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Learned Scribe
149 Posts |
Posted - 26 Jan 2025 : 16:12:41
If you could write (and get it published) a Forgotten Realms adventure path, where would you set it? Remember, I'm just curious.
Edited by - EltonRobb on 26 Jan 2025 16:20:18
Master of Realmslore
1028 Posts |
Posted - 26 Jan 2025 : 17:36:16
I would put my adventure path in the Border Kingdoms. Timeframe would be mid 1300's Dale Reckoning. |
Learned Scribe
147 Posts |
Zeromaru X
Great Reader
2495 Posts |
Posted - 26 Jan 2025 : 19:50:15
Old Empires, dealing with the events of the current time (1490+ DR) of the region. |
Instead of seeking change, you prefer a void, merciless abyss of a world... |
Master of Realmslore
1201 Posts |
Posted - 26 Jan 2025 : 19:55:54
Ok I know this is weird, but Langdarma. I’ve had a taste for that place since I read Faces of Deception and the book abruptly ended with no conclusion.
Also the really, really distant north. Not like Ten Towns north, more like aevendrow north. |
Follow the Maztica (Aztec/Maya) and Anchorome (Indigenous North America) Campaigns on DMsGuild!
The Maztica Campaign The Anchorome Campaign |
Edited by - Seethyr on 26 Jan 2025 19:57:26 |
Learned Scribe
239 Posts |
Posted - 26 Jan 2025 : 23:18:39
The Shaar or the Lake of Steam. Southern frontier lands, both of which are important crossroads that connects many different lands with each other. In my opinion, people generally gravitate the most to the frontier lands of the Realms, as they are generally the lands adventurers will find themselves the most useful in. Which I think is what explains why the North, Silver Marches, Icewind Dale, Sword Coast etc traditionally have been popular. These type of areas usually offer many different kinds of factions, monsters and peoples living or competing within the same space. Also like with say, Icewind Dale where the environment itself is a dangerous element, so could the deserts and the savannahs of the Lake of Steam and the Shaar be, where the weather may be treacherous and finding drinkable water can be quite challenging and even perilous. |
Edited by - deserk on 26 Jan 2025 23:32:34 |
Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36867 Posts |
Posted - 28 Jan 2025 : 00:08:10
Ed wrote a series of web articles, years ago, about a group of elves that was trying to start a new elven realm in the North. I think you could make a cool AP out of developing that plot.
(Yes, it would be an FR-based Kingmaker, but the FR-based part is enough for me!) |
Candlekeep Forums Moderator
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I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!  |
Edited by - Wooly Rupert on 28 Jan 2025 00:09:00 |
Steven Schend
Forgotten Realms Designer & Author
1727 Posts |
Posted - 02 Feb 2025 : 18:38:12
quote: Originally posted by EltonRobb
If you could write (and get it published) a Forgotten Realms adventure path, where would you set it? Remember, I'm just curious.
If I had the time and income, I'd happily do an adventure path in any of the following places (in order of preference/fun to write and usefulness to DMs):
Erlkazar (eradicate those vampires and restore the land!)
Shoonach (there's no way to eradicate all this evil but it's a helluva overlooked open air dungeon as large or larger than Waterdeep)
Calimport and/or one other site/city in Calimshan (as this is an area ignored by a lot of other writers and I'd love to tinker with Manshaka a tad)
Myth Nantar (because underwater adventures can always be interesting and it provides a lot of leeway and help to PCs unused to such environments)
For current projects and general natter, see
30 Posts |
Posted - 02 Feb 2025 : 18:51:30
I would definitely revive Cormyr! Set in old times, i.e. 1350 DR. Probably something related to my current campaign: minor but very interesting plot hooks including: to a secret Underdark exit/entrance in the Hullack forest and a group of Eilistreans refugees which would be the background for a greater plot involving some backwater-village reluctant adventurers that get caught into a web of intrigue involving the Feywild, the Shadowfell and a prophecy about the Time of Troubles |
Learned Scribe
149 Posts |
Posted - 03 Feb 2025 : 02:15:48
Thanks to all people who have responded, but my curiosity about where you would set an Forgotten Realms adventure path is not slaked. Keep them coming! |
The Arcanamach
Master of Realmslore
1879 Posts |
Posted - 08 Feb 2025 : 02:08:52
The Border Kingdomes would be my first choice (I've had a love for that area since the old Polyhedron articles Ed used to write). I don't know what the adventure path would actually be as I don't want to see it as a solidified kingdome or anything, maybe some outside force that requires the PCs to venture into several of them to prevent calamity (sort of a Rise of the Runelords vibe).
