3e back to what D&D should be... Sigh... And now 4e as well. |
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