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Posted - 06 Aug 2005 : 06:18:27 The Purpose of this Thread is to give full 3.5E stats for any NPC that has not been give a full stat write-up in 3.0E or 3.5E. So in other worlds this is to be a Thread Devoted to Unofficial Stats for Official NPCs that have not been given Official Stats.
So All NPCs of the Realms (including other parts of the world, such as Kara-Tur, Maztica, and Zakhara) from 1st Edition, 2nd Edition, and 3rd Edition are welcome.
Homebrew NPCs (i.e. NPCs not mentioned in a canon source) or Reinterpretations of NPCs that have been published are asked to be posted elsewhere. Also it is preferred that canon NPCs have had at least a stat line published in a canon source (name, sex, alignment, race, class/level), thus NPCs that are from a purely novel source shouldn't be posted either.
All NPCs that I personally post will be removed once they have received a full stat write-up in 3E. I only follow the rules for Epic Magic Items only for items that are truly epic, there are several items, that while "powerful" don't warrant the x10 multiplier of being an Epic item.
Diffan, in your campaign, would Vanrak be able to access at least a little bit of the Undermountain wards to his benefit?
I think that, as someone who's made an entire level his domain, then yes he would have access to some of the protections and wards that Undermountain provides. I'd assume that his entire level would probably be under a continual Deeper Darkness effect as he (and supposedly his minions of Shar and undead) would all have Darkvision or some sight in complete,magical darkness.
Posted - 20 Aug 2024 : 00:05:01 Diffan, in your campaign, would Vanrak be able to access at least a little bit of the Undermountain wards to his benefit?
Posted - 15 Apr 2024 : 12:41:34 Here's another NPC. We only got the main stat line (race/class/template) from Expedition of Undermountain and Waterdeep: City of Splendors, but here's Vanrak Moonstar, the "Dark Ranger" and master of Vanrakdoom.
VANRAK MOONSTAR; CR 19 Male Chondathan death knight ranger 2/ cleric 4 (Shar)/ nightcloak* 10 *see Faiths and Pantheons NE Medium undead Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft. (can see in magical darkness 10 ft.); Listen +7, Spot +8 Aura fear (15-ft., creatures of 5 HD or less, Will DC 21) Languages Chondathan, Common, Goblin, shadow talk 500 ft.AC 27, touch 15, flat-footed 24 (+6 armor, +3 Dex, +6 natural, +2 deflection) hp 106 (16 HD); DR 15/magic, 5/bludgeoning Immune undead traits plus cold, electricity, and polymorph; turn immunity Fort +15, Ref +11, Will +19 SR 26Speed 20 ft. (4 squares) in +1 breastplate; base 30 ft. Melee+2 impaling rapier +21/+16/+11 (1d6+9/18-20) or Melee+2 profane light mace +21/+16/+11 (1d6+5/x2, plus 2d6 against the living) or Melee+2 impaling rapier +19/+14/+9 (1d6+9/18-20) and +2 profane light mace +19 (1d6+5/x2, plus 2d6 against the living) with Two-Weapon Fighting or Melee Touch attack +19/+14/+9 (1d8+3 plus 1 Con against living creatures; Will DC 21 half, negates Con) Ranged+2 returning chakram +17/+12/+7 (1d4+9/x3) Atk Optionsabyssal blast 1/day (16d6, Ref DC 21 half), favored enemy (+2 against humans), shar’s caress 3/day (chakram gains unholy property for 1 round) Special Actions minion of shar 1/tenday, rebuke undead 16/day (+5, 2d6+9; 6th)Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 14th): 7th—blasphemy*†, mass inflict serious wounds (DC 23), repulsion (DC 22) 6th—blade barrier (DC 21), greater dispel magic, harm (DC 22), prying eyes* 5th—break enchantment, darkbolt* (+15 ranged touch, DC 21), greater command (DC 21), slay living (DC 21), true seeing 4th—air walk, divine power, freedom of movement, poison (DC 19), spell immunity, unholy blight*† 3rd—bestow curse (DC 19), deeper darkness, inflict serious wounds (DC 19), invisibility purge, magic circle against good*†, wind wall 2nd—blindness/deafness* (DC 18), death knell†, hold person (2) (DC 18), silence (DC 17), sound burst (DC 17), spiritual weapon 1st—bane (DC 16), command (DC 17), divine favor, doom (DC 17), entropic shield, inflict light wounds (2) (DC 17), obscuring mist* 0—detect magic, guidance, inflict minor wounds (DC 16) (2), mending, read magic *: Domain Spells. Domains: Darkness (gain Blind-Fight as a bonus feat), Evil (cast Evil spells [†] at +1 caster level) Spell-Like Abilities (CL 16th): 4/week—modify memory 1/week—summon shadow (up to 10 shadows for 10 rounds) 1/day—dominate monsterAbilities Str 24, Dex 16, Con — , Int 13, Wis 20, Cha 16 SQ able to spontaneously cast inflict spells, disk of night, mind of shar Feats Blind-Fight¤, Divine Metamagic (Quicken Spell), Extra Turning, Insidious Magic¤, Iron Will, Pernicious Magic, Quicken Spell, Shadow Weave Magic, Spell Focus (illusion), Track¤, Two-Weapon Fighting¤ Bonus Feat:¤ Skills Bluff +9, Climb +6, Concentration +16, Heal +6, Hide +5, Jump +6, Knowledge (arcana) +7, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +4, Knowledge (geography) +2, Knowledge (nature) +2, Knowledge (religion) +6, Move Silently +5, Perform (dance) +7, Ride +7, Search +2, Spellcraft +11, Survival +13, Swim +3 Possessionsexoskeleton armor (+1 breastplate), ruin (+2 profane light mace), rupture (+2 impaling rapier), belt of priestly might, cloak of resistance +2, crown of Wisdom +2, nightstick, reliquary holy symbol (disc of shar), ring of protection +2, masterwork chakram, 500 gp worth of onyx gemsHook: "The House of Moonstar will fall!"
