T O P I C R E V I E W |
Alaundo |
Posted - 26 Jun 2004 : 10:45:18 Well met
This being a collective scroll of any questions the Scribes and visitors of Candlekeep wish to put to a renowned author of the Realms, namely - Lisa Smedman, whos works include: Extinction, Heirs of Prophecy and The House of Serpents Trilogy.
Present your questions herein and check back to see what news may also come forth from the quill of this author. |
30 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Regcod |
Posted - 03 Jun 2014 : 08:44:27 quote: Originally posted by Alystra Illianniis
Hmm, now that the books have been out for a while, does anyone have any thoughts about the ending? Theories, rants, likes, or whatever? I'm thinking maybe the Dancer might not be as dead as Lolth would like to think. Hee's my thoughts- When Kiaransalee "Died", she withered, turned to ash or whatever, and faded out of existence. Ghaunadaur was trapped in his own pit of madness and his followers went with him. Selvatarm also faded into the astral as a dead god. Vaerhaun was killed and subsumed by Eilistraee.
Now, call me crazy, but when a deity takes possession of a mortal follower, that is not the deity themselves, but an Avatar, correct? It was done ad infinitum during the Time of Troubles. ALL the gods became Avatars. And if an Avatar's host body is killed, does that not simply release the godly power back to it's source? Then WHY did killing Qiluae also supposedly kill Eilistraee?! I know it's supposed to be a god-slaying sword, but that's stretching credibility too far. For one thing, as Mystra has shown during the ToT, no MORTAL- even a powerful Chosen- can contain a deity's ENTIRE being. Not even for a little while. She'd have to have left something behind, even if she intended Qiluae to be her literal incarnation.
And the fact that she did not fade, wither, crumble to dust, etc, but simply vanished (as in disappeared?) leads me to think that she may have let Lolth THINK she is dead. After all, she now has Vaerhaun's portfolio of shadows and illusions. She colud easily fake her death to lull the Spider-Witch into thinking she was gone. The fact that her Realm remained intact (and separate from Corellon's) might mean she is still around somewhere, maybe hiding inside her father. (Or in Lolth's own shadow?) And I really find it hard to swallow that Hallistra would not have been able to see through the ruse Lolth used at the end, I mean really- she might have gone a little insane, but she was hardly stupid. Anyone could have seen through that dumb ploy. Hacking off the head of your ONE chance at salvation? After she has already SAID she will welcome you back?! That's just stupid, and that should not have worked.
This is an old but really interesting post. Eilistraee departure look liked too much 'easy' and realtively 'quick' to me, letting open many ways ;) And what about her followers? At the end they 'converted' themselves to another deities or continued to worship her? |
Ergdusch |
Posted - 29 Mar 2013 : 17:10:51 I know that Lisa is not showing herself around these halls very often. However, I just wanted to pass on much needed credit for a very enjoyabel tale I just read.
"The Gilded Rune"
I read it strait through, started this morning finishing just minutes ago! A great tale of adventure, magic and lore wonderfully told. I can only repeat Mr. Ed Greenwood himself with the following words: "I love this book!"
Thank you very much, Lisa.
Ergdusch |
Sandstorm |
Posted - 30 Oct 2010 : 05:15:25 Hey Lisa. Picked up "House of Serpents" Trilogy a month or so ago, but it had to travel through a few friends hands before it got to me as I had a few books on the "to read list". As interested as I was to read it, I apologize... Salvatore's "Gauntlgrym" comes first :P haha.
I started reading last night, and I only got to the part where Azrin meets back up with the Yuan-Ti female in the Mortal Coil, and she attempts to give him up to the Militia-men. So far though, very impressed with your use of language and writing style, and I can't wait to lay in bed tonight so that I can pick back up. One of my main intrigues thus far in Azrin, is his ability to be pro, and faulty at the same time. You know he's good. He's quick, he's witty, he's astute, he knows how to use that crazy lil dagger... but it doesn't mean he can't slip up, and he WILL slip up. How accurate is my account of him thus far? |
Alystra Illianniis |
Posted - 04 Oct 2010 : 08:31:45 Hmm, now that the books have been out for a while, does anyone have any thoughts about the ending? Theories, rants, likes, or whatever? I'm thinking maybe the Dancer might not be as dead as Lolth would like to think. Hee's my thoughts- When Kiaransalee "Died", she withered, turned to ash or whatever, and faded out of existence. Ghaunadaur was trapped in his own pit of madness and his followers went with him. Selvatarm also faded into the astral as a dead god. Vaerhaun was killed and subsumed by Eilistraee.
