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 Any experts for the Black Pits II in BG2EE?
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Galuf the Dwarf
Senior Scribe

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Posted - 18 Mar 2025 :  03:21:06  Show Profile Send Galuf the Dwarf a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
If somebody is more knowledgeable in this module than I am, namely the quests for this, that would be awesome.

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Edited by - Galuf the Dwarf on 18 Mar 2025 03:22:14

Learned Scribe

156 Posts

Posted - 19 Mar 2025 :  21:08:03  Show Profile Send Athreeren a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm not great at the strategy, but for the quests, I can definitely help you. The key is to often go talk to everyone. The most important content is aimed at weakening your opponents during the fight against the Planar Hunters, so how much of the quests you want to do is a matter of whether you want a true challenge, or if you want to be able to complete the game. I think each of them can be weakened, and for some, the way you resolve their quest will affect their stats more or less.

Your reputation in the arena does not matter, in the sense of it not mattering if you're good or evil (or rather face or heel: this is very much wrestling). But you'll only get useful equipment if you're fully one or the other, so stay consistent and do not break kayfabe (the options to mock Dennaton are counterproductive, but really satisfying!). Don't forget that money is limited, which means monks and sorcerers are a useful addition to your team, since you don't need to pay for spells or weapons. Some fights become much easier with the right equipment; unfortunately, said equipment tend to be your reward for the fight if your reputation is established enough, so it's only useful to redo the fight more easily. I recommend checking out the lineup on the wiki to determine the best build, but if you're good at exploiting BG2EE (and toward the end, ToB specifically), you could have even more fun going in blind.

If you have more specific questions, just ask!
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Galuf the Dwarf
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Posted - 19 Mar 2025 :  23:34:08  Show Profile Send Galuf the Dwarf a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Athreeren

I'm not great at the strategy, but for the quests, I can definitely help you. The key is to often go talk to everyone. The most important content is aimed at weakening your opponents during the fight against the Planar Hunters, so how much of the quests you want to do is a matter of whether you want a true challenge, or if you want to be able to complete the game. I think each of them can be weakened, and for some, the way you resolve their quest will affect their stats more or less.

Your reputation in the arena does not matter, in the sense of it not mattering if you're good or evil (or rather face or heel: this is very much wrestling). But you'll only get useful equipment if you're fully one or the other, so stay consistent and do not break kayfabe (the options to mock Dennaton are counterproductive, but really satisfying!). Don't forget that money is limited, which means monks and sorcerers are a useful addition to your team, since you don't need to pay for spells or weapons. Some fights become much easier with the right equipment; unfortunately, said equipment tend to be your reward for the fight if your reputation is established enough, so it's only useful to redo the fight more easily. I recommend checking out the lineup on the wiki to determine the best build, but if you're good at exploiting BG2EE (and toward the end, ToB specifically), you could have even more fun going in blind.

If you have more specific questions, just ask!

Okay, here's the quest I'm having issues with at the moment.
For the quest Changing Faces, I (temporarily) restored Dulf Ebonbeard's sanity and commissioned him for the scroll to swap Bannor out of that Adamantine Golem body. The thing is, I did talk to Brodle but after the next match, Brodle is gone and I can't seem to ask Dulf about the quest any more even if I give him another dose of that salve to restore his mind. If I CLUA console Brodle back in, he resets to when I first talked to him about turning the tables on the Planar Hunters (for context, I'm currently about halfway through the second tier of fights in the arena). I don't know if the game's too bugged out or whatever the problem is.

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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 22 Mar 2025 :  15:36:29  Show Profile Send Athreeren a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The walkthroughs for this game are indeed lacking, considering the care the developers put in giving players lots of options. The best way to go around bugs is to use Near Infinity to find which global variables you need and restore the game to the state you want. I sent you a PM to tell you how to solve your specific problem, but more generally, the software can be found here. You install it in the same folder as the file chitin.key for the game, then you search for the character who is supposed to help you. You van then go through their dialogues in their file in the DLG section. There, you look for the line that is not appearing, and the items or global variables you need to get the reaction you want to appear. Once you know which global variable is involved, you can look for it in Near Infinity to find out what are the ways to make it change and progress the quest.
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Galuf the Dwarf
Senior Scribe

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Posted - 23 Mar 2025 :  19:46:32  Show Profile Send Galuf the Dwarf a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Athreeren

The walkthroughs for this game are indeed lacking, considering the care the developers put in giving players lots of options. The best way to go around bugs is to use Near Infinity to find which global variables you need and restore the game to the state you want. I sent you a PM to tell you how to solve your specific problem, but more generally, the software can be found here. You install it in the same folder as the file chitin.key for the game, then you search for the character who is supposed to help you. You van then go through their dialogues in their file in the DLG section. There, you look for the line that is not appearing, and the items or global variables you need to get the reaction you want to appear. Once you know which global variable is involved, you can look for it in Near Infinity to find out what are the ways to make it change and progress the quest.

The codes you mentioned, if I write those in the CLUA Console, will that work?

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Learned Scribe

156 Posts

Posted - 23 Mar 2025 :  21:14:23  Show Profile Send Athreeren a Private Message  Reply with Quote
CLUAConsole is for the original games, the EE games take C: and the code, but it's the same principle. Refer to the wiki to use the code correctly, it's quite complete for the most general uses.
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Galuf the Dwarf
Senior Scribe

687 Posts

Posted - 31 Mar 2025 :  04:35:04  Show Profile Send Galuf the Dwarf a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Update: Just beat the last Tier 2 fight. Brodle appeared and gave me the items as well as set up a meeting with Leokas, the captain of the guards.

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