Does anyone have a backup of the NPCs of the Realms from the wizards forum?
If you mean the "Realms Personalities", yes.
-- George Krashos
Posted - 15 Jun 2023 : 15:10:21 Does anyone have a backup of the NPCs of the Realms from the wizards forum?
Copper Elven Vampire
Posted - 01 Apr 2020 : 14:26:24
quote:Originally posted by Cards77
I'm interested in the NPC named "Ferret" from the Elaine Cunningham novel Silver Shadows. Also can we get an updated index? Is this thread available in Notepad or Word format so we can search for NPCs? Thanks.
Ferret: CN Wild elf female of the Wealdath Forest. CR 15; Rogue 5/ Assassin 10. Master Assassin of Zassespur. Hero of the Wealdath Forest.
Foxfire: CG Wild elf male of the Wealdath Forest. CR 15; Ranger 5/ Dervish 10. Leader of the Suldusk clan. Hero of the Wealdath Forest.
Posted - 01 Apr 2020 : 00:19:50
quote:Originally posted by Delnyn
Very well done. *applause emoji needed* Elaith would have also fit into Skirmisher mode. This example (and the invoker class) inspire me to repurchase the 4e core books and Arcane/Divine/Martial/Primal Power sourcebooks.
Thank you! With Elaith, one of the difficult decisions was what he would be in terms of role. On one hand, I can certainly see him as a Skirmisher because of his dueling and fighting style. But as this was more direction of a conversion/update, and because he had 9 levels of Wizard, I felt Controller was more important. He's a guy who doesn't want to get into unnecessary scrapes and combat, will use spells to try foes or at least keep them at bay.
BTW I love the Invoker class. So conceptually cool and does that Divine wizard aspect in a cool way.
Posted - 31 Mar 2020 : 10:01:49 Very well done. *applause emoji needed* Elaith would have also fit into Skirmisher mode. This example (and the invoker class) inspire me to repurchase the 4e core books and Arcane/Divine/Martial/Primal Power sourcebooks.
quote:Originally posted by Diffan
Because people brought up Elaith and his unknown status in the Realms, I decided to create my version of what he would look like (stat-wise) for 4th Edition in the 1479 to 1487 DR time-frame.