Now, call me crazy, but when a deity takes possession of a mortal follower, that is not the deity themselves, but an Avatar, correct? It was done ad infinitum during the Time of Troubles. ALL the gods became Avatars. And if an Avatar's host body is killed, does that not simply release the godly power back to it's source? Then WHY did killing Qiluae also supposedly kill Eilistraee?! I know it's supposed to be a god-slaying sword, but that's stretching credibility too far. For one thing, as Mystra has shown during the ToT, no MORTAL- even a powerful Chosen- can contain a deity's ENTIRE being. Not even for a little while. She'd have to have left something behind, even if she intended Qiluae to be her literal incarnation.
And the fact that she did not fade, wither, crumble to dust, etc, but simply vanished (as in disappeared?) leads me to think that she may have let Lolth THINK she is dead. After all, she now has Vaerhaun's portfolio of shadows and illusions. She colud easily fake her death to lull the Spider-Witch into thinking she was gone. The fact that her Realm remained intact (and separate from Corellon's) might mean she is still around somewhere, maybe hiding inside her father. (Or in Lolth's own shadow?) And I really find it hard to swallow that Hallistra would not have been able to see through the ruse Lolth used at the end, I mean really- she might have gone a little insane, but she was hardly stupid. Anyone could have seen through that dumb ploy. Hacking off the head of your ONE chance at salvation? After she has already SAID she will welcome you back?! That's just stupid, and that should not have worked. |
Ergdusch |
Posted - 22 Jun 2008 : 10:33:26 quote: Originally posted by Zanan
There sure is lots of lore to be found in the trilogy, old and new. Some might not be as we would want it, but the amount of work spent on research on the Promenade, Undermountain, The Pit of Ghanadaur, the monsters et al must have been enormous. ... Especially if you take into consideration that the FR will for some time to come not see much more lore support like this.
This was very helpful! Thanks! 
Ergdusch |
Posted - 22 Jun 2008 : 10:28:13 quote: Originally posted by The Black Glove
I do have to wonder if Lisa will be at GenCon Indy this year.
Lisa has not shown herself around these halls very often in the last years (last post from 27 Jan 2006). So you might want to contect her with your query directly via her homepage. Good luck and you might want to report back if you get an answer as other scribes might be interested in this as well.
Zanan |
Posted - 22 Jun 2008 : 01:53:18 There sure is lots of lore to be found in the trilogy, old and new. Some might not be as we would want it, but the amount of work spent on research on the Promenade, Undermountain, The Pit of Ghanadaur, the monsters et al must have been enormous. ... Especially if you take into consideration that the FR will for some time to come not see much more lore support like this. |
The Black Glove |
Posted - 21 Jun 2008 : 19:54:39 I do have to wonder if Lisa will be at GenCon Indy this year. |
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin |
Posted - 10 Jun 2008 : 16:17:07 quote: Originally posted by Jamallo Kreen
Now that all three books of The Lady Penitent are out, will someone please give me a straight answer to this question: do the last two books require us to "buy into" the money-grubbing horrors which Hasbro is inflicting on the Forgotten Realms this year?
Not sure what you're asking here?
I will say this--there's a lot of deicide going on, and I have the feeling--based on your stated feelings about the recent changes to the FR setting--that you will NOT enjoy these books.
Lord Karsus |
Posted - 10 Jun 2008 : 15:13:27 quote: Originally posted by Jamallo Kreen
Now that all three books of The Lady Penitent are out, will someone please give me a straight answer to this question: do the last two books require us to "buy into" the money-grubbing horrors which Hasbro is inflicting on the Forgotten Realms this year?
