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8 Posts

Posted - 15 Nov 2023 :  03:25:38  Show Profile Send DewnMoutain a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
just started my forgotten realms adventure, Enter Sandman, inspired by Metallica's song. we are using Pathfinder 1st ed rules.

we have

Priscilla, halfling rogue
Naomi, human oracle
Hellig, human Paladin
agghh, dwarf fighter
ceirn, human sorcerer
Helna, dwarf sorceress (her two favorite loves are the spell true strike, and the daggers she throws)

so far, our adventurers have come together in a great tavern in the small city of Esembra in BattleDale. there, they have just heard the proclomation that the small settlement of Hap has had no contact with anyone in the last tenday. And what's worse, a patrol had gone into the settlement itself, and hasnt left. The chancellor is willing to pay double the ear price if its the hated drow scum that plague the lands. if its not them, and something else, then he shall pay 200 gold for information.

Yet, as of today, the group has encountered their first obstacle. The silver ravens, a private army of self contained patrols that go about the countryside all around the sea of fallen stars, helping those in need (and, when it can happen, attacking those pesky Harpers). A small patrol has also found itself within the tavern walls, and has offered to help the dale, for the low low price of FREE.

and now it is a race to Hap, some 40 miles to the south.
who will get there first?
what will they find?

Yes, i am a Blacksmith


8 Posts

Posted - 09 Jan 2024 :  02:35:53  Show Profile Send DewnMoutain a Private Message  Reply with Quote
well, it's been two months...

so far the group has had an interesting time in the Dalelands.

The paladin got his door glued to the door frame, slowing the group down considerably more than expected. there was much discussion about the how of getting the paladin out without undo damage to the door or doorframe of the inn, only to have the door split wide and part of the frame destroyed. A bag of coins tossed to the Head Mistress soothed her outrage at the damage (only for hasty feet to save them from the woman who discovered copper bits instead of heavy silver!)

the party split up to purchase supplies, for the road to Hap is long, and there is no telling of where they would be able to make camp, or if Hap would have supplies to be shared with the adventurers, for only silence has come from the small thorp. Rations and supplies were secured, yet the desire for cart and mule were not met. instead a Rothe was purchased, with custom tack. Upon it their supplies went, and quickly they were away, headed down the road and into Cormanthor itself...

yet now, the party deals with a Rothe that is surprisingly fast for the party to keep up with. it moves, as if aided with magics unknown!

Yes, i am a Blacksmith
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8 Posts

Posted - 30 May 2024 :  02:32:32  Show Profile Send DewnMoutain a Private Message  Reply with Quote
well, i had to stop the campaign. life got hectic and i couldnt post as frequently as i wanted to. so the players trailed off, and finally, after a week of no posts, i called it.

but, it was fun to be back in the Realms. I think i will have to make a trip to the Realms in books form after i finish the LOTR.

Yes, i am a Blacksmith
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12 Posts

Posted - 30 May 2024 :  08:04:29  Show Profile Send Trumm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sorry to hear, that your campaign stopped, but the beauty of the Realms is, thate we can enjoy the in so many forms.

Edited by - Trumm on 30 May 2024 08:06:08
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