ELAITH "THE SERPENT" CRAULNOBER; Level 18 Controller Medium fey humanoid (eladrin); XP 2,000 HP 168; Bloodied 84; Initiative +15 AC 32, Fortitude 29, Reflex 31, Will 33; Perception +18 Speed 6; Low-light vision Saving Throws +1 (ring of protection) TRAITS - Duelist’s Poise Whenever Elaith hits an enemy granting combat advantage to him, the enemy is immobilized until the end of Elaith’s next turn.STANDARD ACTIONS (m) Longsword and Dagger (weapon) • At-Will Attack: Melee 1 or Ranged 5 (dagger) (one creature); +23 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 15 damage. - (r) Magic Missile (evocation, force) • At-Will Effect: Range 20 (one or two creatures) Hit: 13 force damage. - (M) Twin-Sword Style (weapon) • Encounter Effect: Elaith shifts up to his speed. Each time Elaith enters a square adjacent to an enemy for the first time during the move, he makes a longsword or dagger attack against that enemy. - (A) Web (zone) • Daily Attack Area burst 2 within 20 (creatures in the burst); +22 vs. Reflex Hit: The targets are immobilized (save ends) Effect: The burst creates a zone of difficult terrain until the end of the encounter. Any creature that ends its movement in the zone is immobilized (save ends). - (A) Heightened Fireball (evocation, fire) • Encounter Attack: Area burst 3 within 20 (creatures in the burst); +22 vs. Reflex Hit: 6d6 + 8 fire damage. Miss: Half-damage. - (B) Enhanced Cone of Cold (cold, evocation) • Recharge when first bloodied Attack: Close blast 5 (creatures in blast); +22 vs. Reflex Hit: 3d8 + 6 cold damage and each target is slowed (save ends). Miss: Half-damage and each target is slowed until the end of Elaith's next turn. MOVE ACTIONS Dimension Door (arcane, teleportation) • Daily Effect: Elaith teleports up to 10 squares. - Fey Step (teleportation) • Encounter Effect: Elaith teleports up to 5 squares.TRIGGERED ACTIONS Shield (arcane) • Encounter Trigger: Elaith is hit by an attack. Effect (No Action): Elaith adds +4 to his AC and Reflex until the end of his next turn.Skills Acrobatics +20, Arcana +20, Stealth +20 Str 17 (+12); Dex 22 (+15); Wis 16 (+12) Con 15 (+11); Int 23 (+15); Cha 17 (+12) Alignment evil; Languages Chondathan, Common, Elven Equipmentbracers of defense (paragon tier), dagger +2, longsword, ring of ramming, ring of protection Spellbook: In addition to the spells he has shown here, Elaith spent countless decades during the Wailing years perfecting his wizardry and adding spells to his expansive spellbook. He knows most Daily and Utility spells for wizards from 1st through 17th, and can certainly replace these spells with Encounter versions from the same span of levels. He also has a Ritual Book with an unknown amount of Rituals inside.
Things were progressing well for Elaith towards the end of the 14th century on Faerûn. His daughter, well off and taken care of in Evermeet, would receive the finest training and knowledge of elfdom in the world and she was safe from the perils of humankind. After tending to her place on the Island of Elves, Eliath returned to his business ventures in Waterdeep. He maintained his criminal network and activity while continuing to train in both blade and spell, plying both to his trade.
Things were going smoothly for the elf when disaster struck in 1385 DR. The year of Blue Fire ushered in an era of darkness for all of Toril as the Spellplague swept the world. Even as parts of the world burned, and others still vanished completely, Waterdeep suffering was mild by comparison. Considering that a significant portion of the city is warded magically and that there's those who tap into the Weave all over (and under) the area, it's a wonder it wasn't blown off the map entirely. Still, this was little comfort to the moon elf who was struggling to keep his magic abilities under control, not to mention finding a way to travel to Evermeet appeared to be near impossible.
For many years after the ensuing chaos that wrecked the world, Elaith was resourceful throughout. Relying on his cunning, martial prowess with the blade, and fostering what magic he had available, he began to collect the pieces of his criminal entrepreneurship during the Wailing Years. He'd learn that much of his magical abilities were intact, even gaining an ability to let him pass through Faerie for a few small seconds which was similar to many teleport spells he was already accustomed to. Much of the spells he had locked in his spellbook were re-purposed into Ritual abilities and others, still worked as intended.
By gaining these skills quickly he was ahead by most other magic users in the city. And it was through these abilities and his shrewd intellect that he was able to book passage back to the Isle of Elves. The journey was longer than anticipated, more perils awaited him and the crew aboard the Crimson Dawn, but he was victorious and found himself once again among the Tel-quessir. The reunion was more pleasant than he expected, learning that his daughter was fine and excelling in all of her training. Not only that, but he had learned that the veil between Evermeet and that of the Faerie (or as the N-Tel-Quess say, "Feywild") was as thin as gossamer strands.
Soon Elaith found himself back among Humanity and along the bustling streets of a rebuilding, and expanding Waterdeep. What new conquests could the moon elf hope to strive for?
Posted - 31 Mar 2020 : 06:22:38 Because people brought up Elaith and his unknown status in the Realms, I decided to create my version of what he would look like (stat-wise) for 4th Edition in the 1479 to 1487 DR time-frame.
