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 Cassalanter Crpyt Dungeon Level
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Senior Scribe

526 Posts

Posted - 28 Apr 2024 :  13:07:46  Show Profile  Visit Gelcur's Homepage Send Gelcur a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
So I'm doing some game prep and I see that the Cassalanter's had a crypt on the Dungeon Level of Undermountain, reference "Descent to Undermountain" an older game I have not played. Then I'm looking at Dragon Heist p.128 has the family crypt listed as part of a "mini" dungeon.

I'm trying to reconcile these two facts. I understand not every nook and cranny of Undermountain is explored so it can be placed nearly anywhere even off the map. But I'd like there to be a possibility for the party to get to the main Dungeon Level.

Any suggestions where to place this? Or link it to? Anyone with first hand knowledge of "Descent to Undermountain"?

The party come to a town befallen by hysteria

Rogue: So what's in the general store?
DM: What are you looking for?
Rogue: Whatevers in the store.
DM: Like what?
Rogue: Everything.
DM: There is a lot of stuff.
Rogue: Is there a cart outside?
DM: (rolls) Yes.
Rogue: We'll take it all, we may need it for the greater good.

Senior Scribe

777 Posts

Posted - 15 Jan 2025 :  05:45:20  Show Profile Send AJA a Private Message  Reply with Quote

(I assume your game has already moved well on at this point, but)

The wiki seems to have decent coverage of the game, from a "lore" standpoint. I did find a second-hand walkthrough, here (click the Spoiler button):

which gives a better description of actual physical layouts (such as);
Upon entering the cage in the Yawning Portal, you appear in the entry chamber
to Undermountain. The door ahead of you leads to Hub1. Behind you is the cage
that will return you to the tavern above (if you have a gold piece). Exit the
entry chamber by going through the door ahead of you. You will find yourself
upon a stone bridge above a pool of boiling magma. Examining the room you see
that is a large chamber with several passageways leading to doors. Upon the
wall of each passage there is a sign giving helpful information.

Left passage leads to the kobolds with the sign: "Flood Control Unit 3, Mine
Shafts E - H." Right passage leads to the Ghoulmaster with the sign:
"Cassalanter Family Tomb, Entry is Forbidden."
Forward passage leads to Tier 2
Hub with the sign: "To the depths below. Do not enter, you have been warned!"

And such. Curious how/if you ever decided to reconcile things.

Also, I think this is my favorite part of the walkthrough. I appreciate a bit of Authortorial snark.
The family, for unknown reasons, constructed
a tomb within Undermountain and believes that the undead originate from there.

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