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 Leira, Goddess of the Mists
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Learned Scribe

127 Posts

Posted - 21 Feb 2025 :  01:16:44  Show Profile Send EltonRobb a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
One of my possible players in my Saga of Chondath campaign wanted to play an adventurer from Nimbral. Since my campaign is set in 1369 DR, this is after the time of troubles and Cyric's supposed killing of Leira.

Question is: could she fake her own death and is waiting for the perfect time to return?

Master of Realmslore

1552 Posts

Posted - 21 Feb 2025 :  01:56:23  Show Profile Send LordofBones a Private Message  Reply with Quote
According to 5e, this is what happened. Now, why Leira had the big brain idea of crippling herself and having her worshipers and portfolio usurped by another deity is another story entirely.

Edited by - LordofBones on 21 Feb 2025 01:56:53
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Learned Scribe

152 Posts

Posted - 21 Feb 2025 :  13:03:18  Show Profile Send Athreeren a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by LordofBones

According to 5e, this is what happened. Now, why Leira had the big brain idea of crippling herself and having her worshipers and portfolio usurped by another deity is another story entirely.

I don't think there is a non-weird explanation to this, but I could see her pretending to be dead and push her clergy to say it's all a trick, so that when she actually dies, people would believe the same thing, with that belief facilitating her resurrection. But that's really farfetched.
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Skilled Spell Strategist

11945 Posts

Posted - 21 Feb 2025 :  19:21:30  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I have several theories for why she may have done it. Essentially, working with the other gods of magic to strip Shar from access to the shadow weave and eventually the weave. Partly this would be so that Shar didn't absorb her and instead recruited Cyric to be her pawn. She thus corrupted Cyric... and the story we have from the gods of deities killing each other over courting other deities... Cyric getting locked away like Loki by Tyr, Lathander, and Sune, etc... were methods to cover that certain gods went to Abeir to protect the humans that went there (or alternatively... to expand Ao's hold there, as he's not as strong as he pretends to be). A lot of it works on the idea that Mask and Leira worked together because Savras foresaw what was coming (not perfect clarity... snippets of what was coming).

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas

Edited by - sleyvas on 21 Feb 2025 19:22:16
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Learned Scribe

127 Posts

Posted - 22 Feb 2025 :  00:23:11  Show Profile Send EltonRobb a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I wish they just turn back time and go with the original Boxed Set (the one with the horse rider). This is confusing for someone just getting back into the Realms.
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 22 Feb 2025 :  02:33:41  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by LordofBones

According to 5e, this is what happened. Now, why Leira had the big brain idea of crippling herself and having her worshipers and portfolio usurped by another deity is another story entirely.

Where does it say she was faking it?

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Skilled Spell Strategist

11945 Posts

Posted - 22 Feb 2025 :  12:41:40  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by LordofBones

According to 5e, this is what happened. Now, why Leira had the big brain idea of crippling herself and having her worshipers and portfolio usurped by another deity is another story entirely.

Where does it say she was faking it?

There's at least one thing leaning towards "Cyric may not have killed her". It's not as definitive of "she faked her death". There's this in the SCAG

Leira has worn many masks, and more than once has been thought to be dead or to be another deity altogether. Perhaps such a reputation is only natural for the goddess of illusion and deception. Her faithful agree that whatever the "truth" might be, their Lady takes great delight in the confusion sown by her various incarnations. Even the faithful of Cyric once taught that their god killed Leira, but now they espouse the strange idea that somehow she is his daughter.

I'd like to also note this in the SCAG as well... note it says deceit and murder... almost like the "legend" of the murder of Mystra was a deceit

When he became a god, Cyric continued to work various plots of deceit and murder- the most famous of which is that, according to legend, Cyric murdered Mystra and thus caused the Spellplague over a century ago.

So, yet another loophole of "was Mystra really killed? Or is there some OTHER explanation?". That's why I like the idea of Dweomerheart not exploding, but rather "detaching" and getting attached to Abeir instead (along with other divine domains, like Leira's Court of Illusion, Cyrics throne of whatever it was called, the divine domains of the Mulhorandi and Untheric Pantheons, etc...). So, the idea being that the weave was "torn" from Toril, breaking many ongoing spells, and a fledgling version of the weave getting established on Abeir that tended to work with their version of magic. My personal view of magic on Abeir is that it required a lot of the component requirements (by that I mean, having spell components even IF you have a spell focus item like a wand/staff/orb .... which you also have to have... plus a hand free for somatic components.... and spell focus items might have to have special components in them <i.e. a wand might have a hole bored down the middle and filled with pixie dust, etc....> ). I will note here, making these physical material requirements makes it a LOT more likely that sorcerers don't "accidentally" release a spell and may never discover their latent gifts.... and thus seem rarer.

As to a reason for all of this, a desperate method to stop Shar's attempts to steal the weave, which would have been a threat for all gods, and also take her control of the shadow weave.

There may be others mind you. That's just what immediately came to mind.

By the way, in all these "heresies" that may actually be true that I come up with.... it could be fun if Cyric were not "trapped" in his divine domain for the last century. If a slew of gods were tossed into Abeir and had to rebuild their divine power (possibly starting by sharing a body with a mortal as a "lesser avatar" or "mortal avatar", and eventually creating something like a manifestation, and then finally an actual avatar with a return to their divine domain, etc...).... it could be that Cyric was amongst them. If Mask and Leira had also gone to Abeir as I've espoused, it could be interesting if Mask actually slays Cyric IN ABEIR, and so what's "set free again" in Toril is Mask wearing Cyric like a mask.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas

Edited by - sleyvas on 22 Feb 2025 13:00:05
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