ELAITH "THE SERPENT" CRAULNOBER; Level 18 Controller Medium fey humanoid (eladrin); XP 2,000 HP 168; Bloodied 84; Initiative +15 AC 32, Fortitude 29, Reflex 31, Will 33; Perception +18 Speed 6; Low-light vision Saving Throws +1 (ring of protection) TRAITS - Duelist’s Poise Whenever Elaith hits an enemy granting combat advantage to him, the enemy is immobilized until the end of Elaith’s next turn.STANDARD ACTIONS (m) Longsword and Dagger (weapon) • At-Will Attack: Melee 1 or Ranged 5 (dagger) (one creature); +23 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 15 damage. - (r) Magic Missile (evocation, force) • At-Will Effect: Range 20 (one or two creatures) Hit: 13 force damage. - (M) Twin-Sword Style (weapon) • Encounter Effect: Elaith shifts up to his speed. Each time Elaith enters a square adjacent to an enemy for the first time during the move, he makes a longsword or dagger attack against that enemy. - (A) Web (zone) • Daily Attack Area burst 2 within 20 (creatures in the burst); +22 vs. Reflex Hit: The targets are immobilized (save ends) Effect: The burst creates a zone of difficult terrain until the end of the encounter. Any creature that ends its movement in the zone is immobilized (save ends). - (A) Heightened Fireball (evocation, fire) • Encounter Attack: Area burst 3 within 20 (creatures in the burst); +22 vs. Reflex Hit: 6d6 + 8 fire damage. Miss: Half-damage. - (B) Enhanced Cone of Cold (cold, evocation) • Recharge when first bloodied Attack: Close blast 5 (creatures in blast); +22 vs. Reflex Hit: 3d8 + 6 cold damage and each target is slowed (save ends). Miss: Half-damage and each target is slowed until the end of Elaith's next turn. MOVE ACTIONS Dimension Door (arcane, teleportation) • Daily Effect: Elaith teleports up to 10 squares. - Fey Step (teleportation) • Encounter Effect: Elaith teleports up to 5 squares.TRIGGERED ACTIONS Shield (arcane) • Encounter Trigger: Elaith is hit by an attack. Effect (No Action): Elaith adds +4 to his AC and Reflex until the end of his next turn.Skills Acrobatics +20, Arcana +20, Stealth +20 Str 17 (+12); Dex 22 (+15); Wis 16 (+12) Con 15 (+11); Int 23 (+15); Cha 17 (+12) Alignment evil; Languages Chondathan, Common, Elven Equipmentbracers of defense (paragon tier), dagger +2, longsword, ring of ramming, ring of protection Spellbook: In addition to the spells he has shown here, Elaith spent countless decades during the Wailing years perfecting his wizardry and adding spells to his expansive spellbook. He knows most Daily and Utility spells for wizards from 1st through 17th, and can certainly replace these spells with Encounter versions from the same span of levels. He also has a Ritual Book with an unknown amount of Rituals inside.
Things were progressing well for Elaith towards the end of the 14th century on Faerûn. His daughter, well off and taken care of in Evermeet, would receive the finest training and knowledge of elfdom in the world and she was safe from the perils of humankind. After tending to her place on the Island of Elves, Eliath returned to his business ventures in Waterdeep. He maintained his criminal network and activity while continuing to train in both blade and spell, plying both to his trade.
Things were going smoothly for the elf when disaster struck in 1385 DR. The year of Blue Fire ushered in an era of darkness for all of Toril as the Spellplague swept the world. Even as parts of the world burned, and others still vanished completely, Waterdeep suffering was mild by comparison. Considering that a significant portion of the city is warded magically and that there's those who tap into the Weave all over (and under) the area, it's a wonder it wasn't blown off the map entirely. Still, this was little comfort to the moon elf who was struggling to keep his magic abilities under control, not to mention finding a way to travel to Evermeet appeared to be near impossible.
For many years after the ensuing chaos that wrecked the world, Elaith was resourceful throughout. Relying on his cunning, martial prowess with the blade, and fostering what magic he had available, he began to collect the pieces of his criminal entrepreneurship during the Wailing Years. He'd learn that much of his magical abilities were intact, even gaining an ability to let him pass through Faerie for a few small seconds which was similar to many teleport spells he was already accustomed to. Much of the spells he had locked in his spellbook were re-purposed into Ritual abilities and others, still worked as intended.
By gaining these skills quickly he was ahead by most other magic users in the city. And it was through these abilities and his shrewd intellect that he was able to book passage back to the Isle of Elves. The journey was longer than anticipated, more perils awaited him and the crew aboard the Crimson Dawn, but he was victorious and found himself once again among the Tel-quessir. The reunion was more pleasant than he expected, learning that his daughter was fine and excelling in all of her training. Not only that, but he had learned that the veil between Evermeet and that of the Faerie (or as the N-Tel-Quess say, "Feywild") was as thin as gossamer strands.
Soon Elaith found himself back among Humanity and along the bustling streets of a rebuilding, and expanding Waterdeep. What new conquests could the moon elf hope to strive for?
Posted - 03 Sep 2018 : 17:33:24 Hi, would anyone be willing to share a copy of those excellent threads? I lost my own!