-No. |
Jamallo Kreen |
Posted - 10 Jun 2008 : 12:38:31 Now that all three books of The Lady Penitent are out, will someone please give me a straight answer to this question: do the last two books require us to "buy into" the money-grubbing horrors which Hasbro is inflicting on the Forgotten Realms this year?
I found the disposition of various protagonists at the end of the WotSQ to be interesting, but I am extremely reluctant to buy novels in which authors whose previous books I have enjoyed try to lead me down a primrose path to blissful acceptance of whatever may come my way, such as Hasbro trying to get me to subsidize the 25% pay raise their three-months-on-the-job CEO just received. We all know how well "following your bliss" worked out for Halisstra Melarn!
Kentinal |
Posted - 02 Jun 2008 : 04:28:28 Paul Kemp indicated that editors directed that he could not kill some characters in the War of the Spider Queen series, my question for you is were you given an editorial directive to kill certain deities and/or some characters? |
Kieran_Immerdusk |
Posted - 16 Apr 2008 : 17:55:41 Thanks! |
Zanan |
Posted - 13 Apr 2008 : 23:11:11 quote: Originally posted by Kieran_Immerdusk
quote: Originally posted by Zanan
Just to let you know, after an exchange of a few mails, Lisa confirmed that Cavatina's stats in EtU reflect her "power" after Sacrifice of the Widow.
For those interested, she is given as a Darksong Knight* 8 / Cleric 14.
*Fighter with substitution levels as given in Champions of Valor.
On another note, while reading the novel again I noted that one might come under the impression that the Vhaeraunite slain by Halisstra while conveying a message to Iljrene (Promenade Battle Mistress) might be Malvag. That is not the case though. Halisstra slew both males, though more happened to Malvag later on.
Possible Noob question, but what is EtU? I wouldn't mind seeing stats for any of the protagonists of the Lady Penitent books...
EtU = Expedition to Undermountain. |
Kieran_Immerdusk |
Posted - 10 Apr 2008 : 19:53:45 quote: Originally posted by Zanan
Just to let you know, after an exchange of a few mails, Lisa confirmed that Cavatina's stats in EtU reflect her "power" after Sacrifice of the Widow.
For those interested, she is given as a Darksong Knight* 8 / Cleric 14.
*Fighter with substitution levels as given in Champions of Valor.
On another note, while reading the novel again I noted that one might come under the impression that the Vhaeraunite slain by Halisstra while conveying a message to Iljrene (Promenade Battle Mistress) might be Malvag. That is not the case though. Halisstra slew both males, though more happened to Malvag later on.
Possible Noob question, but what is EtU? I wouldn't mind seeing stats for any of the protagonists of the Lady Penitent books... |
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin |
Posted - 11 Mar 2008 : 13:44:24 Yes, that dryad was my favorite. |
Zanan |
Posted - 10 Mar 2008 : 18:09:03 Was just reading the spriggan story in Realms of War. Almost forgot about them. Really enjoyed that one, Mr. Smedman, especially the appearances of the dryad! |
maransreth |
Posted - 21 Nov 2007 : 08:04:00 **SPOILERS BELOW FROM STORM OF THE DEAD**
Question for Lisa about the background history listed in Storm of Dead -
Did you come up with the Miyeritar dark elves having good tendencies, Ilythiiri having evil tendencies, PLUS the deal with Faerzress? Or was this the brainchild of someone else?
Personally I have to say I can't wait for the final book to see what will happen with Qilue and the Eilistraee/Vhaerun plots. I personally think that the Crescent Blade has been infected by Lolth when it was remade, and it is affecting Qilue. This is seen with the word "not" not being whole. |
Zanan |
Posted - 02 Oct 2007 : 22:25:06 Thanks for that info! |
Yazzuie |
Posted - 02 Oct 2007 : 18:54:56 quote: Originally posted by Zanan
Vendui Mrs. Smedman!