My second choice would be centered on Westgate. There is so much potential there. Thieve's Guild AP? Check! Wizardly Order AP? Check! Political intrigue? Nearby danger zones? Merchants of Menace from Sembia? All check!
Third choice is HIGHLY CONVOLUTED but I always envisioned a sprawling, multi-adventuring party campaign in Chessenta & Unther. It would be difficult to describe everything but you have a nation (Chessenta) that could be brought together under a single banner but would need the help of the Northers Wizards, the mercenary/raiding band located there (can't remember the name) and a couple of other power groups. |
I have a dream that one day, all game worlds will exist as one. |
Learned Scribe
149 Posts |
Posted - 18 Feb 2025 : 01:13:38
quote: Originally posted by The Arcanamach
The Border Kingdomes would be my first choice (I've had a love for that area since the old Polyhedron articles Ed used to write). I don't know what the adventure path would actually be as I don't want to see it as a solidified kingdome or anything, maybe some outside force that requires the PCs to venture into several of them to prevent calamity (sort of a Rise of the Runelords vibe).
My second choice would be centered on Westgate. There is so much potential there. Thieves' Guild AP? Check! Wizardly Order AP? Check! Political intrigue? Nearby danger zones? Merchants of Menace from Sembia? All check!
Third choice is HIGHLY CONVOLUTED but I always envisioned a sprawling, multi-adventuring party campaign in Chessenta & Unther. It would be difficult to describe everything but you have a nation (Chessenta) that could be brought together under a single banner but would need the help of the Northers Wizards, the mercenary/raiding band located there (can't remember the name) and a couple of other power groups.
These are good ideas. And I'm doing something similar with Chondath (unify Chondath under a single banner). However, I like Chessenta a lot.
Still looking for Adventure Path ideas! Keep them coming. |
Senior Scribe
533 Posts |
Posted - 19 Feb 2025 : 18:44:46
I really liked the ideas in "The Tearing of the Weave" trio of adventures, not sure it is exactly an adventure path but close enough. I've never had the chance to run it but I've read through it. It seems great. I especially liked how it progressed from Cormyr to Shadowdale to Anauroch.
If I were to see a new adventure path made I'd like each adventure to change the region, maybe progress up the Sword Coast starting in Calimport and working all the way up to Waterdeep, or maybe even Luskan. Maybe with an appendix in each adventure to expand the area around the core adventure.
Alternatively, starting small and zooming out. Pick a region, pick a small town and as the path progresses zoom out till the last path features the entire region and higher levels. This would help expand lore in a region. |
The party come to a town befallen by hysteria
Rogue: So what's in the general store? DM: What are you looking for? Rogue: Whatevers in the store. DM: Like what? Rogue: Everything. DM: There is a lot of stuff. Rogue: Is there a cart outside? DM: (rolls) Yes. Rogue: We'll take it all, we may need it for the greater good. |
Edited by - Gelcur on 19 Feb 2025 18:45:30 |
3 Posts |
Posted - 27 Mar 2025 : 19:00:50
Laerakond - Eskorn specifically, but Skelkor, Sword Lands and the rest on the western "leg" just waiting for a grand adventure. Humans against dragons part 2.
Cormyr - so much intrigue and potential plot twists just waiting to be written about. Cheating nobles, spies and assassins, heroic pheasants, Purple Dragons, monsters, the King's many different ways to go.
Old school but World of Greyhawk. My very first setting I played in back in 1980. I had my own little castle and was wrote a short story for high school English about how my character fit into it. Dragonlance would be another one but there were so many books done about it already.
Artic - like beyond Icewind Dale kind of thing. Ice dwarves and elves, diamond mines in the ice, snow and ice dragons...only the strong survive kind of place. |
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