Posted - 23 Jun 2017 : 22:45:31 Taken from Champions of Valor supplement, this details the leader of the Red Raven Mercenary company, based out of Arabel. She's the leader of the largest chartered adventuring band in Cormyr. Meet, Rayanna the Rose
RAYANNA THE ROSE; CR 16 hp 141 (16 HD); Fast Healing 4 (when in Combat Focus) ============================================================================== Female Chondathan human fighter 16 LN Medium humanoid Init +4; Senses blindsight 5-ft. (when in Combat Focus); Listen +4, Spot +4 Languages Chondathan, Common, Goblin ============================================================================== AC 29, touch 14, flat-footed 17; DR 2/— (so long as Rayanna is not flat-footed) (+10 armor, +2 Dex, +5 shield, +2 deflection) Stability +8 to resist bull rush, disarm, grapple, overrun, and trip attempts, treated as large Fort +14, Ref +10, Will +8 (+12 when in Combat Focus) ============================================================================== Speed 20 ft. (4 squares) in +2 mithral full plate; base 30 ft. Meleeflametongue +25/+20/+15/+10 (1d8+10/19-20 plus 1d6 fire) Ranged+2 composite longbow [Str +4] +20/+15/+10/+5 (1d8+6/x3) or Ranged+2 composite longbow [Str +4] +21/+16/+11/+6 (1d8+7/x3) within 30-ft. with Point Blank Shot Base Atk +16; Grp +20 Atk Options Combat Focus (13 rounds), Cleave, Power Attack, Robilar’s Gambit, Shock Trooper Combat gearbelt of battle 3 charges/day ============================================================================== Abilities Str 20, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 14 Feats Armor Specialization (heavy)*, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Awareness, Combat Focus*, Combat Reflexes*, Combat Stability*, Combat Vigor*, Improved Bull Rush*, Melee Weapon Mastery (slashing)*, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack*, Robilar’s Gambit, Shock Trooper, Weapon Focus (longsword), Weapon Specialization (longsword)* *: Bonus Fighter feat Skills Climb +14, Craft (weaponsmithing) +11, Handle Animal +7, Intimidate +12, Jump +14, Listen +4, Ride +13, Spot +4, Swim +5 Possessions combat gear plus flametongue (+1 flaming burst longsword), +2 mithral full-plate, +2 composite longbow [Str +4] with 40 arrows, 10 adamantine arrows, 9 +1 flaming arrows, and 10 silvered arrows, winged shield (+3 heavy wooden shield), cloak of resistance +3, gauntlets of ogre power, ring of protection +2
Sources Used: Player's Handbook; Player's Handbook II; Dungeon Master's Guide; Magic Item Compendium; Complete Warrior; Champions of Valor.
Combat Focus
(Player's Handbook II, p. 87)
[Combat Form, Fighter Bonus Feat]
The way of the warrior requires more than simple, brute strength. Some warriors bring their minds to such keen focus during the heat of battle that they can attain superhuman levels of endurance, perception, and mental toughness. Through intense mental exercise and training, you learn to enter a state of perfect martial clarity.
Prerequisite WIS 13,
In battle, you push aside the chaos of the fight and attain a focused state that grants you a keen, clear picture of the battle. Fear and pain ebb away as you focus solely on defeating your enemy. The first time you make a successful attack during an encounter, you gain your combat focus. In this state, your mind and body become one, allowing you to overcome mundane physical limits. You can maintain your combat focus for 10 rounds after entering it, +1 additional round per combat form feat you possess aside from this one. You can only gain your combat focus once per encounter. While you are maintaining your combat focus, you gain a +2 bonus on Will saves. If you have three or more combat form feats, this bonus increases to +4.
Special A fighter can select Combat Focus as one of his fighter bonus feats.
Posted - 22 Jun 2017 : 22:26:54 This character is from the Neverwinter Nights video game. You encounter him on the 2nd level of the jail during the prison break. His name is Emernik, a half-elf ranger who's apart of the Neverwinter Watch and was helping out the guards when the Prison Break occurred.
