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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Gary Dallison Posted - 28 Dec 2015 : 10:28:08
My new rule system should be back from the first round of editing any time soon and I'm looking to see if anyone is interested in joining in on a few workshop sessions.

Basically I run through various aspects of the rules like character creation, combat, etc, and then run a few scenarios for people (whichever kind people fancy).

That way people can learn the rules in a fun way that doesn't involve reading through tons of books, and they can help me shape the final draft by pointing out bits they like or don't.

The rules are very much like 3.5 in feel and terminology, but like 5th edition I hope to have addressed the more problem areas and streamlined everything. So if 5th edition doesn't do it for you then why not give this a try, I'll do all the hard work.

Anyway if anyone is interested then just let me know and once things are ready (hopefully January or February) then we can get started. Oh and if you'd like more info then again just say so and I'll see what I can do

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