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 A Troubled Economy (Deceased): Ayda "Eris" Loradon

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
cpthero2 Posted - 11 Dec 2020 : 19:52:34
Troubled Thoughts

24 JUL 2018

Leaving Baldur’s Gate had filled me with something that I hadn’t felt in a long time, at first I almost failed to recognize it; hope flared at my core when I saw the costal city sliding into the distance and the open waters spread out before me. The further behind me the city became the more this tiny flame grew within me. As we approached Chavyandat, we were blockaded then attacked by Corsairs; my small fire began to flicker and slowly die. Leaving Liberty’s Maiden to it’s fate under the magic and swords of the Corsairs did little to help. I am not sure that the swim to the fishing boat was any better though. The teleportation magics was the worst. When I exploded out of a pond miles from where I last saw the sky, surrounded by strangers hope extinguished and for the darkest of moments I knew I was going to be no more than a dead elf. But yet the strangers didn’t kill me outright. One of them recognized me as fey, although he is wrong, it gave him and the others pause enough to not instantly kill me. I don’t know how to express the gratitude to him. I’m not even 100% sure which one of my new traveling companions it was, although I think that it’s likely to be Shino...

It might be better if The Bitch Queen had claimed me in that flight through the waters.

Wait, what the hell is that about, I’m not dead yet. Bah spending time with all of these new people has my thoughts all scrambled either that or it’s the shackles that they have put on me. Yeah it’s bad down here. Crazy demons with odd contracts and that wraith… I will do what I need to so that I survive, just like I always have.

The shackles…no, I won’t think of that. I am going to be calm and still until they release me in the morning. Doesn’t stop me from sweating though; nor stop my heart from racing. I can see the eyes again… the eyes…

NO. I won’t give in to this. I am stronger that him; I survived. He didn’t. I left Baldur’s Gate to get away from this I will not bring it with me now.

The shackles are chiming again, crap I must have twitched. Deep slow breaths; keep calm. Focus on being ok. I will be okay….Deep breath… I will be okay…. The eyes are watching me again…. NO…..I WILL BE OKAY

RIP at the bottom of the pit, Ayda...

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