EMERNIK; CR 4 hp 33 (4 HD) ================================================================================= Male moon elf ranger 2/ fighter 2 NG Medium humanoid (elf) Init +4; Senses low-light vision, Listen +8, Spot +8 Languages Chondathan, Common, Elven ================================================================================= AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +4 Dex) Immune sleep Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +1 (+3 against enchantments) ================================================================================= Speed 40 ft. (8 squares) Melee mwk longsword +7 (1d8+3/19-20) wielded in two-hands Ranged mwk composite shortbow [Str +2] +10 (1d6+2/x3) or Ranged mwk composite shortbow [Str +2] +11 (1d6+7/x3) within 30 ft. with Point Blank Shot or Ranged mwk composite shortbow [Str +2] +9/+9 (1d6+7/x3) within 30 ft. with Rapid Shot or Ranged mwk composite shortbow [Str +2] +7/+7 (1d6+7/x3) within 30 ft. with Manyshot Atk Options Manyshot, Rapid Shot, favored enemy (humans +2) Base Atk +4; Grp +6 Combat gear 3 potions of cure moderate wounds (CL 3rd), 2 tanglefoot bags ================================================================================= Abilities Str 14, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 6 SQ wild empathy Feats Dead-Eye, Fleet of Foot, Manyshot, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Track, Weapon Focus (shortbow) Skills Climb +7, Craft (alchemy) +6, Hide +9, Listen +8, Move Silently +8, Spot +8 Possessions combat gear plus masterwork composite shortbow (Str +2) with 18 arrows, 7 Hizkagur arrows, 3 alchemist fire arrows, 9 +1 arrows, guard’s tabard, boots of reflexes*, 150 gp.
New Item!
Boots of Reflexes Price (Item Level): 1,350 gp Body Slot: Feet Caster Level: 5th Aura: Faint; (DC 17) abjuration Activation: — Weight: 1 lb.
The designs on these green-dyed, soft leather boots depict a leaping deer along the turned down cuff while elven magical runes are etched in gold along the edge of the sole.
These boots grant you a +2 enhancement bonus to your Reflex saves.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, cat's grace or resistance. Cost to Create: 675 gp, 54 XP, 2 days. Creator's caster level must be at least twice the boot's bonus.
Posted - 01 May 2017 : 18:54:24 To follow up Chaul, it's stated in Unapproachable East supplement that her second in command is a Half-Orc Cleric named Durakh Haan. So I went ahead and statted her up as well. Enjoy!
DURAKH HAAN; CR 11 hp 99 (9 HD); DR 3/good ================================================================================== Female half-orc cleric 9 of Luthic NE Large (with righteous might) humanoid (Orc) Init +0; Senses darkvision 60-ft.; Listen +5, Spot +5 Aura cold (any enemy within 5-ft. takes 1d6 cold damage) Languages Abyssal, Common, Rashemi ================================================================================== AC 27; touch 13, flat-footed 27 (+9 armor, +3 shield, +4 deflection, -1 size, +2 natural) Resist 20% from ranged weapons (entropic shield) Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +11 ================================================================================== Speed 20 ft. (4 squares) in +1 full plate; base 30-ft. Melee+1 claw bracer +21/+16 (1d6+12/x3) or Meleeice axe +20/+15 melee touch (2d12+10/x3) Space/Reach 10-ft/10-ft. Base Atk +9; Grp +24 Atk Options smite 1/day (+4 attack or +8 against any elf or dwarf, +9 damage) Special Actions rebuke undead 11/day (+4, 2d6+11; 9th) Combat gearscroll of animate dead (CL 9th) (3), scroll of raise dead (CL 9th) (2) ================================================================================== Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 9th): 5th—dispel good*†, righteous might† 4th—divine power*†, freeze armor (DC 25), wall of evil (DC 25) 3rd—dispel magic, ice axe†, lesser aura of cold†, prayer, ring of blades 2nd—darkway, desecrate*, frostbreath (DC 23), hold person (DC 23), invisibility purge, obscuring snow 1st—cause fear* (DC 22), devastating smite , entropic shield†, lesser vigor, omen of peril, updraft 0—create water, detect magic, light, purify food and drink, read magic (2) *: Domain spell. Domains: Evil (+1 to caster level for spells with the Evil descriptor), Orc (gain the smite ability 1/day). †: already cast ================================================================================== Abilities Str 33, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 14 SQ spontaneously cast inflict spells Feats Divine Metamagic (Quicken Spell), Extra Turning, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (claw bracer), Lost Tradition (Strength), Quicken Spell, Scribe Scroll Skills Concentration +13, Knowledge (religion) +5, Spellcraft +9 Flaw murky-eyed (rolls twice when attacking a foe with a miss chance, fails if either roll fails) Possessions combat gear plus +1 full plate, +1 heavy steel shield, +1 claw bracer with least crystal of energy assault (cold), cloak of resistance +2, reliquary holy symbol, 8 onyx stones worth 25 gp each (used for creating animate undead scrolls), 50 gp.
Posted - 30 Apr 2017 : 13:00:06 I do have an NPC I just statted up for when my group finally finishes Anauroch: Empire of Shade and moves onto Rasheman to finish up the final piece of their epic journey. In Unapproachable East there's monster, an Annis Hag, that has taken residence in Citadel Rashemar. Her name is Chaul and she's an Annis Hag (Sorcerer 6/ Durthan 7). Now the funny thing about Durthans is that they need both Divine and Arcane spellcasting, something that an Annis hag does not have as Spell-Like Abilities. So this conundrum led me to this particular version of her. I hope it fits in here...