In a recent e-mail you mentioned that some of the characters got a Character Profile over at the Wizards. Most likely via the product page:
Now, as the link does not work, can you name the characters profiled so far?
That character profile link was broken when Storm of the Dead was given a page. The character profile on the Storm of the Dead page links to the original profile from Sacrifice of the Widow. Here's the direct link to the character profile;
Phelp Der Zemit |
Posted - 26 Sep 2007 : 00:42:46 I would just like to say I love the new series (though Vhaerun was my favorite god, *Heavy Sigh* all good things must come to an end I suppose), and that is were my first question comes from. Around what level is Q'arlynd, I pegged him around 13 or 14, and a spell focus in Evocation, And Conjuration (maybe illusion not sure) and I tried to find most of his magic items. Any other stats would be welcome. I would like to TY in advance for any Information you might send our way. |
Zanan |
Posted - 11 Sep 2007 : 13:57:53 Vendui Mrs. Smedman!
In a recent e-mail you mentioned that some of the characters got a Character Profile over at the Wizards. Most likely via the product page:
Now, as the link does not work, can you name the characters profiled so far?
Thanks in advance,
Zanan! |
ywhtptgtfo |
Posted - 05 Sep 2007 : 05:07:58 Ms. Smedman: The original title of the second book was "Game of the Ancients". What exactly does that title imply? Was it originally intended to refer to the drow ancestors in the crown wars or some plotlines that were disgarded? |
Zanan |
Posted - 25 Aug 2007 : 22:37:18 Just to let you know, after an exchange of a few mails, Lisa confirmed that Cavatina's stats in EtU reflect her "power" after Sacrifice of the Widow.
For those interested, she is given as a Darksong Knight* 8 / Cleric 14.
*Fighter with substitution levels as given in Champions of Valor.
On another note, while reading the novel again I noted that one might come under the impression that the Vhaeraunite slain by Halisstra while conveying a message to Iljrene (Promenade Battle Mistress) might be Malvag. That is not the case though. Halisstra slew both males, though more happened to Malvag later on. |
Zanan |
Posted - 16 Aug 2007 : 22:59:40 At long last I am writing that revision of Sacrifice of the Widow (also in preparation of Storm of the Dead) and there are few things I'd like to ask. In Expedition to Undermountain, a number of the Promenade'rs make an appearance, such as Cavatina. Are those characters stat-wise listed post- or pre-SotW, i.e. did you spoke to the designers of that book in this respect? |
Kaladorm |
Posted - 27 Feb 2007 : 23:36:49 I'd like to see some more of Kiaransalee. I first found out about her when I was designing an NPC, and always thought she was a great deity, but would love to see more of her 'personality' as it were. |
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin |
Posted - 27 Feb 2007 : 22:55:45 quote: Originally posted by Kaladorm
Throught the war of the spider queen novels, I found the constant blatant reminders of 'the dark elf nature not to trust etc etc' to get a little tired. Along the lines of 'X didn't feel sorry for the persons death. Dark elves don't feel remorse'.
Agreed, although to be fair that's been a staple of drow books since the early Drizzt novels. |
nbnmare |
Posted - 27 Feb 2007 : 17:39:23 I'm thinking that by the end of the trilogy, at least one character will end up ascending to godhood. Personally I'm routing for Q'arlynd .
Judging by the numerous hints throughout Sacrifice of the Widow, I also think it quite likely that Ghaundaur and Kiaransalee will be appearaning in the remaining two books. |
Kaladorm |
Posted - 27 Feb 2007 : 15:50:28 Throught the war of the spider queen novels, I found the constant blatant reminders of 'the dark elf nature not to trust etc etc' to get a little tired. Along the lines of 'X didn't feel sorry for the persons death. Dark elves don't feel remorse'.
However I think you captured it brilliantly when saying 'Pharaun would miss him. Perhaps for days'. It perfectly captured the mindset without resorting to 'telling' me yet again what dark elves think.
Well done  |
Backward Masking |
Posted - 15 Feb 2007 : 18:22:15 Waiting is half the fun, Ethriel.  |