CHAUL; CR 20 hp 123 (21 HD); DR 2/bludgeoning =========================================================================== Female Annis hag sorcerer 6/ durthan 7 CE Large monstrous humanoid Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +11, Spot +11 Languages Common, Giant, Rashemi =========================================================================== AC 26, touch 10, flat-footed 25 (+6 armor, +1 Dex, +10 natural, -1 size) Resist 50% miss chance (displacement) Fort +17, Ref +14, Will +23 SR 19 =========================================================================== Speed 40 ft. (8 squares) Meleefrost brand (enlarged) +27/+22/+17 (3d6+19/19-20) Melee 2 claws +24 (1d6+11) or Melee bite +19 (1d6+5) Reach 10-ft. Atk Options Improved Grab, rake 1d6+11, rend 2d6+17 Base Atk +13; Grp +28 Combat gearpotion of fly, 2 potions of cure serious wounds (CL 10th), potion of haste =========================================================================== Spell-like Abilities (CL 22nd): 3/day—disguise self, fog cloud Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 17th; Chooses spells as CL 13th): 6th (5/day)—greater dispel magic, ray of entropy (+14 ranged touch) 5th (4/day)—cone of cold* (CL 18th; DC 26), dominate person (DC 26), lesser spell matrix†††† 4th (8/day)—dimension door, ice storm*(CL 18th; DC 26), polymorph, Sinsabur’s baleful bolt (DC 25) 3rd (5/day)—call lightning (DC 24), displacement†, greater mage armor†, icelance† (+18 ranged attack, CL 18th; DC 24) 2nd (6/day)—bull’s strength†, invisibility, mirror image†, ray of ice (+14 ranged touch), scorching ray† (+14 ranged touch, 3 rays) 1st (8/day)—Knauper’s skittish nerves, magic missile, obscuring mist, true strike, ventriloquism 0 (6/day)—acid splash (+14 ranged touch), detect magic, ghost sound (DC 21), light, mage hand, read magic, resistance *: Domain spell. Domain: Cold. †: Already cast. Chaul has cast the spells displacement, icelance, obscuring mist, and scorching ray into four lesser spell matrixes. On each of her turns for 4 rounds she can cast one of these spells as a swift action. =========================================================================== Abilities Str 32, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 11 SQ place magic, summon familiar, telthor companions Feats Alertness (within 5-ft. of familiar), Arcane Disciple (Cold), Improved Counterspell, Iron Will, Lost Tradition (Strength), Practiced Spellcaster, Quicken Spell, Rapid Metamagic, Snowcasting Skills Bluff +8, Concentration +14, Diplomacy +2, Disguise +1, Hide +2, Intimidate +2, Knowledge (arcana) +9, Knowledge (religion) +5, Listen +9 (+11 within 5-ft. of familiar), Spellcraft +10, Spot +9 (+11 within 5-ft. of familiar), Survival +4 Possessions combat gear plus Frost Brand, cloak of resistance +3, periapt of Wisdom +2
The feat Lost Tradition is found in the 3.0 supplement Bastards and Bloodlines.
Wooly Rupert
Posted - 30 Apr 2017 : 05:14:42 The original purpose of the thread was 3.5 statted NPCs, and that's what most people have done, here.
That said, I personally find concepts and backstories much more interesting. To borrow a published NPC from another setting, I don't care how many ranks in what skills Jevicca Nor has, it's the fact that she lost an arm to a dragon and made a magical replacement out of red glass that makes her interesting.
Posted - 30 Apr 2017 : 02:39:35 I have thousands of non-canon NPC's I could share, but only have 2e stats for most of them. Some are still 1e. Still, is it the stats that are important, or the characters? Any takers?
Jeremy Grenemyer
Posted - 25 Apr 2015 : 05:19:51
quote:Originally posted by Peter R
I am creating Rolemaster (RM2/RMC) versions of many NPCs. Would anyone be interested, if so I will happily share them.
i don't know anything about Rolemaster, so I would be curious to see what an NPC write up under that system would look like.
Peter R
Posted - 22 Apr 2015 : 16:43:09 I am creating Rolemaster (RM2/RMC) versions of many NPCs. Would anyone be interested, if so I will happily share them.
Posted - 15 Jun 2014 : 15:15:53 I'm interested in the NPC named "Ferret" from the Elaine Cunningham novel Silver Shadows. Also can we get an updated index? Is this thread available in Notepad or Word format so we can search for NPCs? Thanks.
Posted - 27 May 2013 : 17:09:41 Has anyone ever done a 3.5 version of Q'arlynd Melarn? I have a player whose Drow worships Kiaranselee...
Posted - 21 Aug 2012 : 18:33:59 The topic name really should be changed so that we know it's 3.x specific.
Posted - 14 Nov 2010 : 17:28:08 Over on the WotC boards I build Walker from the excellent Ghostwalker novel. Enjoy.
Who is Walker?
Hook: I am tears on the mountain, I am the chill in the night. I hunt with the spirits, and I walk with the dead ... as will you. - Soon.
Male halfelf Ranger 4 / Fighter 2/ Ghostwalker 5 N Medium augmented (deathless?) humanoid (halfelf) Init +2; Senses lowlight vision; Listen +12, Spot +12 Languages Common, Elven ________________________________________________________________________________ AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+3 armor, +3 shield, +2 Dex) Immune magic sleep effects Fort +13, Ref +7, Will +6 (+8 against enchantments) Weakness Anonymity ________________________________________________________________________________
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) Melee +2 shatterspike +16/+11 (1d8+5) and +14 unarmed strike (1d3+3) Ranged mwk daggers +14/+9 (1d4+3) Base Atk +14; Grp +14 Atk Options Painfull Reckoning (+5 to attack and damage rolls vs opponent who attacked him for more than half his HP); Resolute Aura (+5 to intimidate). Favored Enemy +2 humans, Two Weaponfighting Style Combat Gear none Ranger Spells Known (CL 2 th): 1st (1/day)-pass without trace ______________________________________________________________________________
Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 14 (starting stats 28 pt buy: Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 14) SQ feign death (5 minutes), etherealness 1/day, ghost sight, improved iron will Feats Power Attack*, Iron Will, Thoughness*, Endurance*, Favoured Power Attack (human), Improved Unarmed Strike, Quick Draw *Bonus Feats Skills Hide +9, Intimidate +11 (+6 when name known) Jump +10, Knowledge (local) +5, Knowledge (nature) +5, Listen +12, Move Silently +16, Sense Motive +3, Spot +12, Tumble +5 Possessions +2 ghosttouch shatterspike, +2 buckler, cloak of resistance +2, bracers of armor +3, ring of regeneration, boots of striding (+2 con), 5 masterwork daggers, masterwork leather armor ______________________________________________________________________________
Anonymity (Ex): As long as Walker has Anonymity his class powers are active. He loses painfull reckoning, etherealness, improved iron will and resolute aura if Walkers real name is known to those who fight him.
What does he want?
Hook: I am the Spirit of Vengeance. I was born and live in darkness, I breathe retribution, and I sleep to the screams of the damned. I fear no living thing, man or woman.
Male halfelf Ranger 4 / Fighter 2/ Ghostwalker 10 N Medium augmented (deathless?) humanoid (halfelf) Init +6; Senses lowlight vision; Listen +17, Spot +17 Languages Common, Elven ________________________________________________________________________________
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+3 armor, +3 shield, +2 Dex) Immune magic sleep effects Fort +16, Ref +9, Will +8 (+10 against enchantments) Weakness Anonymity ________________________________________________________________________________
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) Melee +2 shatterspike +22/+17/+12/+7 (1d8+7) and optional +20 unarmed strike (1d3+4) Ranged mwk daggers +20/+15/+10/+5 (1d4+4) Base Atk +18; Grp +18 Atk Options Painfull Reckoning (+10 to attack and damage rolls vs opponent who attacked him for more than half his HP); Resolute Aura (+10 to intimidate). Favored Enemy +2 humans, Two Weapon Fightingstyle Combat Gear none Ranger Spells Known (CL 2 th): 1st (1/day)-pass without trace ______________________________________________________________________________
Abilities Str 18, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 14 (starting stats 28 pt buy: Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 14) SQ feign death (10 minutes), etherealness 1/day, ghost sight, ghost walk (as the 5th level shadow walking spell; CL 10) Feats Power Attack*, Iron Will, Thoughness*, Endurance*, Acrobatic, Favoured Power Attack (human), Quick Draw, Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Initiative *Bonus Feats Skills Hide +9, Intimidate +16 (+6 when name known) Jump +10, Knowledge (local) +5, Knowledge (nature) +5, Listen +17, Move Silently +21, Sense Motive +7, Spot +17, Tumble +5 Possessions +2 ghosttouch shatterspike, +2 buckler, cloak of resistance +2, bracers of armor +3, ring of regeneration, boots of striding (+2 con), 5 masterwork daggers, masterwork leather armor ______________________________________________________________________________
Anonymity (Ex): As long as Walker has Anonymity his class powers are active. He loses painfull reckoning, etherealness and resolute aura if Walkers real name is known to those who fight him.